His girls (Roc Royal love sto...

By DDlolx2

486K 9.8K 2.5K

My life is not all that great. my name is Dimond I am 15. I have a little sister she is four and lord she has... More

His girls (Roc Royal story )
i really do love you no matter how much I get mad at you Roc
getting to know the truth about her
you are here whenever i need you :) <3
You really hurt me this time
maybe you did lose me for good
im there for you to
i am sorry that I pushed you away .. but i want you now
Open Road ..
why don't you love me
this time you pushed the both of us away
why did you come back
just for now
never really knew ...
Never know who's really there
meet and greet
new group
going to make you mine
kiss me like I want to be loved
just the party

having trouble feelings for both

16K 438 67
By DDlolx2

                            The next day I did decide to go to school and RayRay called me and asked if he can walk with me to school and i said ok. I got Sparkel ready for school and took her early to school and when i came back RayRay was sitting on the frount stairs of my house on his phone 

Dimond : wasup  Ray

RayRay : *looks up from his phone and smiles and gets up and hugs Dimond* nothing much you ready ?

Dimond : yup lets go

RayRay : I wanna talk to you 

Dimond : about ..

RayRay : Princeton 

Dimond : what about him ? 

RayRay : do you have any feelings for him ?

Dimond : *rolles her eyes* are we really going to talk about this ? I just got out of a relationship with Roc 

RayRay : yes I understand but i want to know if you have feelings for Prince 

Dimond : and you want to know because ??

RayRay : *sighs* you promise you can't talk to Prince about this 

Dimond : promise now  spill !!! 

RayRay : well after school everybody plus courtney and expect Roc went to the movies , and you know everytime we go to the movies we always sit in the back ?

Dimond : yes ..

RayRay : well me and prod sat in the back and Prince and courtney sat like three rows in fount of us 

Dimond : soo ..

RayRay : im not done yet 

Dimond : *laughs* my bad 

RayRay : well I was keeping a eye on them while Prod was dead sleeping and snoring and they were flirting the whole time 

Dimond : how were they flirting ?

RayRay : *talks in a girly voice*  they were laughing holding each other hands shoving each other playfuly and she was palying with his hair and stuff 

Dimond : he hates when people touches his hair 

RayRay : well i guess she must be something special 

Dimond : (P.O.V. : well that hurt ) well what does this have to do with me having feelings for him ? 

RayRya : beacause Princeton would not be flirting with Courtney if he knows you have feelings for him because we alllll know he likes you and he does not want to keep waiting for you if your not into him

Dimond : (P.O.V. : ohh noo ) well i didn't know he liked me 

RayRay : oh .. well now you do .. so do you have feelings for him ?

Dimond : well yes but i still do have feelings for Roc and i know I will get jealous if Prince were to date another girl 

RayRay : i knew you would say that .. but do you like him enough for you to be in a realtionship with him 

Dimond : that's the problem .. me and him have a good friendship and i don't want to runie it because then we will end up like me and Roc 

RayRay :  oh that's kind true but it doesnt have to end that way if you don't want it to be ...

                                                   { In School in the hallways }

        * Dimond is walking to class and pumps into Roc* 

Roc : *smiles* hey Dimond

Dimod : *smiles back* hey 

Roc : i have really missed you and Sparkel 

Dimond : i know Sparkel misses you too 

Roc : *smiles a little* i was wondering if i can visit this week if it is okay with you 

Dimond : yea sure i mean I have to talk to you about something anyways so we can meet up 

Roc : um great because I need to talk to you about something .. 

Dimond : so how about on saturday we go take Sparkle to the park and we talk there

Roc : sounds like a plan

                                                    { In Global studies 4 Period }

           *Prodigy and Dimond are sitting together *

Prodigy : hows Sparkel doing

Dimond : shes good *smiles*

Prodigy : *smiles* good im glad to hear that I need to go see her

Dimond : yea she will like that .. can i ask you something 

Prodigy : anything

Dimond : do you think Prince likes Courtney ?

Prodigy : well i don't think he "likes" her i mean he just met the girl

Dimond : true , so do you think he might be into her

Prodigy: hmm not sure

Dimond : *rasies her hand*

Teacher : yes Dimond ?

Dimond : can I go to the bathroom ?

Teacher : hurry

Dimond : *gets up and goes to the bathroom , when she goes into the bathroom she sees Courtney there coming out the stall and walking to the sink*

Courtney : oh hey Dimond !

Dimond: *smiles*  hey Courtney , how was the movies yesterday 

Courtney : oh I had a great time with the boys they are really cool , although Roc didn't go 

Dimond : yea I know he is going through rough times right now and yea they are cool guys 

Courtney : *smiles* i hope you can come next time 

Dimond : yea me too , hey um you should seat with us at lunch today 

Courtney : um okay *smiles* i will 

Dimond : just meet me by my locker and we will go together 

Courtney : sounds great see you then *walks out of the bathroom* 

      I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom and there i saw Princeton taking books out from his locker 

Dimond : are you late ? you missed four periods ?

     Princeton slowly looked over at me grinned and went back to what he was doing 

Princeton : hard to believe huh ?

Dimond : you think ? *laughs* .. can I ask you something ?

Princeton : *closes his locker and walks to Dimond* of course 

Dimond : do you have feelings for me 

                         Princeton bit his bottom lip and pushed back his hair which i had to admitt looked sexy 

Princeton : i do ... why 

Dimond : just wondering *begins to walk away but Princeton grabed her arm and turned her around* 

Princeton : do you have feelings for me ?

Dimond : I do but i still have feelings for Roc and I know you have some type of feelings for Courtney 

Princeton : *lets Dimond arm go* who told you that ?

Dimond : I can tell 

Princeton : * grabes Dimonds wrist and brings her closer to him and kisses her on the lips*

Dimond : *kisses back but then pulls away* what was that about .. 

Princeton : i don't know 

Dimond : you can't tell anybody about this 

Princeton : why not 

Dimond : I don't want Roc to find out 

Princeton : and why is that ? you guys are not even dating 

Dimond : I know but i still have feelings for Roc i told you 

Princeton : sure *turns around and walks away* 

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