All In This Together (A Littl...

Par MixerDirectionerLuv

8.6K 204 29

Little Mix Has just won the Xfactor! And they are on their way to becoming the next hot girlband. They have a... Plus

Morning Sunshine
Just the way you are
I love you even more
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New Years Wish- Acceptance is the key to be truly free

All In This Together (A Little Mix One Direction Fanfic)

4K 45 9
Par MixerDirectionerLuv

Chapter 1 Let's Get Together

Perrie's P.O.V

7 am already? Ugh why did we always have to wake up so early? I repeatedly slapped my alarm clock trying to turn it off. The loud buzzing sound was freaking annoying me. After 3 minutes of trying i just gave up and let it ring.

"Procede with your stupid ringing alarm clock." "Pezzzz" Jade whined "Yeah Baba?" I groaned cuddling my pillow. "We won the xfactor last night right?" Holy Shit I had totally forgot last night we won the xfactor! "Yeah I think so..." I said still half asleep. "Wow that's good because I thought it was all a dreaaam." I laughed at how hungover she was, her mouth quivering and occasionally slurring words quietly. I smiled sweetly "Well it wasn't Baba." I walked over to he bedside and stroked her fuzzy dark curls. "I'm glad, I don't really remember anything from last night." I laughed "I can tell." I said smiling. I decided to tease her a little. I put on my most surprised face " So you dont remember the paint fight? Or when you made out with Justin timberlake? Or when you jumped on that cop?" Jade screamed alarmed "I really did all of that?!" she must of been really hung over because Justin timberlake wasn't even at the party. "I have to call Justin to apologize!!" she scrambled around the room searching for a phone. "Do you have his number?!" I laughed "I was joking with you Baba." "Perrie!!!" she yelled as she threw her pillow at me. "Ouch!" I yelled in between laughs. I actually don't remember a lot from the night before either. All I remember was a pretty good time. The party wasn't too hardcore, it was just some good old fun with old friends, and your sure as hell we deserved it, we worked our butts off in that competition! Me an Jade were still laughing when Leigh-Anne walked in wearing a pink onsie with grey uggs and a messy bun. "Hello Lovlies!" she said excitedly as she pulled us all into a group hug, her voice still horse and raspy from the day before. She put down a tray and handed us hot cocoa with tiny little marshmallows inside, so cute! A blue mug with white polka dots for jade. A green leopard print one for her. And a tie-dye one for me. We all bought them when we saw them at the cutest little shop in new York. We couldnt resist buying them for all four of us. "I had so much fun last night!" whispered Leigh-Anne, her voice obviously suffering. Jade and I laughed at her weak attempt to try to talk normal again, her voice was really gone! "It was definetly one of the best nights of my life." agreed Jade. "Yup." I said quietly. All that was left to hear was the soft chirping of birds and the sight of a warm sunrise. This was the first day of our fame, and it is completely nerve racking. "Well girls I'll go wake up Jessie and then We can get ready for the day." "Alright Let's Goooo." Jade stood up and ran out of the room with her fist extended screaming "SUPERMAAAN!" I laughed for the 10th time today, there's the jade I've come to know. My group is so perfect. I reached for my phone on my beside table. I had 7 messages and 2 missed calls. 2 of the messages were from my mom I read them, "Congratz Pez! I love you to the moon and back!! I'm going back to South Shields but will be bringing back the family to see you soon, just give me a date! Don't stay up to late now!! Luv Mum" "PS I have a little surprise for you ;)" I teared up at the sight of a text from my mum. She had been through so much with me and I truly miss her already. She made so many sacrafices for me and I only got to briefly see her yesterday, I can wait to visit back home. 1 message was from Kathrine my best friend congratulating my and telling me we have to meet up, one was from my brother congratulating me, another from my sister, one from Niall Louis Harry and Liam on Niall's phone, and one from Zayn. My heart fluttered at the thought of him, even though I had briefly saw him yesterday I still

Missed him. Even though the party was great yesterday I still wish I could have slipped away from the cameras and interviewers. All I really wanted was to spend time with him. I read the text quietly out loud it said " Congratz Babe! You guys were truly amazing out there! From week one I knew that you were the one for me, and a good singer at that! I love you soooo much and can't wait to meet up sometime, and that time may be closer than you think ;) luv ya lots babe. Mwah! xx" I smiled when I read that text and even teared up a little. He was such a great guy. I stood up and went to my closet to get dressed. I put on black legging with a purple crop top with the words "Young and Wild" written on it with purple sparkly uggs and a silver headband. I went down the stairs to see Jade eating a bowl of cereal and Leigh-Anne cooking bacon in the kitchen. Sitting next to Jade was Jesy. "Hello Pezzzz!!!" Jesy said happily. I pulled her into a hug and a tear fell down my cheek, for some reason I felt emotional, well because we won the freaking xfactor! " we did it!" she whispered. "I know!" I whispered back. I let go from her embrace and smiled. She sat back down and continued to pick at her fruit bowl. "La la la I like cereal, cereal is my loveeee." jade sang. She's so cute!" My phone rang and I picked it up "Hello?" I said "Hello Perrie, this is Simon Cowell" I literally almost peed my pants when I heard who it was. I jumped up and down and the rest of the group squealed. "it's Simon Cowell!" I mouthed to them. They all squealed and tried to listen. "hello Mr.Cowell!" I said. "Please Call me Simon?" he said joyfully. Wow I never knew he could be so nice. "Alright, Simon." I said satisfied. "so I'd first like to say Congratz on your big win last night." I decided to put him on speaker. "Thanks Simon!" everyone chimed. "well girls, since you had such a busy day yesterday I have decided to give you girls a day off." We all jumped around and celebrated. " really?! Thank you so much Simon! I replied. "Your very welcome girls, and girls I expect good things from you, you girls are going to shine!" I said bye and hung up and jumped around the room a girls day is exactly what we needed! This was going to be fun!

Jades P.O.V

I finished my bowl of cereal and went to the sink. A day off! YAAAY! I was so excited! "so girls what do you wanna do on our first day off as celebrities?" Leigh Anne yelled excitedly. We all thought quietly and all yelled "GIRLS DAY!" at the same time. We all squealed and jumped around. We are such Girly girls!! Perrie blasted Last Friday Night by Katy perry on the speakers and we danced all crazy. We might be famous but we are still total losers! I decided to post something on twitter. I took a picture of Perrie and leighanne having probably the worst Conga line in history and added a caption, "luv ma girlies, feeling amazing today! XxjadexX" I smiled at the picture and posted it. Emidietly people started congratulating us and trending the hash tag #congratzlittlemix I absolutely loved our fans. We continued dancing and acting crazy. I sat down and started eating nutella right from the package with a spoon. I absolutely loved this stuff, I know it's pretty unhealthy to eat it by itself but OH WHALE. I screamed out the lyrics to teenage dream while stuffing my face until I got a text from zayn. I opened it reading " hello jade! Me and the boys have a surprise..we have taken time off of our tour to see you guys!" I almost chocked on my nutella. I continued reading " and we are on our way there, please don't tell any of the girls, i knew I had to tell one and you seem responsible :) anyways, don't tell and I'll see you soon!" I managed to compose myself and looked over to the girls who were still acting insane. Jessie was break dancing with Leigh Anne while Perrie laughed her head off. Hatchi laid down comfortably on the couch seeming to enjoy this insanity. Their puppy is so cute! I replied to Zayn, "Will do! Can't wait! xx" I turrned off my phone and rushed up stairs to get dressed, and none of the girls seemed to notice since they started to play messy twister, oh god! I rushed to my closet and picked out a pair of blue sweat pants with bows on the sides, an orange bralet, and put my hair in a ponytail. I ran back downstairs to see the girls in a tangled mess of body parts, paint splattered all over, well EVERYWHERE. They laughed their heads off as they tried to untangle themselves. Boy were the boys going to get a pleasant surprise. I continued eating my nutella and playing with Hatchi until my phone vibrated. A text from Louis, "Hello Jadey! We are almost there and I know your excited to see my beautiful face! xx" I laughed and texted back "I can't deny it Loueh, can't wait! xx" I smiled and put my phone down. They would be here any minute. I thought about telling the girls, but I couldn't! It was a surprise! I decided to just leave them be and see what happened! Just then the doorbell rang and my heart fluttered, boy were they going to be surprised. Before Perrie could walk to the door I yelled " I'LL GET IT." and ran. "a little enthusiastic are we jade?" jesy laughed. I smiled and opened the door and there stood the boys. " hello there" said zayn. I shot a grin and Perrie started to walk towards me. "hey jade who is it--ZAYYYN!!" she yelled joyfully as she nearly tackled the poor guy. He picked her up and twirled her around. "Talk about sappy" Louis scoffed as he let himself in. " Guys?!" yelled Leigh-Anne as she greeted everyone. She basically Tackled Niall as well, they had a "special" relationship. Jesy hugged everyone and beamed her smile " This is such a pleasant surprise!" she said. " I'm so glad you guys are here!" said Leigh-Anne. "Jade? Did you know about this?!" asked Perrie as she cuddled up next to Zayn on the couch." "Errrmmm mabye?" I said quietly "JADE!!" Perrie tackled me to the ground, we always loved to play fight. Everyone laughed as we calmed down. Perrie put on her puppy dog face. "Why didn't you tell us?" I smiled "Its a little thing called a surprise!!" I laughed. We all sat and chatted with each other. "May I ask what the hell is on your clothes?" asked Niall as he gestured towards jesy Perrie and leighanne, I scoffed. "It's Paint!" Perrie said excitedly. "we were playing messy twister!" Leigh Anne said. "I'd love to join!" said Harry. We all laughed our heads off at the thought of all of us playing twister together. That would be madness. I went to the kitchen to grab a soda and sat down next to Harry. Everyone talked amongst themselves again and I smiled at him. He smiled back. I didn't know all of the boys all that well, Perrie knew them the best but they were such great guys and amazing friends! "Congratz on winning jade! Even we couldn't do that!" he said jokingly. "Yeah but look how successful you guys are now!" I laughed. " we'll it just goes to show how life is weird like that." "yeah" I said quietly. There was a small awkward silence and I stared at the ground. I looked over to zayn and Perrie who were snuggling and obviously catching up on all of their stories, they were such a cute couple. I then looked over to Leigh-Anne who was smiling sweetly at Niall while gently touching his knee while talking, she was such a flirt! I then looked over to Jesy, Liam, and Louis talking about something involving a 40 year old stripper, but I didn't want to get involved with their weirdness. I loved them all anyways :). Harry smiled at me once more. I kind of think I like him. He isn't ugly either. His piercing green eyes and his soft curly hair that I always want to touch, and of course his perfectly white smile...ok mabye I liked him a lot. "so how's the tour so far?" I said nervously as I pushed a strand of my hair out of my face. " Great actually" he said and we started to have a conversation, and this time it wasn't awkward. His smile made my heart melt all over again. He always looked down at the ground and I could tell he was blushing. This was definetly going to be a fun year.

Harry's P.O.V

She is so pretty. I love everything about her, her smile, her dark hair that she always likes to change, her petite body and her cute little face. She's absolutely perfect. I don't really know if she likes me but I definetly like her. I'm so glad we got to end our tour a day early to come and hang out with them for the rest of the year. They are such lovely girls. I continue talking to jade while I check my phone. I'm extremely nervous but I decide to let go all my nerves, she seems to fancy me too right? "so jade do I have your number?" I asked her. "I don't think so" she said. "Here I'll give it to you." She scooted closer to me and took my phone typing in the number and put herself in as Jade🐵 she's so cute. I entered my number onto her phone and put myself as Harry🐱 I always loved that little cat. "thanks!" she said joyfully. "your very welcome love." she blushed and looked down at the ground. "Alright guys!" Perrie said as she put her hands together. " would anyone care for a swim?" everyone cheered. "that sounds great!" said jesy. "great! All the girls will get changed and well meet you outside cool?" asked Perrie. " will do!" replied Liam. The boys all headed outside and all of us squealed. "I think I like Niall!" squealed Leigh. " OMG That's great!" said jesy. "and I'm pretty sure he likes me..idk since I broke up with Troy I've been feeling kind of down." Troy was this stuck up football player that Leigh used to "love" he was one big ass. "Leigh you need to get over him!" I pleaded. "Yeah he treated you like garbage!" agreed Perrie. "it's time to start again." agreed jesy. " I know i's just I don't know if I'm ready to date again." Leigh hesitated. " of course you are!" said Perrie confidently. "Niall is like perfect for you!" agreed jesy. " just take your time babe." I gently touched her shoulder. "thanks guys." she said and we all pulled into a hug. "I'm loving the girl power but are you guys coming out soon?" Louis said teasingly. "we will be right out!" I yelled to Louis as he went outside. "let's go get changed." said jesy. "hmmm which swimsuit should I wear?" I asked the girls. We all helped pick out the best ones for each other. We decided that jesy looked best in a red polka dot bikini with her hair out. She used to not be confident when wearing swimwear but now she looks absolutely amazing, she stands straighter now knowing that she has improved her weight, and man am I proud of her. Perrie decides on a black bikini with studs all over the sides, she looked absolutely edgy! Leigh Anne decided on a sexy green two piece with gold beads on the bottom peice and gold embellishments . And I decided on a simple light blue high waisted bikini with pink stripes that i got for my birthday. We all got towels and went outside. I glanced at Leigh Anne who strides over to Niall to chat with him in the hot tub. Perrie splashed around with zayn, she laughed as she climbed on top of his back trying I drown him, he shook out his wet hair that was now flat compared to his usually perfect quiff. Leigh Anne and Niall looked at each other lovingly. Even though they weren't dating yet I knew they would. They would make such a good couple. She seemed so confident and flirty and fierce, compared to me the awkward and weird one, I still hoped I had a chance with Harry. I walked over to Harry who was chilling in one corner of the pool. His toned torso barely touching the water, his tattoos standing out on his chest. I started to walk down the stairs into the pool. "hey Jade come on in! Don't be scared!" yelled Harry. "Nooo it's too cold!" I shrieked as the cold water barely touched my thighs. "Well then I'm going to have to pull you in love, I'm very lonely all the way over here!" "Harry NOOO!" I yelled as he picked me up over his shoulder and gently lowered me down into the freezing cold water. I screamed but after a while the water became a normal tempurature. "yay it's not cold anymore!" I laughed. " i told you." we laughed and then continued talking about our family lives and things we liked and hated, and turns out we have a lot in common. We both only have one sibling, we both love cats, and hate goat cheese which is pretty funny. All the time that I was talking to him I felt so comfortable. It wasn't like the first time when it was awkward, it just seemed to flow out so easily. Eventually the conversation became more serious. Somehow I ended up talking about my dad. "yeah my dad left us when I was really little." "oh..I'm sorry." Harry said quietly. Everyone else raced to the hot tub except for me and Harry. We continued to talk in the pool like we had been doing for hours. "why?" he asked. " I don't like to talk about it" I replied. My dad had abused me since age 10 and I didn't really like to talk about it, not even my mom knew. "Oh..I'm really sorry about asking you, I'm such a stupid guy." "No really its ok, I trust you." I said. " really?" he asked. " we'll of course, you're really nice and your not one to break promises...I can tell." I could hear all of the guys laughing in the hot tub from a distance but all I could really hear was Harry's short breaths that seemed calm and filled with lust. I got lost in his green eyes as he started to gravitate closer towards me his eyes starting to close as well as mine. It all went in slow motion. I was going to kiss him!!! MEEEP I was going for it!! Just when our lips almost touched I hear louis yell from the other side of the large backyard. "Hey guys can you stop making out and come be social." I jerked my head away from his lips and took a deep breath out. I smiled awkwardly and so did he. "well...guess we should go." I said. "yeah" he blushed. Dang..well mabye next time.

Leigh-Anne's P.O.V

"well at least that's how I think it happened." I end my story about me tripping over the tour bus stairs slipping my vanilla cooler all over my new guess top. " it was absolutely horrifying." Niall is already laughing really hard. I alway loved his laugh it's filled with so much energy and excitement. I laugh too since it was a horrifying moment at the time but is kind of funny now. "I remember that!" jesy exclaims as she lowers herself deeper into the water. Perrie and Zayn Laugh too. Zayns has his arms protectively around Perrie as Perrie has her back to zayn making zayn embrace her from behind. AWH sometimes I can't help myself there just so dang cute! Harry and Jade join us in the giant hot tub. "Did you have fun on your little date?" I ask. Jade blushes as she slides in next to me and Harry follows. "haha very funny!" replies jade. We all sit and relax taking in the beautiful night sky dotted with stars. "so how long are you guys here for?" asked Perrie as Zayn teasingly played with her hair. "For about the rest of the year." said Liam. I calculated the months in my head. " so that's about 6 months! That's plenty of time for us to get to know you!" I exclaimed. "I'd like that." Niall replied. I don't know if he meant towards the whole group or towards me but it made my heart flutter. He laughed at Louis funny jokes as he sneakily put his arm around my shoulder. I froze at the feel of his touch. Did this doesn't like me! Right? I decided to stop being such a scaredy cat and accept his gesture. I snuggled into his arms and he gently rubbed my back. I looked up to him and smiled, he was definetly a charmer.

Jades P.O.V

"And then I said WHATEVER DUDE!" jesy slurred as Louis and Liam laughed there heads off as they sat at the bar inside our house. We had all dried off and headed inside since it was getting a little chilly out, even though it was the middle of June, that's London for ya' absolutely unpredictable weather! Perrie, zayn,Niall, and Leigh Anne decided to play messy twister after all and it was a mess. Niall laughed obviously drunk as Leigh Anne tried to rub a goop of blue paint off of his torso. I laughed at how obvious she was, but they seemed to be getting along just fine. "would you like to go outside jade?" Harry asked in his best posh accent. " why of course sir Harry!" I replied "I don't mind the cold!" he laughed. "I'll bring a blanket anyways." We carefully opened the screen door sneaking back outside. "Leaving us again are we now? Tsk Tsk children." yelled louis as he opened his 4th beer today. "it's ok guys." yelled Niall from all the way on the other side of the room. " He's just JEALOUS." "Am NOT" yelled Louis. I chuckled and closed the screen door behind me as I joined Harry around the fire pit. I awkwardly stood on the log as he set up the fire. "that should do it." Harry said as he sat down next to me. I wrapped myself in my arms staring into the fire. I started to think about my family, and all the problems in my life. Harry glanced at me and scooted next to me. "come." he said comfortingly as he ushered me into the large white blanket he was in. I was immediately surrounded by the warmth of his body and the blanket. I tried to accept this kind gesture, but it was hard to accept anything anymore. I stared at the fire once again becoming mesmerized with its orange luminous flames and warmth. It was silent for a second and all could hear we're the crickets and glass smashing from inside and you were sure as hell I was not paying for what broke. Finally Harry spoke. " What are you thinking about jade." Silence filled the outdoors for a while. Finally I decided to tell him, nerves filled my body. "My dad" I said quietly. Harry's large, warm hands embraced mine. "You can tell me anything jade." Harry said softly as he looked into my eyes. He reached for my forehead and planted a soft kiss just there. EEEK!! I was blazing inside but the pain hurt more. " my dad..he used to throw things at me." I began " heavy things...pots, weights, chairs and my mom never knew any of it." "my mom always used to work late every day to support our family and since my brother was usually out doing bad things with his friends I was the one that got abused, my dad was on some crazy drugs back then.. And back then I didn't know..he probably loved me somewhere in his drugged up heart but for all I knew, he was a monster that I couldn't fight back to, he freaking ruined my life!" I started to sound like a madwoman as I recalled my memories. My voice sounded as if someone had stabbed me in the heart. "I was only a kid." I whispered as tears streamed down my cheeks and stained my face. "Come here love." he whispered as he pulled me in closer to him. His soft curls tickling my forehead as he lightly kissed my face. His comforting was really making me feel better. I cried for a good 20 minutes as he gently stroked my hair and hummed softly in my ear. I eventually recovered from my crying attack and he looked down at me. "I know you will never heal from this but I just want to let you know that I'm here for whatever you need, anything and I'll be there." "Thanks Harry." I smiled as he wiped a tear from my cheeck. "I knew I could trust you." we moved closer to each other and we finally kissed for real. His lips connected with mine and we moved in sync with each other. It wasn't a sloppy, seductive kiss it was more like a sweet, new beginning kiss. He caressed my cheeck as I stroked his hair. We finally pulled away and he ended our kiss with a tiny one on my nose I giggled at the feeling of it, it tickled. " there's the smile I love." he said while playfully poking my nose. We chuckled as Louis walked out obviously very very drunk. "HEEEYY GUUYS....Keep IT PG there are children round these hills." he slurred. He looked off into the distance. "No LASSIE DON'T GO ON THAT LAWN YOU'LL GET SHOT." he then fainted on the cold stone pool side. We both laughed And Harry lifted him up over his shoulder. "Looks like we have to clean up the bodies for the night." we went inside to find Leighanne and Niall cuddled up in each others arms on the sofa and Liam and jesy passed out on the floor. Harry carried Liam and Louis up to the guest bedroom upstairs. And I carried jesy up to her room. " Night Jess." i kissed her forehead and she stirred in her sleep putting on a slight smile. I went back down to find Harry had put all the passed out people to sleep. Perrie and Zayn were the only people other than us that weren't passed out. Perrie yawned and Zayn rubbed his eyes. "Guess you two should hit the hay." I said to Perrie. "yeah I guess." she said sleepily. "I'll take them up." Harry said as he guided a sober Perrie and zayn upstairs. I exhaled deeply and sat on the spare couch in the living room. I watched leigh and Niall sleep for a while until Harry came downstairs. "well everyone's knocked out." he whispered. "What would you like to do?" I thought for a moment then smiled "I am pretty tired too" I said as I checked the clock, 2 AM. " same." he whispered. Before I could process what was happening he picked me up bridal style and went up the mansion stairs. He gently laid me down in one of the beds of one of the guest rooms. He snuggled up next to me and embraced me in his warm arms. "Night Jade." he kissed my forehead. "Night Harry." I shut my eyes and as soon as I knew it I was in a dark, beautiful daze of sleep, with Harry's arms around me the entire night. And for the first time in 9 years, I felt safe.

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