Forgetting the World [BoyxBoy]

By TearMeApartIDontCare

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Joey and Tom are just two teen boys trying to find their way through life. Joey, who is gay, is bullied badly... More

Forgetting the World [BoyxBoy]
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Two

1.3K 38 15
By TearMeApartIDontCare


“Joey!” Molly yelled, banging on my door. “Open your door!”

“No!” I yelled into the pillow I was laying on. “Nine year olds annoy me!”

“I’ll cry!”


I got up from my bed and walked to my door. I unlocked it, and jumped back as she threw it open. She clung to my legs, almost knocking me over. Her red shirt and white skirt were wrinkled, and her wavy brown hair was falling out of the braids. She looked up at me and I saw her grey eyes were filled with tears.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her, bending down to her level. She released my legs and locked her arms around my neck.

“Daddy’s mean.”


“He keeps saying that you’re bad to be around. I don’t think you are. You’re the one who taught me how to color in the lines! You’re the one who got me to go to school on the first day!” She said. “You’re my big brother. You made those meanies leave me alone this year. You’re not bad to be around, are you?”

I didn’t look at her. “It depends on who you ask, I suppose.”



“What does that mean?”

“It means that you have to decide for yourself.”

“Oh. Joey?”

I sighed. “Yes?”

She looked up at me. “I don’t want to go.”

“Go where?” I asked.

“To live with daddy. I want to stay with you and mommy.”

“Sweetie, it’s just for a few weeks. You’ve been doing this since you were real little.”

“No, it’s gonna be longer.”

“The whole summer?” I asked, being a little bummed. Molly’s the only one who kept me from boredom.

She shook her head, beginning to cry. “Daddy says I’m gonna live at his house. He says I won’t come back to live wiff you and mommy.”

My heart sank. “Oh, Molly.”

“I don’t wanna go!” She yelled, beginning to cry. “Don’t let him take me!”

“Did you tell him you didn’t want to?”

“He wouldn’t listen.”

I hugged her tighter. “I won’t let him take you away.”


“I promise. Now stop crying and go play or something.”

She nodded and wandered off.

Oh, god, it’s all my fault! I stood and walked into the living room, only to see that no one was there. I sighed and walked into my mom’s room, and found her working from her lap top. She looked up and smiled at me.

“Joey,” She said. “I’ll make dinner in a few. Or we could order out.”

I said nothing, just walked to the side of her bed and dropped to my knees. She looked at me like I was crazy, then furrowed her eye brows and pouted a bit, asking “What’s wrong?”

“Send me to summer camp.” I moaned. “And then boarding school.”

“What? Why?” She asked.

“So Molly can stay with you.”

“Joseph, what the hell are you talking about?”

I smiled. “I thought you didn’t allow that kind of talk in your house.”

“Fine. I don’t allow my kids to use that language in this house.” She rolled her eyes. “Now what are you talking about?”

“Barry wants Molly to live with him year round. Because of me. If I’m not here then she can stay with you.”

“Who told you that?”

“Molly did. She doesn’t want to go.”

“Molly, as in your nine year old sister Molly?”

I blushed. “Yeah.”

“And you believed her because?”

“Mom, I think she was serious.” I said.

She sighed. “I’ll call my lawyer tomorrow. Don’t worry about this, Joey. It’s not your fault. Now, go ask Molly what she wants on a pizza.”

“Okay.” I said, walking away.


“Happy Friday.” I greeted Tom. He rolled his eyes and sat down, ignoring me. “You’re not a morning person, are you?”

“Well, yeah, but it doesn’t help when you also hate people.” He muttered, resting his head on his arms.

“Aw, are you sleepy, Tommy?” I asked innocently.

“Yes.” He said. “And it’s Tom!”

The bell rang and the assistant principal came into the room. “Misses Freeborn will be out today, and we do not have a sub for you. So this will be a study hall class. I will be back to check on you all.” He walked out and everyone started to cheer.

“Oh, no.” I said. No teacher in the class? I’m gonna die!

“What’s wrong with you?” Tom asked, noticing my panic.

“Hey, Joey,” Jack said, coming into the room. No fair! He wasn’t even in this class!

“W-what are you doing here, J-Jack?” I asked shakily.

“I heard there was no teacher and skipped my own class. Let’s have some fun.” He chuckled.

“Oh hell no!” I yelled, standing up and running to the door, only to see it was blocked by his friends. Jack just chuckled and walked slowly towards me. He grabbed my shirt collar and lifted me up so I was eye level.

“Put him down.”

“What?” Jack asked, turning around.

“I said, put him down.” Tom growled.

Oh shit.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Jack demanded. Tom glared. While I thought his other glare was totally sexy, this glare was just plain scary.

“Well?” Jack repeated. His two friends, Charlie and Brett, I think, stepped towards Tom, balling their fists. Oh god.


“Put him down. Now.” I growled. Two of Jack’s friends stepped forward, balling their fists, ready to fight.

What the hell was I getting myself into? I’m just one guy. And these three oafs were obviously older and bigger than me. Why am I doing this? Oh yeah. That stupid ginger.

I don’t know why, but I kinda feel responsible for him. I mean, I only met him yesterday, but I saw him getting bullied yesterday to. Okay, he’s gay, so what? That doesn’t mean you have to slam him into lockers and pretend like he’s not human. Stupid fuckers.

“Nah,” Jack said, making my anger flare. “This here’s my buddy. I think he and I should have some fun.”

“Let me go!” Joey squeaked.

“Shut it!” Jack yelled, punching him in the face.

“Oh hell no!” I yelled.

My fist collided with Jack’s face before I realized what I was doing. I may not look it, but I am strong. I’m a kick boxer and in martial arts, so I know how to make hits hurt. He dropped Joey and stumbled backwards. Joey ran behind me and hid, while Jack came back up swinging.

I stopped his hand before it hit me, and twisted it back before kicking him in the gut. He dropped to his knees and his two friends came towards me. Yeah, they looked tough, but they we’re probably slower. One tried to grab me as the other aimed to punch me. I decided to be fair to the both of them and give them each a black eye and jab to the ribs. Of course, by then Jack was up and running towards me.

Stepping out of the way at the last moment, I pushed him from the side. He fell. I looked over at the other two oafs, only to see that they were gone. Win. Jack got back up, and instead of running towards me, he ran towards Joey and tackled him. Cursing, I ran over and kicked Jack in the ribs. He groaned and rolled off of Joey.

“C’mon,” I said to that stupid ginger. “Get up.”

He slowly stood, and grabbed my arm. I let him pull me out of the room before Jack could get back up.

We ran down the hall, past classrooms and lockers, past the offices, and out the front door. Joey still had my arm in his hand, and he kept running. Even though we were both out of breath, I let him drag me.

So, my second day at a new school, and I already got into a fight. I’m gonna be in so much fucking trouble, it’s not even funny. My mother would ground me for eternity. My father would kick my ass. My older sister, Zoey, would laugh at me for it. My younger brother, Mason, would tell my parents that he wants to be just like me, and I’d be in even more trouble.

I’m just gonna blame it on moving so late in the school year. I mean, it’s friggin’ April. I’m just going to tell them that I don’t have any friends and I hate it here. Maybe they’ll move us back to Arizona!

My eyes drifted back to Joey. I started to wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t been here today to help him. I quickly dismissed the thought, knowing I wouldn’t like the outcome.

He let go of my hand and I realized we were in the lobby of some building. Before I had a chance to ask where the fuck we were, he was already walking towards the elevator. I followed him, trying to catch my breath.

We got into the elevator and he pushed the button for the third floor. We rode up in silence and walked out into the hall. We stopped at door that had the number three hundred and four on it. Joey dug into his pocket and pulled out a key, unlocking the door. He opened it and I realized we were in an apartment building.

“Want something to drink?” He asked, locking the door behind us.

“No.” I said. He nodded and rubbed his jaw. “Ice.”

“Huh?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and walked towards their kitchen. Opening the freezer, I found an ice pack.

“Towel?” I asked. He opened up a drawer and tossed a towel at me. I wrapped the icepack in the towel and pulled a chair out. I motioned for him to sit in it and he did.

I tilted his head back and heard him gasp. I rolled my eyes, suppressing a smile as a faint blush went across his face. I made him blush without even trying. I win. I pressed the icepack against the bruise forming on his jaw. Fucking Jack, when I see him I’m gonna fucking attack him and-

“Ow.” Joey said.

“Sorry.” I said, pulling the icepack away. I didn’t realize I was pressing that hard. I hope I didn’t worsen his bruise.

“It’s all good.” He smiled, looking at me with those big brown eyes of his. He grabbed my hand and brought the icepack back to his face.

“Tommy, you cheater.”

“It’s Tom,” I said. “And how the fuck am I?”

He chuckled. “You beat them all up and they didn’t even touch you.”

“I’m just that good.”

He snorted. “Sure. Tommy?”


“Thank you.”

“Anytime.” I said, letting him taking the icepack. Yeah, anytime.

--Author's Message--

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