Forever (Peter Pan OUAT)

By once_upon_a_believer

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Elena Mills was nothing even close to special compared to her heroic family. A family full of heroes like her... More

Heroic... Not
Hidden Memories
Answers getting me into Trouble
Dark Eyes
Once Upon a Time
We Meet Again
Target Practice
Lost Boys
I Promsie
Forgotten Memories
A Possible Heart
Please Read
New Story
A beginning of a lie
Indians part 1
Indians part 2
Missing Home
Thank You!!
The Full Story
Hidden Pirate Ship
Shadows Ring
Breaking Down
Shadows? Shadows.
My White Haired Vampire
Queen Clarion
Definitely Not a Party
How I Met You
My Name is Elena
His is Peter Pan
And those are the Lost Boys
And We're in Neverland
In the Dark
Who Are You
Rose's and Thorns
A Fight and Something More
Second Star to the Right and Straight on Till Morining
The Book
War is Brewing
There Has to Be a Different Way
No Good Left
The Saving Clare

Darkness bound

4K 116 9
By once_upon_a_believer

Elena POV:

I looked at Loki waiting to see what he had to say about my plan, or at least the idea I had for a plan. In all honesty this 'plan/idea' had changed multiple times but either way the part the Pixies and Natives had to play was the same. It was my part that kept changing time and time again, and either way it was me who had to fulfill it either way. 

"You want to take over Neverland from Peter Pan himself?" He asked stunned while looking up at him to make sure he had it right.

"Not exactly. I want to take Neverland away from the darkness if that turns out to be Peter, and if he decides he can't let the darkness go then yes from Peter Pan himself. But I don't think this is all Peter Pan. He was good at one point, and I believe I can get that him back. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try and make him good and light again, and if it doesn't work... well then I guess we'll know." I said looking up at him to see his reaction but he just shook his head looking at me like I was crazy, but I wasn't far off. At least not anymore.

"Your crazy! You want to try and make Peter Pan one of the greatest villeins good again?!" He said angrily while getting up off the forest floor before beginning to pace. While I just rolled my eyes leaning my back against a tree while I just watching quite amused with him. "I mean come on Elena don't be stupid, you said it yourself this is the guy who willingly gave you nightmares that in the morning when you woke up gave you burns and bruises." Loki said looking at my as anger brewed in his hazel eyes.

"What if he didn't do it willingly?" I asked while he looked at me surprised but also very annoyed as well.

"Now his just getting in your head. What do you now beleive he was telling the truth when he said the Red Skins put him up to it? Your family and friends, my family?! Is that what all these thoughts are making you believe?!!" I yelled at me as his eyes darkened. I was only seeming to be adding fuel to the fire. I let out a annoyed groan before getting up so we were at least somewhat level now.

"If you would just shut up for one minute I could explain to you what I'm talking about." I said making him stop talking, and instead look at the floor while I smiled in victory. "Thank you. Anyways what I meant is what if it was the darkness. I mean my family are always talking about this darkness that consumes those who in a way evil. It's like this mist that comes over you, controlling your very being. It happened to most of my family at one point or another." I said the last part more to myself then Loki as thoughts consumed me. Darkness had consumed most of my family one or more times so what could that possibly mean for me. While these thoughts ran through my head Loki just stared at me confused not understanding what any of that could possibly mean for us and most especially Peter.

"So what we're all made of light and dark, and sometimes that darkness takes over us, and we can't get rid of it without things like true love. What good does that do for us? For all we know Pan may not even have a heart wouldn't be much of a surpriser." Loki said rolling his eyes at the thought of Peter Pan.

"Well just think about it. This is Neverland where even thoughts can turn into something more. Depending on the thought it can turn into something dark or light. I've read quite a bit about the island, and I know that these things can sometimes take true form. What if this darkness isn't exactly just a bad part of Peter, but much more then that?" I said as Loki looked at me eyes wide as I kept searching my mind for more of a transparent answer to the question. That's when it hit me like a brick to the head. 

"Before Peter Pan decided to make Neverland his home, and before you or the Natives, and maybe even the Pixies came Neverland was a place children could come in their dreams. It was a place of all things lovely and beautiful. A dream land really. Nothing bad seemed to ever happen here there was no such thing as nightmares to the kids who dreamed of Neverland, but they still had their own darkness hunting their inner minds. So what if when they dreamed that darkness took root here? So every time a child would dream it would now be of some kind of adventure, and all adventures have to have some kind of risk or darkness. It was all a game." I said as Loki nodded his head fallowing along with everything I was saying. Though a part of me hoped what I was saying and what I was about to say was far from true because of it was true things were about to get much more complicated.

"So once Peter took home here that darkness had no part to play out. Because now this was real, and Neverland was always suppose to get a happy ending. So the light and the dark would have had to connected to some kind of life source to fulfill their own parts, but that means whatever the light was bound to was killed or taken away or something. The darkness their for could live as a kind of kind. Loki don't you get it this darkness is bound to Peter. All the things that his done it was never him it was always the darkness that wasn't even his, but of the darkness itself. Like a soul taking residents in a human body, but this soul can do nothing but cause destruction in its wake." I said looking down at the forest floor bewildered as all the pieces fit together perfectly. That was if it was all true, but it did make sense. That was the part that scared me out of my wits. If this was true Peter was a prisoner on his own island, and we wasn't even meaning to keep the rest of us as such. He had no idea what he was doing because the darkness was the one doing it, but with Peter's hands, and now I was going to try and save him from it. I just hoped I could before it was to late for one of us.

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