Student, Teacher Conference;...

By IHeartALad

722K 12.1K 1.1K

"We shouldn't..." "I know, but I can't stop thinking about you" "Alex..." Melissa Butler is your average stud... More

Student, Teacher Conference; Prolouge.
Student, Teacher Conference; Chapter One.
Student, Teacher Conference
Student Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Three
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
First Date
Date Two
Not So Monday Blues
The Ice RInk Development
Planning The Weekend
Sleep Over
Morning After
Anniversary Plans
Party Plans
Getting To Know Each Other
Topless Tuesday
Trouble In Paradise
Getting There
Parent's night
The Jury Is In
The End Result

Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Two

29.9K 489 46
By IHeartALad

(Melissa's P.O.V)

I brought a change of uniform with me and got changed in the toilets then waited for Mr Jackmen downstairs, I waited nervously I must admit...I was spending some time with him that normally wouldn't be allowed. I know I should have said no to this...but something wouldn't let me. I was excited by the thrill and I guess I was attracted to Mr Jackmen despite my finding it pointless to find a teacher good looking. He was sort of like Ryan Reynolds but with a touch of Johnny Depp. I'm not too sure to be honest, all I know is that I've suddenly found him attractive and I was getting a big bubble of giddyness building up in my chest. I pushed it back down and ignored it as he came down the stairs. It was weird seeing him without his lab coat on, he always wore one in class. He smiled at me and I smiled back, he extended his arm and nodded for me to lead the way. I done a small mock curtsy and we made our way to his car. We talked about the Museum and what other sorts of things they would have there. I wasn't really interested in the Art work they held there, I was just interested in the Animals, despite being against Animals being used like that.

We got into the car and that's when I knew we were totally alone and the book 'Art Lessons' by Jacquiline Wilson popped into my head, I tried to stop myself from blushing before he spotted but as he started the engine he looked at me and chuckled as he asked;


"Nothing" I shook my head.

He shrugged and started to reverse. We got out of the school grounds and tension betweens us seemed to lighten now that we knew we were less likely to get spotted. We just didn't want people to get the wrong impression between us. He put on the radio to stop the silence, I knew he was my teacher but it felt so awkward as if we were two teenagers just thrown together and tottally unsure what to talk about. Rock Radio came on and I smiled.

"I take it you decided to change the Radio channel?" I stuck my tongue out.

He laughed.


" California girls are unforgettable..." I started to sing.

He laughed and shook his head. We then started to talk about music and what bnds we had in common. He had mentioned he liked Rock music but I wasn't sure what bands and that, so we got to know each other a bit more. It felt akward but at the same time, natural. The more time we spent together, the more we forgot that we were a student and teacher so it felt better and more relaxed. It took us an hour to get to the Museum so when we got there, after Mr Jackman got the sticky thing for the window, we went inside and I ran to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided to put on some eyeliner. it was really the only make-up I wore. So I done that and fixed my hair a little and smiled at myself and left. I didn't want to make a big fuss of this but I just couldn't stop myself. I left and found him waiting patiently for me at the gift shop. We smiled and went into the Art section of the museum.

"I thought we came to see some Animals?"

"I thought it would be more fun and well waiting for if we saved the best for last" He winked.

I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled. We talked about some of the Art and picked our favourites from each wall. I done Higher Art last year so I did know somethings about Art and I did like it just not as much as Animals. We got a little hungry and went to get something form the café, Mr Jackman bought it for me. I felt bad like I usually do when people pay for me but I thanked him. It felt like a date, since we didn't mention school and we got on rather well. We got ice cream and walked through the halls, we weren't sure if you were allowed to but we did anyway, hiding the cones behind our backs if a member of staff walked by. When we had finished I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed his arm.

"Please!" I whinned.

"Can we just go see the Animal section now?"

He laughed and patted my hand, trying to think if he should or torture me more. I rolled my eyes and dragged him with me. He laughed and didn't protest. We got to the animal section and I looke around. The animals looked fake and I'd wished they were. There was a stuffed Cheetah and I ran over to it, I realised I hadn't let go of Mr Jackman and let go of his arm. I caught his eyes and I had to look away and at the Cheetah. We weren't able to touch them so I couldn't really tell if it was fake. So I told myself they were fake. I couldn't stop mysef but I kept talking about each Animal, letting him know everything I knew about them. He knew somethings I didn't and told me somethings that I appreciated. I was really more interested in Big Cats and Canines though. So we looked at the Lions and Cheetah more and the Wolf. It was close to closing time so we decided to leave. It wasn't oo late only going on to quarter to six, but it would take us and hour to get back to the school. A song came on in the car and we both sang along with it. My mobile rang and I turned down the music and answered; it was Jo.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, just wondering how long you're going to be? I thought we were going to yours for a movie night?"

I slapped my head and it caused Mr Jackman to look at me.

"I know, I'm sorry I totally forgot. Yeah come to mine for seven OK?"

"We're at yours now! Where are you?"

"Well um...I'm still at the school"



"Just get your arse in gear!"

Jo hung up. I groaned and hid my face in my hands. Mr Jackman looked at me.

"I have a movie night with friends and I forgot"

"Oh, I'm sorry to have kept you back"

"No you didn't but, I should have mentioned it"

We sat in silence till we got nearly home and h offered to drop me off. I got a few messages from my friends and I asked if he'd drop me off a little bit away from home. I smiled at him and sighed.

"Thanks I really enjoyed tonight and learned a few things, it was interesting"

"Yeah, thanks you saved me from a night in anyway"

"Ah, being a good teacher and not encouraging drinking" I winked at him.

"Gotcha" I stuck my tongue out.

"No, I just don't drink much" He smiled.

"Bye!" I waved and got out of the car.

"Bye" He replied and then drove off.

I watched the car drive away and I couldn't help but swoon over the fact I had spent time with Mr Jackman outside school1 I got to know him on a more personal level and know so much about him. It made me giddy but a new message from Sam made me run up the hill to my house and round the corner faster than I would normally run. I appologised when I got inside and found my friends in my room waiting. It was just girls this time and I was kinda greatful that Mickey wouldn't be here. So after appologising we ordered a Chinese take-away and waited for it to ome before we put on some movies. Watching them, which were Romantic comedies, I couldn't help but thinking about being alone with Mr was really a great time.

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