If These Walls Could Talk [Fr...

De stage-4-of-writing

4.2K 104 61

When Gerard is pulled aside to meet Frank, the new student in the school, he is told to help show him around... Mais

1: Confidence is another word for loneliness.
2: Who needs friends when I have my thoughts?
4: Passing Notes is Harder Than It Looks.
5: Being Protective Is Being Friendly, right?
6: Actions speak louder than words.
7: Pictures are just a way to remember.
8: Is it alright now?
9: Endless WeekDays
10: Apologies and Everlasting Silence.
11: Maybe, I Won't Be Okay.
12: Teal Roots Can be Cool Too.
13: Scrapes, Scars, and Lies.
14: And The Hardest Part Of This Was Leaving You.
15: Where Do We Belong?
16: Anywhere But Here.
17: Skylines and Turnstiles
18: Save Yourself.
Epilogue: Pale Faces, Small Places.

3: Caring shows signs of weakness.

324 8 9
De stage-4-of-writing

We ended up chatting about normal topics. Some things that were going on in the world and all. Nothing too in detail before we moved on. After we ran out of topics in world news, we just switched to the whole "I don't know what to talk about so let's ask how you're doing" idea. It took a minute or two before Frank actually asked the three words, but I didn't mind the silence. In full honestly, I liked just being able to sit there and create ripples in the pond's shallow water. Frank sat, his fingers pulling at blades of grass until he gathered up the vocals to speak again. I get it, it was one of those awkward moments when you want to keep the conversation going, but you don't know what to say kind of times.

"So, how are you?" Frank asked me, his shoulders rising as if he wasn't sure if he should ask that.

"Fine," I stated blankly, "How are you, though?"

"I don't know, to be fully honest. But," Frank responded, his eyes falling back to the grass, "You don't want to hear about my problems."

"C'mon, Frankie, can I call you Frankie?" I stopped myself, remembering it's actually polite to ask if you can call someone a nickname. When Frank nodded, I continued, "You can talk. That's what you brought me here for, right?"

He sighed, making me turn around so I could fully pay attention to him. I still didn't know why I was feeling like I had to listen to him because, Frank was right, I didn't care. But, I did. This is just getting more and more confusing the more that I think about it. I mean, really. Since when did I actually care about someone else's feelings? Especially the new kid's? Still, I found myself waiting patiently for Frank to vent to me about how he's feeling and why.

"I guess it's just a lot of stress, ya know? New school, I don't know anybody, and it's just a lot to take in. You're the person who I talk to the most at the moment, and it's kinda embarrassing that the principal has to baby me," Frank sounded generally upset, and I wanted to comfort him but I didn't know how. I've never done this kind of thing before, not even with Toro or Bryar. Frank continued, his tone becoming quiet and shy, "I want to go home. My old home. New Jersey has all my friends and memories."

That hurt me a little bit. Excuse me. I'm here. And I'm a pretty good person. Well, for the most part. I didn't take it to the heart though. I could understand him, everything's new. He has nobody to rely on and I can believe it, I wouldn't want to be that kid who's best friends with the school authority. So, I just decided to nod and be that person that Frank could lean on. I decided right there that my job was to be Frank's friend. Don't ask me why, but I felt like I needed to be.

Instead of invading the guy's space, I tapped his shoulder. Frank smiled softly at me, his lips curling into a soft smile and he pulled his sweater over his hands, his fingers curling around the soft material. I stood back up then, brushing the grass off of myself before turning to Frank once more.

"Let me know if you need any help, okay?" I told him, more commanding than asking. I cared about the guy, even if it seemed unbelievable. There were a lot of people I cared about, usually I didn't develop a bond this fast though. Not after 24 hours.

I walked home soon after, once I made sure Frank promised me that he would come to me. I spent the whole night thinking about it, too. Poor guy. I wondered what I could do for him, there's not much. Maybe help him with the school work? Or the friendship part? Well, that's already been cleared, I guess. I don't think he's totally sure I'm his friend yet, though. That's something I'll be thinking about. He already follows me around everywhere. I could just talk to him more. Yea, that's a good idea. I dozed off not long after, my thoughts still on Frank.

When I woke up the next morning, everything felt a little more rushed. I hurried with my breakfast, hurried packing my bag. Dressing wasn't that hard for me, as I already had my clothes all set out. I sprinted out the door, a wave to my mom before gesturing for Mikey to hurry up. My feet padded against the sidewalk a little harder, only stopping when I saw Frank walking across the street. I waved, shouting his name a few times before I saw his hazel eyes looking over at me.

"Hey, Gerard!" He said, his smile stretching. His right arm held onto his backpack's strap, the other one waving back at me.

"You can call me Gee, if you want." I could tell my face heated up, my head darting downwards almost immediately.

"Really?" Frank said, his eyes getting that spark that I happened to enjoy. Not love, no, that's a little strong. Enjoy seems right.

"Well, if we're gonna be friends, you get to call me a nickname." I said, a slight chuckle escaping a well when Frank laughed, his hand coming to his face and his smile stretching more and more.

We continued on our route to Ridge View, neither of our smiles fading. Frank immediately dragged me to his locker, quickly exchanging his things before pushing me back to my locker. I grabbed my own books a little slower, Frank skipping along to his, well, our first class of the day. I thought he'd be okay, so I took my time. I still kept an eye on the door, however, making sure he was in fact okay as everyone walked in.

After I was ready, I sauntered in with a few other classmates, a small smile on my face until I turned to look in Frank's direction.His head was tilted upwards, his expression seeming terrified. Bert stood in front of him, his stance looking proud. I walked over there quickly, throwing my backpack on the chair next to Frank's in an attempt to break the conversation at hand. I was successful on the most part, Bert turning to look at me with a brow raised, while Frank's head darted downwards to stare at my backpack.

"What did you say?" I growled at Bert.

He smirked, laughing before responding, "Nothing, firetruck, now quit getting all red on me. Not my fault he's a little sensitive."

"Shut up right now," I snarled. Bert shrugged, the stupid smug grin on his face that I wanted to slap off. He turned and walked away and I had to hold in the urge to put my balled up fists into use. Instead, I went to gather Frank's attention. His head hung low now, his jet-black hair falling onto his face.I knelt down, trying to maneuver my hazel eyes to meet his to no success. I sighed, sliding into the chair that my bag previously rested on. My hands folded in my lap, awkward silence lingering in the air as I thought up what to say.

"I don't know what he said, and you don't have to tell me, but don't listen to him, okay?"

I didn't look in his direction, but I knew Frank looked up upon hearing me speak, "Huh?"

"Don't listen to him, okay?" I repeated. My hands began to grip at my jeans by now, shuffling heard as Frank shifted in his seat.

"Thank you," he mumbled. I smiled to myself. Maybe that was a good start? I hoped so because I never really had to work for a friendship as hard with Ray or Mikey or Bob. We just kinda...clicked. Well, Frank and I have too, on some levels, but it still isn't totally there. like the button was jammed or something.

My thoughts were shuffled when I felt the light tap of Frank's fingers on my arm.

"Can I borrow a pencil?"

I sighed, my lips still curving into a small grin as I pulled out a newly sharpened pencil from my box that held what seemed like an endless amount of pencils. It's something an artist always has. Pencils.

"Thanks, Gee," Frank said, his fingers brushing against the back of my hand for a moment before sliding the pencil from my grasp. It was a small movement, but I noticed it. "I'll return it to you, I promise."

I chuckled softly, "Cool, thanks."

Just then, one of the classmates from behind us leaned forward and spoke in a mocking tone, "Aw, look at you two, sharing all school materials. Artist boy and new kid, how cute."

Bert again. Geez, did he ever shut up? Apparently not. Apparently, he didn't go far when I told him to leave. Actually, the opposite. I was stupid not to notice, but, at least I knew I could stand up to him. In this situation, I leaned over to Frank's side of the table, whispering in his ear quiet enough so that Bert wouldn't hear.

"I'm gonna try something, just ignore him, okay?" Frank nodded and I swiveled in my chair to face Bert with a sluggish smirk written on my face. My wrists crossed as they rested on the back of the black, plastic chair while I watched Bert's expression to see what he would do.

"Ya know, Bert, I actually considered you as a friend," I scoffed, "But this doesn't seem like an example of behavior a 'friend' would portray. So, how about you move along and leave us alone here, huh? Do you think someone like yourself has the ability to do that?"

"Or what?"

"Well, I'll tell Mrs. Milena about the whole, ya know, fights around the school and all. That news will spread to Principal Miller and, well, you know the rest of the story."

"I-" Bert opened his mouth like he had a snarky comment to come back with but was cut off with his eyes widening, "You win this time, Way."

With that remark, he turned back to his own table to return to work. I smiled to myself, feeling pretty accomplished that I had won not one, but two fights against Bert today. I mean, maybe I was getting my confidence that was long overdue. Maybe I was just done dealing with all of his shit. Whatever it was I was pretty glad about it.

When I turned to look at Frank, I found his perfect eyebrows curled inwards, his eyes narrowed at me. The boy's black hair was swung out of his face with a swift, but subtle movement of his head. I shrugged, not turning around in my seat quite yet. I mimicked Frank's movement, swinging my own hair out of my face.

"What's that face for?" I said, my chin lifting for a moment in a gesture to him.

"Why, Gerard?" He said, sounding almost angry at me. I didn't understand what exactly was so wrong about what I did.

"Why, what?"

"Why do you keep doing that?" was Frank's response, making me groan. This kid really didn't elaborate when he was upset, was he? "Why do you keep standing up for me?"

"Excuse me," I growled, "I think you'd want my help, Mr. Iero," I said in a sarcastic voice, my tone being similar to shooting an energy force straight at him.

"Shut up, Gee! How do you know I couldn't handle that? Or the first time for that matter?" he shot back, crossing his arms and head turning away from my narrowed eyes.

"Well, let me just say that you were frozen when I came in this classroom. Fucking frozen. What was I supposed to do, Frankie?" I growled, my voice getting slightly quieter as I found myself saying three words, "I care about you."

Frank didn't seem to hear them, which I thank every being in the world for, but stayed silent. For the most part, at least. There was a huff of frustration and then total silence fell into the conversation, as it seemed to do so many times before. Just, usually the tension wasn't this high. Frank didn't talk to me for the rest of the class. Not even in the next ones, I only found him saying something at lunch. He still followed me around and everything, but the unresolved tension was feeling like a chain on my shoulders, and most likely his, as we trudged through the long and noisy halls of RidgeView High.

The lunch room seemed even more crowded and loud in my head when I got there. I told Frank that I was going to get a headstart and he didn't say anything, only continued at his locker. It was somewhat nice, getting away from the chain. Except, I wasn't totally away from it. Everything seemed unfocused in my head but loud and banging on the walls of my skull at the same time. My feet would drag, the feeling of weights in my shoes returning. I hadn't felt like this in so long, I didn't really know why. I guess everything was stable, but I don't really get it. Like I've said so many times, why did I feel so bad after a small fight with Frank? Maybe I did feel guilty. No, no. Definitely not. Just... regretful. It doesn't sound as pathetic.

About halfway through the hour we had for lunch, I stood and walked outside into the courtyard. I told Ray and Bob to wait at the table, that I would probably be back but not to worry if I didn't. I saw Frank sitting alone at the far end of the yard, his back resting against the stone wall, his knees to his chest. His black backpack fell onto the step next to him, lunch resting to his right. I took a deep breathe, walking over to him and sitting down.

"Mind if I stay here for a while?"

"No," he mumbled, the sound muffled by his face being buried deeper in his knees.

After a mere second of the silence, I stopped it before it grew, "Listen, I'm sorry, Frankie."

"For what?" He said, his hair falling in front of his ears as he met my eye contact for the first time since class that morning.

"For...for math, I didn't know you were gonna get so upset. I just wanted to help," I said, cracking a sincere smile at the end. Frank scoffed, his legs falling flat in front of him so he was sitting with his whole body facing the horizon.

"I don't know why, but everyone just assumes I'm a weak little ass, I mean. I''m not that weak, I'm just small height wise."

"I don't think you're weak, Frankie. I just felt the urge to help," I explained, not going into full and total detail about the exact reason why I wanted to, and why I was feeling like I was.

"They all say that. They all have, an everyone continues to," he said, sighing as his hands fell onto his blue jeans, rubbing against the surface for a moment.


Frank's head snapped towards me, his face holding a troubled expression, his voice raising, almost making me shy away, "Everyone! Everyone has the same opinion about me! You're no different, Gee. I know what you're thinking. You don't have to lie."

"I'm not lying. I swear I'm not," I said, shaking my head at the boy.

Frank narrowed his hazel eyes at me suspiciously, as if he was scanning me for any possible lies, but I knew he wouldn't find any. There wasn't any lie in what I said, it was the truth. Whether he believed it or not, nothing could change it. He was leaning forward in this process, his arms crossing and back returning to it's flat position against the grey stone.



"If you're lying to me, Gerard Way, I will forever hold a grudge. And I'll never talk to you again," he said with a blank face, trying to sound serious. It didn't work, as I began laughing, "What? What's so funny?"

"Oh, I don't know, the fact that you exaggerate."

"Am not!"

"Are too!" I rolled my eyes, standing up. We sounded like five year olds, but it was fun for a change. I extended my hand, smiling down at Frank. His pushed his hair out of his face again before tilting his head like one of those corgi puppies you see on commercials or something. After a while of not getting any other response, I shook my hand slightly, rolling my eyes once again.

"Just grab my hand, let's go inside."

"Fine, I thought we could be outside but fine," I laughed once more as he took my hand, Frank falling slightly against me as I pulled him up. His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink for a moment, but I didn't say anything. I had the idea of how light he was on my brain more.


Yo, look what's here!

Hope you guys like it and I'm working on chapter six actually RN so


Feedback is appreciated

Comment, vote, and share pls!


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