Fast and furious. My version.

By TheBookLoverof99

748K 14.9K 990

Lexi Turner was a normal girly girl and did whatever her parents told her..... up until racing changed her. A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 11

24K 456 38
By TheBookLoverof99

I finished off some of the more of the fiddley chores like dusting, vacuuming and cleaning my windows anything to keep myself busy, but after a while. I went back to doing what you shouldn't be doing on your holiday, catching up on work.

I was reading up on a file when my phone starting ringing from inside the kitchen. I put down my tablet and ran to the kitchen from my couch.

It was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered suspicious of who it might be.

"Hey Lexi, it's Vince."

Sigh of relief.

"Oh hey, I'm sorry about running out like that, I did want to catch up with everything. But I couldn't stick around after that, I can't believe she dissed my car. What a bitch!" I said leaning over the granite kitchen bench.

"I know I don't blame you for walking out if I was in your situation I would have hit the bitch, it took control to walk away."

"Thanks Vince, you have no idea." I said thinking about all the things I could have done to her. I mean we were in a garage for Christ sake any number of the tools would have done nicely.

"Soo, there's a barbecue tomorrow afternoon and I was wondering if you're brave enough to come along?"

"Of course I am Vince you know me, and if she starts up with me again, I'm always up for a little one on one action." I said, I was half joking.

He found it funny at least because he laughed.

"So I'll take that as you coming then?" He asked in a hopeful tone.

"Sure will! Count me in."

"Awesome. So what are you up to now?"

"Well I am just about to get ready to go out with some friends I know in L.A, I'd invite you but the place that they want me to meet them isn't really your scene." I said, in truth it was slightly the truth but some of it was also a lie.

"Yeah that's cool, I'm not too fussed over not being invited. I couldn't go anyway I've got to finish up on my friends car tonight."

"Okay cool, well have a nice night Vince I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, you too, see ya." He said ending the call.

I put the phone down and walked back over to the couch to finish reading up on my file, keeping a close eye on the time.
I changed into a little black dress. It had a skirt that fell from just above the waist line to mid thigh. The dresses top half was all black lace, see through back and slightly low cut at the front. I put on large silver earrings my sisters small cross and let my hair loose. I swept it over one shoulder and pulled on a pair of silver heels.

After adding a few more accessories I left my apartment and headed to 'Paraíso' a Spanish club nearby in the city. The people I was meeting were waiting outside the club waiting for me to arrive.

"Miss Turner, it's so great to see you again." The man said kissing my hand after I offered it to him.

"Serge, it's always a pleasure. This must be your son Caius." I said mentioning the younger Rivera.

"Yes Caius, this is Lexi Turner the woman I met in Cairo, eight months ago. The one I told you about."

"Ah yes, I remember, it is an honour to meet you Miss Turner." Caius said also kissing my hand.

It was definitely different the way I was treated here by these men than Dom or Vince ever treated me.

"And how could I forget Demyan, your bodyguard. Demyan, it's nice to see you again." I said acknowledging his large looming presence behind the two Rivera men.

"Same to you madam."

"Shall we go in?" Serge said wrapping his arm around my waist leading me past the large line waiting to get in and past the bouncer.

We walked to the VIP lounge and sat down. I was trapped sitting between both the Rivera's and their bodyguard standing behind us.

"Shall we order drinks?" Serge asked, flagging down a waitress.

Though I doubt anything I said would be of any consequence, it was more of a demand than an offer that could be refused.

"Hi Mary is it? We would like a bottle of one of your more expensive bottles of champagne." He ordered.

"Of course sir, will there be anything else?"

"No that will be all." He said dismissing the poor waitress who I offered a small smile.

"Now, Miss Turner, I understand, that you called us here to meet over the new business plan we have with your associate."

"Yes Mr Rivera that is correct, he wanted me to handle the meeting as I do many of his others. This meeting, this, casual meeting was just for your reassurance, of our absolute respect for you and your business." I said stopping for the waitress who had brought the champagne and glasses.

Serge handed me a glass.

"Well here is to my absolute reassurance in you and your associate. I thank you for this lovely gesture and I'm quite happy that this casual meeting is in the presence of a beautiful lady like yourself." He said making both his son and I drink to his toast.

I placed the glass on the small glass top in front of us and turned to face him once more.

"Thank you Sir. Now I understand that you filed for a new contracted assignment, but the origin of this assignment has been the same as the last two. I was wondering Sir, if it is the results that have you sending new assets that way. Do you distrust, what results we bring you?" I asked clasping my hands together, in a business type manner.

"No of course not my dear no, in fact I trust the results as you say. The reason that a filed a third time is because new information has been brought to light about something happening at the origin of these assignments, and I need someone not connected to me or mine to prove this new information true or false."

"I see and how is it that you came across this new information?" I asked, his eyes became slightly suspicious as they gazed in to mine and then in a split second they left my face to look over my shoulder and where Caius was once sitting. My British associate now sat.

"Owen! You're here!" Serge exclaimed standing up to greet him with a shake of the hand and a tap on the shoulder.

"Yes, I was in the area, and heard on the grapevine that, my Lexi had set up a meeting. Thought that I would come by so that you were reassured that she does speak for both our interests."

"Well I am most definitely reassured. Wow I haven't seen you face to face, in what? Eight, Nine months. How have you been old friend?" Serge said wrapping his arm around Owen's shoulders.

"I'll tell you what, let's do this over some real drinks. I'll meet you over at the bar, but first let me say hi to my lovely lady." Owen said making Serge leave the VIP lounge and make his way towards the bar, with his bodyguard tailing him.

I stood up from the lounge to come face to face with Owen.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed.

"What? Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Owen, you told me on the phone you were, where you always are, which is in England, not in the US and certainly not in L.A."

"Okay so it was a little white lie, I wanted to surprise you, I missed you too much you've been gone way too long." He said leaning in close to touch his lips to mine softly.

I kissed him back letting my hands slid up to his face, then to his neck which I squeezed playfully while pulling him back.

"Don't lie to me, Owen partners remember." I said to him through a sticky sweet smile.

"Of course, so partner. I found out a little something but I need to find out if it's true."

"Which is?" I sighed, I knew he invaded my meeting for a reason.

"That Serge has been getting his information elsewhere, but I need to know where because I think that he has made mention of our dealings with him."

"What!? Owen this can't happen." I said widening my eyes.

"Calm down love you don't want to spook our friends at the bar."

"Alright, Alright. So what's the plan?" I asked, making smile.

"I'm going to keep, Serge busy, but his son is your priority. Serge tells his son everything because he expects him to take over the company. Find out who his father's contact is, and how he found out this new information." Owen whispered before taking my hand and twirling me around to land in Caius's arms and went to join Serge at the bar.

"I'm sorry, I lost my footing." I apologised, stepping back.

"No worries at all Princess. So that is your associate?" He asked looking over at Owen and Serge who were sitting at the bar.

"Yes, I'd introduce you, but we best not interrupt them. Come let's sit back down." I said gesturing to the lounge.

"Your father is quite proud of you, he told me once that you were his greatest achievement." I said sipping at the champagne left.

"Yes he does like to refer to me as that." He said slightly bitter.

"Well if I'm going to be honest with you, from what I've seen so far. The only thing that you've inherited from your father is his good looks. None of his abilities for cruel dealings and illegal business."

"Oh, and you consider yourself an expert in reading people do you?"

"Darling it's my job. But it's true isn't it does he even trust you enough to really sit in on illegal meetings with other associates of his?"

"No it's not true I sit in on every meeting he has. Although I am not allowed to give input other then the occasional complement."

"I'm sure he just doesn't want to let you loose yet, on the criminal underground. If you sit in on every meeting then of course you would know who your father spoke to about this new information he spoke of. I would like to know who it was. Only so that I could double check the source of the information. I am the one in charge of sending assets out on assignments and I'm not too keen on sending an asset on a wild goose chase because some nut job with a two way radio heard something that would warrant another mission."

"Nut job! I'll have you know Miss Turner that Perceval is quite a reliable source of information, and of course this mission is warranted on the new information he found out. He of course is a double agent working in the community the last two missions occurred, and knows of a shift happening as we speak that may jeopardize a part of my fathers business." He said getting a little fired up about my accusations.

I put my hand on his chest which was slightly bare from the fact that three of the top buttons on his shirt were left undone. Which calmed him down, I looked down at my hand looking slightly embarrassed that I had touched him and pulled my hand away looking away from his face.

He grabbed my face softly with one of his hands and turned my face to look at him.

"I'm sorry Princess, I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. Of course you would want to check out the source of information, you are just trying to protect your assets." He said softly his face so close to mine, I could see that he was thinking about kissing me, I had to get out of this somehow.

"That's okay, Caius." I said grabbing his hand pulling it from my face and holding it as I stood up.

"Come let's dance." I said pulling him from the VIP lounge to the dance floor.

When we made it to the dance floor I looked at Owen and Serge who already had their eyes on us, the distraction worked now for the victory dance.

Dancing was a big part of my culture, my Mother's side were Mexican and my Father's side were Italian-Americans.

Though Caius was a very touchy dancer, I didn't mind, when I danced I was taken to whole other world, forgetting about my surroundings. Belly dancing, twirling, hair flicking and grinding against my partner, I was actually starting to enjoy myself, until Owen tapped Caius on the shoulder, signally him to return to his father.

"Thank you, I was beginning to worry that you didn't understand the signal." I said as soon as Caius was out of earshot.

"Oh I got it but you looked to be enjoying yourself." He whispered in my ear, which made my heart race faster then it already was.

"I'd rather dance with you love." I whispered back before biting his earlobe.

He pulled back smirking.

"I know, let's go and say goodbye to our guests shall we." He said leading me away from the lights and music and towards the Rivera men.

"Well gentlemen it was great seeing you, I hope you had just as much fun as I did." I said knowing that sweat was dripping down my chest and my hair was a little wild.

Caius was smirking at me but his father made his way to me first.

"You were lovely my dear thank you so much for inviting us out." Serge said again kissing my hand.

I just smiled letting him move on to Owen and their farewells. This allowed Caius to approach me.

"It was a great pleasure meeting you, Miss Turner. I do hope we see each other again." Caius smirked as he kissed my hand before walking around me to join his father, but not forgetting to slap my ass on his way there.

Both Owen and I both waved them goodbye.

"I am going to shoot that boy in the head and I won't think twice about it." I said while smiling and waving them goodbye.

"I hope you got the information then?"

"Of course, they are talking to Perceval who is working with the people that our people are spying on, a double agent."

"Good work love." He said turning to face me grabbing my face. "I swear you could have been an Angel in another life." He said before letting go of my face and making his way over to my car.

"I swear you could have been the Devil in another life." I whispered before following him.

"Get in the night's not over yet." He said standing at the passenger side door.

"Where are we going?" I asked climbing into the drivers seat.

"Get out onto this main road and drive straight until you meet a dead end then turn left then turn right. Drive to the end of the street and park in the building space."

I thought that over in my head.

"But that takes us to....." I said trailing off and looking at him.

He gave me a look, that told me I shouldn't ask questions.

I turned the car on and followed his instructions. When we made it to the destination, I hopped out of the car and sighed.

"Really?" I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Out of all the places we could have gone tonight, out of all the things we could be doing you're choosing to do more business at this hour in the night?" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Well if you're a chicken then stay in the car." He smirked walking towards the building.

I internally screamed at the top of my lungs then ran up to him in my heels.

"If I did you would go in there alone and probably get yourself killed. Then I would need to take over your job and that's a lot of paperwork." I said not looking at him but I knew he smiled.

We walked into the alleyway beside the building but before I could walk another step I was thrown against the wall.

I looked in Owen's eyes before he pressed his lips to mine.
He kissed me then leaned away.

"Try to not get killed in there." He said letting me go.

"Nice to know you care." I said sarcastically.

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