His and His Only Queen **BOOK...

By RavenRedSoul

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***BOOK 2 OF HIS AND HIS ONLY SERIES*** "Who are you?" I seethed glaring into his auburn eyes. "I think you'... More

Prologue/Reveiw of the first book ending
Chapter One; Axel
Chapter Three; Worried
Chapter Four; His Hand
Chapter Five; Locked Away
Chapter Six; New Infomation
Chapter Seven; Tears
Chapter Eight; Can't Let Go
Chapter Nine; War Overnight
Chapter 10; His Marks
Chapter 11; Phoenix's Rebellion
Chapter 12; Taking back
Chapter 13; Jackson's Pack
Chapter 14; Mi Pàjaro
Chapter 15; Taruma
Chapter 16; Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter 17; Diagnosis
Chapter 18; Damage from the inside-out
Chapter 19; Forced
Chapter 20; Broken
Chapter 21; Lab Rat
Chapter 22; Reflection/End

Chapter Two; Queen

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By RavenRedSoul

I dug through his closets and dressers. However found nothing that could lead me towards his so called 'Plan'.

My eyes glanced back at the fur bed that I've been sleeping in for days..... It was his. Just the thought gave me shivers.

"You won't find anything." A deep voice said from behind me.

Please be Chester.

I turned my head to see Chester's brown hair and green eyes. "He says he had this plan but, I don't trust him. I need to find out about it." I told him.

"It's a deal in his eyes that he won't tell you about." Chester rubbed his temples.

"What deal?"

"This deal will seal your fate with him, he's ending the war for you."

I was lost for words, he wants to end the war for me? Why?

"Why in the world would he end a war for me?" I asked Chester.

"So you will agree to be his queen."

"Did you find your sister?" I wondered changing the subject.

He nodded. "I sent her off to our mother."

"What about you?"

"I'm not leaving you here. I only brought you here for my sister, now it's my time to find a way to get you back." He huffed.

"Your telling me, you weren't planing on leaving me here the whole time!" I yelled. "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Take it down a notch, they can't know I'm still here."

"Who is 'they'?"

"Axel and his soldiers." Chester said rolling his eyes. "If they find me........"

"Let's not think about that." I cut him off.

"As I was saying, you need somehow to find a way out to the garden. There I know a way back to Xidan."

I looked back at the dresser that I had ripped through. "We need to be fast, Axel might hurt my mate."

Chester grabbed my shoulder. "If I get caught...."

"No you won't." I interrupted him. "Please don't think like that."

"We have to talk about it, Phoenix." He huffed. "If he finds me just go to the garden and follow the moon. That will at least make you close to your pack."

I sighed and wrapped my arms tight around him. "Please just don't get found." I mumbled into his shirt.

"I'll try my best."

He backed away and smiled. "See you soon and find a way out or this plan won't work."

Chester glanced outside the bedroom door to make sure it was ok before running off and down the hall.

I closed the dresser and ambled outside to see the full moon.

It felt so close but, yet so far away.... Just like Xidan, sometimes I can faintly feel his rage within my chest.

A creek came from behind me. I peered behind me to see a dark figure approaching the bed.

"Mi Pàjaro, what are you doing outside?" He wondered.

I ignored him and turned back towards the garden, my ticket to freedom was just below me.


"Yes?" He wondered.

"What does Mi Pàjaro mean?" I asked.

"It means, my bird."

I turned around to see him standing behind me, leaning against the porch doorframe.

"I'm no one's bird." I scowled.

"You may believe what you want, Mi pàjaro." He huffed. "I'm going to bed, you may join me when you're done staring out at the garden."

I rolled my eyes. 

I'm not joining him with nothing, I'm not becoming Queen or sharing a bed with a man that I just met. What kind of girl does he take me for?

He disappeared from the doorway and I turned back towards the garden. Woods laid after the beautifully cut bushes.

I reached for the full moon that will lead me back to Xidan. My map to Xidan was the moon, never would I think that a moon could show me the way. It kinda sounds like a fantasy.

The wind had fallen to a cool breeze that only blew the thin strands of hair off of my face. It was a calm night that I would love to spend cuddled up by Xidan... with a fire ablaze next to us.

Tears warmed the corners of my eyes. That is my dream just to feel his arms encage me again.

I shook the tears out of my eyes but, I have to be strong before I can see him again. I need to end this queen thing before I get too sucked into it.

Just as I turn to go inside a green color caught my eyes, long thick vines curled up and down along the castle giving it an ancient look. The vines tied into each other making it look like a twisted devil face.

A grin crossed my lips, these vines were prefect.

I walked into the room and closed the door with a smile.

I won't be here for much longer.

"What are you smiling about?" He mumbled.

"The flowers are beautiful, the colors are breathtaking." I lied even though it was true.

"Why don't you go see them tomorrow, I'll accompany you."

"I thought you were going to end this war?" I said trying to get out of it.

"I have a few set backs." I could just see his grin in the dark. "I know he's here and I'm not about to let him run away with you."

I balled my fists at my sides but, remained composed.

"Who is he?" I wondered.

"Please don't act innocent and just come to bed." He huffed.

"I'm fine with the couch thank you very much." I said sourly.

"Alright goodnight." He huffed.

My mouth opened, I thought he'd put up more of a fight. In my gut I know I won this fight however with his last comment my win slid down to a lost.

The night flew by once I cuddled up with a blanket from the back of the couch. I missed the fur comforter and comfort of his bed but, I don't think I could sleep in that bed again knowing it's his.


My eyes fluttered open to be greeted by the sun floating into the room through the open porch doors.

Axel must of opened them..

Under my hand the familiar fur covered my fingers. I jumped up into a sitting position to realize I was back in his bed.

Axel was nowhere in site as I searched the bed for him. I was half expecting him to be laying next to me with a smug look however I was greeted with the surprise of an empty bed.

"I'm not sleeping here!" I hollered even though I knew he couldn't hear me. "I'd much rather go back to my pack and sleep on the floor with my mate than this horrid bed!"

I hopped out of his bed and took a visit to his still messy closet, done by the one and only me.

This time I looked for any clothes that I could fit into and noticed in the back a little section that I hadn't bothered with before.

I wandered to the end and saw skirts, jeans, tops, tank tops and really anything a girl could really need. He even had some sun dresses that seemed like some colors I would like.

How much does this guy actually know about me?

Quickly I took a pair of jeans and a normal tee.

If at all possible I will not be all dressed up around him, the last thing he needs is to see me in a dress.

After I threw my dirty clothes on top of his bed. I left the room to wander or rather to find Chester.

Maids eyes lingered on me as I passed but, I ignored them. Their opinions about me doesn't affect me even if it is gossip.

"You look lost." A voice snaked from behind me.

"I'm not lost just wandering...." Once I turned I saw Chester.

Then what Axel told me last night flashed within my eyes. He knows Chester is here.....

"Chester he knows about you... This plan.." I sighed.

"Will work." He cut me off. "Phoenix this is your chance to see Xidan and your pack again, don't let it slip between your fingers."

There is no hesitation to me leaving this place.... I will not let it slip between my fingers.

"Don't think about what could happen just focus on being with Xidan."

I nodded. "If this is my only chance then we need to get going...... By the way I've found a way to the garden."

A smile tugged at my lips however Chester's face had gone blank, his eyes drifted off to behind me.

Once I turned around, Axel's eyes pierced right through me. They were just as sharp as the holstered sword at his side.

"Am I intruding on something here?" He wondered dryly.

"Yes." I spat.

Chester grabbed my shoulder and pulled me roughly backward into his chest. His grip on my shoulder showed his anger towards Axel Bales but, I don't blame him. Axel kidnapped his sister just to blackmail him into getting me here.

"I'm leaving." I seethed. "I'm done being here, I'll end the war between Jackson's pack and mine, myself."

Axel stayed composed as his eyes washed over me. "That's not your choice to make and you've tried that before, didn't quite work out as planned."

I scowled at him but, kept my mouth shut.

Chester shifted me behind him, away from Axel's sites. "I'm not letting her take anymore hardships, she's here because of me and she'll be leaving here because of me."

"Didn't you say with your own words, 'no one could stop me from getting her'? Because I remember you clearly saying that to Mi Pàjaro's face." Axel grinned.

Chester tensed up as he leered at the man before him.

"You got her." Chester gritted out. "And now I'm taking her back."

"Chester don't make this hard for yourself." Axel sighed. "We've talked about this for years. She will be my queen without any questions."


Axel didn't move as Chester sprinted at him with rage. I made a move to follow Chester but, Axel had already stopped him with a hand to the neck.

"I will not fight you." Axel spat. "It's a waste of my time."

Chester didn't give up as he smacked his hand away from his neck.

"But, I will fight you." Chester seethed, pulling a fist back.

"Chester!" I yelled running at them.

In my gut I knew this wasn't going to end up good, Chester was clearly no match for Axel.

Axel dodged Chester's pathetic punch and shoved Chester away from him.

Chester flew past me to a nearby wall with a thud.

I froze up as Chester slumped down the wall with defeat.

"You just won't understand that an Alpha has twice the strength of a normal werewolf... Plus being the king of alphas puts me twice the strength of a normal alpha." Axel explained while ambling over to Chester.

The learning of Axel's strength sent shivers down my spine. He could easily hurt Xidan and knowing Xidan won't back down from a fight, Axel could kill him.

"Axel!" I all of a sudden yelled.

Once his eyes glanced back at me, I tensed up. I didn't know why I would yell his name...... I just don't want Chester to be hurt anymore.

"What, Mi pàjaro?" He huffed.

I balled my fists at my sides as I spoke. "I've got a new deal for you."

I marched over to him with a scowl.

"I'm intrigued, go on." Axel grinned.

Chester moved his head to look up at me with guilt.

My face softened towards him and I managed to muster up a reassuring smile.

He can't help he's weak but, I can help him and Xidan from having to face this horrid man.

"If you don't hurt my mate or anyone close to me......." My throat swelled up. "I'll become your queen."

A smirk tugged at Axel's lips. "Mi Pàjao has finally come to her senses."

His eyes drifted off of me to Chester.

"I'm giving you a second chance, Chester. However I want you out of this castle by tomorrow." Axel told him.

"Phoenix, say your final goodbye because after this. You better hope to never see him again or he will be killed." Axel muttered to me.

I huffed and looked down at Chester with defeat.

We both failed, I know I'm being weak but, if I can just keep knowing Xidan is out there in the world then I can rest easy.

"Phoenix...." Chester rasped.

I walked over to him and knelt down by his side.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, stifling a cry. "From day one I've been weak and to make up for that..... I make deals to help the ones around me."

"I kinda remind myself of my mother who made a deal with Xidan for my little brother." A tear slipped down my face as I pictured my family.

"I never would of thought I'd end up here...." My voice wavered.

Chester reached up and touched my face.

"But, that's what makes you strong. You sacrifice yourself for others, you're strong in your own way." He smiled.

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. "Thanks Chester."

I brushed my hand along his face. "Tell Xidan I'm sorry but, I'm doing this for him."

He nodded. "I will."

I stood up and turned away from Chester to meet eyes with Axel. He loomed over me with a smirk.

"Never thought you'd realize, that you are meant to be my Queen."

I glared up at him. "I'm meant to be Xidan's mate and Luna, Jackson and you can't seem to understand that Xidan and I are meant to be together."

A muscle twitched in his cheek, he grabbed my forearm and pulled me closer to his chest.

"You are now only mine." He seethed. "Forget, Xidan and Jackson. They'll never truly understand you, they both don't know why you came here, why you stopped their fight, and when you stabbed Jackson in the side." His grip tightened on my arm as he spoke.

"And what makes you think you know why?" I snapped.

"All you care about is the people around you and what happens to them." He smiled. "That's why I chose you."

Axel leaned down and pulled my face up to his. "That's why your the only person who can be my Queen."

I stared directly into his auburn eyes as he closed the distance between us.

His lips were warm like the sun shining down on my face in the mid afternoon. However I couldn't enjoy it, no kiss was ever as sweet as Xidan's not even his brother could compare.

His hand snaked up my back and grabbed my hair.

I went to pull away but, his arms kept my lips to his.

"Not just yet, Mi Pàjaro." He grinned, twisting my hair in his hand. "You smell like Jackson?"

I tried to push him away but, I just managed to push his face farther from mine.

"Why is that?" He grinned. "Did Jackson mark you?"

A chuckle escaped from his firm lips. "Your mate allowed his brother to mark you. How pathetic, he couldn't even protect you with his own scent."

"Jackson attacked me out of the blue, there was no way Xidan could stop him." I snarled.

"If he already would of marked you, that little incident would never of happened."

Anger boiled in my stomach as I stared at his face. "Xidan wanted me to be ready, he didn't mark me because he wanted to ease me into the werewolf world."

Axel smiled. "Well, you seem to be head deep in problems but, let's create another one together."

He caressed my neck with lips brushing over Jackson's faded mark.

"Did you know, my mark can mask over anyone's?" I felt his smirk against my skin. "My mark can cover Jackson's and the best thing is, if anyone smells my mark on you they'll back away."

In my gut I didn't care who marked me, I just wanted to see Xidan however that's never going to happen again...

Tears slipped down my face and soaked into Axel's shirt.

"Mi Pàjaro, don't cry." He smiled. "The pain will end soon."

He extended his teeth and the same thing happened from before. My skin felt as if it was set ablaze, it felt as if knives had pierced through my skin.

I put my hand on his forehead and attempted to shove him off of me but, he still forced me to endure the pain of the mark again.

Goosebumps covered my body as colors started to form in my eyes.


I tried once again to shove him off but, I was too dizzy to focus.

Axel... I tried to say but, the darkness already hit me like a brick wall. My body slumped in his arms until he finally pulled away.

"Phoenix." He brushed his hand along my face. "You're mine now."

And that's all I remember until I finally let go and gave into the darkness surrounding me.

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