Change [Haikyuu!!]

By pastabun

1.5K 104 65

Started at : XII/VII/XV, Monday "I hate all of them, yet I don't." A story about a guy named [Last Name] Sout... More

00 : [Last Name] Souta
01 : Suspicious
-01 : Monochrome
-02 : Shoyou-kun
03 : Unite
(Drawing) Mikado and Himiro
03.5 : Another Encounter
-03 : Stage Show
[Self tag insert] Ship is sailing?
04 : Oikawa Tooru

02 : Sister

147 11 4
By pastabun

0 2 : S i s t e r

+ S t a r t ! +

"Hey, should we like, visit her there?"

"She loathes us, you know."

"Hahaha. . ."

"However, let's give it a shot. If she rejects us, let's find a solution for that,"

"Since deep inside, she wants people on her side."

+ × +

"Sugawara-san," A feminine voice called out the little cinnamon roll's name as she patted his shoulder.

Sugawara looked abaft, and saw Saiko, "Oh! Saiko-sensei, what do you want?" He asked, showing a simple smile at the teacher.

"Have you seen [Last Name]?" She asked.

He shook his head sideward, as if saying no, and replied back, "No, I haven't seen him yet. Why do you ask?"

"Just asking. That guy, though. . ." She sighed, a hint of annoyance appeared in it, "The dean is going to introduce some people before the first class starts, and I think he knew it already so he decided to slack off again, probably thinking like, 'Here comes again that bald guy's boring speech.' or something similar to that one."

"All students, plus the teachers, please go to the gymnasium as soon as possible, the dean is going to introduce two persons. I repeat. . ." A voice in the speaker echoed in the hallways.

"We should get going," the teacher said and started to walk away, Sugawara followed behind her back.

+ × +

"I will start the speech," The dean told the teacher beside him, who nodded in respond. He walked to the stage and in the center towards the place where the microphone was, and do an 'ehem' sound, making the people silent.

"I declare that there are alumni of the Shiratorizawa and Aoba Josai that came to visit us today. As far as I know, they used to be popular in those schools as they became aces in the volleyball team."

"I understand that they weren't even related to this school, but please respect them and act properly."

"Please welcome [Last Name] Mikado and [Last Name] Himiro. You two, go here and say everything you guys want."

As the whole crowd heard the names, they started to circulate mumbles from one to another.

"[Last Name]? I know them! They're pretty famous back then when I was in middle school!"

"Yeah! Plus they're both handsome too! Plus the nice attitudes! It always make me think if they're single!"

"But the last name, are they related to [Last Name] Souta?"

"Heck no."

As the whispers continued, Himiro talked into the microphone, "I'm sorry to interrupt your different conversations out there. . .But could you please, try to listen at our thoughts for a while?"

The sea of students once became silent, and Mikado took this chance to talk, "Thanks! I know that most of you know us already, but I think that we should introduce. I am Mikado [Last Name] and that is Himiro [Last Name], my younger brother," he flashed his signature smirk, which is made some girls fangirled as they squealed.

"We're not going to make this long, but do you have a classmate named [First Name] [Last Name]?" Himiro asked first before Mikado talk about nonsense.

The crowd shouted "no" in unison, and Himiro just nodded, saying, "Okay."

Mikado added, "And! We're going to watch the practices of both volleyball team in boys and girls later, so prepare your asses to be watched by me! HAHAHA!"

Himiro sighed, "Never mind his activeness. Thank you for listening to us and have a good day!" They both bowed and exited the scene.

"Eh? That's it?"

"I expected much, it hurts y'know."

"Well, that's boring."

+ S o u t a +

| | S e c o n d p e r i o d | |

"I'm pretty sure the dean has finished his useless speech now," Souta muttered as he entered the school premises, his bag hanging on his one shoulder.

Yawning, his eyebrows furrowed. Damn, I stayed up late reading manga. Blame its goodness and the amazing plot.

". . .Are you. . .sure. . .here?" A faint volume of voice was heard.

Souta heard it as he entered the school, and the voice was located to the left side beside the lockers, so he hid outside.

"Yeah. . .kept. . .promise. . .us," an another voice was heard, and he knew that they were coming near to his directions, the noise of the footsteps being the proof as it started to thump louder and louder on the floor.

Souta know that those voices were familiar, yet he only heard them for the first time.

His heart beat started to beat faster, and he realized that something is fishy.

Have I met them before?

+ D a i c h i a n d S u g a w a r a +

| | B r e a k | |

"Daichi-san and Sugawara-san, the visitors from earlier want to talk to you two," A girl student called out the two third years.

Daichi and Sugawara stopped chatting for a while, and heading outside, meeting the two older guys, Himiro and Mikado.

"Hellooo!" Mikado greeted with a wide smirk.

"Hi," the two greeted back in sync, "What brings you here?" Daichi asked.

"Oh, we came to say something very, very important," Himiro said, "[Last Name] Souta joined the volleyball team boys, right?"


Mikado's smirk turned into a frown as he became serious, saying those words slowly and quietly, "As you can see. . ."

". . .He's our - "

That made both Daichi and Sugawara's brown eyes (even though Daichi's eyes were darker than Sugawara's) widen up in surprise.

Are you. . .Are you even serious? They thought.

+ S o u t a +

"Classes are boring, as usuaaal," he whined, showing that he's irritated.

Yachi went towards his seat and asked, "[Last Name]-san, are you going to attend the practice later?"

He nodded lightly in response, drinking his [Favorite Drink] as his eyes were focused on his notes, reviewing it.

Yachi smiled, and shouted, "Okay!" and returned to her seat.

As if I'm doing this for you, I'm doing this for my grades, for Christ's sake.

+ × +

| | L u n c h | |

All volleyball team boys members gathered up in the rooftop, as their captain ordered them, plus Kiyoko and Yachi - but they didn't informed Souta about this.

"All of us knew that [Last Name] Mikado and Himiro are here, right?" Daichi asked the group, which they nodded as one, "They went here to watch the volleyball teams here in Karasuno, and. . ."

". . .About [Last Name] Souta," Sugawara finished, with a serious face painted on his usual happy one, "Don't freak out."

"Souta is their little sister."

+ S o u t a +

Planning to take fresh air, you headed upstairs. As you are going to enter the rooftop, you hear your name.

I'm not eavesdropping, I just went to the rooftop for fresh air, and heard them mentioned my name. Geez, what's about me this time? Being late? Tch.

". . .Therefore, he is not a guy. He's a girl."

Eyes widened, you couldn't believe what you heard.

Who told them. . .?

Unconsciously, you opened the door of the rooftop and rushed towards them - which you didn't thought that the voices came from the volleyball team boys.

"He's gay!?" Hinata blurted out, and he saw you, "Eek! He's here!"

"Who told you that!?" You panicked, "Who told you!?"

You were lifting Hinata now by holding his shirt up, and he's struggling that much.

"Souta, put him down!" Daichi shouted, but that doesn't stop you.

"I'm going to stab you. . ." You face lowered, ". . .I'm going to kill that someone who told you that."

"That someone betrayed me."

That's it. They're going to underestimate me. Bullying will start again.

You threw Hinata away from you (resulting for him to hit his head into a not that tall wall), and ran downstairs, tears started to flow down your eyes.

I'll kill that someone. I'll kill that someone who betrayed me.

You stopped running.

But, who? Who knew that I am a girl? Who betrayed me?

+ × +

"Hinata! Are you okay!?" Sugawara rushed towards Hinata's side, followed by the others, "Shimizu, the first aid kit!"

Shimizu nodded and ran downstairs to get the kit.

"Ahhh, H - Hinata. . ." Yachi is panicking, ". . .[Last Name] th - threw Hinata. . ."

"That bastard!" Tanaka said in pure hate, "How dare he hurt Hinata!?"

"No one is allowed to hurt my kouhai!" Nishinoya added.

"I - I see stars. . ." Hinata stuttered, laughing, "B - But it's still morning, why do I see them spinning around my head?"

"There's no blood, thank god," Sugawara sighed in relief.

"That's shrimpy for you, having a thick head," Tsukishima snickered.

Yamaguchi didn't laughed with him, instead, "He's injured, Tsukki. Stop making jokes for a moment."

"I'm not joking, Yamaguchi. It's what they called the 'truth'."

Shimizu returned with a first aid kit and gave it to Sugawara.

Daichi interrupted them, saying, "So it's true? Souta is a girl? He panicked too much earlier."

Ennoshita nodded, "Plus, he said that that someone betrayed her."


"I don't know," Ennoshita shrugged, "Such mysteries."

+ × +

"Ne, Himiro, is it really right to tell them that Souta's a girl?" Mikado nudged Himiro, "I mean, are we even sure that he's our little sister?"

"I was the one who told her that we'll abandon her if she pretended to be a guy. And Saiko-chan told us earlier, Souta is [First name]," Himiro explained to his older brother, "I know that she'll panic if she realized that Daichi-san and others knew that Souta is not a guy."

"Believe me, nii-san, I have a plan for this. If this failed,"

"Then we've failed our roles as her older brothers."

+ T o b e c o n t i n u e d +

XII/XVI/XV, Wednesday

Author's Note

it's been days since i last published. we just finished practicing the dance for our mass demo yesterday and our section won as 4th place against the grade 8 sections (us grade 7 students [freshman] have six sections while the grade 8 students have eleven sections)

and there's a typhoon here in the philippines, and even though the city i'm living in (even though i attend school in different city) has no signal number (or wth you call it), the rain is strong. that made me have free time to write this chapter (our school supposed to have an event called battle of the bands. and by its name, music bands in our school will fight each other by performing, duh)

a blackout has occurred earlier, but thank goodness it didn't last long because i wrote this on my phone then edit it on laptop then transfer it to phone again is a habit of mine.

and sorry for making you guys wait. (」゜ロ゜)」 i'll make sure to publish the -02 later or tomorrow.


69 reads? sugoii ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

thanks for reading, and have a nice day! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

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