Life of Tony Perry's sister

By XIdobelieveinfairies

74.2K 1.5K 223

My life hasn't been perfect, I tend to tell my stories to fans that think that my brother along with his band... More

Life of Tony Perry's sister
chapter 2
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chaper 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
sneak peak :3
Chapter 13
Capter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
looking for two new characters
Closed for new characters
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not A Update :/
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 18

1.5K 39 2
By XIdobelieveinfairies

When we got home I went straight to bed as El was with Phil, I rolled over on my stomach as Austin came in, “you okay babe?” I looked at him and sighed, “No…” he looked at me as I teared up a little, “I’m just going to miss you.” He hugged me tightly, “Andy, I am always with you right here.” He said putting his hand over my heart. I smiled at him as he hugged me; I hugged him tightly as he sighed, “I’m going to miss you so much Andy.” He said quietly. “I’m going to miss you much much more.” I said as he kissed my head as Phil helped Ellie walk over to us, than she crawled the rest of the way. “hey baby girl.” I said as I picked her up as she giggled, “did you feed her?” he nodded, “yeah some Rice and Vegetables that Gerber stuff...” I giggled and nodded.

“Well baby girl what do we do now?” I asked as she giggled, and Austin took her away I pouted he just smiled at me as I kissed him than laid on the bed again. “eat.” Austin said as I groaned getting up again, “fine.” He just smiled as I got up “Ah give me my baby girrrrl!” I said as I smiled, Austin handed me Ellie as I kissed her cheek, putting her in her play pen in the living room. I ate some pizza and laid my head on Austin’s shoulder. He put his head on mine as we heard, “Well we got to get going! Gotta start packing!” Alan called as I watched him give Ellie a kiss on the head and left. I sighed as I got Ellie, Austin and I with Ellie walked into our room as he got his suit case out; I sat on the bed as Austin was sorting out his shirt, Ellie grabbed one as she unfolded and stood up with me helping her stand, as she put it in the suit case.

She did it three more times as Austin turned around as he just chuckled at the mess, “thanks for helping El.” He kissed her head then kissed me, “Okay time for bed little one.” I said as I got up, “AUUUSTIN?” I giggled as he replied, “AANNNDDDRREEEAAAA” I laughed as I said, “Get El a bottle please.” I went into Ellie’s room as I gave her a bath then changed her into her pink pajama’s. I put in a CD that I made the other day for her the list of songs are:

30 Days By Never Shout Never

Sweet Blasphemy by Black Veil Brides

Kids In Love (Acoustic) by Mayday Parade

When You Can’t Sleep At Night by Of Mice & Men

Candles by Hey Monday

Without The Bitter, The Sweet Isn’t As Sweet By Mayday Parade

Let Live By Of Mice & Men

James Dean & Audrey Hepburn (Acoustic) By Sleeping With Sirens

Harmony by Never Shout Never

I played it softly as I sat in the rocking chair as Austin came in getting Ellie from me, I pouted as I looked at him, He smiled as he sat in the rocking chair giving Ellie her bottle. I kissed Ellie’s cheek as I smiled at Austin going into our room. I refolded all the shirts and pants that Ellie had put in the suit case; I hummed to Let Live as it played softly in Ellie’s room. I felt hands go around my waist I looked down to see Austin’s tattooed arm; I looked up at him as he smiled at me, I smiled back as he kissed me softly. I kissed back as he broke it as he kept hugging me from behind. When he let go I turned to see him looking at me. I giggled at him as he kissed me one last time as I changed into one of his Jack Daniels, they were long, he is WAY taller than me!

He smirked at me as I stuck out my tongue, I helped him back some more as he finally stripped down into his boxers. I put his suit case’s on the floor as I crawled into bed, as he did after I; I wrapped his arms around my waist as I snuggled into him. “I’m going to miss this Austin.” He kissed my neck, “I’m going to miss you and this too.” I said softly as I kissed his chest. I felt his fingers do circles on my back as I fell asleep to him humming, Second & Sebring.

When I woke I sighed heavily as I tried to get up, Austin’s arms kept me in place, “Austin baby, I need to pee.” He let me go as I kissed him softly, “I’ll get Ellie and lay with you again.” He nodded again sleepily as I ran into the bathroom to go pee. When I came back out Austin was sleeping as I went to get Ellie, She was awake and standing up. I giggled, I changed her diaper than went back into our room. I laid Ellie next to Austin as he woke seeing her than grabbed her and cuddled. I smiled as I took a picture.

@The_Perry_Girl: You just have to love those Father daughter moments @AustinCarlile.

I smiled as I went into the kitchen cooking breakfast…Today is his last day here before he goes on tour for a whole month… I heard footsteps coming to the kitchen. I looked to see Austin with bed head and Ellie with bedhead also; I giggled as I put food on a plate for Austin before I put some Cheerio’s on Ellie’s highchair. Austin sat her in her highchair as she ate I sat next to her as I ate also. “What are we doing today?” I asked softly, “the Zoo. I figured we would have a family day today.” I smiled at him. “I haven’t been to the zoo in forever!” I giggled as he smiled at me, Austin finished eating he washed his plate then kissed my cheek. “I’ll get Ellie Ready.” He said as I nodded as I continued eating.

I finished eating as I washed my plate in the sink as I went into our bedroom as I changed into; Pink Skinnies, my Skull with wings tee, light make up, putting my sunglasses on my head as I put my space converse on. I grabbed my purse as I walked out with Austin wearing a V-neck, and Black Skinnies with Black Vans; Ellie was wearing a cute white ruffled top with capris. Austin handed me Ellie as he went into the gradge as I went out and buckled Ellie in the car. Austin came out of the house with Ellie’s stroller; “did you lock the house?” I called as he shook his head, “No I got to go get Ellie’s Diaper bag and the Keys.” He said as he put the stroller into trunk. He gave me a quick kiss before he ran into the house.

I got into the car as he came out locked the door and ran to the car; he gave me the diaper bag, “Sorry it took me so long, I put cold water with ice into one of her bottles and juice in the other.” I nodded as I kissed him softly, “Alright let’s go!” I giggled as he smiled at me, when we got onto the road I put my hand on his thigh rubbing it with my thumb as I relaxed against the seat. When we got to the Zoo, Austin got the stroller ready as I got Ellie, “are you ready to see the animals” I giggled at her as she smiled at me. I smiled as I kissed her cheek, she giggled as I put her in the stroller buckling her in. “I hope we don’t get mobbed by fans here.” I said as I put my sunglasses on.

“I guess we will see.” He said as I nodded I kissed his cheek as I hugged him. “Today is going to be amazing.” I said as we parted and I pushed the stroller as he smiled at me.

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