Fairy Tail High

By _som1actually_

39K 1.1K 452

Natsu is the most popular guy in school and is the best basketball player! Lisanna is the bitch that wants al... More

Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: So This Is A Delinquent School
Chapter 3: He Found Out
Chapter 4: Delinquent Things and a Party
Chapter 5 A Learned Lesson
Chapter 6: Glass
Chapter 7: Getting Through the Day
Chapter 8: Lunch
Chapter 9: Getting Answers
Chapter 10: Visiting Sabertooth
Chapter 11: Visitig Sabertooth part 2
Next update!

Chapter 12: Love Teasing

1.9K 58 17
By _som1actually_

Lucy's POV

"Oh, and about you loving me..."

Lucy's POV

"I think I can arrange something...." Natsu finishes, walking out the door, shutting it gently behind him.

Chills went up my spine making me shiver. It felt like I was holding my breath when he said that, actually I think I was holding my breath.

I grabbed my phone and called Levy right away.

After a few rings she finally picked up.

"Hey Lu, what's up?" I heard the bluenette through the phone.

"Um, I have something to ask..." I respond, putting the phone on speaker as I fiddle with my hands.

"Okay, ask away" I felt her smile through the phone. I don't really know how to word it, ugh!

"Uh, first of all, Natsu came over earlier and I told him this long story because we were arguing. And that the end of that story I told him that I'm in love with him-"

"Ooooo, someone's got a boyfriend~" Levy sang through the phone, cutting me off.

"Lev~ I didn't get to finish! He said that...he would...a-arrange something,  a-about it" I was now practically trembling from nervousness.

"Listen Lu, I can't really do anything about it. This is your life. Good luck." She said through the phone, I sighed and hung up as she did.

"This is just great..."


I woke up the next morning to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I shove the blankets off of myself and stretched my body. Sitting up afterwards I remember what he said.

"Today should be embarrassing" I sigh putting my clothes on, brushed my hair and teeth, after I ate breakfast then off to school.

I grabbed my phone as I was walking to school. I still had another fifteen minutes to get to school and socialize before class starts.

I walked through the gates with all these girls staring at me with such hatred. 'What's got into them?' I rolled my eyes and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't-" I cut myself off looking at who it was. Just my luck it was Natsu.

"Hey there" he said, giving me his special smirk. He wrapped an arm around me and blew on my ear a little, sending chills down my spine. My eyes darted everywhere, trying to change the whole subject.

I looked at the time to see that class would start soon, "I gotta run, class is starting soon..." I say and got out of his grip, it's not that I don't like it, because I do, it's just...never mind, what am I even saying?

"See ya later" he said, before I turned around I swear I saw him wink.

I walked down the hallway and ran into Levy, Erza, and Juvia.

(I don't remember if Lucy, Erza, and Juvia really knew each other but let's say they do haha)

"We heard you and Dragneel are hitting it off..." The scarlet haired women smirked, I smiled rubbing the back of my head.

"Um...not really...yet" I swayed back and forth eager to get out of this conversations, 'What's with all the love teases today?' I question myself in the back of my head.

"Did you hear that, there's a 'yet' in the sentence." The bluenette Levy squealed, clapping her hands together while jumping up and down.

'I heard Lev liked that badass punk guy, Gajeel' I smirked at the thought, "Well Lev, how about you and that Gajeel guy." I cooed, raising my eyebrows up and down at her.

Her face went from a peach, to a scarlet red, almost matching Erza's hair. Now I have something to tease her with, hehe lucky me.

"Well, I'll catch you guys later, class is starting." I say my goodbyes and walk away, I remember I have first hour with Gray, Cana, Laki, and Gajeel that I know of, I don't really know the others. Second hour I have classes with Erza, Levy, and Natsu, and Jellal, that I know of. Third hour I have, Juvia, Levy, Natsu, Gray, and Loki.

All we did for first hour was read our books, right now I'm not really reading, more like sneaking on my phone.

I was playing geometry dash, I've completed the first nine levels, working on Cyles which is the tenth. My sound is low so that's good, I shouldn't get caught. Either way the teach doesn't really care much a about what we do besides throwing things across the room, or yelling in the room.

I sit next to Gray, he watches me play as he attempts to complete the second level on it.

"How do you do this Lucy~" he whines, slumping his shoulders and letting out an exaggerated sigh. "I give up" Gray says, laying his phone down and throwing his hands in the air.

"C'mon! It's so simple, it's practically jumping to the the beat, and you have to focus." I explain, he looks at me with his mouth dropped.

"You know I can't focus Lucy!" He yells.


It's lunch an I was walking to lunch when I ran into her, Lisanna and the cheerleaders.

"I heard about you and Natsu, I told you stay away from him, he obviously loves me" she says, trying to act all high and mighty.

"Put a sock in it, you don't own him, and he never said he liked you" I growl, ramming my side into her causing her to stumble a few feet then fell. "I though you were a cheerleading, apparently you can't even balance a shove." I smirk and walk past her, heading to lunch.

'Jeez, I really hate that girl, I use to be scared of her, but not anymore, it felt nice standing up for myself.' A smile crosses my face when I see my friends waiting.


Hey guys! Sorry for the very late update! I feel so bad trust me! Sorry again for the short chapter, they won't really be that long anymore since I'm writing five story's at a time sadly I won't get to publish a few of them like I said, sadly! Please forgive me have a very Merry Christmas and thanks for reading!!!

I do NOT own Fairy Tail's character, but I do own the this story!


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