Utapri- A butler a day

By wingless_otaku

47.8K 1.5K 625

Starish and Quartet are the current rising stars in Shining agency. But~ to achieve even further, the boy ido... More

Butler training starts! (part 1)
Butler training starts! (part 2)
Idols in the hot springs
Day 1
Day 1 ~after story~
Day 2
Day 2 ~after story~
Day 3
Day 3 ~after story~
Day 4
Day 4 ~after story~
Day 5
Day 5 ~after story~
~before story~ (Special update)
Day 6
Day 6 ~after story~
Day 7
Day 7 ~after story~
Day 8
Day 8 ~after story~
Day 9
Day 9 ~after story~
Day 10
Day 10 ~after story~
Day 11
Day 12
Day 12 ~after story~
Day 13
Day 13 ~after story~
Day finale
Day finale ~after story~
Author's note

Day 11 ~after story~

547 24 6
By wingless_otaku

After work...
Cecil: IIIIYYAAAAAAAA(NOOOOOO)!!!! I can't believe that I did that to someone!!!

Ranmaru: Did what?! Could you please lower your voice?! *glares at Cecil*

Camus: *sighs* it's nothing worth to worry over a spilled milk.

Reiji: I heard that kouhai gave our precious customer a 'chu'~~

Ittoki: chu tte...EHHHHHH?!?!?!?!? Who did you kiss?!?!?! *frantic voice*

Tokiya: I bet it's (first name)-san. She's our very dear customer.

Natsuki: She's cute! She even said that my cookies are nice~~~~

Masato: She's pretty attentive and interested at whatever topics that we talked about.

Cecil: And she understands me more than anyone else...

Tokiya: So it really is her. *Cecil flinched*

Reiji: That kawaii girl has ties with each and every of us.

Ai: Why don't you sing for her to repay her kindness?

Everyone gasps in unison.

Natsuki: Ai-chan...Syo-chan, even Ren-chan!!

Ren: It has been decided that tomorrow's event will be featuring Quartet Night. So we won't be doing much tomorrow.

Ittoki: Eh....??? *disappointed*

Tokiya: We'll have our chance soon. *pats Ittoki*

Ranmaru: Don't mess with the best, juniors!! *smirks*

Reiji: Ahah! Ran-ran is acting cocky!!

Ranmaru: Am not!!!

Kei: Mou~ Stop it this instant! If only my precious imouto is here,she could have taken control over this...

Back in the hotel...

Syo:I'm definitely going to get a bath after this...*stretches his arms into the air as he breathes in*

Ittoki: I feel like playing trump.... Anyone up for one? *smiles brightly*

Natsuki: Me!!! *in his relaxed happy mode*

Reiji: Me too!! Ne~ Ai-ai, Ran-ran, Myu-chan...let's join them!

Ai: It's a drag plus I still have work to do...

Ranmaru: There's no way that I'm going to play that when there's food...*grumbles*

Camus: I won't play with insolent fools.

Reiji: *Sad anime tears sprang out from his eyes* bubububuuuu....that's so mean of you guys. How 'bout Toki? *batting his eyelashes like a girl*

Tokiya: *Stares at his senpai in disgust* I'll pass today.

Reiji: Ehhhhh....no fun. *pouts*

Masato: I'm up for one! *fire glinting in his eyes* Ren too!

Ren: No...I'll pass. I'm tired after today's work...*smiles weakly and walks away into his room*

Ittoki: Ren's acting weird...

Syo: I just don't get him...*sighs*

(Starish and Quartet Night gathered in Ittoki and the others' room)

<Ittoki, Natsuki, Reiji and Ranmaru were playing cards despite Ranmaru being relunctant at first>

Tokiya: Stop showing us that sour face...Ren. You are making us worry here... *sighs*

Ren: Can't help it when you guys were about to take away my little kitty. *shrugs*

Ai: Oh... you mean (first name)? According to my data, the both of you met before this and were friends...or was it more than that...a couple perhaps?

Ren: *slightly shocked* *returns to his cool and calm composure* Well, since you know it now, are you guys still willing to take her away? *smirks triumphantly*

Ai: Take her from you...? *suddenly turns red* It's about love again...*overheats**emits weird noises**Syo and Camus were alerted*

Ren: Ai....? *eyes widened*

Syo: *quickly ran towards Ai*

Camus: Don't leave your calls unattended, fool! *throws his slipper onto Syo*

Syo: It's not me!!!! My phone's dead right now.... Oy, Ai!

Ai: *returns to normal* What...?

Syo: *sighs in relieve*

Ren: *walks away*

Tokiya: I will be the first to get her before you, Ren.

Ren: Ho...that's so not like you, Icchi.

See you again~

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