He Plays Football

Od alysanatomy

628 25 14

Magnolia Bryant dives into a brand new year, where people begin to give her more attention. Not just anyone... Více

The Party In Which It Started
Sushi Is Not A Place, It's A Food
Snitches Get Stitches
I Wouldn't Be Caught Dead In Your Truck
Alone For The Weekend
I Do Not Get Up Early
No Telling Coach
I Wanted To See You
What Did I Do?
Your Brother Kissed Me

Designated Driver or Designated Mom

65 3 0
Od alysanatomy

"A party?" My mother asks.

I nod, pulling myself up to sit on the counter. "Yeah, Lucas invited, and I checked to make sure that Paisley is gonna go and she is."

"If Paisley's going, doesn't that mean Matthew is?" She asked skeptically.

"Yes, it probably means Matt's going, and if Matt's going I'm pretty sure the team is going to. I am trusting you with this, which means you better not tell dad."

My mom gave me a look, but nodded, meaning she'd let me go and not say a word. So now it was a matter of what I was going to wear to the game and to the party. I had called Paisley and Gemma, and we had a long talk on the phone about what to do. Paisley says the parties are casual dressing, that she'd just stay in her cheer uniform the whole time because there was no point to change.

Friday morning I went to school in leggings and a shirt that represents the school. The day went by fast and now we were back at the house, where my brothers were grabbing their bags to head to the game.

"Hunter," I said, walking into his room and sitting on the edge of his bed. He was running around his room collecting some things. "Can I wear your sophomore varsity hoodie? I don't really have a good jacket that has the colors and stuff on it."

Hunter grabbed the hoodie from his closet and threw it at me. "Do you want a jersey to put over it? You can always wear McHaven's," Hunter said shooting me a grin. I flipped him off and got up, walking in to my room. "If you want a ride be ready in five!" Hunter called after me.

I pulled on a pair of dark wash, boot cut jeans, threw on a Tracy Hitters t-shirt, and then my brothers hoodie over it. I pulled on my white converse and jogged downstairs to meet my brothers.

"No drinking at the party, strict rules, baby sister." Dierks stated while he ruffled my hair. We jumped into Hunter's car and again they went on about how it isn't a good idea for me to go, that they were worried I'd get caught up with a boy or drink too much. I reassured them neither of those things were going to happen.

When we got off the car, I kissed my brothers on the cheek, wished them good luck, and of course they told me to be careful. Although my brothers are extreme pains in my ass, they could be wonderful at times too, and I was at least glad they cared enough to worry.

I walked into my game, paid my six dollars for a ticket, and went to the stands to meet my friends.

"Maggie G!" Gemma called, laughing as she did.

Gemma was surrounded by some of our other friends, and their boyfriends. I walked over to her, glancing up at all of them. I was gonna open my mouth to say hey, but then they started the Star Spangled Banner and that's when I turned to listen. I waited until it was over to speak, sighing as I allowed a smile to appear on my lips.

"Hey, G," I said, pulling myself up under the bar to sit with them.

"You excited to see your brothers play?" She asked, but before I could answer she kept talking. "Shocked to hear you're going to the party tonight? Is everything all right?" She asked again, jokingly.

"I know it's not really my scene, but it wouldn't hurt to shake things up, right?" I say, turning my head and cheering loudly with the crowd as the team asked out. Lucas was leading them out, and when he raised the hand he was carrying his helmet in, the crowd erupted into yells again.

The game was great, we ended up winning. Both my brothers scored their own touchdowns too. Everyone was high on adrenaline when we arrived at the party. I didn't change, no one did, obviously. The boys were the only ones who changed, their hair wet from either sweat or the showers they took in the locker room.

"Here's to us!" Matt yelled as he popped the top of a beer, raising it in the air. Everyone at Ryan's house cheered, and then went back to doing their own thing again.

"Magnolia!" Paisley called, a red cup in her hand. "Oh Mags, you're actually here! Can I get you something to drink? I recommend Coors Light if you want a beer, but make sure the mountains are blue." She winked, then giggled, and I sensed she already had a buzz. Is that even the right way to say it?

I bit my lip, I was gonna say no. Paisley didn't pressure me into drinking, no one was, but I just felt like it was my time. I've been so good about it, but I mean everyone needs to have a little fun. So I took the beer out of Paisley's hand, took a long sip, and handed it back to her. It was bad, but I wasn't gonna let anyone know that.

"Where can I get me one of those?" I asked, spinning around where I assumed.

"Coolers are out by the pool," Paisley pointed before turning to go talk to her cheer friends.

I walked out back, reaching in to grab a beer. I checked the mountains, y'know just to make sure, and then I popped the top. I took another long sip. The taste wasn't awful, but it wasn't good either. It just seems like one of those things you got to get use to if you wanna enjoy it. I wasn't about to go off and try hard liquor, that's going to take even longer to start enjoying.

"Maggie?" Lucas' voice ask questionably as he came face to face to me. "Are you drinking?" He looked over me, which wasn't hard because he was much taller, and I knew he was looking for my brother.

"Yes, I am. It doesn't mean you need to call Hunter over here either." I said sort of harshly. As much as Lucas tried, he could never be mean to me. He liked me to much - as a little sister or whatever.

"Mags, y'sure this is a good idea? I mean if you wanna start drinking, hey, that's totally up to you, but a place like this?" Lucas eyed me, then began to relax. I think he realized he was acting a little too brotherly. "All I'm saying is this may be a little too big of a scene for you to get drunk, that's all."

"I don't need your permission," I snapped. I glanced around, catching gaze of Gemma who had her arms crossed as she followed and not-so-sober Paisley around. "So if you would excuse me."

Lucas took ahold of my arm, lightly so he wouldn't hurt me, but it still made me mad. "Off, McHaven. I have people to attend to." I said, shaking him off and running after Paisley.

Okay, I didn't really want anymore to drink, and Gemma agreed it was probably best for me to listen to Lucas. I just didn't want him to know I agreed with him. So I gave Paisley my beer, and was a chaperone with Gemma as we followed her around to make sure she was acting appropriately.

Paisley found fun in teasing the JV football team, reminding them she was a varsity cheerleader and how she was out of their league. They knew she was.

"Bathroom," Paisley slurred as she ran inside.

"We'll be out here, honey!" I called sort of motherly.

Gemma and I decided to go over and get a water, the beer I had was giving me a slight headache. I guess people would call me a lightweight, although I don't really know the full meaning it sounds right.

We sipped on waters before remembering about Paisley, we both laughed and walked back to where we said we'd meet her. That's when Matt came over.

"Bryant, Meeks," he said to us. "Funny seeing you here. Take me to those cheerleaders you were with earlier?" He asked.

"Just going to your sister," Gemma said. He still followed us.

I walked a bit ahead while Gemma tried to make small talk, to be polite. My eyes widened as I saw a drunk Paisley smash her lips into Lucas'.

"Shit," I muttered as I turned around. I was a little to late on my plan to immediately try and distract Matt.

His jaw was clenched as he approached them, he pulled back Paisley. He clenched his fists before throwing a punch in Lucas's face, then another, then another, and that's when Hunter finally came over to peel him off.

"Matthew!" I screamed as I pushed him back as he tried to break from Hunter. He was afraid of hurting me, possibly running me down to fight the other boy, so he stopped, and then Dierks came over to help.

Lucas was on the ground, sitting up as he touched his hand to his eye. "Magnolia," he mumbled. "Magnolia, I didn't kiss her back. I didn't she came on to me, Mags," Lucas began, his voice weak.

I hushed him, biting my lip hard when I see the blood coming from left side of his face. I put together that Matt was wearing his ring each player got for winning state. I turned my head to look at Matt's hand, and sighed as I realized I was right. I stood up and reached for Lucas.

"C'mon, let's go into the kitchen," I said as he scrambled to his feet. When he was on the ground, I towered him and felt like a mother. When he stood up, I realized the height difference and how angry he looked. He wanted to approach Matt. I placed my hand on Lucas chest, and he looked down at me slightly confused. I whispered, "Don't make it worse."

Lucas followed me into the kitchen. "He's leaving with Magnolia now! He's gonna try and-" my brother had cut him off, telling him to shut the fuck up.

"Sit down," I said to Lucas as I pulled a chair into the center of Ryan Sanders kitchen.

"Maggie, I'm fine." Lucas muttered, but I could still hear the slight pain in his voice.

I shook my head, looking around in the drawers for bandaids. I came across a first aid kit, although there wasn't much left in it. This is what happens when you have kids on the football team, but it didn't make much sense saying Ryan never played anyways. I pulled the vodka out of the fridge, set it on the counter, and grabbed a roll of paper towels.

"You're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do with that, are you?" Lucas asked slightly worried.

"It doesn't look like you'll need stitches or anything," I said calmly as I poured a little vodka onto the paper towel, I made a movement to dab Lucas face, but he jumped up and out of the chair quickly.

"Wow," Lucas said. "Wow, no way, not happening. It's gonna hurt too much."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, dropping my hands to the side. "Quit being such a baby, McHaven."

"I am not a baby." Lucas crossed his arms and looked at me seriously.

"Then let me clean your damn cut!" I said, glancing out the window at Matt and Hunter yelling. Paisley was off crying to Gemma by the pool. "Sit down, please," I said calmly.

Lucas turned around and saw the commotion outside, looked at me and then nodded. "Yeah, okay, fine, but can you at least tell me when your going to do it."

I nodded, "On the count of three, okay? One..." I immediately pressed the towel to his head and he flinched, but clenched his jaw. I wiped the blood off, grabbed another alcohol soaked towel and did it again, dabbed it with a cleaner one, and then placed a bandaid over it. "Okay, all down. Now you can go and play."

Lucas laughed, and began to spoke sarcastically. "Thanks, mom."

We both walked out, and to make sure Lucas didn't stop and try to start something, I walked him to his truck.

"You sure you don't need someone to drive you home? You really haven't been drinking?" I asked.

"I wasn't the drunk one, Magnolia." Lucas assured me as he got into the truck. I followed him to the drivers side, and he started it up. He rolled down the window so he could still talk to me as he shut the door. "I promise you I didn't kiss her, I was gonna pull back but Matt beat me to it. You believe me, right?"

I nodded. It was like Paisley to do something like this unknowingly, I'd just have to clear it up with her and the team. So they don't come and pound Lucas' face even more.

"I believe you," I nodded. "Just go home, and lock your doors." I said with a smile. Lucas smiled back and I backed away from the truck to let him drive away.

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