Cureless (h.s)

By doersandbelievers

3.4K 191 39

"The worst part of loving a girl who is cureless isn't dealing with the hospital visits and the medication, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 28

38 2 0
By doersandbelievers

Chapter 28:

"We didn't do this right, did we?" I ask, grimacing at the rather lumpy pie filling that we just spent about an hour working on. 

Caspar shakes his head, "I don't think we did."

We sit and stare at the bowl full of what is supposed to be homemade pumpkin filling for a pumpkin pie. We're filming a video for his channel and Caspar thought it would be a brilliant idea to make pumpkin pie because it's close to Thanksgiving even though we don't even celebrate the holiday here in Europe. I don't know, it was Caspar's idea, not mine. 

Caspar finally shrugs, "Oh well, let's just throw it in the oven now!" 

I laugh as he takes the frozen pie crust that he bought from the store and pours the filling into it. 

"Caspar!" I exclaim as he basically fills it to the brim, which is not what he's supposed to do if I'm sure. I frantically take the bowl out of his hands and set it to the side, creating a mess as I'm moving it. 

He starts laughing as well and I carefully set it in the oven and set the timer. I hope this works or else we just wasted a couple hours of our day. At least we're having fun and I'm not alone. 

Luckily, the boys come back in about two days and I can begin doing more things on my bucket list. I've been super bored without them here even though I've had loads of time spent with most of my Youtube friends. I also got together with Greg and his wife and Theo at his home which was just lovely. Theo is so adorable! I'm glad that I'm actually a part of his life now. 

"So what do we do now?" Caspar asks, glancing at his camera. 

I shrug, "Clean up? You might want to turn your camera off though so your battery doesn't run out." 

He nods and goes over to his camera to shut it off momentarily whilst I put away the ingredients we used. As I put away things, Caspar cleans off the counter with a damp cloth and puts the dirty utensils we used in the sink to wash. 

"So, when is your brother and all them coming back home from tour?" Caspar asks as I wash dishes and he dries them. We are quite the team if you ask me. 

I grin to myself at the thought of the boys coming back home and being able to see them for once, "In two days actually. I'm glad that they're going to be back soon because living alone in a flat meant for six people gets really lonely."

"Well at least they'll be back soon, yeah?" he assures me and I nod. 

Suddenly, the oven begins beeping and we both stop our work before taking our hopefully good pie out of the oven. Caspar turned on his camera again of course, and as soon as he did, I placed the pie on the counter. 

"It looks a little..." Caspar trails off, tilting his head to the side at the sight of it, "different?" 

I pout at the sight of our obviously failed pie. It's all cracked on the top and looks really dry unlike how a pumpkin pie is supposed to look I assume. I was actually sort of hopeful for this pie, but now I'm rather disappointed at it. 

"Should we try it?" I ask him in an unsure way. He grimaces, but nods. Ugh, I really don't want to eat this. It looks absolutely horrendous to be honest. 

I grab some plates and forks for the two of us even though I really don't want to because we might get food poisoning, and set them in front of us. Caspar then very hesitantly cuts out a piece for himself with his fork, struggling whilst doing so causing me to laugh. He laughs at me as well when I attempt to cut out a piece and put it on my plate. 

"Well, here it goes," I say and take a forkful. 

Caspar groans and grimaces, "Three,"

"Two," I continue.

"One," we say in unison and place the forkful in our mouths. 

Oh god. 

I immediately start gagging and go over to where the bin is, pick it up, and basically vomit into it. This is not pumpkin pie. I repeat, THIS IS NOT PUMPKIN PIE!!!!!!!!!!!

The bin in suddenly yanked from my grasp and I look up to see Caspar with his head buried in it. I shut my eyes and go back over to where I'm in the view of the camera. 

With the sounds of Caspar yakking in the background, I speak to the device, "Do not use this video if you want to make pumpkin pie. That was absolutely disgusting.

I grab two water bottles from the fridge and hand one to Caspar as he comes back with scowl on his face and is breathing heavily. He instantly is chugging the water and he sets the empty bottle down once he's finished. 

"Okay guys," he starts out in a quiet voice, "don't make pumpkin pie from this, please like this video if you enjoyed seeing us in pain, and subscribe because we can't bake. Go over to Emily's channel and subscribe and I love you guys and I'll see you all later," he waves weakly and I say goodbye too and he goes over to shut his camera off. 

"Why did we do that?" I ask him with a chuckle. 

"Because we're idiots," he says, laughing as well. 

I grimace once more at the sight of the pie sitting on the counter and then pick it up and throw it in the bin. I also take the bag out of the bin and tie it shut to put in the dumpster later because I won't be able to bear the smell until the next time I change the bag. I also light a candle just to be on the safe side. 

"Yeah, let's never do that ever again," Caspar tells me as he turns off the light I use and puts his camera away in its case. 



"We're back!" I hear the familiar voice of Niall from the entryway and immediately shut my laptop and rush to the door quite excitedly. 

I hug the first person I see which happens to be Liam because he's the closest to the hallway that goes to my room and that I ran out of. He lets out a little 'umph' from the impact of me wrapping my arms around him, but hugs me back tightly anyways. 

"Thank god you're back!" I giggle and move onto the next boy standing next to Liam, Niall. 

He chuckles, "We're you really that bored?" 

He pecks my cheek lightly and I sigh out of content, "Yes, I was in fact," then I move onto Zayn and give him a squeeze. 

"Damn, you've gotten strong," he teases me and pokes my side. 

I roll my eyes, "Bringing groceries inside with one arm really does give me quite the workout," I mutter and push his shoulder playfully. He smirks and I go over to Louis who just slipped his jacket off. 

"Good to see you, Em," he tells me, ruffling my hair up a bit. 

"You too," I tell him, ruffling up his hair as well which earns a whine and a pout from the twenty three year old in a two year old's body. 

Last is Harry which I may have saved for last on purpose to make him a bit jealous. He smirks at me and places his chin on the top of my head as we embrace. He's quite warm and that makes me melt into his arms. I've missed hugging someone like this. I love hugs, they're amazing. 

"I missed you," I mumble into his neck and place a soft kiss on his jawline. 

He hums, "I missed you more." 

I laugh lightly and go up on my tiptoes to give him a proper kiss. He instantly slouches over for me and gently holds my face in his hands. I run my fingers through his hair which does seem longer than it was two months ago. This goes on for quite a bit because... hey, you'd do the same thing if your boyfriend was gone for two months. 

"Oi! It's been five minutes, are you two finished yet?" Niall mocks from the kitchen. Harry and I finally stop even though neither of us wanted to obviously. We both grin and Harry winks at me before picking up his suitcases from the floor and bringing them to his room. I make my way into the kitchen to see Niall totally raiding the fridge and pantry and pulling out anything that appeals to him. 

"You need to go grocery shopping," he tells me as he shoves a handful of cereal into his mouth. I shake my head at him and take a banana from our bowl of fruit. 

"As a matter of fact, I just went two days ago so I think it's your turn." He groans as well as he can with a mouthful of cereal and I smile smugly. 

"Well it definitely won't be tomorrow because I seriously need to just sleep for twelve hours," he says and picks up his box of cereal, "g'night, Emmie," he tells me and then leaves the room. 

I sigh and check the clock on the oven; it's nearly midnight. I was editing a video of Caspar and I doing a different challenge but I started doing that at half past nine. Wow, with headphones on, time really does just fly by. 

I turn the light off in the kitchen and make sure all of the other lights are off and the telly is off too before going over to my room and shutting off my light because I plan on sleeping with Harry. Not like that, but I mean cuddling with him because he'll probably sleep for a really long time and I plan on doing that as well. 

I can see light underneath his door, so he's still awake and probably unpacking or something. I open his door slowly and see him on his bed, writing in his journal. He doesn't pause to look up at me, just continues to scribble down whatever is on his mind now I guess. His suitcases are lying open on the floor by his closet so I assume that he's going to be unpacking tomorrow. 

He's wearing some flannel pajama bottoms and a black shirt. He looks so cozy and cuddly that all I want to do right now is snuggle up next to him and play with his hair and stuff. 

I crawl into the opposite side of his bed where he isn't sitting and decide not to bother him until he's finished. After a few minutes of watching him in endearment, he stops writing and throws his journal and pen over onto his desk and then crawls under his duvet with me. 

He shuts his lamp off and sighs as he pulls me into his chest. 

"I love you," he whispers in a deep and croaky voice. 

I peck his cheek quickly, "I love you too." 


"Hello there whoever is watching this, and welcome to my morning! I've actually just woken up a few minutes ago and decided to make some breakfast for the boys who just got home last night," I say to my camera as I walk into the kitchen and glance inside the pantry for some ideas on what to make them, "I doubt that they'll be waking up in the next hour, so maybe I should wait a bit. I think I'll just get some ingredients out, take a shower, and then start on some french toast. So I'll talk to you in a bit, yeah?" I turn off my camera and grab out some stuff for french toast that the recipe that Tanya gave to me calls which is eggs, cinnamon, bread, nutmeg, and a few other bits. 

I then take a quick shower and throw on some black skinnies, an Adidas jumper, and some fuzzy slippers. I dry my hair too and style it the way I always do because it's way too short to do anything fancy with it. I decide on vlogging while I put my makeup on just to talk a bit. 

"So," I start as I put some foundation on, "I'm doing my makeup now and it's about eleven in the morning. Today I really wanted to go out and do some very early Christmas shopping with one of the boys. They might all just want to sleep today so I might be going alone."

I leave my room once I finish up my makeup and don't stop vlogging whilst doing so. 

"I have everything I need for french toast, so I think I'll be making that now and I'll just speed it up so you lot don't have to watch a half hour of me cooking because I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. Wish me luck!" cue intense cooking montage. Haha, I wish. 

Right in the middle of it, Liam walks in and grabs a plate and takes the first three pieces I had just made before smearing peanut butter on them and putting maple syrup on top as well. 

"Vlogging today?" he asks, grabbing a fork from the silverware drawer. 

I nod and glance towards my camera I positioned on top of a mason jar of some sort of herbs we have sitting on the counter. 

"I wish I could do that, but during tour we're always so busy and stuff. It's kind of nice to know that our fans are aware that we're not dying or something because you keep them updated," he says with a chuckle. 

I laugh at that as well, "I'm definitely putting that in the video," I tell him and he nods, giving me a thumbs up due to the food in his mouth right now and because he's not disgusting like Niall and talks with his mouth full. 

A few minutes later I've finished a double batch of french toast which is like a whole loaf of bread and Niall emerges from his room freshly showered with still damp hair. 

"G'morning Liam, Emmie bear," he comes over to me and pokes my side. We return his good morning and Niall piles food on his plate with a river of maple syrup adorning it. 

He doesn't notice the camera until he's about to shove a bite into his mouth. He nods to it and winks as he chews. I shake my head at him, but secretly am pumping my fist because I love giving my viewers stuff as golden as this because apparently everyone loves Niall. 

Before eating myself, I turn off my camera and make some mint tea. Louis, Zayn, and Harry join us in the next ten minutes. We all eat in silence except for the muttered 'good mornings' and the sound of silverware against plates. 

Suddenly, Niall picks up my camera and turns it on. I look at him out of curiosity until he begins speaking which just makes me shake my head at how weird he is. 

"G'morning Youtube people, it's Nialler here. Today is the first day off of tour for the lads and I and I just had a great nights sleep. Emily here made some french toast for us and it is amazing. I don't know what I'm gonna do today, but I hope I can fall back asleep again." 

"I think that's enough Nialler," I mock him as I take my camera from him. He starts cracking up as do the boys and I turn my camera off again. Today is going to be a day. 



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