Trapped With Him

By obsessed-

73.5K 1.9K 599

"Would you pick a daisy in a field of roses?" I ask. "What kind of question is that? Ask me something else,"... More

Trapped With Him
Chapter 1 ║ Acting, Anatomy, and an Asshole
Chapter 3 ║ We're Moving?
Chapter 4 ║ A Stalker and a Nightmare
Chapter 5 ║ Oblivion
Chapter 6 ║A Daisy in a Field of Roses
Chapter 7║ It was Fun While it Lasted
Chapter 8║ Being a Hero is Painful
Chapter 9 ║He's Back
Chapter 10 ║ Intoxicated and Pancakes

Chapter 2 ║ Red is Your Color

7.8K 225 60
By obsessed-

not proofread/edited

Chapter 2 ║ Red is Your Color 

I walk into the lunchroom and my eyes widen at the sight before me. I blink multiple times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. In front of me lay Ashton on the ground with none other than Jake on top of him as he pulverizes him. 

Ashton is the complete opposite of Emily and me. He's popular; we're not. He doesn't reach Austin's level of popularity, but he's popular enough for strangers to know his name and greet him in the hallways. If it weren't for that fact that I've known him since we were small, he probably wouldn't have even looked in my direction.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Emily standing outside of the crowd that surrounds Ashton and Jake. I swiftly run over to her and without a greeting, I fire questions at her.

"What the hell happened over here? I'm pretty sure I've only been asleep for half an hour and I wake up to see this?" I scream. 

Emily looks at me, fear and worry evident on her face. "Look I'll explain later, but for now tell Ashton to stop it. I can't bear to see him getting fucked up like this. Out of all people, he chose to pick a fight with Jake. You know if he doesn't stop he'll be suspended. Just stop him," she pleads. 

I sigh, knowing now wasn't the time to pick a fight with Emily. I stride forward to the middle of the crowd where Ashton is, now up and about to lay a hand in Jake. Immediately, whispers erupt around me. The things I do for my friends.

I hear the crowd speak in hushed tones asking "Who is she", "What is she doing", or "What is the little nerd doing here." Every single question irritates me every step I take and regret instant swarms my mind. Maybe this isn't such a good idea.

I reach Ashton before another punch is thrown. I grab his fists, stopping them from landing a punch on Jake, and yank him out of the crowd. 

Once we walk a few feet away from the crowd, he starts yelling at me. I stand in front of him. shock visible on my face. Out of all the things he could've done right now, like maybe apologize, he decides to yell and at me out of all people.

"Why the fuck did you stop me? I was in the middle of a fight! I had him too." Ashton yells. Dude, calm the fuck down. I just saved your ass from a trip to the hospital and a possible suspension. 

I glare at him, which he immediately notices and his body becomes tense. I know he didn't want to hear the next few words out of my mouth. But that didn't stop me.

"Oh my god! Can you shut the fuck up? I just saved your ass out there. Look I have no fucking clue what happened, but you know better than to start a fight with Jake!" I stop to take a breath before continuing, "You also know that if a teacher walked in, you would have your ass whipped by you mom for being suspended. Be a glad that I stepped before something major occurred."

Before Ashton could say anything back to me, Emily runs over to us, stopping our conversation. "Hey guys! I see that you're having a lovely conversation over here but there are teachers that are about to walk in any moment. Do you think we can go somewhere else and have this talk?" she asks, nervously looking around.

I sigh, before nodding. "Okay we'll go someplace else. But once we get there you guys have a whole lot of explaining to do," I state. 

I drag Ashton out of the lunchroom and proceed to the front doors, Emily following behind us. Once we reach the front doors, I turn around and face Ashton and Emily and look at them sternly. 

"Now explain!" I shout, causing them to flinch from my hostile voice.

I look at Ashton and worry takes over my anger. He looks like he might smash the door any second now.

He takes a breath before he speaks. "That asshole slept with Britney. Britney cheated on me with 'that fucking dick," he whispers as he clenches and unclenches his hands into a fist. His voice cracks at the end as a tear slips his eyes. 

There was a moment of silence before Emily finally spoke up. "After Ashton found out, he went to find Jake. He asked him why he did it and Jake's answer wasn't what Ash wanted to hear," Emily adds.

"What did Jake say?" I question. What could he possibly say that was so bad to start a fight?

Emily looks at Ashton before answering, "He said he gave Britney what she asked for."

I gasp as I stare at Emily with wide eyes. I can't believe that Britney, a girl full of rainbows and sunshines, would cheat on Jake. I always thought Britney was good for him. I've known her for a good year and she was so darn nice, even to me. I can't believe she would do such a thing. What a bitch.

I know how much Ashton loves her. Ashton would've done anything for her. He would give her the world, but she just had to whore up. When I see this girl, all hell is going to break. 

I take a glance at Ashton and my heart breaks. His eyes filled with tears, threatening to fall down. I could tell he's trying to hide how he feels but I could see how broken he really is. All I want to do is hug the life out of him, but I know that he wouldn't like that. The last thing he needs is pity from someone like me.

I put my hand on his shoulder but he remains silent. "Ash," I say softly. "If a girl like her cheated on you then she doesn't deserve you. I've known you my entire life and let me just say, any girl would die to have you as their boyfriend. You know what? Forget about that skank. She can burn in hell for all I care." I see a small smile beginning to creep on his face, causing a smile on my own face. "I know you'll find someone better and she'll be the one. Britney's a fucking slut, who'll regret what she's done when she's filled with STDs."

I hear a little chuckle from Ashton and next thing I feel is his arms enclosed around me. I stand there in shock. We rarely hug. 

He buries his face in my shoulder. "Aly, thanks. I don't know what I'd do without you," he mumbles. My smile turns into a full on grin. In reality, I'd probably wouldn't be here right now without him.

Emily comes closer to us and joins our hug, making it a group hug. I haven't felt this close to anyone in a long time, but it feels so damn good.


On my way to my final class of the day, I spot someone I didn't want to see right now. There she was at her locker, applying mascara to her already long lashes. One look at Britney is all that I needed for my anger to come back. Rage consumes my eyes and before I knew it, I began to yank her head. Violence was never the answer, but in this case it is. 

Britney stares at me in shock, trying to register what I just did. "You bitch! What was that for?!" she screams, a look of murder appearing on her face. Instead of backing down, I laugh at her expression.

"Don't act innocent, you whore. You broke my best friend's heart," I shout with venom. "Ashton loved you so fucking much. Why did you have to screw up and fuck someone else?" I continued, feeling good about standing up for Ash. 

"Shut your fucking mouth, you nerd. Why do you care? Ashton was becoming a little boring and I needed some fun in my life and Jake was able to do that for me. Stay the fuck out of thing that aren't your business. Go back to studying in your little corner," Britney yells, turning red from all the anger that she's releasing. 

I let what she said sink into my head. I realize that this was pointless. This isn't what Ash would want me to do. 

"You know what? I'm wasting my time talking to you. Ashton is too good for you and deserves someone better, not a fucking skank," I back down. I look around and see that we have attracted a crowd. Why can't people just mind their goddamn business and be on their way?

I see Britney reach into her locker and grab a water bottle and I take that as my cue to leave, but she grabs my wrist before I could leave. I look at her, confused as to why she stopped me from leaving. She opens the cap to the water bottle and before I notice it, she dumps the entire bottle on my head. 

Furious doesn't come close to what I feel right now. "Oops. Aren't you dripping wet right now? I wonder who the slut is now," she says, an evil smirk glued to her face.

I am going to murder a bitch tonight. 

The crowd around us begins to cheer Britney on, telling her to put me in my place. Love my classmates.

"You're going to wish you never did that. You better start praying now," I shout in fury, getting reading to smack her, but before I could take a step towards her, Ashton steps in, gives a disgusted look directed at Britney and drags me away from her and the crowd. 

Ashton drags me far away from the crowd before he looking at me. I could sense the tension and anger radiating off of him. It seems that the tables have turned. 

I began to explain myself, but Ashton beat me to it. "Alyssa, why the fuck did you have to interfere? I told you I'd talk to her. Now look at what she did to you. You're dripping water everywhere," he yells in frustration. "You should change. Your bra is showing," he mumbles, a blush creeping onto his face. 

I look down at my shirt and see my red bra peeking out through my white t-shirt. I turn away, in embarrassment, only to see Austin standing a few inches away from me, his usual smirk on his face. His eyes travel from my face to my torso. I blush so hard that my face probably matched the color of my bra. 

I turn back to Ashton, ignoring Austin. If I can't see him, he doesn't exist. "Ash, I really couldn't stand what she did to you and when I saw her, I just snapped. So yell at me all you want, but she deserves so much worse," I exclaim. "I'm going to go and change," I mutter, looking away to the side.

I turn around to leave, but Ashton's hands stop me by my wrists. I look up to see his apologetic eyes. "Aly, I'm sorry for yelling. But look at what you got yourself into by being a good friend. Next time let me handle it. Now go and change," He says with a smile which I reciprocate before leaving to change.


While I walked down the hall to my locker to change into my gym clothes, I felt everyone's eyes on me. The only time when people look my way is when I'm drenched. Great. My fucking bright ass bra made me feel more self conscious than I usually was. I want to die in a hole right now.

I finally reach my locker and grab my gym clothes. I didn't want to change into them, but I had no choice right now. I hurriedly run to the bathroom to change. Once I come out, fully changed, I make my way down to my final class of the day. Thank god the late bell didn't ring yet. I keep my head down on my way there, not needing any more attention than I already received today. I quicken my pace to avoid stares and to make it before the late bell rings.

I was too busy trying to avoid people's gazes that I didn't see the wall I bumped into. My glasses fell off my face and I bend down to pick them up. My glasses were for show. They were huge round glasses that made me feel like Harry Potter. They also made me look more like the stereotypical nerd, which I didn't mind because they look awesome. 

I fix the glasses back onto my face and suddenly hear a chuckle. Chuckle. Since when did walls chuckle. I look up to and make contact with Austin. I back away, embarrassed that this was the second time today.

He looks down at me and smirks as usual. "Hey there again," he begins. "You just keep on running into me. Can't get enough of me?" he wiggles his eyebrows. I roll my eyes, which causes him to laugh. 

I try to walk around him, but he blocks my way, not letting me get past him. "I witnessed what you did back there. I didn't know you were the type to start a fight," he says. "It was enjoyable to watch, especially the part with the water bottle." I blush again, embarrassed about my earlier act.

I stand in my place, trying not to blow up on him. I've had enough of today, from being drenched to talking to Austin now. 

He moves closer to me when he realized I'm not moving. His mouth nears my right ear and I shiver, feeling the goosebumps on my neck. "Red is your color, but I bet black would look even better," he whispers. I instantly felt my blush creeping back onto my face. I want to die right now.

He, then, reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone to show me a picture. I stand still in place, shock overcoming my body at what I was looking at. It was me, right after Britney poured her water bottle on me. My red bra standing out in the picture.

I continue to stand in place like a statue. By now, I definitely look like bright red tomato. Is dying too much to ask for?  At this rate, I'll pass out from embarrassment. I can't believe Austin fucking Holt saw me in a bra and had the audacity to take a picture of me. God, what did I do to you?

His smirk widens upon looking at my bright red face. "If you don't want me to send it to every single person in this school, then you better help me with that anatomy lab you left me with," he states, a wicked smile replacing his classic smirk. "Mr. Collins is allowing me to finish it after school today. I hope I'll see you there, babe."

I hear the late bell ring and manage to escape Austin's presence. Oh fuck me. He has to go through all this for a stupid anatomy lab? I should tell Ashton to prepare his eulogy for me because I don't think I can last an hour in a room with just Austin. I lived a decent seventeen years.


second chapter rewritten and done! hopefully it's not as shitty as it was before. if you read the old version, don't worry about reading this one. the basic plot is still the same as before. just a little clean up here and there.

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