Fangirls Naruto Edition (One...

Oleh ThexXInnocentXxOne

69.8K 684 183

Various oneshots with you as a fangirl (secretely or openly) and Naruto boyz as your crush. Lebih Banyak

Fangirls Naruto Edition
Sasuke fangirl~ the "Girly Girl" type
Shikamaru fangirl~ the "Cry Baby" type
Deidara fangirl~ the "Violent Loud Mouth" type
Neji fangirl~ the "Random Prankster" aka the "Quirky Idiosyncratic" type
Gaara fangirl~ the "Diffident" type
*The Stranger* Kakashi One-Shot by MistressoftheKnight
Shino fangirl~ the "Shy" type
Itachi fangirl~ the "Not ready" type
Kiba fangirl~ the "Baby-Sitter" type
Sai Fangirl~ the "Tsundere" type
Suigetsu Fangirl~ the "Moodswing Animal Shifter" type
Kabuto's fangirl~ the "Abandoned" type
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Kabuto fangirl~ "Abandoned" type (Lemon ver.)

Gaara Fangirl Request~~XFlipen-MentalX~~

3.8K 44 5
Oleh ThexXInnocentXxOne

Here's the details:

Name: Naomi

Age: 23

Personality: Outgoing - Joker - Perverted - Flirtatious - Short-Tempered - Rebellious - Unsympathetic


Crush: Gaara

Likes/Hobbies: Clubbing - Neon Lights - Music - Vodka Shots - Dancing - Piercings - Tattoos - Guys with nicely toned figures - Smoking - Making Bets (Gambling) - Fighting - Dares - Camping - Parties - Swimming - Beaches - Sand

Dislikes: Arrogance - Fangirls - Queues - Dishonesty - Manipulators - Losing - High heeled Shoes - Spiders - Wasps - Disorder - Spicy food

"Morning you guys!!" You yell yawning and stretching your arms above your head. "Naomi" Gaara greeted. It seemed Gaara was the least surprised out of the room.

"Whoa! Naomi?! When did you get here?" Kankuro curiously surprised voice calls out to you while Temari just blinked at your sudden... existence.

"Got a little too tipsy at a party last night but luckily I found my way here safely and Gaara was kind enough to let me in last night."

Though you weren't a wreck you weren't exactly sober either last night. It didn't happen often; heck you rarely ever got drunk!

"Just one too many Vodka shots t'was all!" you say sashaying your way over to the table. "You know Temari you should really consider coming with me some time it's a blast!" You continue. Gaara grunts as you wrap your arms around his neck and put all your weight on his shoulders the sudden action making his tea sway in his cup nearly spilling and also sending all his sand splattering on the floor. He glares at you hating the fact you could render his sand useless. "Ooo Chills." You say sarcastically as a response to the glare you knew he was giving you. You grin down at him as you poke at his tattoo on his forehead that was close to a vein that was at the moment pulsating in anger on his temple. You had a little tattoo fetish but Gaara was too close to being a tattoo virgin. "So what do you say Temari you'll come with me sometime?" You grin at her but she glared at you. It's glare at Naomi day... Jeez why don't I just go and say something to go piss Kankuro off too. "I went with you before. Did you forget that incident when...?" She didn't finish the story but it was enough for you to catch the memory and for unwanted listeners to not catch on.

"Oh yeah..." You say slowly, recalling that one incident when you brought Temari clubbing with you.

Kankuro shared a look with Gaara. "When the hell was that but more importantly what happened?" Kankuro asked.

"Shut up Kankuro you don't need to know. So what you guys doing."You ask successfully changing the subject. Kankuro sighs excepting defeat.

"Just sitting down for breakfast... You want some?" Kankuro smirked mischievously. You blanched. "It's not Temari's cooking is it? If so I'll just have some of Gaara's tea." You free one of your arms from around Gaara's neck to reach out for his teacup that was in his hand but he moved it out of your reach and gave you a small, mild glare with the tiniest smirk of amusement secretly on his pale lips. You pout at him and Kankuro's next words won back your attention.

"No it's not. Some important guy gave Gaara this as a gift of respect for the Kazekage or something." Kankuro mumbled and took a bite of his breakfast just to prove to you it wasn't toxic. "I guess Temari infamous cooking rep must have reached his village and he was generous enough to sponsor."

"My food isn't that bad." Temari mumbled indignantly.

"Not that bad!" You and Kankuro exclaimed at the same time. You stared at her in disbelief. You didn't want to hurt your friend's feelings but she obviously needed a reminder. "The first and last time I willing had you make food for me it moved! Yup just got up and crawled right off my plate." You shuddered at the memory, removing your arm from around Gaara's neck, allowing him to resume the action of sipping his tea like he had been in the middle of doing before you had glomped him.

"So, what's your point? Just last week Kankuro, Gaara and I went to a sushi restaurant and my fish was still flopping in its plate." She defended.

"Yeah that would have been great but it wasn't even meat you cooked!! It would have been less disturbing if it was. Maybe if it was a chicken that wasn't slaughtered properly or a fish winking its eye at me BUT IT WAS DAIRY TEMARI!! DAIRY! How does a dairy product become mobile?! It was the most horrific, disgusting, disturbing, creepiest, most-!" You shook your head breaking out of your rant. "Oh did it happen again-did I freak out? Oops, about that Temari it's just that I still have-"

"Yeah yeah you still have nightmares about my horrid, disgusting cooking. I've heard it all before. I'm a horrible cook I get it." She said slamming her head onto the table. "Just sit down and eat."

You smile awkwardly. "That's just how life rolls Tem." She groaned in response and you took the time to sit down between Kankuro and Gaara.

You get yourself a plate and started helping yourself to the food laid out before you.

You were just about to grab more food to put in your already pack plate but the sound of someone standing from the table distracted you and you ended up grabbing something different from what you were aiming for.

"Hey where're you off to Gaara?"

You ask leaning back into your seat placing the food in your hand on your plate. He looks back at you with a bored stare that answered your question. Oh he's going to his office to drown in boring paperwork.

You look over to where he was previously sitting to see his empty teacup... just an empty teacup. He didn't even eat any of this food!!

"Hey Baka no Gaara how can you not eat this! It won't be here when you decide to stop dieting so eat!"

You said with an edge to your tone standing up to glare at him.

"Naomi.... I understand your concerns but I have work."

Gaara said plainly before making his exit.

"Argh!" you groan grabbing food from the top of your plate then throwing yourself back in your seat. "Can you believe him?!"

You ask Kankuro angrily but he didn't seem to care about Gaara not eating.

"If he gotta work he gotta work. He's a big boy Naomi."

Kankuro say nonchalantly with an apathetic shrug.

You huff at him and take a bite of the... stuff you randomly picked up from your plate.

"Well I think he should ATLEAST eat a little... ah... AH... OW! My nose! It's burning! WHAT THE HECK IS THIS STUFF"

Your voice came out slightly muffled as you were holding your nose trying to stop the pain that exploded in your sinus cavity. It burned like having hot sauce in your nostril! I hate spicy stuff its crap. You thought irritated.

"I think you just ate a wad of wasabi paste Naomi... If you eat a lot of the stuff it'll do that to you. I thought you knew what you were eating that's why I didn't stop you."

Temari said offhandedly.


You groan your eyes watering because of the heat in your nose. Temari smirked. "That's just how life rolls... Naomi." She said tauntingly.

"You know... Imma just go now...guys."

You pick yourself up from the table and made it towards the door then you stop, rethinking then went back to the table. You start wrapping up your plate of food and professionally slipped it into your oversized bag that could be turned into a backpack.

"Imma eat this later." You said to no one in particular and your company at the table just raised an eyebrow as you exit your friends' home. You stop, glancing up at a window; a window that lead into Gaara's office. You skim your finger against the rough texture of the house before walking down the street disappearing from sight...


^_^ Ten minutes after you left ^_^


The food Kankuro was in the middle of chewing and the tea Temari was in the middle of sipping were spit out simultaneously.


They screamed at the same time.

"We believe he's been kidnapped."


You stop, glancing up at a window; a window that lead into Gaara's office. You skim your finger against the rough texture of the house before walking down the street disappearing from jumping up into a tree that was near Gaara's office window.

You look inside to see Gaara slaving over his gruelling paperwork and frown. If it was possible to be jealous of paper then you were. At least it could spend all day with Gaara! The window was open and Gaara's office was dim so you quietly slip in unnoticed. You open your hand and concentrate your fingertips soon started glistening with moisture.

Gaara was just about to finish signing a document when suddenly his entire body, his desk and more importantly his paperwork was drench in water. Gaara's eyes darkened as he searched his office.

"Hi Gaara!" you say waving at him when his eyes stopped on your figure.

"Why did you drench me and more importantly hour's worth of paperwork with a bucket of water?" Gaara all but growled with a dangerous undertone as he glared at you.

"Who in the hell do you think I am? I'm Naomi, Oasis of the desert, fool! I can control water just like you can control sand. I don't need no stinking bucket to douse you with water. I'm awesome like that I know."

Gaara sighed damp sand tumbling off him in waves. Good thing he was in his sand casing or he would be soaked to the marrow. "Naomi..." he said in a warning tone.

"I told you I had work and you rebel and destroy it all." Gaara complains as you walk over to his desk taking a seat on it the water on it moving away as you sat and settled a few inches off from you. You fold your legs and lean into Gaara.

"Let's make mud..."

You whisper suggestively your breath tickling his cheek.

"Hm... that would require water and 'dirt' and I don't control 'dirt'."

Gaara replied matter-of-factly in that toneless tone of his and you rolled your eyes.

"Fine then smart@$$ let's make a beach... You can be my sandman... and I'll be your ocean... and we'll connect at the shoreline..." [There is more to this phrase but you didn't say the rest...]

Gaara chuckles at your words.

He smirks, "You have a perverted mind."

"Yours is just as dirty if that's your reply." A small smirk came cross your lips. "But now that I mention it, how about we actually make a beach a real one I mean. How about it..."

Gaara raises an eyebrow muscle. "... Did you just fish out that idea from that perverted phrase or did the phrase come from you because you had this idea from the beginning?"

You ignored his question going on with what you were saying.

"Picture it Gaara! A beach in the sand village!! It will be fun! We can just ditch everything for the day. Come on Gaara. Please."

You begged doing your best puppy dog eyes and pout clasping your hand in front of; of course you knew it never works but did it just to annoy him. "Pretty Puhweez...?" You bat your eyelashes at him.

Gaara looked back at you suddenly recalling that he was supposed to be angry at you. He stands up and picks up his soaked paperwork flicking the in the air to hopefully remove some of the water before they can be completely ruined. But when that didn't do anything to help Gaara sighs angrily and slammed the soak paper onto his desk effectively sending little droplets of water flying. He shakes his head, wiping his wet hands dry.

"Honestly... when has my presence become so important to you?"

He questioned giving you a hard stare.

"Okay the truth is I'm just trying to get you to spend the day with me to get you out of the office..."

You confessed guiltily. Gaara looks at you blankly.

"- but only because I missed being with you. And I'm {sorta, kinda, not really} sorry I'm trying to take you away from your responsibilities Gaara." You added quickly.

"I understand. You felt... lonely without me?" Gaara says somewhat seriously. The corner of your lip twitched upward. "Yeah you sandy bastard I was lonely."

Then it tipped downwards. "But... I guess I can just go home if you don't want to..." you say making your why to the door (even though you came through the window.

"I think it won't matter if I... ditched for the day." He said slowly, unsure.

Your eyes widen and you spin around. "Really?" You ask hopefully.


You soon have a grin on your face. "Well let's go!! Wow a beach in the desert! I can't wait!" You say running over to the window and jumping on the branch you used to jump into Gaara's window. Gaara watched you and walks over to the window.

"Come on." You growled grabbing Gaara's arm and pulling him out the window trying to get him onto the tree branch with you.

"Wait! Naomi!" Gaara calls but it was too late as Gaara tripped on his robe losing his balance and crashes into you sending you both backwards. You back collide with the trunk of the tree and soon after Gaara fell on you.

"OOF!" You puffed when he landed on you.

"Gaara! Gaara! I can't breathe with all your weight on me!" You groan struggling under his mass.

"Sorry..." Gaara says calmly pushing himself off of you a bit his eyes giving a once over.

"Gaara you're blushing." You say teasingly.

Gaara's eyes widened and he quickly looked away. You chuckle to yourself loving this cute side of him.

"Well you better get up before I scream 'fire' on you Gaara."

You say smirking and he grunts pushing himself off of you and stood himself up on the branch. You dust yourself off before standing up too and you both jump down.

Everyone paused what they were doing when the two of you magically appear out of seemingly nowhere.

You look Gaara head to toe.

"What?" He asks as he noticed your scrutinizing stare.

"You have trunks under that robe thingy right. We're going to be swimming not going to a convention." You say folding your arms and raising an eyebrow.

"We'll see..." he replied vaguely making you roll your eyes with a smile. You tiptoe and gently kiss his cheek.

"Thanks for watching out for me last night Gaara; and also for actually coming with me. Now let's head to the beach!!" You said pulling away.

"Or rather go make one." Gaara corrected smirking.

"Right!" You grin grabbing his hand. You felt warm. It would take an army of shinobi to make you let go. You sigh, nestling into the curve of his neck. He held you tighter. Finally you had Gaara to yourself for once.

"Besides..." Your smile stretched on from ear to ear, "I have snacks!!"

You say cheerfully as you shake your bag you had filled just a few minutes ago. Gaara huffs in amusement. "Let's go."

The entire crowd seemed astonished by your interactions and stared at you both until you were out of sight on your way together to make your beach that will be the biggest gossip around the sand village when the scene is stumbled upon by an unsuspecting traveller. That was the biggest surprise of that traveller life I tell you that.


"Hey look they're down there!"

Temari yelled after catching a glimpse of red hair on the ground below. Kankuro and Temari had rushed into Gaara's office when they heard he was missing and/or kidnapped.

"Who?" Kankuro asks.

"Gaara! Duh! Ya dummy!" Temari snapped keeping trail on her little brother.

"Is Gaara-sama ok?" The man who had informed the two siblings of the Kazekage's abnormal absent just moments ago asks meekly as he was concerned about his young leader.

"No stupid! You said 'they're down there'! Who's with Gaara!!?"

Kankuro sneered at his sister easily overlapping the concerned civics' voice. Kankuro leaned out the window to see for himself.

"It's uh... Naomi?!" Temari said surprised.

They watch as you took Gaara's arm and you both made your merry way down the streets of Suna. Anger veins pulsed on Temari and Kankuro head. 'You call that kidnapped?'

"Jeez, he's just going on a little date, give him a break. So what if it's a political scandal he can do what he wants." Temari says resting her fist on her waist and give the man a hard glare after they all lean back in from looking out the window. Kankuro nods curtly echoing his sister's statement with his personalized version of what she said. "Yeah what she says! He's just out with a hot chick stop breaking his hustle. It would be great publicity for Gaara as the Kazekage to have a mistress."

"Stool pigeon..." Temari hisses.

"Cock-blocker..." Kankuro spits.

"Kidnapped our butt!!" Then with that said the two sand-siblings exit via the door while the poor man was left hopelessly confused. "Neh...?"


Pure Imagination time!!

You: Whoa where am I? *looks around then shrugs* Ah well. *leans on a random wall, takes out a cigarette and takes a long drag*

Wall-mate: Psss... Hey you girl who's leaning on me.

You: A talking wall... I've seen stranger. *blows out a puff of smoke* Yeah what is it?

Wall-mate: You should really put that out; this is a strict no smoking zone.

You: Uh... *before you can answer I walk in*

Me: Wall-mate! I'm back from the hospital! They say Jim's gonna be a-ok.

Wall-mate: That's great; I guess we did go a little over the top with that rocket-launcher fiasco. At least we didn't kill him right. *shrugs (if that's inanimately possible for a wall to do)* But how does a hobo afford medical attention?

Me: You know I don't know. *notices you* Oh! Another fangirl this early... Hello.

You: Yeah hey how's it going? My name's Naomi.

Me: And she actually has a name this time! Wow. Sorry I wasn't expecting another fangirl so soon... *looks at clipboard thingy* Gaara fangirl one-shot; A request from XFlipen-MentalX? Wall-mate why wasn't I informed of this!

Wall-mate: You were busy with your hobo lover Jim at the hospital. *makes kissy noises*

Me: Don't you dare start with me-do you smell something... It smells like smoke... *face goes blank*

Wall-mate: *to me*: No nothing! *To you*: Damn it it's too late! Put it out!!

You: o_O??????

Me: *advances on you with a creepy serial-killer look* Ha-Ha-sh-sh-sh-sh


You: Ok I'm putting it out! *throws it on the ground and stump foot against it* It's out!

Me: *looks at you bewildered* Huh...

You: O_O *looks at wall-mate for an explanation*

Wall-mate: [X-D] She really hates the smell of cigarette smoke.

You: =_= *sarcastically* Like that explains everything!

Wall-mate: She hates it so she attacks anyone who smokes around her, sometimes without realizing... I told you it was a strict no smoking zone.

You: -_- OK, fine, whatever... Change of subject; so what were you two talking about? Who's Jim? What rocket-launcher fiasco? Hobo in the hospital? Busy with your lover??? Why the heck would you have a hobo for a lover; he can't secure you financially? And what's all this Fangirl business?!

Me: You my dear are what we here in the 'Pure Imagination' world call a fangirl, a love interest for Gaara apparently. And I was not busy with my lover! *glares at wall [LOL XD glares at wall...]* Jim is a hobo guy who likes popping in and out to torment me and last time I had a Gaara fangirl here she put it in everybody's head that I'm in love with that Hobo and I ended up putting Jim in the hospital. At least you're not like the other you from that last Gaara one-shot-

You: Who?

Me: You... You're not the same as last time.

You: But I just met you.

Me: Huh...?

You: What...?

*silence* *cricket chirps*

Me: Uh... It's nothing... =_=

You: Hold up! Did you just say 'the last Gaara fangirl'? Are you telling me there was another girl with my Gaara?! Gaara is cheating on me?!

Me: OH, NO, NO!! It's not considered cheating I mean um he isn't-

You: *LOLs* Cool it I'm just kidding! Gaara would never cheat on me or I would drown his sandy @$$!

Me: *sweat-drops* Right...

Wall-mate: Hey fangirl Naomi how about you join us, we're on our way to the hospital.

Me: Why? I just came back from there???

You: Oh well I want to see this Hobo anyway so lead the way.

Me: Another visit *sighs* +_+ he gonna make me sing again...

(=_+#) A walk to the hospital later... (=_+#)

Wall-mate: Imma wait out here.

You: Why? Don't you want to say Hi to your hobo friend?

Wall-mate: *blank face* No. I might 'accidently' make myself tip over and crush him.

You: Ouch. I am guessing no love between the two of you.

Wall-mate: Not even slight bromance.

Me: *mind drifted to Yaoi*..........

You: Oh. Well come girl lets go see this hobo. *grabs my hand and drag me into the room we were standing in front of*

Jim: *looks up at us and smirks at me* Back so soon. Can't get enough of the hobo charm aye.

Me: Jim for once in your life pretend like you have some sense. Anyway this... is Naomi.

You: Well he looks decent almost good-looking. Dang girl you break him up like that?? *Notices the full body cast on Jim*

Jim: Yes she did. Sad scene...

Me: You're not even hurt anymore Jim! Naomi he just refuses to take off the damned cast!

Jim: *dramatically* and after I spared her life (!) *theatrical pause* and shot the wall-mate and not her *fake sobs* she turns on me. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Sad life...

You: Oh so that's why Wally (wall-mate) hates you.

Jim: He doesn't hate me.

Wall-mate: *from the hallway* you frigging bet I do!

Jim: No you love me!

Me: *mind went back to yaoi*

Wall-mate: You called me Humpty dumpty's butt rest. You know how degrading that is.

Jim: Yeah an egg sits on your head. Ha-Ha.

Me: *pictures a yoai scene*


You: What he talking about??? *looks at me*

Me: I dunno. *shrugs innocently*

Jim: Anyway I think its bout time you sing to me again?? Aye... *wink wink nudge nudge*

Me: *groans* Arg! Fine but then we leave!

You: Ok we'll leave after this.

Me: *starts singing a verse of 'Lean on me' by Kirk Franklin*: There's, a man, standing on a corner... He has no home, he has no food and his blue skies are gone... Can you here him crying out...

Jim: *waving candle* Oh god, this song is just... THIS MY JAM! Woo!!

You: Wow this song was meant for you or what Jim!?

Jim: *to you:* I know! *to me:* Whoo! Sing it girl! Love you!! *wolf whistles*

Me: Ok that's enough singing. We're going now. Bye Jim.

Jim: Aw but can't I come too? I don't need to be here. *he was practically begging*

Me: Jim I'm sorry I put you in here with my careless and truly merciless rocket blasting of you but it was effin fun and I don't regret it.

Jim: Oh...

Me: *kisses Jim on the cheek* You better not leave before you're healed or I may just feel guilty.

Jim: *startled* Um ok.

Me: Good. See you on the flip side hobo. Oh and when you are healed and about to check out of here jump out the window and haul it because you're a hobo and you can't pay for your med bill. See ya Jim. *walks out of Jim's room with you and over to wall-mate*

Wall-mate: So how was the visit?

Me: Eh, so-so... He made me sing again.

Wall-mate: Oh true. Typical Jim...

You: Not to interrupt but I got something to say to you missy miss.

Me: Me?

You: Yes you. I've concluded... *folds arms over chest and looks me in the eye with all seriousness* ...that you are indeed in love with that damn hobo.

Me: t-that... *voice breaking* WAS THE MEANEST THING YOU HAVE EVER SAID TO ME!! *runs away sobbing leaving you like 'WTF'* You Gaara fan-girls are all the same!!

You: Um okay........ HEY! Wall-mate! She's gone! Can I smoke now??

Wall-mate: sure... I don't really care.

You: Right. *pops out one* shouldn't you go after her she seems upset.

Wall-mate: Imma wall...

You: SO?

Wall-mate: I can't GO after her. I am an immobile object.

You: Bull$#!+ you walked all the way to the hospital with us idiot!

Wall-mate: You have no proof!

You: You're here aren't ya!!

Me: *in a voice that really sounded like the Terminator* Non-smoking zone! YOU!!*points at you*

You: HOLY CRAPPER'S SOUP WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?! I'm Gonna Die!! Imma Quit Smoking!! Leave Me Alooooooonnnnneeeeeeeeeee... * takes off hauling*

Me: Do not run from your destiny... *runs behind you* YOU'VE BEEN TARGETED FOR TERMINATION!!

Wall-mate: [=. =] Yeah... *decides to ignore the two girls playing cat and mouse in the imaginary hospital* I think I'm going to take a 6 pack of beer and go sleep... *leaves*

Jim: *comes sliding out into the hallway* Boy are my teenage hobo boy senses tinkling. Did I really sense a cat fight waiting to happen? Which way did they go, which way did they go!? WHERE IS THE DAMN CAMCORDER!! *takes off running down the hall looking like a fool who belong to a psychiatric ward* CAMMY!! *runs pass a nurse*

Nurse: Hey sir you should be resting. *Jim rushes pass* Sir! *runs behind Jim* *voice starts to fade from distance* Sir don't force me to get the needle!!! SIR! GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!! SECURITY!!SECURITY!!!!

And............ SCENE!


*Curtains fall closed*

The End...

Hope you liked it XFlipen-MentalX...

And readers!


Naomi's perverted quote [FULL]: "Let's make a beach... You can be my sandman... and I'll be your ocean... and we'll connect at the shoreline... Your rough sand and my wet sea... and let's get lost in the waves of depravity."


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