When Feelings Take Over

By AugsAuthor

1.9K 36 8

' Have you ever been in a relationship where ... someone hurts you .. physically , mentally & emotionally . T... More

Lose Me .
Perfect Stranger .
First Night Together.
Link Up.

Thank You.

186 4 1
By AugsAuthor


Yn and I have been on the road for about forty five minutes now, we should arrive in South Central in approximately fifteen minutes. But there was an awkward silence between the both of us. The tension was coming from Yn's side of the vehicle, it felt like she was.....scared. But all I do know is that, it is definitely creeping me the fuck out. 

"Yn?" I said cautiously, as she slowly turned her head to acknowledge my calling."

"Yes?" She answered, her eyes coated in depression and disappointment.

"What made you move to Los Angeles? " I asked, trying to start a basic conversation. I wanted this get her mind off of whatever it was, that made her sad.

At least try to.

"It's a loooong story Chres." She laughed slightly, plastering a playful smile upon her face.

Get her to smile...Check.

"Well, I have tiiiiiime Yn." I chuckled, as I drug out my I's the same way she did.

"Well, it all started with my ex." She sighed, as she placed her head against the window, bracing herself for any emotions to overtake her. .

"I don't want to be nosey, but do you mind telling me what happened?" I questioned her, hoping she wouldn't mind telling me the story, so I could comfort her.

" He hurt me physically, mentally, and emotionally. I just had to leave." She cried, as the salty tears streamed down her face and onto her top lip. 

Damn, I never knew she was hurt like that. But, why her?

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I don't understand though. " I admitted, as I shook my head in disbelief.

She gave me a stern and confused look, as to why I said what I just said.

"You don't understand what? " She asked, still giving me the same look.

"How could anyone want to hurt you?" I asked, as I bear right to exit the highway.

"Well, he just took advantage of me....He took everything." She whined, as she wiped her tears with the tissues that she pulled out of her purse.

"Like what?" I asked, as I decreased the speed of my car realizing I was at a stoplight.

"My virginity, he made me get an...." She paused, then I realized she began to sob and cry all over again.

I decided to stop the car at a near by gas station to comfort her. This girl is seriously doing a number on my comforting skills.

"Look, please stop crying. He isn'tworth your tears, you should forgive and forget. That's the only way to move on in life, not crying." I said soothingly, as I rubbed my hand in a circular motion on her back.

"I just love him...He's too stupid to realize it, when it's sitting right infront of his face. " She cried, as she wiped her eyes and face for the second time today.

I placed my finger underneath her chin and rause her head slowly. Looking deep into her eyes, I seen it all. Pain, frustration, exhaustion and even...Lust?

"He doesn't deserve you." I assured her, placing a small amount of hair behind her ear.

"How do you know?" She sniffled, wiping her tears away.

"I was in the same position you were in. " I said, sighing deeply. Realizing my own state of distress.

"Tell me." She demanded, as she sat up in her seat, waiting for me to tell her my story.

"Well, it all started in eleventh grade." I began.


It was a cold and windy night in New York City. It was prom night and everybody had their dates. Chres was with his girlfriend Cierra, in the stretch limo were his friends Craig and Jacob. The two friends were also accompanied by two dazzling females, Jacob with Allison and Craig with Deona.

"That was too funny." I laughed, still shocked about the deliberate decision that my fellow friend Jake just made.

" I always knew Jacob had a little freak in him." Craig cheered, as he complimented Jake on his live 'eating out' session with Allison.

"I mean, sometimes you gotta get a lil' nasty." Jacob smirked, as he glanced at Allison. 

"Babe, c'mere." Allison pleaded, as she patted the firmly cushioned leather seat.

Jacob got up from his seat, walking over to the other side of the limo with his head down, to avoid hitting it on the roof of the car. He sat down next to Allison, who's face was still giving off the expression that she wanted more of Jacob.

"Wassup babe?" He smiled, as he placed his hand on her inner thigh. Clearly sending an erotic feeling through her body.

"I was wondering.." She trailed off, as she began feeling on his leg, moving upward everytime.

"Wondering what?" Jacob smirked, as he raised an eyebrow at the desire in her eyes.

"If we could go back to my house tonight?" She asked, biting down on her red lipstick coated lips.

"Isn't your mom going to be there?" He asked sheepishly, not wanting to get into any trouble with her parent.

"No, she's gone for the weekend." She smiled, as she brushed her fingers against his rock hard member.

"Yea, we can. What are we going to do?" He asked, playing the clueless role. He knew damn well what they were going to be doing.

"I want you." She whispered seductively in his ear, causing his member to stiffen to the point, where it began to pulsate in his boxers.

" Well, later tonight you can have me." He assured her, leaning closer to her lips. Signaling her to do the same.

Allison leaned in as well, when suddenly she felt his rose-like lips press onto hers. His hands roam her body until they home themselves onto the small of her back, as she climbs onto his lap and moans in his mouth from his breathe-taking touch. Just as they were getting in the moment, Chresanto interrupts them.

"Aye! Oh, was I interrupting?" Chres joked, as he gave them a look of satisfaction.

"Um, yea." Jacob said, his voice accumulated with irritation.

" Well, lets go. We're here." Chresanto smiled, getting out of the limo with his girlfriend. Leaving the two to get themselves situated.

Everybody enters into the school, when they enter the gymnasium and they everybody having a great time. But as time began to pass, Chres wasn't really into it. He hasn't danced with Cierra all night. She's been dancing with other guys, while Chres just sat on the sidelines and watched everybody enjoy the night. His boredom was then cut short when a random girl approached him.

"Hey, are you Cierra's date?" The girl asks, as she began stumbling over. Clearly showing that she was a little intoxicated.

"Yea, why?" He answered, wondering why she asked him such an obvious question.

"She's in the art room with some guy." She said, as she began leaning onto the table next to her for support.

"Thanks for telling me." Chres said, as he jumped up immediately. His only mission was to find Cierra and whoever she was with.

"Your welcome." She replied, as she stumbled onto the jam packed dance floor.

Chres makes his way down the halls of the school, when he fjnally reaches the art hall. In the hallway, you hear echoing of moaning and grunting. Chres knew it was Cierra and the more he realized it, the angrier he became. As he got closer to the room, the moans had gotten louder. When he reached the door, he seen something that would scar him for life. Cierra was in that room and she was having sex with another guy. But not juat any guy, it was Jacob.

"So this is where you were all night?" Chresanto asked, standing in the doorway with his arms folded across his chest.

"Chres! it's not what you think it is." Cierra panics, as she wrestled her clothes back on.

"So you weren't just having sex with my best friend." Chresanto asked, as he was acknowledging the fact that Jake was still in the room.

"I'm sorry Chres, I just...nevermind." Cierra sighed, realizing that there was nothing that she could say to change the way things were.

" Look man, I-" I cut him off immediately, not wanting to hear anything he had to say.

"Shut the fuck up Jacob! I dont give a fuck about what you have to say. Oh and you better believe that I'm telling Allison." I snarled, giving him a blood wrenching glare.

"Whatever you say man, it's not my fault your girl can't keep her legs shut. I'm out." Jacob growled, as he gives Chres a look he won't ever forget and then dismisses himself from the room.

Chresanto then turned his attention to a frightened Cierra. She was now fully dressed and she was seated on top of the desk.

"Wow, Cierra. I can't believe you." Chresanto sighed, as he ran his fingers through his nicely oiled and perfected curls.

"Chres...I'm sorry." She whined, trying to grasp onto his arm. He snatched away, denying her touch.

"No, I'm sorry...for loving you, for caring, for doing everything that I shouldn't have just to make you happy" Chresanto admitted, as the bottled up tears began to stream down his cheeks.

"Chres I-I...." She stuttered, as she was trying to find the correct words to say, but eventually she had no luck.

"Bye Cierra," Chresanto sighed, giving her one final peck on the lips and then leaving.

[End Of Flashback]


"Wow, I'm sorry that happened you." I said sincerely, as I rubbed his forearm gently.

"Me too...Well it looks like we're here." He smiled, pulling into his mother's black paved driveway.

"Is this where your mom lives?" I asked, not realizing that I asked a pretty obvious question.

Stupid me.

"Yea, c'mon. I want you to meet her, I know she'll love you to bits. " He smiled, as he unlocked the car doors.

"Okay." I cheesed, as I got out of the vehicle and made my way up the sidewalk with Chres. 

After what seemed like an endless sidewalk, Chres and I had finally reached the front door. He knocked softly, knowing that his mother would kill him if he dared to knock harder.

"Chres, I missed you." His mother smiled, embracing him tightly.

"Hey ma, what's going on?" Chres questioned, he must've heard her sniffling in his chest.

"He hit me several times and threatened your sister." She sobbed, wiping her tears quickly.

"Where is he? Did he drive over here or did one of his friends bring him?" Chresanto growled, as his fists balled up in rage.

"I don't know, but come in and introduce me to your beautiful friend that tagged along." His mother directed, as she flashed me a beautiful, pearly white smile.

"Okay." Chres obeys, as his fingers intertwined with mine, directing me inside of his mother's home. 

"Mom, this is Yn. Yn this is my mom Angie." He smiled, as he let my hand go, so I could hug her.

"Hi Ms.Angie, nice to meet you." I greeted, as I embraced tightly.

I like hugs too.

"Nice to meet you too, and please call me Ang. So, you were the friend my son was talking about?" She asked, as she poured us some cherry kool aid. 

"Yes ma'am, I didn't mind though. He's an extremely nice guy and a good comforter." I smiled, nudging him in the arm, causing him to smile.

"I know, I raised him well. Are you two hungry?" Ang asked, as she began roaming through her kitchen to find us something to eat. That is until Chresanto interrupted her.

"Mom, I was going to take Yn out to dinner. Y'know we didn't get to eat our food at Roscoe's because you had called me." He informed her, trying not to hurt her feelings, in the best way possible.

"Oh, that's fine. You're coming back right?" She asked, hoping he'd say yes.

"Yes ma'am. I won't leave you by yourself." Chresanto assured her, giving her a small peck on her cheek.

" Ok, well see y'all. Call me later Chres and nice meeting you Yn." She said, with a warm smile and another hug.

"Nice meeting you too Ang." I said, hugging her back, letting her know I enjoyed her company. 

" Bye Mom, love you. " Chresanto said, making his way to the front door.

"Love you too." She smiled, as she shut the door behind us.


We were now on the highway, listening to music and engaging in conversation. I figured we would be riding for a while, so I decided to ask Yn what she wanted to eat for dinner.

"So, what do you want to eat for dinner?" I asked, pressing my foot down on the brake pedal, deciding to decrease my speed.

"Well, I wanted to cook for you." She smirked, then blushing in the process.

Damn, she's sexy as fuck.

"Oh really? You know how to cook?" I asked, clearly showing the excitement on my face.

"Well, yea. I love soul food, it's my favorite type of food to cook." She smiled, picking at her nails for a moment.

"Really, me too. My grandma taught me how to cook a little bit, but I never really took must interest into it, until after I graduated. " I chuckled, also getting a giggle out of Yn.

"That's pretty interesting,  since a lot of men desire a woman that can cook." She paused, then began speaking again. "Lets stop at the market and get some food for tonight."

"Okay." I agreed, changing the station of the radio. 

"I still get what I asked for earlier right?" She smirked, placing her hand on top of mine.

"Of course, if you still want it. If that's the case, then I'll give you what you want." I replied, my voice a little deeper and masculine then usual.

"I do." She smiled, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Then you're gonna get it." I assured her, grasping her hand a little tighter, not wanting it to break away from mine.

"Thanks Chres." She smiled, which caught me off guard.

"For what?" I chuckled, having absolutely no idea what she was thanking me for.

"For everything, I met you yesterday and you make me feel special. You know how to make me feel better and you barely know me. You just....you give me this feeling that I can't explain. You mean a lot to me, you might think it's weird because we just met and all. But, if you ever need me I'm here." She expressed, with a single tear falling from her eye.

"Your welcome, you know all beautiful girls deserve wonderful things." I smiled, still keeping my eyes on the road. 

"Beautiful girls...deserve wonderful things like good guys." She winked, directing her statement towards me.

"Well, what would you say if I said, I found a wonderful girl?"  I asked curiously, as I watched her body shift.

"I would say...I found an amazing guy." She blushed, as our hands intertwined again.

"Agreed." I smiled, making a left turn at the stoplight.

" I'm hungry!" She joked, also scaring the shit out of me.

"Ok, lets go back to the house so we can eat." I suggested, totally forgetting about the market. 

"We still have to go get food from the store." She reminded me, causing me to make a U-turn at the light. 

"What do you have at the house already?" I asked, making a mental shopping list.

"I need black eyed peas, corn bread and macaroni." She informed me, as I put those things on my list. 

"How 'bout I drop you off at the house and then grab the groceries." I suggested, seeing her face light up like she had something in mind.

"That's cool, I have to get a few things together anyway. But, are you sure? "She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Why not? You're going to preparing a meal for me, I might as well buy the food." I chuckled, pulling into her driveway.

"Okay, I'll give you the money." She insisted, as she began looking through her wallet.

"I'll pay for it, it's all good." I smiled, as I winked at her.

"Okay." She said simply, thinking I didn't see her face blush.

I have that affect on her, I'm feeling a little cocky now.

"You're so beautiful, just to let you know." I winked, placing a hand on her thigh, recieving a whimper that leaked from her lips. 

"Thanks." She blushed, keeping her moans secured as I rubbed her inner thigh. 

Twenty minutes later, after dropping Yn off at her place, I went to the market. I grabbed everything that we needed for dinner and made my way to the checkout line. After I paid for the food, I was making my way to the car. I was putting the food in the trunk, when some random guy started yelling.

Who the fuck is he yelling at?

"Hey, stop!" He continued to yell, as he began running towards me.

This nigga got me fucked all the way up.

"Who the fuck are you?" I growled, getting into defense mode. 

This guy looks really familiar.

"It's me Chres, Marcellus." He panted, as he rested his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Oh shit! Marcellus, wassup man?" I smiled, dapping him up and adding a man hug.

"Nothin' just chillen, what you doing out here?" Marcellus asked, leaning against the trunk of my car.

" I moved from New York to help out my mom." I said simply, realizing that I had to call her before I got home.

" Oh ok, that's good. Have you hooked up with anybody yet?" he asked, nudging my arm. 

"Nope, but I did meet this girl." I smiled, just thinking about Yn.

"Who, tell me bruh!" He cheers, acting like a 5 year old who got a new barbie for christmas.

"Her name's YN, she's beyond beautiful." I said, meaning every word.

"Oh, that's cool. Look, I have to get back to my mom's crib before she start to catch a case. I'll see you around." He says, as we dap each other one last time.

As Marcellus leaves, I get back into the car and head over to Yn's place. He was acting a little strange, but he was strung out on the hard stuff.

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