= flip side = a cube smp fanf...

By code_cherry

4.7K 361 317

"You know all those alternate realities, those scenarios that could've gone another way but didn't? What if... More

= introduction =
= prologue =
= one =
= two =
= three =
= five =
= six =
= seven =
= eight =
= nine =
= ten =
= eleven =
= twelve =
= thirteen =
= fourteen =
= fifteen =
= sixteen =
= plotting [ discontinuation notice ] =

= four =

253 17 5
By code_cherry

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Flip Side! c:

**IMPORTANT: I'm having my annual Christmas contest as my gift to you guys, since the next update will be on Christmas Eve! Details in the QOTC!**

I'd seriously like to apologize for this chapter. I have been hit by serious writer's block this week concerning this story and for some reason, it took entirely too much effort to ground this one out. And I don't even know why, as I still do want to write this story! As a result, it's incredibly short and nowhere NEAR my best writing. And while dealing with the last week before break at school, I've been so stressed this week... I'm really sorry.

On a happier note, in creative writing this week, we had to do an "opening line story," where she gives us five or so opening lines and we have to write a few pages based off of the line we choose. Somehow, mine ended up being a secret Blue Exorcist one-shot. I didn't mention any names or nicknames in the original, but the thought was there and I felt really emotionally connected to the one-shot, so I typed it up and edited it to my liking, adding in the names and everything else. I'll probably be posting it in either Ink or Pen to Paper within a week or so :) 

Remember to follow code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and to vote and comment for more. Enjoy (if you can)!

= graser =

This can't be happening.

I growled, clenching sections of my bed's innocent pillow in my fists.

It had barely been a day since my "conversation" with Will, and I was still as furious as I had been in the moment. Flashes of the fight darted incessantly through my head, accompanied by memories and words I'd been spending a lifetime trying to forget.

"How dare he," I muttered to myself, grinding my teeth. "I'm nothing like them. I'm not one of them. Never."

I'd never hurt someone like that. The thought hung, unspoken, in the air like a ghost.

Flipping back over, I stared blankly at the ceiling, barely registering Shadow coming to settle beside me on the blankets.

"I can't believe this," I said in a normal voice, addressing nothing in particular. "I let him join the Cube on Bayani's recommendation, we allow him into video recordings, let him team with us... and he has the audacity to call me an asshole? Bullshit." A frustrated sigh. "If he doesn't want to be a part of the Cube, then fine. No one asked him to come. We're better off without him going and creating drama, anyway. What good would it even do to talk to him again?"

The ceiling offered no reply. Shadow shifted his position slightly.

I groaned, sitting up and glancing around in disinterest. My bedroom wasn't the largest, but I supposed it wasn't the smallest, either. My bed was shoved lazily against the far wall, while my desk and large Mac occupied the space next to the window. Fanart littered the walls; notebook paper drawings, paintings, letters, and everything else I'd ever received had made it somewhere in the masses, so that the bare gray beneath was barely visible. My dresser, bursting with disorganized articles of clothing, was pressed against the last remaining wall, the mirror attached halfheartedly dusted and reflecting the artificial light that my lamp was currently giving off.

My eyes caught on the mirror.

There was nothing particularly special about it. It had come with the dresser and was attached to the back, surrounded by a slightly worn wooden frame. It hadn't been properly cleaned in ages, and dust lined the edges that I couldn't be bothered to wipe off. It had lost some of its sheen a long time ago, but what it did give off had somehow managed to catch my attention.

I rose slowly to my feet, moving to stare into the reflective panel.

I looked awful. My dirty brown hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in days, my glasses were smudged and askew on my face, and my sweatshirt was littered with wrinkles. My eyes were hard and icy, glaring at my reflection as if it was the cause of all of my problems. I went to move away, but found that I couldn't, transfixed by the darkness that seemed to haunt my pupils—something I'd never noticed about them before today.

I leaned closer, trying to get a better look.

There was something about them that kept my attention hooked on the mirror, unable to look elsewhere. They were simple, black pupils, but there seemed to be depth to them, almost as if an entire world was hidden beneath the dark.

I found myself raising my hand, my fingers moving to brush the reflection.

I could practically see it now, a whole layer masked by the black on the surface. And for a reason I couldn't explain, I wanted to know what that layer was, what it entitled, and why my eyes suddenly possessed it when they hadn't before.

My fingers touched the mirror.

Lightheadedness flooded through my body, and I propped myself up on the dresser to prevent myself from passing out. Scenes flooded through my head like water through a broken dam—memories that weren't my own, flashing by briefly before vanishing, distorted voices garbling in my head. Feeling fainter by the second, I tried to remove my hand from the mirror, but to no avail. My entire palm was now pressed against it, an unseen force pulling me to the reflection like attracting magnets. Blinking dizzily, I moaned, my grip on the dresser loosening unconsciously. What's happening?

That was the last thought I managed before I lost my grasp entirely and tumbled forward, head-first.

It wasn't long before my mind followed suit, and I knew no more.

*Cringes* I'm soooooo sorry about this. Hopefully I'll get over my writer's block since tomorrow's a half-day and we start our two-week Christmas + New Year's break after that.


**So for my Christmas gift to you all this year, I've decided to do a little one-shot contest! It'll work slightly different than last year. This time, your goal will be to write me a festive one-shot based off of your favorite of my stories. For example, if Pixel was your favorite, maybe you could write your one-shot about how they celebrated Christmas while trapped in Minecraft, etc. Make sense? And for all you who liked other stories of mine, like Begin Again (yes you Cass), you could write one of Elise's Christmases, too. 

- Must be MESSAGED to me. I won't be counting any one-shots posted in the comments.
- Must be holiday themed
- Must have at least one reference to one of my stories/characters (I'm giving you the chance to delve inside my world, here!)
- Due WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23RD! This gives me enough time to make up my mind before Thursday's update.
- There is NO LENGTH MINIMUM/MAXIMUM. Go as subtle or wild as you want. I want to see your creativity!

- 1st Place : I'll design them a cover art for one of their stories, offer to co-write a short piece of their choosing, and their one-shot will be featured next chapter, as well as on my profile and on my Twitter c:
- 2nd Place : I'll design them a cover art for one of their stories, and their one-shot will be featured next chapter, as well as on my profile and on my Twitter :D
- 3rd Place : I'll design them a cover art for one of their stories :)

I honestly don't expect a large amount of submissions for this, as I never get very many... but these one-shots are kind of a little Christmas gift to me, you know? Seeing my characters interpreted by other people in a festive manner?

Comment below or message me with any questions!

And there may or may not be another Christmas surprise in store for you all, too... (I haven't decided yet) **

Vote and comment for more! Until next time!

~ Cherry

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