Chasing The Sun Vol II: Citiz...

By Sahiba_KT

14.3K 389 49

Series: Part-2-of-the-Chasing_The_Sun-series » Pairings: Derek_Hale/Stiles_Stilinski Summary: 'The Sun is Shi... More

Chapter 1: Markers, Birds, Coffee & a Wish
Chapter 2: Of Laundry and Scolding's
Chapter 3: Warnings & Shopping Trips
Chapter 4: Domestic Wolves
Chapter 5:Cooking Interviews with a Pinch of Salt
Chapter 7: It Wasn't Always the Wolf's or Red Riding Hood's Fault
Chapter 8: Family Ties and Familiar Heartbeats
Chapter 9: Whispers in the Day
Chapter 10: An Unexpected Marriage Proposal
Chapter 11: Smoke & Mirrors
Chapter 12: Christmas Lights
Chapter 13:Stilinski Grúpa Ceoil
Chapter 14: Legacy
Chapter 15: Moving Forward & Saying Goodbye

Chapter 6: Remembering History with Frosting's and Fairy Lights

816 22 3
By Sahiba_KT

Stiles blinked at the sudden interruption standing in his doorway. And especially at what they were holding.

"What? Um..." he blinked probably looking every bit demented he actually was. Standing slowly he turned slightly.

Jackson bounded over and hugged him, effectively striking him mute. "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" he cheered jumping on the spot, and jostling Stiles.

Derek followed at a steady pace, "Here", he brought forward a plate of neatly decorated cupcakes arranged in a star.

"These? What...I-" he looked up at the born-wolf confused.

Jackson answered, "You're a little crazy. Okay--", he rolled his eyes when Derek snorted, "--A lot Crazy! But, we've always known that. And you take care of everybody, and don't really think about yourself. And we noticed you were making everyone their favorite cakes, but you forgot yours. So, Derek and I, are giving you these. Its not one of yours, because well those are still in the oven, and yeah..." he trailed off lifting the plate.

Stiles smiled softly at the two wolves, and then turned back to Collins who was watching them curiously.

"Sir, I'd like to introduce you to these two, Jax", he clapped the blonde on the shoulder, "He's planning on taking the exam as well, he's pre-law and will be deviating", he grinned, "He's also my brother", he ignored Jackson's gaping maw, "And is ridiculously smart. Oh, and this is Derek", he gestured to where the elder wolf stood, lips twitching with amusement, "Sourwolf extraordinairre, he's a, he's...uh...", he laughed, and turned to Derek, offering a one shoulder awkward shrug, "He's my Alpha", he acknowledged.

Derek's eyes flashed.

"Honestly kiddo", Collins grinned, "You talk a lot like your mom did. She always spoke in terms like Alpha, Beta, Omega. Made zero sense to me, but I'm glad she passed on her quirks to you. It means you have more than just her eyes", she smiled loudly.

"My mom?" Stiles sat back in the chair, "Why would she use those terms? Was she a sorority girl?" he asked carefully.

"Ha!!!" The Chief of LAPD, laughed hysterically again, "Gosh!!! No way in hell", she grinned disarmingly, "No, what I mean, is she used to call me her beta and Oh!!" she clapped her hands delightfully and laughed again, "-she used to say when she met John, he was her mate. Like actual wolves. How wolves mate for life and everything", she stated grinning at all three of them.

"By your expressions Jax and Derek, I imagine Stiles is the same. Loyalty; for wolves in his blood. Even in his name. Ah...Claudia, she sometimes said she was Alpha Human, and danced around a lot in strange ways, howled with laughter, growled when angry, whimpered when miserable. She had cramps every full-moon like clockwork. And trust me, she went batshit crazy those nights. I used to call her Werewolf Dia on those nights!!!" she smiled a bit lost in another memory, "If I recall correctly Stiles, it was a full moon, the night you were conceived", she picked up something and chuckled quietly, "John and her were married probably three months when she announced she wanted to have kids. Its like, she was calculating, when would be the perfect time, to conceive you", she whispered in mild amusement.

Collins turned the frame around and Stiles choked.

The frame held a picture of three people, laughing and smiling at the camera. It was similar to the one that sat on his mantle at home, next to the one of Melissa, mom and dad.

"I laughed a lot, after realizing, you were actually conceived, on the night of a Lunar Eclipse. A Blood Moon, no less. Must have been the first full moon night she was docile. Or so John told me in confusion... when I asked or well teased really... if she was an animal in bed? Man, I don't think I'd ever seen your dad blush before", she snickered evilly.

"How did you know it was a Blood Moon?" Derek asked curiously, leaning behind Stiles. 

His warm breath 'whooshed' on the shell of his ear. Stiles fought down a blush.

"Claudia was late on the next full moon, she shrieked, for ten minutes straight, before explaining she was pregnant!!!" Collins giggled softly.

"I lost touch with her after her fifth full moon, carrying you", Collins smile was soft and old, but still sincere, "But she would send ultrasounds", she pulled something from out of the frame and showed it to him, "This was the first and only photographs of you I'd ever had", she wiped her nose, as a tear slid down her cheek.

"I never...wait- is your name Sisley?" Stiles asked blinking owlishly at her, "That's why I didn't recognize you", he flailed at the photo, "You have shorter hair!!!" he pointed out.

"Ah yes, I had to cut it after an accident. My little girls were responsible for sleeping with chewing gum in their mouth", she huffed tucking her short hair behind an ear.

"You were her Best friend, sisters, betas. I always assumed that meant she went to college and was a Sorority girl", Stiles blinked more tears away, wiping the stray tears away, "She and dad moved here, a month before I was due", he whispered.

"Yes. And I am really, truly honored I had the gift of meeting you, Stiles. It feels a lot like you gave Claudia back to me. So, Thank you", she sobbed quietly, "As Claudia used to say. From my wolf pack Collins to yours Ailbhe MacTíre Stilinski-", she choked slightly on the words, she looked down,not noticing Derek's shock.

"-Be safe, stay safe, and always be happy!!!" she whispered and then smiled brightly at him, "I have to go now. Goodbye Stiles, and Good Luck, with your future, and if you're ever in the city, drop by Precinct 11, I would be happy to see you", she waved once and the screen blanked to his homepage.

Stiles didn't relax as Miss. Wood appeared, smiling at him genuinely. "Congratulations Mr. Stilinski", she wished and then rattled off a few details, as when to expect his results, the pamphlet of all Schools. She then bid him adieu, and blinked out of view.


Stiles turned and swiped some Chocolate frosting and licked it off his index finger, "So um...yeah, that happened", he said.

Before either Jax or he could do anything, Derek snorted and then laughed, actual honest to God doubled over and laughed, he crashed to his knees, belly laughing.

Jackson shot him a surprised-shocked look, but it wasn't like he knew what to do.

He'd didn't even know Derek knew how to laugh.

Stiles didn't know exactly what sort of reaction he was expecting from the older man, but it was definitely not this. Everything but this.

They watched shocked as Derek knelt there, clutching his stomach, head thrown back and laughed and laughed.

"Oh God!!!"

The born wolf finally choked out, after what felt like a lifetime of him just laughing.

Jackson still looked all kinds of rattled.

Not that Stiles, wasn't in his own form of utter confound-ment.

Derek licked his lips, "If we had known, or Peter or The Alpha Pack. No one would have cared an ounce for Scott's 'True Alpha Powers'. Jesus Christ!!! Only you Stiles!!!" he snorted, "It never made sense before, why would an ancient demon possess a simple human boy, that had no magic to speak of", he sniggered, losing control again.

Baffling didn't quite cover it, this new look on Derek. But Stiles realized, he always wanted to see it, now.

"How were we supposed to know, you're the first descendant of the Ancient scratch that... Antediluvian Werewolf Pack Ailbhe MacTíre!!!" He laughed again, but this time with some sort of acknowledgement.

"I don't understand", Stiles muttered.

"You and me both, dude", Jax muttered.

Derek shook his head, "You studied about werewolves right? But were you able to ever find information on packs?" he asked.

"Well no, I mean even you guys were normal. It wasn't like.... 'Beacon Hills' Derek Hale Basketball Star beats Wilson Beavers. Watch out for the Hale Werewolf Pack!!!" Stiles flailed.

"Exactly!" Derek stated, "But did you ever research your mother's family name?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah. Once, I was seven. Um... I found out there was a family in Ireland, same name and old, like really old. First settlers and all. I even have our family tree. It was a School Project", he shrugged, "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked.

"It has everything to do with anything Stiles. Don't you get it? Your cousins when you visited them, did they seem overly cautious around you? Careful? Afraid they'd hurt you? Seem over-protective in anyway?" Derek rallied questions.

Even before the questions ended, Stiles stared at him, "Are you, are you stating...Derek—" he breathed in sharply.

Derek grinned equally sharp, "You have way too many wolf like qualities, Stiles", he said.

Stiles was thankful he was seated. Because Gravity sure hit him with a strong one.

Jackson looked at them, "What you're saying is, Stiles is the Human Descendant of an old werewolf pack, from Ireland?"

"Not just old Jax. One of the three first Werewolf packs in Ever", Derek answered.

"First Werewolf Packs?" Jax asked seriously intrigued.

Stiles could barely compute. Anything. But he listened.

Derek nodded, settling next to Stiles' right leg. Cross legged on the floor.

"Three known werewolf packs. The first werewolf came from England. The others scattered over The Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. The first ones emerged from Valais and Vaud. Now Switzerland. In the early 15th Century. It expanded to the other four continents and UK, after the 16th Century.

The Stumpp Clan. Or the Danville Clan. Their son, Peter Stumpp; he was the reason hunters hunt us. He killed 18 people and ate them. He was known as the Werewolf of Bedburg—"

"I read about that", Stiles piped up, "in the Roman Empire, he was executed", Stiles remembered.

Jackson whistled sitting on the bed, closest to the desk. They made a semi circle of sorts.

"Yes. But he had a child a daughter. Well a son too. He killed his son, and his daughter was executed as well. Personally, I don't really blame the hunters for that one", he shuddered and looked green.

Jax wisely did not ask why.

"But, Stumpp thankfully didn't have any other children. But he did bite a victim, that survived. She unknowingly carried a dormant wolf gene", Derek sighed, "Her son was born a wolf. Let me put it to you this way. There was blood, and pain and horror. A lot of it. And then there was hope. The first Good Packs were The Eisler Pack (The Americas), The Lamache Pack (Africa) and then The Ailbhe MacTíre Pack (UK)", he listed.

Stiles swallowed.

"My Family is a direct descendant of The Eisler Pack. Hales are sons and daughters of the Eisler Pack", he pointed out.

"So, Stiles is a...?"

"Alpha Human", Derek smirked, "Like mother like son", he whispered nudging Stiles's knee.

Stiles swallowed again.

"I think, this has to be the first time, I've seen him struck speechless", Jax noted.

"Let's give him space", Derek stated.

Before either of them moved very far, Stiles grabbed both wolves by their sleeves, "Stay. Please", he muttered weakly.

Derek nodded and Jax smirked a yes.

Stiles licked his lips, "I'm processing. So hush!!!" he slid down the chair, and flopped dramatically into Derek's lap, "Don't move", he grumped.

Derek chuckled but stayed still otherwise. Even as Stiles pillowed his head on his thigh.

Today sure had been different. Interesting really. Stiles, could feel his heartbeat increase, at the memory of his mother.

Jackson stood up, and handed them the plate of cakes, and Stiles watched as he gracefully flopped down on to the ground.

He smiled softly, as Jackson used his thighs as a pillow, playing something on his phone, and munching on a Blueberry Muffin... he played Eylsian Fields by the Artist 'God is an Astronaut'.

What a surprisingly good taste in music.

Derek scritched his nails through his hair, and he closed his eyes, unconsciously turning to him for more.

His future didn't seem bleak anymore. Christmas wouldn't be lonely this year.

Not with his brother and an Alpha; his pack present.


Scott yawned, "Mom, please I am begging you. Stop. Its seven at night, can we please have a break???" he whined pulling out the puppy eyes for emphasis.

Scott almost laughed as Isaac, Malia, Kira, Lydia and Peter turned to beseech her with puppy-dog looks as well.

Chris stifled his laughter and set down the rope he was entwining a few tiny lights in, "A break would be great", he murmurred.

Melissa sighed, "Oh My God! Fine. One hour. We still have to do what Derek requested. There'll be children present. We need everything to be okay", but eventually she relented.

Chris steered her to the living room, "Check out the tree. The girls did an amazing job. And then we can check out the house. I'll let you critique everything", he said.

Melissa snorted in elegantly, "Shut up", and then followed him.

Scott flopped down onto the ground, starfishing alonside Isaac. "I'm bushed", he whined.

Several groans and moans of relief followed the statement.

After Deputy Jordan Parrish and the Sheriff had to leave for the station, called in on a domestic disturbance, his mother had transformed into Hitler.

Peter actually looked like he wanted to cry. 

Lydia, probably not used to so much physical labor, came up with several interesting excuses.

Pity, mom kept shutting her down.

When the call came in, and Derek had explained what to do, Malia and Isaac were exhausted, and happy, but also contemplating murder.

Kira giggled through it all.

According to her nature, as a Kitsune, she seemed to enjoy watching everyone get tricked into more chores.

If Stiles was here, he would have laughed about Karma or something like that.

"Oh God! Maybe taking a break wasn't such a good idea", Lydia whined pitifully.

"Why would you say that?" Kira asked sitting cross legged against Malia's thighs, who was star-fished adjacent to Isaac, crunching on an apple.

"Because I can feel every muscle and bone protesting in my body!!!" The genius grumbled.

Peter chuffed a laugh, "I'm a werewolf. And I agree", he muttered sprawled across the balcony's stone, as opposed to the grass they had painstakingly removed all trace of snow from.

"Who new vacuuming snow, would be so much fun, and so tiring!!!" Isaac whimpered almost half sarcastically.

Yet the disdain he wanted to dredge up, barely cracked the surface.

Malia snickered, "I reckon that strange wolf, the one who's scent is plain strange, the one whose eyes flash like Derek's; he, Stiles and my cousin. And wow I have a cousin? Are lucky", she finished following it with a tired yawn.

"Not really", his mom answered settling into a lawn chair, haphazardly scattered on the balcony, "He's the one cooking for all of us. A feast, according to Jackson. So, really I think we're the ones more lucky", she accepted a beer from Chris, who strategically sat between Peter and her, "I don't know how to cook. At all", she admitted sheepishly.

Scott nods, along to his mother's words. Heck, Scott can't even work a toaster unsupervised, and Stiles has serious doubts that he or one of his betas take up residence in his kitchen.

Isaac nodded, "Believe me, I've lived with both of them, if you want to learn how to burn water, they can actually teach you", he teased ducking as Scott swiped a hand upside his head.

Which now that mom, stated 'preparing a feast'. Using Whittemore's kitchen makes so much more sense.

"But, you have to admit", Lydia piped up, "This what we've achieved, this is pretty amazing. Got to admit The Hale's have money", she whistled staring up at The large soft Lavender and rose pink canopy above her head.

"And you never noticed that, from the Camaro, Derek drove?" Peter drawled sardonically.

"In my defense he lived in an abandoned subway train, then a warehouse", she pointed out.

"In his defense he was being hunted", Isaac retorted and then promptly hissed.

Scott sat up, "What? What's wrong??" he demanded effectively cutting off any further discussion to the Hales.

"I don't know", Isaac exhaled, "I felt something shift, like in my solar plexus. You know that feeling, when you're on a roller coaster, that swooping sensation", he doubled over, "Its probably just adrenaline crash. Dude your mom's scary", he whispered the last part.

Scott, Peter, Malia and Kira snickered.

"Just for safety, lemme know if it happens again", he advised patting him on the back.

"Okay", he nodded softly.

"Is everything okay? You know for us human ears?" Lydia sassed.

"Just hungry, Lyds. I reckon, since none of us are sampling Stiles' magic, let's order some Pizza", Scott answered.

"I'm game. Because we still have the lights to put up. And the heaters need to be switched off, its actually stifling now", Malia stood up stretching.

"Lydia, do you think we should put up white and pink roses?" Kira asked as Scott picked her up.

"Oh No, girls", Melissa called even as she handed Peter a 100 dollar note and muttered her and The Sheriff's favorite pizza, "If we're putting up flowers, then Lilies. Claudia loved lilies", she answered, "Peter, Chris", she turned the two who were writing down Isaac's favorites and Kira's, "What were Laura, Derek's mother's and Allison's favorite?" She asked quietly.

Peter and Chris swallowed. Both choking on their words.

So, Scott answered quietly, "Allison liked White Roses", he whispered.

Isaac drew a Triskelion onto the Lawn, "I've seen Derek lay Soft Lavender and white Daisies on Laura's grave and Hot Pink Bougainvilleas on his mother's grave", he whispered.

Lydia grinned softly, "I can work with that. So lilies, roses, daisies, Lavender and bougainvilleas. I'll create perfect bouquet for those", she chirped after letting Peter know which Pizza she liked, handing him her half of the money and ignoring the adults protests.

Scott smiled softly, these weren't just his pack-mates, they were his family. And sure he didn't trust Peter at all, but you know what they say; Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

All he had to do now, was convince Stiles, he was sorry and a real idiot, and he'd spend the rest of his days making it up to him.

Please Christmas, grant him this wish! A chance to apologize...



John looked up from his coffee cup, his deputy looked wary.

"Parrish?" he gestured for the other to continue.

"Its just..." He continued with a note of trepidation, "-you look like someone who's contemplating drowning into your coffee, as opposed to drinking it", Parrish commented.

John snorted, "If only", he laughed a tad sadly.


"Ever felt like, after a battle you won, you saved your comrade, you hugged your son, but when you went home, and finally stopped fighting. You lost something precious, and didn't realize about it, until it was almost too late?" John asked sighing deeply.

"But, you realized it, before it was too late. Right, Sir?" Parrish inquired instead of answering.

John nodded, "Yeah", he punctuated the answer with a glance outside the window, voice heavy.

"Then there's nothing to worry about", Jordan chirped

"How do I not?"

"Does he have someone he turns to? Anyone, a friend, a lover, a guardian?" Jordan asks, deftly ignoring they were talking about Stiles.

"Yes", John whispered.

"Then like I said, you have nothing to worry about", Jordan stood up, "I'm going to go get some coffee. God knows we'll need it. Beacon Hills calms down, and the paperwork increases, who woulda guessed", he grumbled mostly to himself.

John watched as his deputy walked out of his office and through the bullpen, disappearing behind a section of wall, headed to the break room, and restrooms.

Exhaling on a deep sigh, he frowned down back into the coffee, he'd been trying to drown himself in, he smiled at that, a wry twist of amusement pulled from deep within. 

And then he recalled this morning's shenanigans, his kid had laughed, for the first time in a really long time.

And if Derek had the power to do that, he wasn't going to stand in his way.

If he could make Stiles laugh, then why would John ever want to hurt or silence someone who gave him back Stiles' soul piece by little piece?

Jordan was right, nothing was wrong, and he should be grateful for it.

Maybe Christmas this year could actually be different...less Lonely.


Chris stared up at the canopy of the large cream tent, the Hale's had ordered it was beautiful, in all its splendor.

Who would have thought a combination of Chris, Peter, Scott, and Isaac would be responsible for the beauty of what used to be an old backyard with too many dry leaves, transformed into an Elegant Fairy tale of sorts.

Allison would have danced around the backyard, despite the cold weather, cheering them on, smiling and laughing while watching Lydia Martin ordering everyone left and right.

"Dreaming about happiness?"

Chris opened his eyes to see Peter skulk near the trees, he wasn't in any shadow, thanks to Lydia's idea.

If the wolves chose to go for a run, the lights wrapped around large Tree trunks would act like a mystical beacon.

It also made the place look like a mystical fairy land.

"I was remembering her laughter", he answered after contemplating whether to lie and ignore Peter or just stop fighting with him.

He may never stop worrying about the undead wolf, but he was suddenly exhausted with fighting with the were... Be it with words or swords.

Peter probably agreed, as he leant against the tree.

"I can sometimes hear hers too. She would have been old enough to start dating now", Peter winced at the words and then turned his gaze to the large canopy above them.

"Feels a bit like a Blanket Fort right?" Chris smirked at the spiral chandeliers hanging from three different points in a vertical-horizontal line.

Peter snickered, "Reminds me of a movie I watched with Talia once, when we were still young. The Holiday... Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz...when the latter climbs into Jude Laws' daughters blanket fort", he described the scene.

"I remember it. A good movie", Chris agreed.

"It was. Still is", Peter agreed.

"I don't trust you", Chris stated crystal clear.

Peter nodded, "Likewise", the wolf however kept his eyes on the small skylight-esque area where the stars shone down, upon a transparent sheet sewed between the cream sheet of drapes.

Blue-green eyes lazily traced the pillars carefully entwined in soft lavender sheets, or curtains.

Where Lydia had strategically fixed a collection of white roses, lilies, daisies, pink bougainvilleas, strips of lavender all tied together with gold ribbons and silver looking small decorations.

Chris stood up and walked forward, Peter twitched but remained as he was. Good he didn't want the wolf to feel hunted.

"I may have learnt a thing or two from Ally", he started speaking, even as he stopped a few good inches in front of the wolf.

"Oh? And what did little Miss. Argent teach you", Peter asked finally turning to face Chris.

"Our faults in the past, were our responsibility to clean up", he breathed on the wind.

Peter's eyes flashed, "Liar", he hissed angrily.

Chris shook his head, "I've never lied to you Peter", he whispered.

The wolf glared at him, "I was in a coma for 6 years. You and your family, were always responsible for decimating my family!!!" he cried.

"Yes", Chris agreed.

Peter snarled then, and fisting a clawed hand into his jacket slammed him against the tree, "You lied to me", he repeated.

"It wasn't a promise I could take lightly!!!" Chris argued tersely.

"You were a coward! You weren't even there to defend me, to defend us to my Alpha and Gerard. You are and always will be a coward", he hissed, fangs dangerously close to his tendons.

"I was scared!!!" Chris yelled suddenly exhausted.

"So was I!!!" Peter growled, "You don't think I was terrified! Facing my Alpha and being accused by your father, of tainting, his only son!!!" Peter flung the words at him, "You abandoned me. Your sister seduced my nephew and your family burned mine alive. You're a coward!!!" Peter pushed away from Chris stalking back into the trees, "I will never ever trust you again!!!" he promised.

"Will you stop loving me?" Chris asked softly, the words a whisper on the wind.

Peter flinched but denied a reply.

Chris waited a few long moments, until he was sure he was alone he whispered, "I never stopped loving you", he confessed the words even as his heart broke and lightened.

I broke your heart and I am so sorry...


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