Homestuck oneshots

By Winter455

22.2K 317 102

Story belongs to me, Homestuck belongs to Andrew Hussie, just some cute oneshots :3 I hope you like them! More

Gamzee Makara - movie night
Holiday update!
Sollux Captor
Karkat Vantas - Run
Tavros Nitram
Kanaya Maryam - Prom!?
Aradia Megido - Ghosts
Fefari peixes - Summer vacation
Terezi Pyrope - Dragons
Vriska Serket - Promises
Important please read!
Nepeta leijon - theivery
Equius Zahack - Robots
Rose Lalonde - cliché much?
Eridan Ampora - Falling
Dave strider - Music

Karkat vantas

4.9K 31 17
By Winter455

Today was a very special day for you. Now, you may be asking, why is today such a special day? Silly reader, you of all people should know. Why today, is your boyfriend, Karkat's birthday! (Or wriggling day if you will) actually, you were heading over to his hive right now! But that wasn't the only reason you were so exited. You were super exited because of what you got him!

Your flip flops slapped against the pavement as you made your way to his hive, a big smile plastered on your face. Stepping up the porch steps, you knocked on the door and waited for your matesprite to answer. The door swung open and there stood karkat, in his usual attire. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He questioned giving you a confused look. You giggled slightly and replied while stepping through the doorway, "you can't possibly have thought I would forget your birth - or wriggling day could you?" You laughed at his shocked expression and set your bag on the counter, and pulling it open. "Man karkat, what kind of matesprite/girlfriend would i be if I forgot your wriggling day!" You exclaimed, "and if I didn't get you and present either!" You smiled up and him as he looked away with and small, barely noticeable blush on his grey cheeks. "Jeez, (Y/N), why the heck would you..." he Began, but trailed off as you held out your hands, where inside of your neatly cupped hands, was a small hermit crab.

"(Y/N) what is this? Why would you...i...i..." he stuttered as he fought for words, and you giggled as you said "I thought it would make you happy for once you big grump!" You then smirked evilly and adding, "or should I say, little grump you little shorty!" Your grin widened when you saw his face contort in an angry expression, "(Y/N)! THAT IS NOT FUNNY! AND ANYWAYS, YOU'RE SHORTER THAN ME! (Y/N)! GET BACK HERE!" he yelled as he chased angrily after you, who took off, laughing the whole way.

After 7 minutes of being chased by an angry karkat you finally collapsed in surrender. Karkat flopped down onto the couch next to you and you both sat in comfortable silence when you remembered the hermit crab.

Your eyes widened as you jumped up frantically darting to the counter where you left the little guy. Not seeing him made panic rise inside you even more and you turned around to see karkat holding the little crab looking at him in awe. You smiled and walked over to your boyfriend/matesprite and wrapped your arms around his neck. He smiled down at you and wrapped his free arm around your waist, his other arm still holding the hermit crab.

"You know," you began quietly, " he really needs a name," looking up at karkat you finished," I propose we name him after you, so we can call him.....SIR NUBBY MCSHOUTS!" You laughed and began to run away as you heard Karkat's angry yells after you. And so marked the end of Karkat's wriggling day, but you were absolutely, 100% positive, that that was day neither of you were going to forget.

Thank you thank you thank you! For clicking on my story, I'm super happy to be writing these oneshots and will update as soon as possible. I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes, I try my best to fix any mistakes I make, and hope you have a wonderful day! (Or night kinda depends when your reading this) but thank you so much anyways

- Winter455

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