The Power Couple (Cake; Cara...

By livingwithfun

86.1K 2.1K 362

In this cruel world where surviving is a struggle, Kendall and Cara have been lucky enough to find true love... More

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Reality Rocks
Chapter 3 - Surprises
Chapter 4 - Annie Clark
Chapter 5 - Heated Competition
Chapter 7 - It Was Annie
Chapter 8 - What Happened In Paris...
Chapter 9 - What Heppened in Paris II
Chapter 10 - How It All Began
Chapter 11 - The First Time 'It' Happened..
Chapter 12 - How We Fell
Chapter 13 - I need you...
Chapter 14 - Final Chapter.You. Me. Us.

Chapter 6 - #FixedUp... or not

5.1K 135 19
By livingwithfun

When I was younger, I used to think the best way to wake up was to open my eyes to a white day with snow covering all trees and frozen roses.
Kylie and I would excitedly wait for the morning news. We'd beg lord to hear a "school's off" from the presenter and run straight outside into the beautiful whiteness afterwards.

Now I think the best way to wake up is to open my eyes and see Cara's beautiful face. Feel her body warmth. Feel our love and never sleep again. Reality's much dreamier.

"Babe?" I open my eyes but there's no sign of Cara. The room is dark. I must have slept for a good three hours. "Babe?" I repeat as I sit up on our bed.

I silently make my way downstairs and see a vague light coming from the room. "Cara? Babe?" I call out as I approach the room. I slowly open the door to see Cara sitting on one of the wooden chairs with pieces of the vase she broke earlier and glue covering the whole table.

"Honey?" She turns around and takes her handsfree out of her right ear. "Did I wake you?" She asks sweetly. "No.. What exactly are you doing?" I ask her though I am perfectly aware of what she's intending to do. She's fixing my broken vase.

"Just something I had to do." She shrugs and puts her hands free away. "It's so sweet of you, do you know that?" I ask as I run my hands through her hair softly. "Thanks. It's almost done." She smiles. "Can I join?" I pout as she glances at me for a second before focusing her attention back on the piece she is holding.

"Yeah sure." She pulls back to give me enough space to sit on her lap. I wrap my right arm over her shoulder and give her cheek a longing kiss that makes her giggle.

She grabs the piece she was holding before. "Isn't it fit for here?" I ask as I point at where I think the piece is missing from. "Thanks babe." Cara kisses my neck and puts glue over the space I showed her. She delicately places the piece and holds it there. I blow on it to let it dry off.

"Only two pieces and it'll look just like it did before." Cara smiles. "You really didn't have to go through this much trouble for this." She really didn't.
"I know how much you love it! I swear it wasn't even hard!" She protests. of course it was hard! Must have taken her hours to do this. "You're adorable." I smile at her determined face.


"When did you get up?" Cara lifts the last piece and puts glue around it. "I didn't sleep much...  needed time to do this." She smiles as she puts the piece in its place. "Oh my god.. Cara!" She cuts me off. "Nononono no oh, no my, no god and no Cara." She giggles. "I'm so in love with you."


"Gosh! I hate her so much." I muttered as I glanced at Cara entering the hotel restaurant. Gigi looked behind her to see what the reason of my sudden mood change was. "I never thought I'd say this but she is a holy bitch." She stared at me with no expressions. A second later we both burst out laughing.

The thing about Gigi and I is, we both get each other's sense of humor perfectly well. Laughing is something we casually do. Justbfir the fun of it. To lift each other's spirits up. To ease tension...
I truly am thankful for having her as my best friend.

"She is. But she'll see that way bigger bitches exist." I mentioned.
Gigi waved her hands in the air as if she was a rapper and rapped. "KenGi will kick your freaky ass, yo!" I laughed at my friend's playfulness. "You can be so... You at times." I frowned. "What does that even mean?" We both laughed again.

"So what's your comeback plan?" She asked once our laughter died. "I have something big which is at the same time terribly small. Don't know if I should do it." I let her know. "That's the exact thing we need! Not big not small! Just awesome!" I nodded my head. "I can't do it without help.." I trailed off. "I meant it when I said KenGi will kick her freaky ass."

-End of flashback

"Thank you so much." I kiss Cara's cheek as we glance at the perfectly fixed vase. "You're very welcome." She looks at me with a huge smile on her face.

As our eyes meet, the little smile leaves her rosy lips and her playful gaze turns serious. Her lips slightly part and her eyes soften as they slightly widen. Those blue eyes..

I close my eyes and lean in. Our noses almost touch as I press my cheek against hers. I can feel her steady warm breath on my neck. I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her tightly, smelling her scent in for the zilionth time as she rubs my lower back softly.

She smells like roses and rain. Her scent gives me a sense of calmness and intensity I can hardly ever describe. She makes me feel at home. She smells like home.

When we finally part, I can easily see the tiredness in her eyes beginning to kick in after the rather exhausting day.

"You really should rest a little bit." Her eyes' dimness along with the red veins reflect her tiredness. I get off her lap as she nods her head and grabs the vase. "I'll just put it where it was."


"I swear you can be worse than Cinderella's stepmom." Gigi giggled as we sat down in the lobby of our hotel. "I'll take that as a compliment." I rolled my eyes at her. "Of course you do!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

A notification made both of jump with excitement. I grabbed my phone. '3' was all the message said. I immediately put three fingers up at the guy standing on the other side of the lobby. He nodded his head and walked away.

As soon as he disappeared I turned at Gigi. "We did it!" I high fived her excitedly as we both were giggling messes.

"I wish I could see her face." I muse. "Oh yeah! She'd be like 'bloody hell' " Gigi faked Cara's expression making us both laugh. "She better not wet her pants." I smiled. "I kind of hope she does."

"I should get going. I'm going to be late."

-End of Flashback-

I sit on the couch with Cara's head on my lap. She seems to have focused her attention on the television while all my attention is on my fingers running through her smooth hair.

"I love it when you do that." She moves her head slightly to adjust better. "Soooo soothing." She coos softly as she closes her eyes. "It really is." It calms me down as well. "I love you.." Cara mumbles as she seems to be falling asleep.

I glance at the vase on the other side of our living room and smile, not stopping my hands' motion.


"Where the hell were you Cara?" Donatella screamed at the top of her lungs. "I was stuck in the elevator!"

I heard this conversation vaguely from my dressing room. A huge smile made its way to my lips. I grabbed my phone and immediately gave Gigi a call.

"Did it work?" She didn't even bother saying a single hello.

"Hey to you too!" I joked sarcastically.

"Spill the damn details Jenner! I ain't got all day here!" She almost yelled from the other line.

"Okay... Fine!" I cleared my throat. "KENDALL!" Gigi shouted. "Alright! So listen! Donatella is mad as coconuts." I began. "Oh gosh she was yelling so loudly I kind of almost felt bad for her but... Then I remembered what a bitch she is and that she totally deserved it!"

"She did! That little... Damn I'm in the restaurant people can hear me I won't go on." Gigi stopped talking.

"She was the one who started it. She literally said she was the bigger bitch!!"
"You're definitely the bigger bitch bae. That idea of yours was fucking epic! No one could ever know it was planned!" She giggled.

"I couldn't do it without your help! Thanks GI!" I smiled.
"What are besties for? And you should thank Hailey for the elevator number. She's like... The daughter of Olivia Pope." Gigi laughed.

"Indeed! She's the best! She should wear the white hat." We both burst out laughing.

"Kendall! Can you come here for a second?" Donatella's voice called.
"Gi I gotta go. I'll call you alright?" I muttered as I stood up. "Okay bye." I walked out to see what this was about.

-End of Flashback-

"Sleep well?" I ask as Cara moves a little bit, readjusting her head on my lap. "Best one yet." She nods to emphasize on that. Then she grabs my hand and gives it a gentle kiss. "Thank you so much." I smile at her playing with my fingers. "I love you." I mutter out of the blue.

You know sometimes you subconsciously notice an obvoius yet you feel very comfortable repeating it because it makes you feel better? That's what I feel. I never thought I'd get to a point where I'd repeat a phrase daily and enjoy it like the first day every single time. And hearing it said back... That's something I can't even begin to express.

"I love you too."

Our doorbell rings. "I got it." I Carefully release myself from her inviting embrace. "Kiss?" She pouts. I lean in and peck her lips before walking over to see who the person is. Through the camera.
When I do realize who it is, I freeze and feel like the air is being sucked out of my lungs.

"Cara... It's Annie. What do I do?"


"Kendall! Did you hear about what happened to Cara today?" Donatella seemed perfectly relaxed. "No.. What happened?" Cara gave me that 'I know you're playing dumb and I hate it' look.

"She got stuck in the elevator!" Donatella sighed. "Wow Cara! Are you alright?" I asked with the best fake concern I can put on. "I'm perfect." She smiled evilly.

"Now you two listen carefully." She ran her hands through her blonde hair. "I can't risk having this kind of hassles on the day of show. You two are the my only models staying at that hotel." She smiled weakly.

"Which means you will be moving to another hotel." Both Cara and I nod. "Together." Dontella concluded.

"What?" We both yelled at the same time.

"There was only one available!" She explained. "But.." Cara began only to be cut off by the older woman. "I said it,s going to happen, it'll happen. Whoever's not pleased may walk out now." She dryly threatened.

Both Cara and I were dead silent. Of course we wouldn't back out now. It's Versace for god's sake. Every model would love having such an opportunity.

"That's what I thought." Donatella smiled and walked away, leaving us behind.

-End of Flashbacks


So this was the chapter!

Knowing your thoughts about the way you'd like the story to go on really helps me a lot so please do leave comments.

Thank you so much for reading! :-) I totally appreciate it

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