The Tears I Shed For Him...

By Cyn_happiness77

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For the first time, I saw him hesitate. Just the slightest bit. Then it was gone and his handsome face smooth... More

Chapter 1~There is no place like home
Chapter 2~ The runaway
Chapter 3~Payback My Friend
Chapter 4~ Give it up for plan...C?
Chapter 5~ Fast and Furious
Chapter 6~ A Sorrowful Good-Bye
Chapter 7~ Heights make me Hyperventilate
Chapter 8~First day in hell-I mean school...
Chapter 9~What are the odds?
Chapter 10~It's for the best...
Chapter 11~Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
Chapter 12~My Lips Are Sealed
Chapter 13~Say Yes...Hell No!
Chapter 14~Why explain when I can show you?
Chapter 15~The Confession Game!
Chapter 16~Pep Pep Preppy Prep
Chapter 17~Unknown POV
Chapter 18~First Date...
Chapter 19~Enough is Enough
Chapter 20~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 21~ Freedom Came With Its Price
Chapter 22~ Torture
Chapter 23~ Nahuel's POV
Chapter 24~ Life or Death...
Chapter 25~ In Loving Memory of...
Chapter 27~ What Happened To Innocent 'Til Proven Guilty
Chapter 28~ Just Stop While You're Ahead

Chapter 26~ Nahuel's POV

126 7 6
By Cyn_happiness77

Picture>>>Nahuel (new and improved ;D)

Song>>> "Young" cover by James Arthur

"I've made a lot of mistakes in my past, but I refuse to live there, nah. I saw a lot of heart break in the past, but I refuse to go there, ah. It hurts too much, I'm looking for a crutch. I'm looking for just any girl, just for a touch. I let my angst out, I let myself go...."

^^^That seriously fits with what Nahuel's thinking really is...

Chapter 26~ Nahuel’s POV

            As I continued down the hall, toward the waiting room, an aching guilt cloaked me with such suffocating force that I had to pause to catch my breath. I’ve done it—I lied to Elaine without skipping a beat—and she believed every word. Why wouldn’t she? At this point, she trusted me with her life. Perhaps I can just work this to my advantage; no one has to know I took part in her framing. But could I really stand by while they take her to jail?

            Pressing my lips, I amble into the waiting room and as soon as Aldana sees me, she shoots out of her seat. Her eyes are dimmer than usual, not to mention she’s a few shades paler with dark circles under her eyes. If you were to ask me, I’d say she worries too much, but then again, I’d be a hypocrite to even judge considering the fact that I might look worse than she.

            “Is she awake? Is everything alright? Can I go in and see her?” She bombarded, trotting over to me, her hands reaching for my biceps, digging her stubby nails into my skin.

            “Relax, Aldana. She just woke up.” I grimaced, prying her hands away from me. It’s safe to say, any physical action from her makes me uncomfortable, not to mention it’s awkward. I’ve seen and done things with Aldana that one would only do during a honeymoon. Swallowing the back the sour bile forming in my mouth, I cleared my throat. “She, uh, knows about her brother, and she didn’t take it well at all.”

            Aldana’s face dimmed even more, tears rimming her eyes. “Well can you blame her? He was her little brother—her only brother!”

            I winced, “Keep it down, Aldana. My head hurts as it is.”

            Her eyes narrowed, “Quit with the bad boy act. I know you worry for her. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be standing here now.”

            “This is digressing too much.” I muttered, scratching the growing stubble on my jaw, “it’s like roaming into the weird side of YouTube, it both makes a person uncomfortable and makes you question logic.”

            “That’s rich, coming from you,” She rolled her eyes, rubbing away at any stray tear. “Can I go in now?”

            “Yeah,” I nodded, already turning back down the hall I came from.

            “Oh, you’re coming along?”

            I stopped but didn’t look at her, “yeah, so?”

            I heard her chuckle, “No reason.”

Without another thought, I made my way back to Elaine; not exactly waiting to see if Aldana caught up or was left behind. It isolated me with my haunting thoughts once again. Of all the things I’ve done, the calamity in this was catching up fast but problem was that it was affecting those around me. I felt like karma was evading me, hunting down innocent prey—Elaine being its priority. Perhaps not even Elaine, her little brother, he was gone and it sent a pang of agonizing guilt just thinking of what his last minutes in this world were like. Did they torture him? Was his death quick?

            The bile rose again, much more foul than before. I’m not one to feel regret, nor am I one to actually let my conscious get the best of me when the aftermath hit. Yet, here I was; feeling sick to my stomach, all because of this stupid guilt.

            ‘My fault, my fault, my fault…’

I gritted my teeth, hands balled to tight fists; nails puncturing skin. I had to stop thinking about it, take the subject as coldly, as indifferently as possible. Best solution was to steer clear of the cops, and their interrogations. Although, I fear they might come for me soon enough, I still haven’t thoroughly explained the whole situation on how I exactly got a hold of Elaine’s whereabouts, or better yet, the precise moment of when it was safe enough to get her. I lied to them at first, saying it was sheer luck, but how long will that lie hold up, how long until they see through my façade?

            There was a silent bickering emanating just behind the vending machine at the corner beside Elaine’s room, it sounded like Elaine’s parents were hard at work trying to get her out of this mess. It was all in vain of course, there was no saving their daughter from some jail time—or maybe even juvie, if the judge assigned to her is a bit sympathetic. I ignore their clipped murmurs and return smoothly to Elaine. She greets me with a tired smile—which widens as soon as her dimmed eyes catch hold of Aldana.

            “Aldana, you’re still here?” She croaks out, struggling to sit up on the bed. I rush over to her and help prop her up, witnessing her small wincing as she slid up to a more sitting position. God, she looked horrible, the bruises on her face stubbornly remained and the burns of the acid began to peel away as clear liquid glistened from the healing blisters. All in all, she was nothing but a pallid body that appeared to have crawled through a meat grinder and miraculously managed to make it out in one piece. Obviously I’m not going to be a dick and tell her how bad she looks, but I can’t deny what my eyes see, and my brain keep pounding away with one solid thought.

            ‘My fault, my fault…’

            This is not going to get any easier is it? Pressing my lips, I avert my eyes from her toward the door, as Aldana chatters away animatedly about gossip and other unimportant things that Elaine has missed in the past two weeks. I suddenly became curious as to what the detectives were preaching about outside. Part of me knew I should just let it go, yet another part of me was thriving to walk out there and join on their discussion. After all, I needed to make sure Lucas and I remained clean and as far away from being a helpful witness.


            “Hmm?” I snapped out of my thoughts and back to reality, inclining my head toward Elaine’s direction without necessarily needing to look at her.

            “I just wanted you to help me out with the whole rescue mission. Aldana says you never told her the story.”

            I swallow hard and flicker my eyes to Aldana’s expectant face. There was a shimmer of knowledge behind her eyes, it was as if she knew more than she made it seem; that scared me. Just what exactly was she hiding? She lifted a daring brow at me as I struggled to continue.

            “There’s not much to tell,” I finally responded, “After I got you out, Lucas told me of a time bomb in one of the other rooms. We drove off, but I realized something was wrong with you—more than you already were that is—and that’s when I saw the infection on your leg, where you got shot. You were dying on me; I saw no other option so I took out as much of the infection as I could, along with the bullet.”

            Elaine shuddered at the memory, “I remember the pain, but not much before that.”

            “How exactly did you find her though?” Aldana demanded with a slight sneer, “And just in time before the bomb went off? How peculiar…”

            That’s it! She was trying to drive the truth right out of me; it’s as if she already saw right through me, she only needs my approval to make it legit. Guess again, puta.


            “Elaine,” Another voice cut in, deep and obnoxious. I nearly groaned in annoyance as Justin made his way over to Elaine’s side without even sparing me the slightest glance. “I’m so happy you are safe, and alive. Aldana text me when Corona brought you in, but I was still under house arrest. She told me she’d also give me a heads up when you wake. So here I am. I was so worried Elaine, when I woke up and saw that you were gone…” his face was pinched up in pain as he shook his head as if to clear the dreadful memory, “I couldn’t find you, but I found Bryan and I immediately called for an ambulance…Elaine…”

            She tensed under the sheets, her face becoming even paler that it would give a ghost a run for its money. That’s when I interjected, clearing my throat loudly; I couldn’t deal with waterworks right now.

            “Save it for another time McClain, she’s too tired right now.” I grunted, and to my surprise, he didn’t argue. Instead, he bends down and kisses her on the forehead. It was a simple caring gesture that sent acidic venom coursing through my veins. Did I ever mention I lacked control over my jealousy as well? I mean, I didn’t exactly need it before seeing that everyone around me was always jealous of me or of someone I had with me. I was beginning to sound like a girl on her period; it’s starting to make me sick.

            About an hour later, Elaine finally seemed to have given in to her heavy fatigue and fell asleep, leaving crazy bitch and damsel in distress with me. They awkwardly looked at each other, then over at me, not seeming to know what to do. I on the other hand, kept to my poker face and took seat beside Elaine’s bed, avoiding them both in the process as I pretending to be intrigued by healing process of her cuts and burns.

            “Nahuel,” Justin began, shuffling closer. I must admit, it caught my attention. The last time he called me by my first name, was back when we were good friends and in the Blood together. It seemed like ages ago to be completely honest.

            “What?” I muttered, keeping my voice hushed so that I wouldn’t wake Elaine from her tranquil slumber.

            “Aldana told me what you did,” He continued, mimicking my soft tone, “I’m very grateful you saved her. But I also know that it wasn’t all you did. I overheard a member of the Blood that Ian is after your head now for disobeying him.”

            I snorted, “What else is new?”

            “Nahuel, you should be a bit more careful when wanting to cross Ian. If you want out of the Blood, you know you gotta do it the right way. Ian could—”

            “Listen,” I cut him off, facing him directly, “I couldn’t give two shits what Ian would do. My mother’s already dying, Elaine was half way there, and her brother is already six feet underground. What else could he do, kill me, torture me? He’s only after the money and that’s back with the authorities, no thanks to the Bull Dogs.”

            “Speaking of which,” Aldana piped in, crossing her arms, “that money was found in Elaine’s room. We all know it wasn’t her who stole it—the Blood did. Or in a more technical term, you and your blue haired friend did. I find it so much of a coincidence that the money magically ended up at her place, you know right after you two did the whole break up scene at school. It was you who framed her wasn’t it, Nahuel.”

            So she did know after all…

            “I don’t know what you mean.” Was my strained response.

            “Like hell you don’t.” she glared, “I just don’t see why you bothered saving her if you are just going to let her get sent to jail for something you did.”

            Justin’s eyes were wide and incredulous, “You just never change, do you Corona. Here I thought, for once, you might be the same guy I used to call my brother a few years ago. I can’t believe this man, why her? Why are you pinning this on her? Easy prey, is that it?”

            “I don’t have a single fuck to give over what you think of me McClain.” I growl, just low enough for them to hear, in fear that Elaine might wake, “And I never set her up, believe what you want but if my intention was to set her up to begin with, I would have left her to die back at that warehouse.”

            “Then who was it?” Aldana demanded, taking an involuntary step towards me, “because you obviously know who it is, but you aren’t saying shit.”

            I remained silent, just staring between them until my anger simmered down. I’m guessing that my silence allowed them to process the situation more thoroughly because Justin’s eyes seemed to brighten in realization as he took a step away from me.

            “It was Lucas…”

            I flinched and Aldana’s face twisted perplexed, “the blue haired guy?”

            Justin nodded, assessing my reaction without missing a beat, “That’s why you aren’t saying anything. He’s like a brother to you—and you couldn’t dare cross family—it was like you said before. Ian can’t hold anything against you. You’re alone now, but Lucas is one bit of family you have left. You would never do that to him.”

            Aldana shook her head slowly, “you disgust me, Nahuel. It’s funny how you aren’t doing anything to help Elaine but you are helping that guy that A) isn’t even a Blood member. B) Framed her and in result got her innocent little brother killed. And C) wouldn’t show the same courtesy if the tides were turned.”

            “You don’t know shit Aldana, so I suggest you shut the fuck up, got it?” I stood from my seat and made my way to the exit. I wasn’t going to deal with their shit. They didn’t know me, nor the reasons I did the things I did. They live in a fantasy they think is reality, well news flash, not everyone has a happy ending in the real world.

            “Corona, wait.” Justin got hold of my arm and tugged on it so I wouldn’t face him, but I refused, instead I shrugged off his hand, yet without the slightest flinch he continued, “Just think about this for a second. You seem to care a lot for Elaine. You’ve also witnessed firsthand how much she is suffering, what with the loss of her brother and near death experience. Just do this—”

            “I saved her damn life, what more do you want from me?” I snapped, not bothering to keep my voice low anymore. At the bed, Elaine stirred but remained unconscious.

            Just sighed, “All I’m saying is that she doesn’t deserve this. She has suffered enough, cut her some slack.”

            “Oh and Lucas doesn’t?” I retorted, my chest heaving as I struggled to control my fury, “he helped me find her and save her life. I can’t repay him by turning him in to the cops, nor am I going to ask him to turn himself in. I can’t ask that of him. He has put his life on the line to see that she was brought back home.”

            “Then everything you did was worthless, because they’ll certainly end up finishing the job and killing her in jail.” Aldana quipped, glaring daggers at me.

            That’s when I snapped, with my eyes ablaze I took a deep breath and with the throatiest calm voice I responded, “Then so be it. But know, I would let them abduct her all over again if it means to keep Lucas’s name and mine clean. Everything else you can write it under my ‘I don’t give a fuck’ list.”

            “You don’t really mean that, Corona” Justin shook his head once, eyes mostly pleading.

            I looked past him at Elaine, and was reminded of all I put her through, hell, she had the bruises and scars to prove it. For a split second, guilt and remorse engulfed me again, but then I shoved it all away in the darkest corners of my mind.

            “I do mean it, McClain. Every last word.” I muttered, those words tasted bitter in my mouth, so without waiting for their reply, I stormed out of there. Once again, I committed another mistake that I was too much of a wimp to face.

            ‘It’s my fault, my fault, my fault…’

Copyright © 2013 Cynthia Montoya

All rights reserved


Hey guys!! So I'm finally back <3 Sorry it has taken me FOREVER to upload. What with my new job and AP summer work from school, it's been a stressful ride. I'm very happy to be back and am hoping to be uploading much more now :) in fact, expect another upload this weekend, my treat. 

Don't forget to VOTE, FAN, COMMENT!!! ^~^

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