True love

By racky2403

2K 129 30

A love story between two youtubers. Through their ups and downs one of them always ends up getting hurt but w... More

The beginning
The message
The internet love
Tyler is worried
Feeling towards someone else
Moving on
What happened
Christmas love
Another notice sorry

Christmas eve disaster

118 8 9
By racky2403

Sorry for not updating. But in this chapter it's Christmas Eve.
|Troye's POV |
I can't believe it. It's finally the day I get to go to America. I get to finally meet my boyfriend, joey❤️. I was sooo nervous, what if he hated the sight of me as soon as he saw me. Arghhh! Troye stop thinking like that. You guys have face timed before so he knows what you look like. I took a deep breath in and walked towards the plane. Climbing the steps knowing the next day I would be in the country which I have always wanted to go to, America!
The next day!
I opened my eyes to be greeted by the blinding morning light through the window which was just opened. Closing the window a bit, I realised that we were going to land now. I was meeting Joey at the airport. I hoped he was there for me. After that we were going to a YouTube party.
| At the airport|
I got through baggage checkout finally, into a bigger area. There were so many people holding signs with names on it. I looked to the sign with my name on it, finally noticing it at the very front. And there stood the man that I was in love with, Joey Graceffa. His beautiful brown hair and his sunglasses. When he saw me he engulfed me into a massive hug. He was so warm!
He pulled away slightly .
Joey: Hi Troye.
Troye: hi Joey.
Joey: You're finally in America , I've been waiting for you for so long.
Troye: Me too, I've been wanting to actually be here with you.
Redness flooded my cheeks as I said that. Joey led me to the car and started to drive. I heard my song come on, I started singing not caring that I was loud
Troye: without losing a piece of me how do I get to heaven
Without changing a part of me, how do I get to heaven.
I stopped for a quick breath, not noticing that Joey was looking at me at awe. I turned around to look at him, only to see him crying. I'm so confused why was he crying
Troye:Joey,Joey why are you crying?
Joey:that song is beautiful like you
I started blushing as soon as he said that.
The whole car was silence after that. I kept thinking was Joey saying the truth, did he really like me that much.
|at joeys house|
As soon as we got to the house, Joey immediately took my bags upstairs really quickly and ran back downstairs. How was he that fast and strong.
Suddenly I heard loads of barking noises, I slowly walked backwards only to hear the barking noise to get louder. Joey saw me back away, held out his hand. I took it, moved closer to his body. Joey started leading me to the living room, the barking got louder and louder,I slowly opened the door. Only to be greeted by two dogs, one puppy and the other was an adult. They were so cute but they were growling at me. Joey just laughed at that, and started petting the dogs and cuddling them. He patted a seat next to him on the floor, I walked over slowly hoping that I wouldn't get attacked. I would say in front of the puppy, he was Snow White and had two different coloured eyes he was so cute. I put my hand out to let storm sniff it. (The puppy is called storm and the other is wolf). He sniffed my hand and licked it tickled so much.
|After a few hours|
I had met the dogs, and I loved them. Joey had just put them to sleep so it was silent. I asked if we could watch Netflix and chill.( 😱😱😱😱) . We were watching she's the man , me and Joey were cuddled up together, his arm around my shoulder. I turn around to look at him, his twinkling green eyes turn away from the screen. His eyes lock with mine. We don't look away for a second.
Suddenly he brought his hand up to my cheek, not breaking eye contact, he started leaning in and so did I. The gap between was closed and he was suddenly on top on me. I felt sparks. He pulled away with a smile on his face. I can't believe Joey kissed me!!!!!!!!
Me and Joey continued watching the movie before we had to get ready to the party. We were both just wearing a t-shirt and jeans to the party so we quickly got ready and left.
As soon as we got to the party, the smell of alcohol filled the air. Drunk people everywhere just making out. Me and Joey made our way into the house which had a lot of drunk people dancing. Joey pulled me to a chair and asked if it was ok if he went and talked to some people alone. I really didn't want to be alone but I said sure instead. Some guy and his boyfriend come over to Joey and started talking. There was a guy with brownish hair who I think was called Shane. Next him was his boyfriend who had glasses and a familiar hair style and colour to Tyler. I walked a bit closer only to realise it was Tyler. Oh shit!
Joey and Shane walked off together to the kitchen I think. I trusted Joey he would never cheat on me. Tyler was stood there looking around to find someone who wasn't actually drunk, then his eyes locked with mine as he slowly started walking over.
Tyler:hi I'm Tyler and you are?
He didn't seem to recognise me Caus it was pretty dark in the room.
Troye:hi Tyler , I'm Troye. How are you?
|tylers Pov|
Did he just say his nam was Troye?!
Tyler: I'm fine, I've seen u on YouTube you're amazing. So you're dating Joey huh.
Troye: yeah I started dating him a while back I only just met him today.
Tyler: well he's a really nice person and I'm sure your relationship will last forever.
It killed me saying that, I still loved Troye I wanted him to be with me, so I could hear his sweet voice everyday, and see him everyday. He made my life complete.
We carried on talking for a few more hours. I finally knew him so much.
Tyler: maybe we should find our boyfriends
Troye: yeah they've been gone for so long.
Me and Troye started walking. We checked the whole of downstairs and all that were left were the upstairs bedrooms. Maybe they were just talking. I hope!
We opened a door but it was empty, so we opened the last and only door left, I opened it a bit just hearing noises I didn't want to hear. Then I opened it all the way only to see drunk Joey and Shane in bed together. I felt my eyes welling up with tears , I looked to my right to see Troye running down the stairs. I ran after him, into the abandoned woods, until he stopped running and fell to the ground crying. I ran up to him and started hugging him. How could they do this to us. We loved them so much.
That took sooooo long to write I know it's not gonna be published on Christmas Eve but we're still in Christmas spirit. There is very bad wifi as well so Yh

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