All's Fair In Love And War

By A_Stressed_Author

140K 3.9K 2.5K

I always end up with the short straw. I'm the younger sister. I was captured by pirates when I was younger. A... More

An Unexpected Suprise
The Dreaded A/N
TV Love...Ew
Why Are Mixers A Thing?
Why You So Obsessed With Me?
I Hate People
The Unnamed Watcher
SOME People!
And Then There Were 19
That Was Monumentally Stupid
They're Perfect For Each Other
Something New
Sitting In A Corner
Meeting My Stalker
A Little Change
He's Basically My Brother
Teasing And Hair-Braiding
A/N Confession Time
Goofing Off
The Hunt
Will Solace
A/N- Not a Chapter, Sorry
The Basement
Keeping An Eye Out
The Cherry Tree
The Sound of Music
Mystery Guitar Man
Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair
Look At the Stars, Tell Me What Do You See?
I Try
I Won't Say I'm in Love
The First Date
Sweet and Sour
The Interrogation (My Friends are Insane)
Possibly The Weirdest Day of My Life
Rebellious Teenage Actions
Stormy Seas
Thank the Gods (But Not Zeus)
The Last Straw
When It's Crunch Time...
An Unorthodox Situation
An Announcement
I Stand For Percy Jackson. If You Do Not, You. Will. Not. Stand. Long.
Announcement #2
It's Time to D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Duel!
The Passing of an Era
Our Next Chapter Together
RA/IC Announcement
Last Note

Nico Finally Opens Up

2.4K 84 38
By A_Stressed_Author

Venus announced that we would be having a special 'episode' recording in an hour, so I prepared in advance and braided my hair. I figured Juniper would want to take it out, but if I had my say it wouldn't be changing.

In official preparation for whatever insanity was in store for us, we weren't allowed to talk to any of the other contestants or bachelors beforehand. I had been sitting on the floor for twenty minutes watching Lou Ellen make faces at me before they announced it was time to 'get ready.'

"Hey, Reyna, how's your day been?" Juniper asked with a smile as she opened the door.

"I've had worse, I've had better." I shrugged and flopped into the chair. "What's the dressing agenda?"

"Full length dresses. I found one I think you'll like, don't worry." She grabbed a dark red dress from the rack. It was plain and basically looked like a lengthened version of the dress I had worn for our other 'on-screen appearances,' as Lou liked to call them.

"I can deal with that one." I said.

"Good. How long have you had that braid in?" She asked from behind the rack where she was looking at shoes.

"About an hour and a half."

"So it'll stay curly if I take it out?"

"Yes but I'd prefer you didn't."

Juniper sighed. "Fine, I'll leave it in. Just let me play with it a bit."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

"Put that dress on, will you?" Juniper asked. "I'm looking for things that will match it and I need to see it on you so I know where accents will go well."

I dragged myself out of my seat and put on the dress, shivering a little as the cold material touched my skin.

Juniper appeared from behind the racks and looked me up and down. "I'd say gold accents would do it, at the ears, the wrist, the waist." She muttered to herself.

She began to move towards the jewelry and things, then turned and handed me a pair of gold flats. "Put these on."

I dropped the shoes on the ground and slid my feet into them.

"These are more comfortable than I expected."

"Hmm?" Juniper looked up. "Oh, the shoes? Yeah, they're my favorite brand. Aren't they just the greatest?"

I nodded, scrunching my toes up then relaxing them.

"Okay, here we go, put these in." She handed me some small teardrop shaped earrings. I slid the rods into the piercing holes and secured the backs.

"And this." Juniper handed me a small bracelet shaped like an eagle with its wings spread, curving around my wrist when I slid it on.

"What's that?" I asked, motioning to the object in her hands.

"Well it's a belt, but I don't think you'll need it." Juniper moved back to her accessories and grabbed a gold flower instead. "This will be better, then I can leave the braid in as it is."

She clipped it above my ear, then pointed to the chair.

"Sit. Makeup time."


"We have a very special edition of 'Love and War' for you all today!" Venus chirped at the camera happily, clasping her hands to her chest.

"One of our bachelors has found love!"

A few contestants glanced over to the couch where our remaining bachelors were sitting with Piper and Jason, but I kept my gaze straight ahead.

"I know you're all wondering if we've replaced Thalia yet, the answer is no, but right now we can focus on happier things." Cupid turned to the bachelors. "Nico, if you would please come forward."

The son of Hades stood and walked over to the two gods, looking a little paler than usual. I noticed his hands were shaking and gave him a ghost of a smile when he looked my way. It seemed to help, his back straightened slightly.

"This is for you, Nico." Venus handed him a black flower with silver designs along the edges. It was very pretty, to be honest. "Do with it as you please."

Now I could see why we were intermingled, boys and girls. Nico could take his time approaching without giving away the gender of his choice.

I glanced at Will to see the blond son of Apollo was staring at Nico with hopeful eyes.

Nico kept his eyes down as he approached the group, rolling the rose's stem between his fingers slowly.

"I choose..." He spoke softly, but loud enough for the cameras and microphones to pick up, "I have chosen Will Solace, Son of Apollo."

Will let out a quiet, surprised squeak as Nico handed him the flower shyly. At first neither boy moved, then Will leaned forward.

Their lips met and Venus squealed. I rolled my eyes at her.

"That's really all for this episode folks, we'll be doing some personal interviews with the demigods and showing you those over the next few weeks, stay tuned!" Cupid told the audience.

Venus dismissed us and led a grinning Nico di Angelo and a dazed Will Solace off, probably to do something couple related.

I felt eyes on me and turned to look in the shadows off to the left.

Sea green eyes looked back at me for a moment before one closed in a wink and then both disappeared.

[A/N hooray, chapter! I had sushi yesterday, it makes me happy]

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