I love you even more

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Leigh's P.O.V

"aww he's so cute." I say admiring my sister Sarah's new baby boy Toby. "he's adorable Sarah." I say to her while I caress the few strands of dark hair that rest on his tiny little baby head, and the way his eyelashes flutter from just waking up from his nap. His plump lips shaped into a smile. "so" sarah says flinging her coach bag over her shoulder and linking arms with her husband John, who is my brother in law. He's such a nice guy and I'm glad she found a guy that shes willing to settle down with. He's trustworthy and a great father. I really hope I can find that in Niall. "are you sure you can take care of toby tonight?" Sarah asks a strike of worry in her eyes. "don't worry about a thing." says niall smiling as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "we got it all under control, plus it's good practice for when we wanna start a family right Leigh?" Niall asks smiling a cheeky .smile. "course! I say laughing. "Alrighty then! Well be home by 10" Sarah says opening the front door waving to me and Niall. "take your time! Well be here!" I say waving to them. Niall shuts the door behind him and sits down on the couch.

"hey little guy!" Niall coos as he bounces little Toby up and down. His fingers resting soft and firm on his tiny torso. I watch as the baby giggles uncontrolably when Niall blows on his tiny little tummy.

He's so cute with kids!

I make airplane noises as I scoop puréed sweet potatoes into his perfect little mouth


JK! I wouldn't try this "food" for my life. I've heard it's repulsive

Niall sighs as we quietly watch Toby play with his blueberries . Flinging one at his forehead in the process.

"hey!" Niall says as I laugh.

"sneaky little lad." Niall says staring straight at Toby as he giggles and squashes another blueberry with his tiny hands

I walk out of the kitchen and sit on our couch and turn on the tv to see TMZ on the screen. I watch intently as they do a story on jade and Harry. I laugh as they show pictures of jade, claiming she has a baby bump. HA

Not in a million years.

I cuddle up with a pillow and change the Chanel to MTV to see wings is playing. It's currently number 2 in the US. And guess what's number one? BEST SONG EVER.

"Niall!!!" I call wondering where he is

No answer


I walk up the stairs to find him in the guest room. Toby crying his head off. "what's wrong?" i yell

"what does it look like?" Niall says anxiously cradling the screaming baby.

"what's wrong? He was fine before?"

"baby's cry Leigh" he scoffs as I playfully slap his arm.

"here let me have him." I say holding out my arms

Once he's in my arms Toby immediately calms down a bit sucking his thumb staring up at me. I chuckle and touch his flushed cheeks.

"I think he's tired." I say

"really? He took a nap earlier."

"baby's need sleep Niall." I laugh

"yeah yeah I'll take it from here Li." he says taking a drowsy Toby from my arms

The loss of contact upsets me

He's just so cute

"I'll be on the couch." I say


I lean against the door frame watching Niall rock Toby.

"Youll never love yourself just as much as I love you

And you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to

If I let you know I'm here for you

Mabye you'd love yourself like I love you.

I smile and go downstairs to watch tv

He's perfect.

Sorry that it's short! Hope you like it! More to come!!


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