7 Days

By ChadGAugustine

825 37 62

Just READ IT thanks to Rozero~Chan for the awesome cover. More

Invasion Day
Day 7
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Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
Invasion Day
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Day 6

66 2 6
By ChadGAugustine

------------6 Days before Invasion Day-------
Aphmau's POV
I hear a knocking on the door that wakes me up. I throw myself out of bed and make my way downstairs to the door. I think I'm going to make a tree house today for the kids. I open the door and ask groggily " What do yo- Oh hey Garroth! Come on in." He walks inside " I sent Raven to Bright Port and Laurance said he would send Cadenza to Metali so now it's just a waiting game. So what will you be doing to day M' lord?" He didn't have his helm on, I guess he forgot it, and I was getting lost in his Icy blue eyes. " M'lord?"
He is so handsome without his helm on."Hello?" I just couldn't look away, it was like I was in a trance. He waved his hand in front of my face "Earth to Aphmau!" I snapped out of it. "Oh! Yeah! I will definitely!" He looked confused. "Um... Ok. I'll see you around." He started to back away slowly before he turned around and left. Am I falling for him? No! What am I thinking?! I can't! He's my head guard!

But why not? OH I DONT KNOW MAYBE BECAUSE HE DOESNT FEEL THE SAME ABOUT ME?! SHUT UP ME! Any way about that tree house...

Comment if you know where this is going

I was busy putting the fences around the rim of the tree house when I saw Garroth walking from the village to see what I was doing. I yelled out to him. "Oh! Hey Garroth, over here!" He walked up to the tree house and seemed concerned. "Are you sure that's safe Lady Aphmau?!" "Yes! I just have to finish putting down these fences so no one falls and we'll be golden!" "And Done!" Then I realized I had boxed my self out. "Oh I'll be down there in just a second all I have to do is brea-AAAAAAH!" I stumbled and fell backwards. I thought to myself, That's it. I'm dead. No more Aphmau. But instead of hitting the hard ground I found myself in the arms of Garroth. I stared into his eyes "T-t-Thank you..." "Don't worry I would never let anything happen to you." I slowly moved my face closer to his and he started to move closer to me. Our lips were centimeters apart when Laurance called over to us. Garroth blushed and put me down as he turned to Laurance. "O-oh hey l-laurance." "Garroth are you ok? You look like a tomato." "N-no I'm fine! I'll be off now!" He walked away. "Hey Aphmau, is something going on between you two?" Laurance asked. I blushed "W-what?!" I stutter. "Ha! The Stutter King has met his queen! I'm not even mad I just find it funny." "W-what are you t-talking about? There's nothing between us!" "Yeah you're right, you're already taken by me." " Shut up laurance, in your dreams!" "You keep telling yourself that. Goodbye Aphmau!" "Bye!"

Laurance's POV
You know I could try to stop this but I just don't feel like it. No matter how long his goes on Garroth is never gonna find the confidence to be able to tell Aphmau how he feels and Aphmau is to oblivious to ever pick up on his feelings. They're doomed.

Aphmau's POV 
I start to walk home when I see some one in the window watching me. I squint to look closer and I recognize the figure. A person who's name starts with a Z...

Zoey? I call to her " WHY ARE YOU WATCHING ME?! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING ME?!" She yells to me "EVER SINCE GARROTH CAUGHT YOU! I'LL EXPLAIN COME INSIDE MY VOICE IS STARTING TO HURT!" I walk inside and sit down at the table. Zoey comes over and sits down across from me. "So, you and Garroth huh?" "First laurance and now you?! Nothing is happening between us! Plus I thought you had a crush on Garroth!" " I got over that awhile  ago but that doesn't mean I can't help you get with him." "Its 's not gonna happen!" I say before mumbling to myself, "He doesn't even feel the same about me." At this point Zoey got up and went downstairs. She came back with a dictionary and flipped to the O's "What are you doing?" She just kept on until she got to the page with the word Oblivious on it.
əˈblivēəs/ adjective
not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
synonyms: unaware of, unconscious of, Aphmau
Wait What?! Zoey looked at me and said "you are literally a synonym of the word oblivious. OPEN YOUR EYES!" She walked away and left me looking at the dictionary. So is she trying to say Garroth does like me?

A/N I'm thinking about doing a book about Dr. Bees, tell me which title is better

The Secret Life of Dr. Bees
It's Okay To Bee Me

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If you wanna know what it's about. Read it. * Cover made by: me
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My ao3 is https://archiveofourown.org/users/b1g_ju1cyy uh, all of them are Louimar, don't like don't read aMAZING cover made by my friend that knows...
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There was a little error when I was creating the cover. Just ignore the background text at the bottom. Thanks, and Enjoy!! (。・ω・。)