My Favorite Love Story is Ours

By kalicala

537 2 0

After Annabel and a mysterious stranger accidentaly swap books, fate intervenes. They start talking and get c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

24 0 0
By kalicala

Another chapter...expect a lot of chapters today and tomorrow...I'm finally typing everything in my notebook. So enjoy, vote, comment, fan..anything. As I've said before no editor, so sorry in advance if there are any mistakes :)

**     “Where the bloody hell have you been?!” We’ve been freaking out!” Lexi yelled as soon as Trent walked in.

     “Chill, I was at Annabel’s. I told you that yesterday,” he said calmly.

     “All night” Jerome waggled his eyebrows, smirking.

     “Yes,” he mumbled, looking down at his feet, knowing where Jerome’s thoughts were at the moment.

     “Way to go!” he yelled putting Trent in a head lock. Once he let go he asked, “How exactly did you manage to shag a girl who doesn’t know your name?”

     “Uhm,” he looked over at Lexi who was now sitting down, legs and arms crossed, looking away. “First off it wasn’t just a shag. I told her I loved her and she blew up; then I told her my name.”

      “Huh,” Jerome mumbled and plopped down next to Lexi, who was deep in thought.

     “So she only had sex with you because she found out you are famous?” she spat.

     “No! Did you not hear what I said first?” he yelled getting defensive of her. “We had sex for that reason, we both love each other. I don’t feel right talking about this with you. I mean we’re like family, but I wouldn’t talk about this to anybody. Besides all she knows is my name, not what I do. To answer your next question, no she wasn’t pretending. She honestly has no idea and is explaining our relationship to her parents as we speak.”

    “If you’re 100 percent positive,” Lexi said cautiously. Trent nodded his head firmly. “Well then you have to tell your mum and your dad would appreciate it if you told him as well.”

     “Ah crap. I’ll tell my mum as soon as we have a recording break and my dad after it’s finished. By the way what’d they say about my song?”

     “They said it’s good, but needs a bit of work. They’re giving you two more months and they’ll help you with it also,” Jerome answered. Trent nodded and smiled. “Let’s go or else we’ll be late.”

<3     “When’d you two meet?” my dad asked.

     “About three weeks ago,” I answered.

     “And he’s already staying overnight?” my mom asked incredulously.

     “No,” I said quickly. “He came over this morning to make me breakfast since he had to cancel our plans the day before, so I let him,” I partially made up, so they wouldn’t freak out on me.

     “How’d you two meet?” my dad questioned.

     “We ran into each other and accidentally switched books. The next day he brought mine back to the store and we just started talking,” I shrugged my shoulders.

     “How close have you two gotten?” my mom asked slowly, making sure I got what she was saying. I blushed tomato red and gaped that she would actually ask a question like that.

     Thankfully my dad butted in, “I don’t want to know what goes on that personally in my youngest daughter’s life, thank-you very much.” I smiled thankfully at him.

     “He lives in Ireland?” she asked instead, glaring at her husband.

     “No, London. But he visits once or twice a year. Then every other year he’s everywhere due to his job.”

     “And what exactly is his job?” my mom fired back quickly. I stayed quiet not sure what to say. “So you are with a guy that you don’t know what he does for a living and if he’s able to support you in the future? You don’t know what he does.”

     “I do, but I know it’s only the small details not the whole thing. He wants to make sure it’s serious before he tells me anything big. It’s…complicated. And he can obviously provide if he’s over here for two months when he lives in London. Are those all the questions because I want you to meet Kaysee and her son Jax. She’s my best friend here and I work with her.”

     “For now, yes. The rest can wait for Trent. Can you call a cab Rachel?” he asked. She nodded and went out of my apartment to call.

     “Thanks for stepping in Dad,” I mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

     “It’s nothing sweetheart. I know how your mom gets. And all my questions are for him, but don’t think your mom won’t give him the third degree also.” He paused for a second before continuing. “I want you to finish college, even if it’s not something we’re sure will support you and I don’t want him to get in the way of that,” he trailed off.

     “Dad, Trent would never get in the way of my dreams. Besides I have the job at the bookstore and I have a pretty good home,” I defended.

     “I know you do Annabel. But you don’t have a vehicle and what about a family? Do you want your kids to think of you as a type of salesperson?”

     “As long as I’m able to support them and they love me, I could care less what they think of me. I’m not supposed to be a friend to them,” I said heatedly.

     He took a deep breath. “I didn’t want to lecture you. He rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger before making eye contact with me. “If you need money to finish we’ll gladly help you; we helped your sister.”

     “I wanted to tell you and Mom together,” I grinned. He raised his eyebrows.

     “The cab is already here and tell us what?” my mom asked walking back in.

     “Let’s go to the cab before it drives away.” On the way down I told them. “I signed up for my last class, so I’ll be a college graduate in five months.”

     “That’s great hun,” my mom forced out, still against my career choice.

     “I’m so proud of you,” my dad said sincerely. I smiled at him, knowing he was trying to make-up for Mom.

     The cab ride was quiet the whole was to Kaysee’s. It made me wonder why my mom hadn’t lectured me yet and what they both were thinking.

    “We’re here!” I exclaimed, paying the cabbie, eager to get out. I was about to knock when Jax opened the door with a wide grin. “Didn’t your mom ever tell you not to open the door?”

     “Only for strangers,” he said giving a cheeky smile.

    “Well in that case I’d like you to meet my parents, but where’s your mom?” I asked curiously, looking behind him. When I saw her, she motioned for us to come in.

     “Hey Kaysee. I’d like you to meet my parents, Joshua and Rachel. Dad, Mom this is my best friend Kaysee and her son Jax.” My mom wen to put out her hand, but before she could, Kaysee went over and pulled her, then my dad into a hug. “Sorry, forgot to mention she’s a hugger,” I laughed.

     She rolled her eyes at me. “So nice to finally meet you. You just got here didn’t you?” she asked sweetly.

    “About two hours and half hours ago. There was an accident coming into town,” my dad smiled, while my mom stood there, still partially shocked.

    “Well, welcome to the small, yet popular Mayberry. Would you like anything to drink?”

    “Tea would be great if you have any,” my mom answered. Kaysee nodded and headed toward the kitchen.

     “Jax why don’t you stop being shy and show them your new puppy while I help your mom,” I crouched down in front of him.

     “Yeah!” he exclaimed, grabbing their hands and pulling them through the living room into the backyard. I walked into the kitchen to see Kaysee setting out cups.

     “What do you want  Miss I don’t like tea,” she teased.

     “I’ll just have some water. Thanks for letting me stop by. I needed to show my parents that I do have friends here.”

     “It’s fine. They seem fine.” I looked at her questioningly. “Come on. They are your parents. You should have seen mine when I was pregnant. That was something I will never forget, but I get it now that I have Jax. Don’t be too harsh on them.”

     “I’ll try but I’m not promising anything. Anyways the other day I heard the name Trent Millington and it sounded familiar, but I can’t put a face or anything to it.”

     “It probably sounds familiar because I’ve mentioned him a couple of times,” she shrugged putting tea bags into the cups.

     I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would Kaysee mention my boyfriend in conversation?” Why would you talk about him?” I tried asking non-chalantly, but failing miserably.

     “Because he’s in the band Trail of Colors? He’s the one that plays guitar and sings the one part of that song that you absolutely love. What’s the real reason you’re asking Annabel?”

     I froze, shell-shocked at her words, my mind was flying at a million miles a minute. “Annabel?” she called, waving a hand in front of my face.

     “It-it’s just the h-he told me his name last night,” I stuttered.

     Kaysee just looked at me confused. “Ok, but what’s that got to do with Trent Millington?” she asked. I just looked at her and she froze as shocked as I was.

     “Annabel Lee, you better not be making this up.” I shook my head, not able to find words just yet. “You said he’s on vacation with his friends?” I nodded. “Let me guess they’re names are Jerome and Lexi and they’re dating.” This time she didn’t wait for my confirmation before going on. “He’s always wearing a hat and dark sunglasses. Defensive and jittery when I said he looked familiar.” She paused looking directly into my wide eyes. “Oh my God! This is so cool!” she screamed.

     My parents ran into the room with Jax trailing after them with his puppy in his arms, when she continued to scream. “What’s wrong?” my dad asked.

     Kaysee was about to say something, but I butt-in before she could. “Nothing, she’s just excited because I’m graduating college. The tea is ready.” I gave them the cups and watched them make way to the living room. She gave me  a questioning look. “They’d have a fit if they found out my boyfriend is famous. They’d say I couldn’t handle it and should break up with him. I’ll let it slid into conversation somehow.” She nodded her head understanding.

     “Well he has my approval from what I’ve read about him. But we better get in there before Jax drives them crazy.” We walked in with our own cups and started talking to my parents, letting them get to know Kaysee and Jax.

     We left around five, right before dinner. My parents ended up loving Kaysee after getting over the fact she was pregnant in high school and isn’t in touch with the father. I was debating on going to Trent’s hotel, but decided it was too late and didn’t want to leave my parents alone in my apartment. We ate dinner in silence and went to bed shortly after. A common thing in my family.

**     “She should have come by now,” Trent said worriedly, pacing the floor.

     “Mate, calm down. Her parents just came into town, she probably wants to spend time with them,” Jerome said standing in front of him.

    “Then why hasn’t she at least text me? She doesn’t get along with her parents that well, at least not her mum,” He retorted.

     “Maybe she’s trying to fix things with them. You know being the bigger person. And this isn’t something you talk about over the phone,” Lexi pointed out. Trent almost forgot she was there, since she was quiet for the past hour, during his rant.

     “Why don’t you just take a shower and go to sleep? We have a studio session until one tomorrow,” Jerome said yawning.

     “All right,” Trent grunted and stalked to his bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and flopped on the bed deciding to skip the shower. He finally fell asleep with three hours before he had to wake up at five-thirty.

     “Trent! Get your fat arse up! If we don’t leave in ten minutes we’ll be late!” Jerome yelled, pulling the sheets off and shaking his shoulder. Trent grabbed the pillow next to him and put it over his ears. “Trent! Now!” Jerome yelled and pulled him on the ground.

     “Prick,” Trent muttered, rubbing his butt as he got up. Jerome smirked and walked out. Trent walked over to his suitcase and changed into a fresh shirt and shorts.

     “C’mon Trent!” Lexi yelled. Trent came from his room and grabbed an apple and granola bar. “Let’s go then.”

     They were just out the door when Trent said, “Wait, what if Annabel comes by?”

     “Way ahead of you mate. Lexi told me to leave a note on the counter while she was getting ready,” Jerome told him, clasping his shoulder. Trent gave a small smile and continued down the hall.

<3      I woke up the next day and missed how the morning previous there were arms wrapped around me. I slowly got up  and got ready. When I walked out I saw my parents were already awake.

     “What are you guys doing?” I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of orange juice.

     “Making breakfast,” my dad smiled at me.

     “You didn’t have to. I would’ve made it,” I said taking a sip.

     “Well we wanted to eat breakfast in the morning not afternoon,” my mom snarled.

     “Really Mom?” I said, already getting frustrated with her.

     “Annabel…” My dad gave me a look that I’ve gotten many times before. The one that means be quiet or she’ll go off.

     “No Josh. Let her finish,” she said, staring at me. And I managed to set her off with just two words. Only the second day, must be our new record. I put down my orange juice and spoke up for the first time ever.

     “Fine. You still think I’m that little 14 year-old. I’m 23 now! I have a job, wake up at 6 by myself, taking a class at college and have my own apartment. I think I’m doing pretty damn well for being on my own! I make enough money to go out every now and then, if I want. Hell, I even got a boyfriend without you knowing or meddling. I’m an adult! You don’t need to know what goes on in my life every second and how I live it. I don’t need all the stuff you need. I spent the whole week cleaning and when you get here, you look disgusted and don’t even try to deny it. I’m done with this shit.” I glared at my mom, who stood their flabbergasted. “Sorry Dad. I was going to take you guys down to one of nice beaches, but I can’t be around her anymore,” I stated firmly, still looking at her. I made my way to leave, but stopped when I heard her talking.

     “Of course, just run away from your problems Annabel, just like you always do.”

     “I did that to get away from your criticism and controlling my life!” I countered. She continued as if I was just a voice in the back of her head.

     “I do that to protect you. I’m trying to help you. As for your job, you’re a clerk. Career choice will get you nowhere. And your boyfriend lives halfway across the world. How do you know he’s faithful? Plus you don’t  know what he does for a living!”

     “I do know! He plays guitar and sings for Trail of Colors. They’re all over the news. And I know he won’t cheat! Wanna know why? I trust him!” I yelled hotly.

     “That should be great! Dating a celebrity. I’m sure you can handle all the paparazzi and rumors if you can handle your own mother!” she screamed sarcastically.

     I couldn’t handle anymore and stormed out of my own apartment, with no destination in mind and tears prickling my eyes.

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