A Court of Tears and Starlight

By Spinlight

71.5K 2.3K 893

Sometimes we have to give up that which we love most so that it can be saved, to be enjoyed by others, but ne... More

The gift of the Willow
A deal's a deal
Welcome to the Night
The dress
Secrets in the Night
Dark Dreams
Wild calls to wild
Spying at Night
The message
Sweet nothings
Nothing ever ends
The death of a star
Home sweet home, no more.
Reading between the lines
The Letter
Throwing daggers
A case of terrible timing
Pillow talk
Deep in the mines
An unlikely alliance
The Awakening
The secret council
You set fire to my bed
A push in the right direction
Comings and goings
Note From Spinlight
Unexpected gifts
Preparing for the worst
The Great Rite
Note from Spinlight
Fighting hard
Queen for a night
When lightning strikes
The millennial treaty
The Challenge begins
The End
Lost time
Final gifts
Violet stains
Your heart is my home
Missing pieces
Forever family

Dining with devils

1.7K 49 8
By Spinlight

Rhysand drew me into the entrance of a magnificent dining room. I tried to ignore the light touch of his hand on my bare back as he guided me forward. The room was dimly lit and shaped like a giant orb, the roof circling up to a large oval opening where silver moonlight shone through, touching everything with a soft luminescent glow. As my eyes adjusted to the light, everything came into focus and I began to notice the other sources of light from within the room. Suspended glass globes, throbbing with light, were hung over the tables scattered around the room. I thought it was a trick of the eye that the light from within them appeared to dance to and fro until I neared one and saw that I was wrong. From within each globe a few dozen fireflies dived in and around each other as they dipped into the silver starlight that pooled at the bottom of each sphere.

I looked at Rhys in pure delight. "Its beautiful" I murmured. His eyes twinkled and his lips curved up into a small tentative smile. "Come..." he said ushering me forward and deeper into the room. As we passed I noticed that the room had hushed to a complete silence. I had been so enamoured by the lights that I had not seen the hundreds of fae faces looking wide eyed at us and then glancing away. I looked into the obsidian pools of their inhumane eyes and was startled by the reverence I saw staring back at me. As my eyes swept the crowd I noticed a repeated gesture of fingers curling down towards their thumb, forming an open centred circle that was then placed across their chest. I looked at Rhys in search of an explanation. He raised his eyebrows and said without mirth "Don't look at me. You're the one who saved them".

Then a black and silver marbled table top was suddenly before us, seats magically drawn back as I was ushered to a chair near the head of the table where Rhysand soon seated himself.

"Good Fiends" he greeted them with a bare minimal tilt of his head. 

"Your Highness" they responded with a generous deep dip of their own.

"I see your hunting trip to Spring went well..." oozed an oily voice across from me. A rumbling murmur of laughter followed down from the rest of the table.

"perhaps next time you should invite your lords that we too can prey on such tasty game" the sneering voice continued as I looked up into the empty black eyes of a grey skinned Fae seated adjacent to me. The eyes were set in a cruel narrow face, between high cheek bones and a steep slanting nose.

Rhysand chuckled deeply before looking up at the dark smirking Fae sitting across from me. "You know how I feel about others playing with my belongs Ganlin..." he said quietly as he looked pointedly at a deep set scar that marred the side of the grey fae face. The rest of the table chuckled again as if Rhys had scored a point.

As I scanned down the cruel pointy male faces lining the table I knew that I would find no allies here. This was not Spring. To survive here I needed them to loath and fear me, and that meant seeing me as something other than Rhysand's plaything.

I looked pointedly at Ganlin "You know..." I began, all eyes of the table swivelling towards us, ears strained to pick up my words.

Ganlin grinned at me, eager for a chance to redeem himself from Rhys' last slur.

"I don't actually mind others playing with my belongs" I mused, flicking a casual look in Rhysand's direction and then back to Ganlin. "The only problem is that there may not be anything left to play with once I'm finished" I said licking my lips as I looked intently at Rhysand. "But you're welcome to my leftovers" I said with a dismissive shrug.

The table roared with laughter as Ganlin flushed a sickly shade of white.

Rhys smirked at me with distinct satisfaction. He didn't respond out loud but I could feel the presence of another in my mind.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, my love" his velvet voice whispered inside my head.

I sat out the rest of the dinner in silence, perched regally upright in my chair as I picked at my food with disinterest. To be fair to Rhys, the food was divine. But I felt like a dear eating amongst the wolves and my tummy tightened with discomfort and chased all appetite away. No one seemed to mind my silence, and after my exchange with Ganlin no one dared make me the focus of conversation either. I supposed that was one small win. I stole a few sidewards glances from time to time at Rhysand. He never once looked at me, but I got the distinct impression his attention fell on me often throughout the course of the evening.

I was staring absently at the table when I heard Rhys slide his chair back and stand. I looked up to see him standing beside me, offering his arm. I paused for a moment considering my options and decided that for now I best dance to his tune. I graciously accepted his arm as he turned and cooly dismissed everyone for the night.

I could feel their eyes intently upon us as we crossed the dining room and exited through a narrow side door to the right of the room.

"Where are we g....." my voice trailed off as I found myself standing outside on a balcony surrounded by a clear crisp night.

Rhys had released my arm as he stepped away and leant on the balustrade, looking out over the dark lands below.

I stepped up next to him and peered out into a deep set cluster of hills, each flecked with hundreds of soft glowing lights.

His shoulders slumped slightly and he spoke without looking at me "What did you notice tonight?".

"Other than your complete lack of manners?" I retorted, but my voice lacked the iciness I intended and my insult didn't seem to register as Rhys continued to stare out into the night.

I thought back over the details that I had catalogued at dinner. The safe and bland topics of conversations, the few meaningful looks I had seen shared before subjects were changed and moved on to safer ground. The complete lack of passion, squabble and slurs that I had come to expect for the Night Court....Something was wrong... Something scarier than the Night Court? I shuddered at the thought of it.

I turned slowly to find Rhys staring at me. I blinked and looked up at him with wide set eyes.

"What could such monsters possibly be afraid of?" I whispered. 

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