Sins of the Night

By sam_overlord

122 7 0

"You think my brother is like me! Dude he's an angel compared to me. And plus he's human!" I nearly had abs... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

17 1 0
By sam_overlord

Pov: Finn

The voice has been silent for a couple days. Makes me wonder what he's planning. But with him gone I've had time to think alone . Mostly about what he said. "You know your just like your brother". Just the thought of being a hybrid sends chills down my spine. But I consider it. It would explain the voice and I would be off them fucking pills. "No" I say to myself. "I refuse to be monster of that power , or any monster at all" then I hear a door bell ring . I look out from my bed room window and I see Cole standing out side. I quickly run downstairs to open the door and see my brothers blue eyes look down at me.
Pov: Cole
my little brother opens the
Door. His face fills with excitement when he see me . I give him a hug and see my mother walking towards me. "Finn can I please talk to your brother alone for a second". Once Finn was gone my mother yelled " you leave for a fucking year with no phone calls or email. What is wrong with you. Your brother keeps saying you went on road trip but how can I believe that coming from a kid who hears voices in his head. You know you ha..." I cut her off ."wait what voices" I say. She takes a deep breath and say's "when you left Finn sorta lost it and now is on some heavy duty pills , he not even aloud at school any more it's gotten so bad". I push her aside.  I think about what Leo said. That he could be one of us. A shiver goes down my spine.

I make it up to my old room when I hear a constant banging noise from the other wall. I decide to go to the other room and check it out  . But all I see is my brother banging his already bloody head against his wardrobe screaming "shut up"

POV: Finn
The voice returned as soon as I left Cole and my mom . He kept reminding me of the full moon but of course I ignored him until he started screaming  and yelling at me telling me to kill myself. At that point I was about too but I decided that I would try a old trick .  So as hard as I I could, I banged my head multiple times against my wardrobe . Then I see my brother standing in the door way. The screaming just got louder. I then right there collapse to the floor into the fetal position. 

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