Way too young!!!

By honeybeesandflowers

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Being pregnant at fifteen really sucks. Especially when your mom left you and your brother to fend for yourse... More

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter three...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7....
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17...
Chapter 18...
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20...
Chapter 21...
Chapter 22...
Chapter 23

Chapter 13...

675 4 9
By honeybeesandflowers


      I try keeping a calm face even with my boyfriend screaming in my face.

     “We all went to Tim Horton’s for coffee and stuff.”

     If it’s even possible his face turned angrier.

     “And you didn’t think to wake me and tell me that you were going!?”

    I shake my head. I notice that mom and Sara are walking around us towards the stairs.

    “If I would of told you, you wouldn’t have let me go!” I exclaim.


    “No not exactly! I am sick and tired of you being so protective over me all the time! At first it was sweet but now I feel like a eight year old. Just because I’m having your kid does not give you the AUTHORITY to tell me what to do and how to live MY life!” I yell at him as harshly as I could.

     I didn’t even feel bad because he thought that he could control my life and I wasn’t one for that. I was too independent for that. I noticed out of the corner of my eye mom and Sara almost to the top of the stairs. Then Gabe came into view at the top of the stairs blocking their way. Sara stumbled back but luckily mom caught her before she fell backwards down the stairs.

     Gabe had the same look on his face that Drew had. Anger. It was clear as day written in bold letters on his face. I never thought that anyone could ever get angry at Sara she was just to kind and never did anything to upset anyone.

     Mom stepped around them announcing that she was going to bed. I mentally thanked her for her help in this stupid situation. Gabe motioned for Sara to go downstairs and she abided. Once they came down my attention went back to Drew who had also been watching them.

     “Listen Drew I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that we were going out next time I will as long as you don’t stop me. Does that work?” Looking at him intently.

     He nods. “But next time take your phone. You just had me worried I thought something had happened to you and I’m not sure what I would of done if you or our angel would have been hurt.” He told me his face in agony.

     “Well don’t worry nothing happened to me. I love you Drew.”

     “ I love you too Ash.”

     Looking over at Sara I noticed that she looked like she was about to explode.

     “You now what Gabe? I don’t give a fucking shit! I went out and your going to have to put up with it!” She yelled at Gabriel.

     He stepped backwards clearly taken aback. I gasped since I had never, not once heard my best friend talk like that. Like I mean she swore!

      “Sara I just love you so much I couldn’t bear to lose you…” Gabe told her all choked up.

     I saw tears form in Sara’s eyes. She put her arms out and hugged Gabriel to her.

     “I’m sorry!” She sobbed into his chest.

     “It’s alright Sara. How about we all just go to bed and forget this ever happened?”

     We all nodded and went to each our own rooms.

     I looked over at Sara who was laying down on her bed.

     “So who won the bet?”

     She laughed. “Honnestly nobody. How about a tie? We each get a day?”

    “Works for me.” Was the last thing I said before I fell into a deep sleep.


     I was dreaming that I was in labor. The pain was so unbearable. Just before I was ready have my angel the police came in and took Drew away. I screamed that I needed him to stay with me but they didn’t listen to me, just took him out of the hospital room. Finally the pain ended and I looked up at the doctor. He had a weak smile on his face. Immediately I knew something was wrong.

      “Your child seems to not have made it.” He said in a hoarse voice.

      I cried and cried and cried.

      The next thing I knew I was in a jail sell because I killed my baby, my angel and the worst part was that I knew I deserved it.

     I woke with a jolt. Sweat pouring down my face I felt my stomach and to my relief I was still big. Even the thought of loosing my angel almost brought me to tears. I got up out of bed and not knowing where else to go I walked into Drew’s room.

     “Drew!” I whispered and the figure in the bed stirred.

     “Drew!” I whispered a bit louder. He sat up so that I could see his face. He looked at mine and then his expression changed.

      “The baby-?”

      “It’s fine I umm…just had a bad dream and I was wondering if I could sleep in here with you?”

      He smiled. “I’d like that.”

      I walked over to the huge bed and got in. Cuddling up beside Drew, being in his arms I felt safe.

      “I love you.” I whispered before I fell into a dreamless sleep.


      (Drew’s P.O.V)

      “I love you.” She whispered before she fell asleep in my arms.

      I smiled as I watched her sleep she looked so peaceful.

      I thought about what she had said earlier. She said that I wouldn’t have let her go if she had told me. I wonder if she thinks I’m some kind of monster set out trying to ruin her life. First I fall in love with her, then I get her pregnant, and now I’m trying to control her life. It really isn’t fair and if she wasn’t having my child I would leave so as to not hurt her anymore then I have already.

     The funny thing about love is that it makes you do the craziest things.

     I fell asleep soon after thinking that thought.

     The next morning I awoke to a frantic Ashley.

     “What’s up babe?” I ask her still half asleep.

     “I have an ultra sound in twenty minutes! I forgot my clothes in the clothes basket in here…so I’m getting them.”

     I laugh. “Okay well I’m going to come with you if that’s okay?”

     She smiles. “I’d love that!” And she bounded out of the room. “YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES TO GET READY!” I heard her yell from down the hall.

     “Shit!” I jump out of bed bringing my covers with me as I fall flat on my face with a big bang. An aching pain wrenched through my already pounding forehead. But before I could curse I burst out laughing. I knew I was a clumsy person but not that clumsy. Soon after I fell Sara, Gabe and Ashley all came running frantically into my room calling my name. Once they saw me on the floor tangled in my bed sheets, like me, they all burst into a fit of laughter.

     “Are you okay?” Ashley asked me with a smile still on her face.

     “Yes but can I get some help? Because if I remember correctly we have an appointment…”

     “Ahh yes! Let’s go!” She practically yelled. They all helped me out of the bed sheets.

     “Okay let me get changed and then I’m ready.” I told Ashley smiling. She smiled back and nodded.

     I quickly dressed and ran out the door with Ashley running in front of me. We got into my car and I drove us to the hospital as quickly as I could because I knew we were late.

    Finally arriving at the hospital we ran into the doctor’s office.

     “Hello.” The receptionist greeted us. I smiled to her and took Ashley’s hand in mine. She squeezed my hand lightly and I did the same back. I was nervous as hell and she was the only one that could calm me down.

     “If you’ll just have a seat please the doctor will be with you in a moment.” She smiled and looked back at her computer screen.

      I dragged Ashley to the waiting area.

     “So much for being late.” She said.

     I chuckled and grabbed a magazine from the rack that was sitting next to me.

     After about five minutes the doctor that I remembered from when we first found out about Ashley’s pregnancy came to greet us. I nodded my head.

    “Hello. How are you doing Ashley?” He asked her kindly.

    She smiled. “Good the morning sickness is gone and so I’m feeling a lot better.”

    He nods. “That’s good well if you’ll both just follow me to my office we can see your baby.”

    Smiling at the thought of seeing my child I quickly follow the doctor as he led us to his office. He had Ash sit down and she pulled her shirt up revealing her ever growing stomach. The doc applied some gel stuff on her belly and then started rubbing this baton thing around on it. Soon there was an image on the screen and the doctor was pointing out its head. My mind was swirling. Grabbing Ashley’s hand in mine I took in a deep breath.

      “So it looks like your child is healthy. Would you like to know the sex?”

     I look at Ashley who nods her head.

    “Yes please.”

    “Well you are going to give birth to a baby girl.”

    A smile spreads wide across my face. I have a princess. Our princess angel. I then look over at Ashley and I see that she has tears running down her face. I quickly wipe them away.

     “So we’re going to have a daughter.” I say. She nods seemingly not able to speak.

    “Thank you doc, for everything.” I say to the doctor.

    He smile’s. “My pleasure.” With that he leaves the room.

    I look over at Ashley. She seems to be staring off into space.

    “Ashhhlleeeyyy?” I drag her name out.

    Her head snaps up and she smiles to me.

    “Sorry Drew I was just thinking.”

    I laugh.

    “I could tell. What were you thinking about?”

    “Nothing just life.”

    “Okay well let’s go.” Just as we were about to walk out the door the doctor came back in almost banging into us.

    “I have the picture here and there are two.” He told us smiling.

    “Two what?” I ask him not understanding.

    “Two babies.”

    I gasp. “Oh.” Was all I heard Ashley say.

    “I could never figure out why you were so big at only three months but I see the other child in the picture.”

    “Wow…” Is all I say.

    “Thank you doctor Mgee. We will be heading home now.” Ashley says while smiling politely and dragging me out of the doctor’s office.

    Once we get outside she continues to drag me to the car. Getting in the car I smile.

    “So are you okay with twins?” I ask Ashley.

    “Actually I am, I mean eventually I would have wanted another child so its just coming early.”

    “That’s a good way to look at it.” I nod.

    “Do you want twins?”

    “I don’t know…” I say completely confused.

    “Well if you don’t then tell me because I’ll leave and then you won’t have to deal with any of this.”

    “NO!” I yell. She jumps back clearly surprised by my random outburst.

    “I-I mean I don’t want you to leave or take my children away from me. I love you no matter what.” I say sincerely. And as I’m saying this I realize that every word that I just said were true.

    “Okay. Let’s just go home and tell everyone. Sara’s almost as big as me so she may be having twin’s as well…” I nod and begin to drive away from the hospital. Thinking about my life and wondering how it will turn out.

(A/N- So i know that i promised a long chapter...but this is what you get. I could of made it longer but it just seemed like it was finished here:/ So the next chapter will be crazzzzy! I hope you liked this chapter it took me forever to actually wright the fighting part because i didnt want it to be boring or too long...so ya! FAN/VOTE/COMMENT please!:D I really would like your suggestions and opinions:)

   Love y'all! -Chris

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