Animal Attraction 2

By thatkidbex

115K 4.6K 2.6K

In this sequel Niall and Harry have more to overcome in their blossoming relationship. Louis and Zayn are sti... More

Animal Attraction 2
Before We Start the Party...
1 - Another Breed of Cat
2 - Shades of Cool
3 - I Wanna Take You There
4 - R U Mine?
5 - I'll Be Your Thrill
6 - High Voltage When We Kiss
7 - Like Real People Do

8 - Nobody Does it Like You Do

4.4K 218 108
By thatkidbex

"What's the matter with you?" Liam questions Zayn as they clean up the mess from their study session.

Liam initially had a study date with his girlfriend but she'd called to cancel, something about some relatives visiting last minute. Zayn was quick to fill in considering Louis isn't the best study buddy.

The past few times Zayn had tried to get Louis to study with him the older lad persuaded him to watch the Indiana Jones marathon on the telly or participate in a made up game that always ends up with the two bickering at Louis' made up rules. It seems there's always more interesting things to be doing with Louis and Zayn's easily swayed by a cheeky smile.

"Nothing's the matter with me." Zayn murmurs as he passive aggressively shoves his notebook and folders into his rucksack.

There's a lull in conversation until Liam grabs the empty energy drink cans from the table and gets up to chuck them in the recycle bin in the kitchen.

Zayn's absentmindedly staring at a tattoo on his forearm when Liam returns and switches the television on.

"You met Luke then? Nice lad, eh?" Liam asks tentatively, kicking his legs up to rest on the edge of the coffee table.

Liam's not as keen about gossip like the others but even he's curious as to what Zayn's feeling. Zayn sure as hell doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeves like his mates do.

"You've met him?" Zayn clears his throat, his jaw tightening the slightest bit. The mere thought of everyone knowing but him is annoying.

"Yeah? A couple times." Liam answers with a small shrug.

Actually, Liam's met Luke quite a few times. The first time around he thought the young man was a boy Louis was tutoring but it's a nearly laughable thought that Louis could be serious enough to sit down and tutor someone. The older man just doesn't have the attention span for it.

"Can't fucking believe it." Zayn grinds his teeth in irritation.

"I'm sensing something happend." Liam tries his best to keep the teasing tone out of his voice.

Zayn's been broody all day. It's been on the tip of Liam's tongue to question him about what's gone on with he and Louis. The initial shock of the relationship between Zayn and Louis had worn off and Liam's always accepted it but it's a little strange to see the couple in action.

"The kid is practically in love with Louis. Have you not seen it?" Zayn spats.

Liam's eyebrows furrow. He knows the Louis and Zayn thing is still new but judging by the way Louis can't shut the fuck up about Zayn's dick should be an indicator that he's a total goner for the man. "It's probably just a schoolboy crush. B'sides we all know Louis' mad about you."

"You should've seen his face when Louis introduced us. Looked like someone told him Christmas was cancelled." Zayn grumbles fussing with his deflated quiff.

At that moment, Niall enters with Harry, the couple laughing as the blonde makes a silly face at Harry. For two genuinely good looking people, they tend to make the dumbest faces, Zayn shakes his head.

"How was the ramble? Looks decent outside." Liam inquires as the pair begin to shed their layers of clothes to hang them.

"Harry stepped on poo." Niall replies as he toes off his sneakers.

"Ah, so that's where the smell is coming from." Liam nods.

"Where's Louis?" Harry asks, pulling the beanie off his head, his curls plastered awkwardly enough that Niall snorts.

"He's at his mums'." Zayn answers.

"Okay, wait, tell it from the top now that they're here." Liam prods, lowering the volume on the television.

"Tell what?" Harry questions as he helps Niall out of his jacket and scarf until the blue eyed boy is standing before him in a soft gray cashmere jumper, his cheeks and nose pinked from the cold.

Niall had protested against wearing a beanie. Instead he insisted on squeezing inside Harry's coat behind him, his body invisible but his legs. Besides Harry looking like a hunchback and Niall constantly stepping on the back of his shoes it was all rather cozy with the blonde hugging his middle.

"About Louis' physiotherapist." Liam answers idly as he responds to a text message.

"What's" Niall asks shaking the few raindrops clinging to his hair.

"The guy that helps Louis feel better." Harry answers, cradling Niall's face in his hands and using his thumbs to wipe away any moisture on his chilled face.

"Did you know, Harry?" Zayn demands to know.

"Yeah, he's got that bum knee now so that bloke's taking care of it." Harry answers slowly, letting Niall pat down his hair where it's gone mad.

"Since when did everyone know?" Zayn growls, giving the innocent coffee table a kick that startles all three lads.

"Simmer down. The only one who knew everything is Liam." Harry assures as he pulls Niall to sit with him on the recliner across from Zayn and Liam.

"What does Niall know?" Zayn narrows his eyes suspiciously.

The sound of his name calls his attention. Niall hasn't been following the conversation but he's picked up pieces of it.

"You hang out with Louis the most so?" Zayn prompts eyes on Niall like a hawk.

"He hasn't even met Luke-" Liam tries but is cut off by Niall.

"Louis hurt his knee. I don't know who Lube is." Niall shrugs and yawns, relaxing under Harry's arm.

"Luke." Liam corrects.

"Where?" Niall asks, eyes widening.

"What?" Liam frowns.

"No he means Luke." Harry explains softly.

"Look where?" Niall questions, exasperated.

Zayn rolls his eyes. 'Luke' and 'look' do sound slightly similar if Zayn is being honest with himself but as irritated as he currently feels, he doesn't find Niall's clueless charm endearing as he normally would.

"I don't even know if he's joking or just fucking with us." Liam slumps back against the couch.

Harry scowls, curling Niall closer to him. "What's got your knickers in a twist?"

"Quiet down for a second. Can't even hear myself think." Zayn murmurs as he rubs his temples.

"We're never gonna hear what happend." Liam groans, his head lolling back against the couch cushion.

"I want a sandwich." Niall sighs dreamily.

"Love, we just ate." Harry pinches softly at Niall's side where he's got the tiniest bit of a love handle.

"I want a sandwich, love." Niall mimics Harry's tone.

"You bloody minx." Harry head butts him lightly and slowly gets up, his joints clicking loudly.

"How do you live with that?" Liam teases, shaking his head.

"That's not even the worst of it." Zayn mumbles.

Niall's definitely become hard to say 'no' to all the lads have noticed. Harry knows it isn't strange for him to give Niall special treatment but the rest of the boys do too whether they realize or not. Sometimes it's Niall getting the first cup of tea or his choice of what to watch on TV. It's not that Niall demands things his way, more like the others can't help themselves.

But honestly how could they with those big blue eyes? Harry can hardly blame them, he thinks as he chops up slices of tomato for Niall's sandwich.

"Come on with it. You've been stropping about the whole day." Liam grabs a pillow and underhandedly throws it at Zayn.

Zayn sighs and sinks into the couch. He doesn't really want to talk about it all. There's not much to tell. He met Luke and that's all there was to it besides the hard-to-miss fact that this guy fancies Louis. The least the young man could've done was not be so obvious about his infatuation.

The Bradford native scratched at the scruff beneath his chin and cleared his throat. "Alright so we're over the whole non speaking thing and Lou invites me to meet the kid."

"He's not a kid." Liam raises an eyebrow. It's clear as day that Zayn doesn't like the guy but Liam hadn't expected him to be so petty about it. Just like Louis would be, he muses.

"Still a teenager."

"Keep going."

"So-" Zayn launches into what happend as the Niall and Harry come back, snacks in hand.

For a second, Zayn wonders what it's like being in relationship like theirs. He doubts he could stand the way they smother each other. It can't be healthy but what does he even know about healthy relationships?

His last one ended abruptly and his current one hasn't exactly been smooth sailing.

This time around is different though. Not just because Louis' a guy but because Louis' his best friend. He doesn't need to feel that awkwardness or embarassment that comes in the beginning of a relationship. He already knows Louis.

There's some comfort in that.


"Stop making that face." Louis pleads with a grin on his face.

"I'm not making a face. This is just how my face is." Zayn murmurs looking away from Louis. Maybe he's sulking a little but Louis doesn't have to enjoy it as much as he currently is.

"Yeah, resting pout face."

Zayn bites back the smile that's tugging on the corners of his lips and watches Louis dig his keys from his pocket to open the door to his flat.

Once the door is opened, Zayn follows Louis inside. He's a bit disappointed to not find Liam about but it's also to be expected now that he's committed to a girl.

Louis glances at the time on his phone. Luke should be here any minute.

"How did it happen?" Zayn asks.

Louis is about to ask what means until Zayn nods towards his knee. A bit of a flush licks up Louis' cheeks. "It's on YouTube if you're that curious."

"How do you feel?"

"Smarts but could be worse."

Zayn clears his throat. "So does this guy touch you, like?"

"No. He places healing crystals on my knee and meditates. Of course he touches me." Louis grins cheekily.

Zayn huffs silently and settles himself down on the couch. He vaguely remembers what the lad had looked like. He saw him from a distance and maybe his anger blurred his vision but he remembers a young guy with gold hair and perhaps a flash of some kind of facial piercing.

"This protective boyfriend thing gets me so hot." Louis sighs, plopping down beside Zayn and throwing his legs over his lap, his arms around the younger man's neck.

"Why do you like to torture me?" Zayn frowns.

"Be in love with a straight man for two years and then talk to me about torture." Louis chuckles, fiddling with his fringe.

"Just say sorry."

"I'm sorry."

"We were best friends first. I dunno why you can't tell me about shit like this."

"About being in love with you?"

"No. About your stupid knee."

"Just thought it was stupid."

"Car accident, now footie accident. You're just accident prone. Should cover you in bubble wrap."

"Then you couldn't see my best parts."

"No one could."

Louis isn't lying when he says he's turned on by Zayn's possessiveness. After a long time of pining after Zayn, it's like a dream come true. He doesn't resist the urge to kiss him for a second because Zayn's his boyfriend that's his right.

Their lips are too dry for a kiss that turns aggressive. Louis feels when Zayn tries to take over the kiss but Louis' not one to follow but he lets Zayn slip his tongue in his mouth, sucks on it before they part.

"You are absolutely filthy." Zayn breathes.

"Is that a complaint?" Louis' eyes narrow, his gaze on Zayn's glistening mouth. Perhaps it's gross, but that's his saliva on his boyfriend's mouth and it sends a thrill down his spine.

"An observation." Zayn corrects.

"As if you didn't know." Louis rolls his eyes.

The older boy shifts so he's back against the pillows, his legs still on the younger man's lap.

"Not easy being mad at you." Zayn tells him as he fingers slide along Louis' tan ankle.

"Mm, 'course not. You missed my charm and sense of humor."

"The morning blow jobs and how you can't even make popcorn without burning it."

"You burn two bags of popcorn and suddenly you're a criminal!"

Zayn is suddenly on top of Louis in a move that's so quick and graceful that Louis' pants have tightened in record time. "Five but who's counting?" Zayn says, gold eyes amused and taunting.

"Prat." Louis gulps.

Before things can get too heavy there's a simple knock on the door.

Zayn's heart picks up in rhythm now that he's finally going to meet this person who's been spending time with Louis. He gets this flashing image in his mind of getting into full fledged fisticuffs with a stranger. It's probably not likely to happen but Zayn can dream.

"Be nice." Louis smirks as pushes Zayn off and straightens his jumper.

"Don't try to make me jealous." Zayn counters slapping Louis on the bum as he gets up, earning a glare from the older man.

Zayn watches Louis amble to the door and open it just a little so whoever is on the other side can't see past Louis but Zayn hears him before he sees him.

"Hi, Louis. How are you? I know I came off sort of strong last week so these are to say I'm sorry." Zayn hears from the doorway.

Flowers. He bought Louis flowers, much like the ones Zayn bought but never got a chance to give Louis on Valentine's Day. Zayn's had been roses but these were beautiful lilies, white with pink and purple splotches. Since when was Louis a flowers kind of guys anyway?

"It's water under the bridge. Come on, my boyfriend Zayn can't wait to meet you." Louis guides the stranger inside the flat.

"So there really is a Zayn?"

"Probably sounded to good to be true I reckon." Louis laughs.

And there he is.

He's more handsome than Zayn would like to admit. He's also infuriatingly a head taller than him. The kid has got a punk rock look to him in a band tee and jeans that look like he's pulled them from Harry's closet.

The thing is, Zayn expected a younger looking kid but this guy with light stubble and golden brown hair that can't decide if it's brown or blonde appears to be a grown man. He's got colored eyes too to boot. Dark blue like Louis' but nowhere near as intense in Zayn's opinion.

At least he wasn't mistaken about the facial piercing. Who gets lip rings anymore anyway? Louis probably thinks it's tacky.

There's this tense moment when Louis is standing between them and Luke doesn't look like the kind of guy who'd put up a fight if Zayn started something.

"I'm Luke." The guys speaks first and Zayn notices he's smart enough not to reach for a handshake. "I always thought Louis was just trying to let me down gently but you really do exist."

He's fucking Australian.

Zayn swallows down the sheer annoyance and even manages to give a little smile.

"I exist. I'm Zayn." Zayn says lowly through his teeth but it comes out more like, "I exist, 'm Zen."

It's quiet for a moment and Luke looks to Louis who is raptly watching Zayn. The raven haired man widens his eyes at Louis who snaps out of his stupor.

"Zayn, be a darling and feed my chicken." Louis asks sweetly.

Zayn had almost forgotten about Louis' imprinting project. Zayn had held the chick for less than a minute when it had decided to wee in the palm of his hand.

"Oh, how is Pat?" Luke asks with a small smile.

"She's lovely. Taken quite a shining to me. Thinks I'm her proper mum and even chirps conversations to me. That is what I like to think." Louis answers animatedly as he sets down the flowers and plops back down on the couch.

"You've been doing well I see. Walking a lot I hope?" Luke kneels down on the floor next to Louis.

"Yeah it twinges a bit-"

Zayn forces himself not to listen as they talk about a few exercises they've been doing. He doesn't want to listen to Louis joke around with some other guy who's infuriatingly good looking.

In Louis' bedroom, right atop his drawers, he has his chick's pen set up with its lamp. He can hear the murmured conversation in the living room as he picks up the chicken feed in a sack against the wall.

He clicks on the lamp above the chick's pen and he has to smile when the little creature chirps wildly as it scampers to the farthest corner away from Zayn.

"Dinnertime." Zayn sings lowly sprinkling some feed like he's seen Louis do.

What a way to be spending his weekend, Zayn sulks watching the infant chicken peck at the scattered seeds.


Zayn hastily puts down the chicken seed and rushes to the living room at the sound.

Louis' sitting on the couch, Luke knelt down in front of him with his hands on Louis' leg. Of all the days for Louis to wear shorts, he chooses today. The skin on skin contact makes Zayn itch everywhere.

"Don't be a baby." Luke teases Louis.

"Maybe you're hurting him."

"Relax. Doesn't hurt." Louis replies offhandedly, waving Zayn off.

"Gonna go for a smoke." Zayn nods to the tiny balcony.

Louis watches him as he steps out and pulls a smoke from his pack. Louis' never been a smoker. Sure he's lit up a few times but cigarettes have never been appealing. Leave it to Zayn to make something disgusting look utterly beautiful.

"He's not going to knock me out, is he?" Luke says cutting off Louis' train of thought.

Louis shrugs. "I don't think so." The older lad winces as the younger applies pressure to various points on his knee cap.

"He's a good looking how did-"

"How did a guy like that end up with a guy like me?" Louis raises his eyebrows. It's a valid question in his eyes.

"No! I think you could have anyone you wanted, Louis." Luke sits back to look at Louis seriously.

"Keep talking like that and Zayn'll give you a proper duffing up for sure." Louis laughs, a nervous edge to his chuckle.

"Have you been together long?" Luke continues, slowing bending Louis' leg.

"Nearly a month." Louis answers staring up at the ceiling. He catches a glimpse of Luke's smile. "Don't get any ideas, little boy."

"Says the littler boy." Luke grins.

"My size biceps beats your height advantage."

"I'm nothing if not determined."

"You're joking, right? Taking the piss?"

"Do you want me to be?"

"Thought you were."

"I-I don't mean to make you uncomfortable." Luke stands up, suddenly wanting distance from Louis.

"Then don't. I've got a hot headed boyfriend outside with jealousy issues." Louis jabs his thumb towards the balcony.

"You like him then?" Luke asks, a slight tilt to the head.

Louis' eyebrows shoot up. "I love him so much the thought of infidelity makes me vomit in my mouth a little."

Unexpectedly, Luke bursts out laughing. Louis isn't attracted per se, but it's quite a nice laugh. Just not as rewarding as when he makes Zayn laugh. There's a kind of sense of accomplishment when you get someone as closed off and initially introverted as Zayn to genuinely like you.

Apparently Zayn is done smoking and the sound of the sliding glass door announces his return.

"After this d'you want to do something?" Louis catches Zayn's hand as he walks along the couch, Zayn's rings cold to the touch.

Zayn answers by leaning over the side of the couch to press a kiss to Louis' temple.


"That's it? No punches were thrown or declarations of fighting for Louis' honor? No fisticuffs at dawn?" Liam chuckled.

Zayn's demonstrated his quiet temper before. Liam's never witnessed it but he's heard stories of what Zayn was like in secondary school. He's got a reputation.

"What? No. Pretty positive that Louis wouldn't do anything stupid." Zayn shakes his head.

"Have you gotten past blow jobs yet?" Harry asks, scrolling through his phone.

"Can't believe you'd ask that in front of Niall." Zayn chides.

"Because of his virgin ears? He's gotten farther than you have, mate." Harry smirks.

"Mate." Niall nods once in agreement from where he's cuddled against Harry's side.

"Liam have you gotten past blow jobs?" Niall asks sitting up on the recliner.

Zayn tries hold in his grin as he watches Liam splutter for an answer. Liam's no prude. He's just not as open about his sex life as the rest of the lads.

"I'm kidding." Niall smiles, settling back down.

"Look at that, taking the mick out of Liam now." Zayn grins widely, smile that's gorgeous but rare.

"Just watch. Gonna be a genius this one, a proper Einstein." Harry nuzzles his nose against Niall's cheek until the blonde is laughing loudly and pinching at Harry's dimpled cheek.

"I don't think Einstein ever played kinky sex games while wearing cat ears." Liam scoffs.

"What?" Harry piped.

"Nothing." Liam bit his lip.

"This Luke he fit?" Harry shifts his attention to Zayn as Niall pulls at his messy hair.

"No." Zayn answers.

"Not more fit than Zayn." Niall supplies.

"Thanks. I needed that." Zayn laughs chucking a pillow at Niall.

"I reckon it's a matter of opinion-" Harry teases.

"D'you hear anything about that job you applied for? The one with the radio bloke?" Zayn changes the subject entirely.

Harry shakes his head glumly, slumping back.

"I love you." Niall reminds him, his head tucked under Harry's chin.

"If only love payed the bills." Liam sighed dramatically.

"Then I'd never have to worry about them." Harry cuddles Niall closer.

Niall stifles a yawn.

"Time for a cat nap?"

"You don't have to nap because me." Niall straightens his legs, pointing the tips of his feet as he stretches.

"Where you go, I follow." Harry declares.

"Jeez, laying it on thick, Harry." Zayn mumbles.

"Sounded like Louis there for a second." Liam points out.

"Now you've lost it, Payno."

Harry lifts Niall up bridal style. He swears Niall's getting bigger, legs longer, baby fat on his cheeks slimming down. When did that happen? He can hardly recall the little cherub of kitten he was a few months back.

"Are you okay? Your face is sad a little." Niall asks when they reach their bedroom.

"Frustrated. I'm frustrated, kitten." Harry lies the blonde down on the unmade bed.

"The job thing?"

"It could've been so great for us." Harry says as he pulls off his thick sweater.

"How do you get a job?" Niall questions sitting in the middle of the bed, his legs criss-crossed.

"You pick a place that you think you could help and do well at. Then you apply and they decide if you're right for them." Harry explains as he takes his rings off and places them on the dresser.

"Any place?"


"Could I get one?"

"You wouldn't need to, lovely." Harry answers as he jumps into bed beside Niall.

Niall paused for a moment, long enough that Harry had thought the conversation was over as he began to make himself comfortable.

"You don't think I'm smart enough." Niall says from where he's still sat.

"Niall, how could you possibly say that? Of course I don't think that." Harry reaches out to place his hand on Niall's knee.

"Then why?"

"The honest truth, I get worried for you."

"I don't-"

"Wait, please. People are mean and unpredictable and you don't have experience with people. There's still so much you don't know about the world but it isn't your fault."

"But maybe that is why I should-"

"Kitten...angel, it's not something you have to do. People get jobs to earn money but between Zayn and me, we're doing fine."

Niall lies down to be eye level with Harry, a serious look on his young face.

"You say I don't have experience with people but you not want me to know anyone. You don't want me to get a job but you are mad because you not have the one you are wanting."

"One day you will, okay?" Harry tries to end the conversation.

"But not today."

"Soon. I swear. Come closer." Harry hauls Niall into his lap.

The blonde growls lowly in his throat, a sound reminiscent to an aggravated cat.

"Oy! Better not claw my face off."

Niall grunts but lets Harry cuddle him against his chest, his cheek pressed against the wing of one of the brunette's tattooed sparrows.

It doesn't take much else besides the steady combing of Harry's fingers through the blonde's hair to make Niall fall asleep. Harry can tell by the steady breaths when Niall slips into unconsciousness. He thinks Niall could sleep the day away just like he was a cat if he wanted to.

Harry isn't asleep for more than fifteen minutes when his phone begins buzzing on the nightstand.


"Can I speak to Harry Styles?" A female asks.


"Hi this is Gwen from Radio One. We'd like you to come in on the 28th in two weeks."

"Are you offering me a job?"

"The 28th, Mr. Styles. Do you have that down?"

"Yes. Yes I do. Thank you."

She rattles off instructions and leaves him with the phone number of the department he'll be in but it doesn't feel like a concrete thing yet.

When the call is over, he doesn't continue to contemplate it but falls back asleep with Niall mumbling and smiling, the evidence of happy dreams that makes Harry forget the phone call as he drifts off beside his favorite blonde.

A/N: Hello.

It's me.

Haha yeah I'm back. I'm gonna finish all my unfinished stories. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays! And I think that's all? I'll be updating soon I hope. I've also got something new on AO3 that's pretty sweet if you guys wanna check that out.

Stay golden. xx

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