New Years Wish- Acceptance is the key to be truly free

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We are all currently at Leigh and Niall's apartment, which is huge and has a perfect view of the london eye. I absolutely adore their aparment, its a bit similar to Zayn and Perries, with cream colored curtains and white furniture, but its also a bit different. It has a big chandlier in the dinning room, with a spiral staircase and a giant collage wall in the living room.

I swear there are about 10,000 pictures on that wall. Pictures from when Leigh was just a baby to pictures of niall when he was in primary school, it is absolutely mad, but wicked at the same time. Where she got those pictures? dont ask me. Niall even once proposed to have a giant mural of the irish flag painted in there bedroom, completely covering one of the walls, and of course Leigh immediately refused, but she agreed to have an obama statue on their porch!? 

Interesting people i tell you.

Anyways i look around the backyard stuffing some marshmallows in my mouth. Its currently 10:45 and leigh is sitting on the couch talking to liam. Niall and Louis are playing soccer outside, zayn perrie and jesy are sitting at the bar, and me and harry are in the pool. We were roasting marshmallows until everyone got distracted and went to there own corners. Why cant we do one thing as a group?

Harry is floating quietly, hes been like that for a whilel. Suddenly a sneaky thing pops up into my mind. I silently swim over to him, quickly dunking my head underwater and flipping him over. Harry screamed splashing water on me. "JADE, im gonna KILL YOU." he said while tickling me in the water, splashing me and leaving wet kisses on my neck. "HARRY." i scream in between short breathes of laughter. After hes done with his little game i swim away pretending to be upset. I sit on the pool steps smiling and giggling as he swims towards me taking a seat next to me.

"So jadey, any resolutions for 2014." i smile, loving his caring question. "Im not really sure yet." i say smiling. "Mine is to spend more time with you." he says sweetly. 


"Thats really sweet of you Haz, but you see me everyday!" i say laughing.

"i know but, as you know we go back on tour in april, and you go on tour with Demi in Feburary and im afraid we wont see each other as much."

i totally forgot about that. Were going back to work in Feburary.

"We will definetly make it work." i say dismissing the topic gently.

I take a deep breath finally saying, "You know, there is one resolution i was thinking about." i trail off.

"Yeah?" Harry asks moving his wet hair out of his face.

"I wanted to start loving myself more, you know? Loving life more." i say quietly trying to push aside the harsh memories still tattooed in my mind.

I decided a long time ago that i would not let those memories get to me anymore, and it is difficult.

There are times when there all i can think about, but there are also times when i feel that i dont need to be trapped anymore.

I immedietly vow to myself that i will not think about them at all this year, no matter how much they might try to ruin me, i will not let them control my life.

"That sounds awesome." Harry says pushing my wet hair out of my face, obviously not wanting to get into that topic today. He puts his hand on my thigh and gives me a long lingering kiss. He pulls away first and steps out of the water, drying himself off. He looks at me and sighs smiling giving me a kiss on the forehead. "If you need me ill be inside." he says walking off.

I love him so much.

I stay in the water a while more and eventually walk out. Happy about how i feel.

Happy about the new me.


Its currently 11:58 and im buzzing! Were all gathered around Leigh and Niall's Tv watching Nick Grimshaw announce the countdown. "Alright folks this is the moment weve all been waiting for-- a new year is fast approaching in less than a minute! Lets all start the countdown shall we?"

Jesy passes around cups of champagne to all of us. "Oh my gosh one minute!" Leigh screams as niall embraces her. Zayn scoots over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. Jade and Harry are drying off from the pool and hurry over to join the festivites. Liam and Jesy and Louis are standing side by side, sipping beer and laughing like they always do. 

heh the three musketeers 

this is perfect, this is my family.

" Lets start the countdown!! 10, 9, 8, 7."

"6,5,4!" we all scream

were all screaming and going crazy as we shout, "3,2,1!!!!!"

We all cheer and zayn smiles warmly, he gently cups my face and kisses me. Gentle but Passionate. Of course i was expecting it, but my stomach always does backfips.

I dont know if it was the fact that we just brung in a new year, the champagne, or the kiss, but overall i was in a pretty good mood.

I always loved new years, the fact that you get to start a fresh new year over and over sounds good to me, i always love a fresh start.

"Happy New Year Babe!" zayn says hugging me tightly. "Happy New Year!" i yell to everyone as i smile and hug everyone. It feels like the entire country is celebrating in hugs and kisses right now. I embrace everyone as if i havent seen them in years. 

Its weird because i had just saw them 60 seconds ago, but in 2013 

now its 2014 so it's like that whole moment was a thing of the past, i am seeing them in an entirely new era

a new chance to do something good, to be positive, spend time with the ones i love, and most importantly sing with my girls and please our fans.

I am so excited.

"So whos up for a bit of clubbing??" Liam asks jingling his car keys. "YAAAAS" Louis and Jesy yell as we all cheer, i run upstairs and change into a yellow party dress and black shoes, i slip on a cardigan and run to the car. Jade has a black dress and heels. Jesy is decked out in a red number and red pumps. Leigh Anne has a dark green dress with black pumps. We all pile into a cab and head over to Funky Buddah, Liams ultimate favorite club, and were obviously sure to make many stops after.

We all cheer and sing along to the songs on the radio.

How i love my friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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