Spiritual Ascend (Book 1 of t...

By _allyondra_

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Leah Sparks thought her life was just normal. That is, until she finds out the reason why she was beginning t... More

1.) Spiritual Ascend
2.) Spiritual Ascend
3.) Spiritual Ascend
4.) Spiritual Ascend
5.) Spiritual Ascend
6.) Spiritual Ascend
8.) Spiritual Ascend
9.) Spiritual Ascend
10.) Spiritual Ascend
11.) Spiritual Ascend
12.) Spiritual Ascend
13.) Spiritual Ascend
14.) Spiritual Ascend
15.) Spiritual Ascend
16.) Spiritual Ascend
17.) Spiritual Ascend
18.) Spiritual Ascend
19.) Spiritual Ascend
20.) Spiritual Ascend
21.) Spiritual Ascend
22.) Spiritual Ascend

7.) Spiritual Ascend

427 21 9
By _allyondra_

Well, here is chapter seven....should I continue it or not? I need your thoughts...^^





but always....



Chapter Seven:

The same dream repeated the night before. It was scarier than the first time. This time it had more details in it. Dreams couldn't be that vivid, could they?

It was still three in the morning when I woke up. I heard a sound below. It was like cymbals clanging against each other. I trudged downstairs to see who or what created the racket. I tried my best to sneak to the first floor without gating caught.

I succeeded part one...it was part two that was the hard part. I tiptoed quietly in the shadows. When I neared the kitchen, I saw light coming from it. I reached for the nearest weapon I could find and came across an umbrella. It wasn't much but it was all I got.

I decided I would jump inside and see who it was at the count of three.

One. I took a deep breath.

Two. Another deep breath.

Three. I jumped.

"Ah!!!" I shouted and brought the umbrella in front of me.

"Ahh!!!" The intruder shouted too as it was too surprised by my appearance. Recognition dawned on it's face then annoyance. "Leah, don't ever scare me again!"

"Amy?"I asked, surprised. I looked around the dark kitchen and saw the refrigerator door open. I stood up straight, bringing the umbrella to my side and putting a smirk on my lips. "Don't you think it's too late for a midnight snack?"

"Ha ha," She placed the bread and the Nutella jar on the island and turned to face me with her hands on her hips. Then she sighed and came closer. "I couldn't sleep."

This was the first time in a long time I saw her so worried. The last time she had that look in her eyes was when she had that nightmare when she was seven years old. Huh. It must have come back or another one came.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nightmare", she hugged herself and shuddered. "The same one of the dark figures crowding over something tied to a pole. The same flash of light. Then scenes of a hand plunging a sword into someone's chest. Only this time, Leah, it sort of became clearer; more vivid." Amy frowned. Ah, I guess I'm not the only one that had sleeping problems here. The difference is hers happens rarely.

"Don't worry. You aren't the only one."

Just then, the lights in the kitchen turned on, blinding me for a few seconds. I squinted towards the door and saw Mom and Dad in their bathrobes, carrying a baseball bat and a golf club.

A laugh escaped my lips and I had to admit they looked so funny with their messed up hair and bathrobes posed to attack anything that threatened to invade their little home.

Dad blinked twice before straightening up with an amused grin on his face. Mom mimicked him and she shook her head with a tiny smile.

"What are you girls doing here?" Dad asked as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes," Mom agreed. "It's like three in the morning. What woke you up so early?"

"I heard a noise downstairs and wanted to check who or what made it." I sheepishly held up the umbrella. "I just found out it was just Amy getting a way too late midnight snack."

"Don't give me that look," Amy said taking a step back and holding her hands out in front of her when we all stared at her curiously. "I just needed to get my mind off something that was bothering me and that made me a bit hungry so I came down to eat some bread. But as I was getting the Nutella, I accidentally hit some of the pans down there," She gestured to the rack of silver ware and cooking materials. "And created that noise Leah heard."

"But what brings you both down here?" I voiced out to Mom and Dad.

It was weird to see them here when I know Amy and I haven't been making too much noise. And weirder that they brought things and acclaimed a stance of a professional warrior.

"Your dad heard the noise first then he woke me up and we came down. He was all like 'Honey, I think someone's breaking into our house. Stay here while I go check it out.'" Mom rolled her eyes at Dad and he gave her a loving smile in return. She smiled ruefully back at him. I raised an eyebrow at them. It was like they had this inside joke that was just kept between the two of them.

"Well," Dad said with another scratch of his head and a yawn. We all followed, yawning, one after the other. "Let's all go back to sleep. It's still too early neither to be awake nor to be eating breakfast."

We all climbed the stairs and back into our rooms. I pulled the covers over my head as soon as my body touched the bed.

Amy was having weird dreams again. I just started having freaky dreams myself after my sixteenth birthday last June seven.

I tossed and turned but I couldn't find any comfortable position so I took Pearl, my white teddy bear, from her place on my bedside drawer and cuddled up with her. Pearl was the best listener someone could ever ask for. She wouldn't say anything, not even a word to anyone. So I would tell her anything--and I mean anything. From my day in high school or about the boys I like and what I truly feel but was just hiding it from anyone. She knew about my dreams and how they happened. She knew everything.

I held her in my arms until my eyes began to droop. Today was going to be a new day.

That afternoon, I stayed on the porch thinking to myself about my summer here in Riverdale.

Jake stayed with us the whole summer because it was his last time to spend time with us. He slept in my room and we stayed until the wee hours of the morning.

Things were fun, especially with Jake, Tori, and Victor. It was just like old times when we would play hide-and-seek, tag, and a lot of other stuff that kids would normally play. Nobody's too old for games, especially fun ones.

There was also that time we went into the Park Forest and discovered a quiet little meadow. It had grass that caressed your feet, and a cool stream that ran through it. Wild flowers grew all over it and we decided to act like we were princes and princesses. We made flower tiaras and we laughed, played, and danced until the sun set. That was the best day in all my summers put together.

There was another time, last summer that we had a strong thunderstorm that made the earth turn to mud. After the storm, Jake, Amy and I went outside to check everything out. He accidentally slipped on the mud and landed in the muddiest pit. Amy and I laughed our butts off as we played his face over and over again in our minds resulting to Jake throwing two fistfuls of mud at us.

"Hey, Leah," a voice broke my thoughts. It was Nate. I looked up from the page on my textbook and my landed on his awesome body. I gulped and brought my eyes up to his face, past the smile on his lips and to those sapphire-like eyes. He stared at me and I stared back.

His blue eyes were as interesting as it had midnight blue flecks in it. It also had sincerity, kindness, and gentleness in them. It made me gasp as his eyes were so beautiful and deep enough that you could almost see his vibrant soul.

I was too busy looking into those blue orbs that I didn't notice Amy's head poke out the door and interrupt our little moment with her winy voice.

"Leah, where'd you put the remote to the flat screen?"

I shook my head and broke the connection between Nate and me. I cocked my head to Amy. "It’s on top of the side table."

"Which one?" She pressed.

"The brown one near the couch."

"Okay, thanks," She closed the door but then her head came out again. "Who's this?"

I giggled at her and stood up. "Nate, meet my little sister, Amy." I gestured from him to my sister and vice versa. "Amy, meet our neighbor, Nate. Now that you know each other, why don't you go inside and watch whatever you're going to watch." I dismissed her with a wave. She gave me a tongue out in response.

Once the door was close, I turned to Nate and placed a sheepish smile on my face. He gave me back an amused smile.

"So," I moved back towards the seats and sat back where I was just a few moments ago. I tried my best to stop checking him out but I couldn't help it. He was wearing a black shirt that gave emphasis on his body. His pianist fingers fiddled with his ring that had the letter N on it. I swear every now and then I would see a tiny glow in them. I shook my head and went back to talking to Nate. "We should practice now, shouldn't we?"

He nodded and I stood up to get my laptop.

"Ha!" Nate exclaimed as we finished an hour later. He leaned back on his chair and placed his arms behind his head. I leaned back on mine too. Who would have thought memorizing old words could be so tiring?

I looked towards him and saw him closing his eyes. The skin on his face was pale as the moon when it’s full. I couldn't believe someone who spent so much time in swimming could have this kind of coloring.

"You can stop staring now. I already know I'm hot." he said, surprising me. He peeked at me with his left eye and gave me a smirk that totally said 'Caught you.'

I rolled my eyes but my cheeks were red. Nate was still smirking so I punched in the arm just to wipe it off his face.

"Shut up." I gave him a tongue-out which just caused him to laugh. Boys can really be so full of themselves. Ugh. I tried to change the subject. "Actually, I was wondering how in the world are you so pale when you go swimming every now and then."

He chuckled and shrugged. "I haven't gone swimming anymore. I've been very busy lately."

I wondered what he was doing but it isn't my business so I just let it go. I turned to my laptop and opened the folder where I kept my stories. I opened one of them and began typing in it. I was continuing chapter three.

"Leah," Nate suddenly said. I stopped typing and looked away from the screen giving him a questioning look. He scrunched his eyebrows and I knew something was bothering him. "Can I ask you something?"

"That depends on what you want to know." I replied.

He gave me a small smile then turned serious again. "Do you like Chris Rodriguez?"

I took in a shaky breath. Was it obvious? It had to be if he had asked that question. I had to lie.

"No," His eyes told me he didn't believe me. I knew he saw right through my lies. "That was a long time ago. I don't like him now."

He raised an eyebrow and he still didn't believe me. Seriously! How do you convince a boy that you don't like that guy anymore? Oh, right. There's no way unless you actually tell the truth. Great.

I was about to tell him the right answer when I was saved by the bell--well, more like a honk actually. I saw my dad's silver Volvo pull up in the drive way. He came out of the car and when he saw me with Nate, he frowned.

Okay now I seriously thought I was saved when it kinds made the situation a bit bad. Mom them came rushing out which only made it worse. Super. I feel much better. Ugh.

Mom looked at me. Very briefly, she touched her silver bracelet and I swear I saw it shiver. My eyes must be playing some tricks on me. She came closer and asked, "Who is this, Leah?"

Dad came up and kissed mom on the forehead before directing his green orbs to me. He sort of glared at Nate and I wondered what it was for.

Nate, on the other hand, didn't seem to notice the suspicious and adults glares from both my mom and dad. He just stood up and extended his hand to them and said, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sparks. I am Nathan Gray, Leah's classmate and partner," At the last word, mom and dad's looks smoothed out and turned into shock. But Nate continued, still not noticing it. "We’re practicing for the play Romeo and Juliet next week. But we're done now, so I think I'll just go now."

"Wait," Mom calmly said. She tilted her head slightly to the side and I knew her well enough that she was speculating something. "Won't you have dinner with us?"

"What?!" I whispered incredulously to mom. This can't be happening. "Mom!"

She gave me a look that said 'shh'. He turned back to Nate who was already on the last porch step. "So would you?"

"It's okay Mrs. Sparks," Nate glanced at me. "My mom's going to be worried so I'd better get going."

"Oh, I know Celia wouldn't mind your absence because I already asked her." Mom smiled sweetly. I saw dad nudge her slightly with his arm. They were acting a bit absurd.

Nate looked at me once again but this time asking for confirmation. I nodded. "C'mon. It means we can still practice."

"Great!" mom said enthusiastically. She smiled really big. This meant trouble. She and dad went in before us.

Nate came up beside me and gave me a small smile. "You know," he started. "You could have warned me your mom was going to torture me with her kindness."

I giggled. "I didn't know she could do that."

He rolled his eyes and we both stepped inside ready to face dinner with my parents and little sister.

That was the most awkward dinner in the history of dinners. Mom and dad kept on asking Nate questions and he would answer them as politely as he could. Amy kept on poking and pinching me which annoyed me to the fullest but I held my tongue from snapping at her.

After the question spree, it became so quiet that only the scrapes of our forks against our plates could be heard. Mom and dad finished first. They both too me it was my time to wash the dishes. I nodded. Next to finish were Nate and I. I loaded the dishes into the sink and groaned when I realized the dishwasher was broken by Amy 'accidentally'. That was such a lie.

I sighed and glanced at Nate who was beside me, leaning on the sink. Amy came up and received the plate from her. He got the towel on my shoulder and said "You wash; I dry, deal?"

I nodded and we began our little task together. Every now and then, his arm would brush against mine, sending sparks flying. The butterflies in my tummy were going crazy and I felt like vomiting.

When we were halfway done with our job, Nate chuckled and said, "I haven't forgotten our conversation a while ago. You do like Chris, don't you?"

"No, I don't. And that is final." I splashed water on him.

"Yes, you do." He splashed water on me again, laughing like an idiot when he saw my face.

"Don't." We continued the splashing thing until he ran around the table, making sure he wouldn't get wet anymore.

"Do." He smirked. I got the soap and that made him lose the grin. He cowered in fake terror. "No! Not the soap."

"Oh, it's on." I began chasing him around the dining table, laughing together with him. He surprised me when he turned around and held his arms out.

"Argh!" we both said as we fell to the floor, still laughing.

"Gotcha." and with the little bit of soap in my hand, I placed just a dot on the tip of his nose.

I don't know how we stayed like that on the floor, staring into each other's eyes. We only broke apart when he whispered "Why do we always end up like this?"

"I don't know." my voice shook me back to reality. I stood up and pulled him along with me. "C'mon. Let's get back to work."

He sighed and we both went back to the sink. Things were back to normal once again.


And that's the end of this chapter...^^

I know, I know...the actresses aren't like the characters I described in my story. Let's just use our imagination and pretend that Bella Thorne has blue eyes and Victoria Justice has green eyes. The boys' eyes are just perfect! Thank you once again to AbbyTAR for that ;). Love yah; mean it !

Anyways....so what do you guys think? Too fast? Too much drama? Just enough or something? I really, really, REALLY need your thoughts, guys.

But don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FAN !!!

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