♕What! I died and got reincar...

By witchofstories

431K 10.9K 2.8K

This is bad! Really bad! It seems like I've died but why the hell am I not in heaven!? Instead I got reborn... More

Cover volume 1
Information you should know
Chapter 1: 1 years old
Chapter 2: 4 years old
Chapter 4: 12 years old
Chapter 5: Let the game begin!
Chapter 6: Cinderella
Chapter 7: Cinderella Part 2
Chapter 8: Cinderella Part 3
Valentine Special: A cup of tea is healthy for the heart
Valentine Special: How I met your mother
Valentine Special: A first love lasting a life-time
Chapter 9: It's not love!
Chapter 10: It's not love Part 2
Chapter 11: Love comes with time
Questions + Explanations
Chapter 12: Engagement
Chapter 13: Engagement Part 2
Chapter 14: Engagement Part 3
Volume 1: Epilogue "Bedroom Talk"
Volume 2: Prologue
Chapter 1: No turning back
Chapter 2: The one with nothing
Chapter 3: Mistress
Chapter 4: Embraced by a stranger's family
Chapter 5: Embraced by a stranger's family part 2
Chapter 6: Reunion between two BFFs
Chapter 7: Reunion between 2 BFF part 2
Chapter 8: Some are having a hard time
Chapter 9: A diamond in the rough
Chapter 10: The heroine fell in love for the 1st time
Chapter 11: Rival, enemy and sister Part 1
Chapter 12: Rival, enemy and sister Part 2
Chapter 13: Rival, enemy and sister Part 3
Author's Note
Chapter 14: Showdown Part 1
Chapter 15: Showdown Part 2
Chapter 16: (Epilogue)

Chapter 3: A new chapter in life

17.6K 565 361
By witchofstories

Hi! I'm back I hope that you all enjoyed my last chapter (>‿◠)✌

So I hope you will enjoy this chapter as well (✿◠‿◠)


(Lucinda's POV)

After my little performance on stage my parents suddenly told me the next day that I was going to US together with my mother. It seems that my father has started an music agency and I'm the first person they're gonna debut it seems. Besides this will also benefit mother in some ways.

And so today I was packing to leave home or more likely the maids were packing my stuff's. All I was doing was spending more time with my brother.


The day of departure somehow felt more a bit more sad than I thought.

Everyone was at the airport. My family and the royal family. They were bidding us goodbye. It was only gonna be mother and I who were going there. I hugged my father and brother hard whispering that I would miss them. 

When we had said our farewells my mother and I boarded the private plane and flew to L.A. 


(Third person POV)

Lucinda and her mother arrived in front of their vacation mansion. Servants came out to greet them with respect. 

"My lady, welcome back to "Pearl Manor" their family maid, Gunilla said.

Lucinda's eyes were sparkling and said to her mother "Mother, I'm going to take a look around!" with a cheery voice.
"Of course, sweetheart. Take your time to get accustomed here. It's your first time here after all" she said while picking up her phone and starting talking sweetly with her husband.

Meanwhile Lucinda who was exploring her new home, she never knew about, under the eyes of her maid Mary. 

The home was big and had several bedrooms. Her bedroom, which was on the third floor, was colored with soft pink walls. Her room was decorated with all sorts of toys a normal four year old wanted however Lucinda was not a normal four year old. Therefore she found no interest  in them. However she did like her TV. Even in the past life she loved to watch the TV all the time. 
Not long away from her room there was a room with canvases, paint and brushes. It was the art gallery room. It was the favourite room of her grandmother. The old woman loved to paint and although they weren't as good as a professionals they were good enough to make a man start loving her. 
The rest of the house consisted of a big kitchen, a two big living rooms, dining hall, five bathrooms. Outside on the backyard there was a pool which Lucinda promised herself to swim in every day. On the front yard there was a beautiful sight of a masterpiece. Which wasn't so unusual when the garden was taken cared of by a retired artist who was an old friend of Lucinda's grandmother and have decided to take care of their garden until his last breath. Lucinda felt that old man had loved her grandmother but his feelings were unrequited. She pitied. He had no children of his own so she decided to be the grandchild he never had.

And that's the start of her life in the mansion.


(Lucinda's POV)

Every day mother was making me take lessons of a proffessional trainer in dance and music. I was taught ways to sing and how to control my voice, my breaths, especially since I apparently was going to dance while singing. I was taught all sorts dances from tango to street dance. 
Except for doing my career lessons I also had my private tutor who tutored me those subjects I would normally learn in grade-school. But since my brain was already of a junior high schooler my tutor would also teach me on the high school grade.
Every day was tough but I enjoyed doing them. 

On the days I was off I sat in the art gallery and painted things so easily. Whatever I had imagined in my head was suddenly on the canvas. Even though I've never been a good painter. I thought it was odd but could it be that I'm a...

Cheat character?

This often happens in died-and-reincarnated stories that I've read so far. The protagonist would receive special talents like powerful magic in fantasy worlds. However this wasn't a fantasy world so I wonder perhaps my cheat is art and creativity. I mean everything that's an art I could probably do easily do like painting, dancing, singing for examples. It's that why I'm so good at doing them, and on the first try too. OMG, I'm truly blessed!.

However let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

I need to see if my theory is true first before jumping to conclusions.


On the morning I was off I ordered Mary to bring a big stone to my gallery and buy me craftmanships. The loyal servant ran and immediately brought them. But since the stone was to big it wouldn't fit in the room so I decided to put it on the front yard.

So here I sat in front of it with a sculpture blade in my hand. And due to my spiritual power being high I could see through the material in front of me. It wasn't just the biotic material but also the abiotic material. Exactly. I was gonna cut through the stone's essence itself and create something new out of it.
I could see myself cutting it here and there to bring out the result I wanted. Now that I've imagined how to cut and form it I started to imagine the way I wanted the result to be in.
I had often imagined doing this in my previous life. I imagined though I was sculpting my fairy statues out of gems like rubies and emeralds. However this was a stone. But even with a stone I could probably turn it into something pretty. 

While I was sitting and pondering over what I wanted to turn it into a picture of a fairy appeared in my mind. However I wasn't sure if I was going to sculpt a fairy who was flying upwards or a fairy landing, a fairy who was playing on a harp or a flute. So I decided to do them all. 

I rose up touched the stone with my hand and waited for it's permission. Even stones have souls, you know. And it happily gave me it like it was waiting for someone to give it the beauty and a new shape. 

And so while I was imagining the fairies in my hand my arm moved on it's own. 

An hour later the rough rock had become one of my first statues I've ever made. And to be frank I'm awesome. And a total cheat. This little project concludes my theory.




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I should probably try martial arts too...


(Raphael's POV)

Aw~ my cute little sister is not here anymore. I feel so lonely, I've got nobody, I'm all on my own... except that my dad is here but he doesn't count.

Sitting in my room strumming my guitar all I can think of was the day she came to this world. I remember the excitement I felt. The feeling I had when I held her for the first time. She was so precious.

"Oh, please brother don't be so over dramatic" the little girl on camera rolled her eyes. "We can still spend time by talking to each other through Facebook or Skype. Besides you can visit me during the holidays." 

But it's too painful not feeling your warmth and touch in my embrace.

"Well bye" she said like it didn't matter.

My little sister broke my heart for how many times now?

I'm so sad. It hurts. Yet nobody understand the Pain I'm feeling. The pain. OH, THE PAIN! It hurts so much.

On the other continent a little girl was rolling her eyes like she knew what her brother was thinking right now.


(Clarissa's POV)

I'm a bad mother, I know. I grew in a cold house and never knew the warmth of love. My mother and father always were cold to each other. They cheated on each other. That's why I'm so scared of loving someone. Because in the end they will never be truly yours. That's why I married Julian because I believed he would be a man who could stay faithful to me. He told me he wanted a loving home like me and many children in the future. And though I was hesitating a bit I admitted that I too wanted the things he wanted. But in the end he too turned out to be like my father and like my mother I turned a blind eye. Even when he came home with his bastard son and his mistress I continued to turn a blind eye over him. 

Over time I turned even more coldly and acted like a child until the day I found out she was getting born. The feeling of her kicking my stomach was indescribable. I was happy yet scared. Due to my cold image I could not dare to ask for advice. So I had to cope with this fear on my own.


As soon that beautiful angel descended I knew I had nothing to fear anymore. My light. My warm light was finally here. 

My beautiful angel grew up into a wonderful and intelligent child. I'm so proud over her.

But I'm so disappointed with myself. How could I have let my child grow up in a cold house where her parents fight with each other. With a father who doesn't love her mother. I'm truly not worthy of her.

Even so...

My Angel kept shining like the bright sun in the sky warmly spreading her angelic wings around me and the people she met.

And the way she shone so brightly on stage spreading kindness and light to everyone on stage was just so wonderful. How could a person like me be so blessed. I knew then what my mission was. It was to help her spread her light so that other people will have a chance to learn those feelings she gives me.

Therefore we're now here in L.A. the city of opportunities. And it's here we'll start.


(Third person's POV)

6 years later Lucinda Grace became known as the famous and first talented international singer/actress/model/medium/artist. 

That's right, it all started with Lucinda singing on X Factor. The judges were so touched by her voice that they wanted her to continue. But Lucinda rejected their offer and told them that she only was singing for fun. And that's how people started to get interested in the little four year old. 
She then auditioned for a movie and got the role as the main character's sister. The movie director was so impressed by her that he decided to recommend her to other movie directors. She became known all around the world and people loved her. And although she was still working as an actress she pursued a career within in the music industry which wasn't so hard since she already was famous for the casting on X Factor. 

It was only later that the world came to know Lucinda's other gifts.

At seven years old Lucinda decided to put her paintings and sculptures on auction. This shook the world as cameras filmed and took pictures of her masterpieces. Everyone wanted them. And they were willing to pay anything for them. And although some didn't get what they wanted they managed to get a masterpiece anyway. 
Due to these news that spread all over the world Lucinda was offered a lot of jobs. But in the end Lucinda rejected them all. Because in the first place her sculpting was helping her to test if she was a 'cheat character' but over time sculpting became like a training for her qi. She realized as she was sculpting and refining her talent that she was becoming more stronger and agile both spiritually and physically. 
Since her fame even reached the royal family of Sweden the king and queen asked her to make a sculpture of their family. The two main reasons was because they knew that Lucinda was going to become an influential person in the future. And the more influential a person became the harder they were to get by. And a lot of wealthy people were thinking like this too. The second reason to why they wanted her to make a sculpture of their family was because they wanted her to come to their palace and visit her in-laws as well as her fiancee. And Lucinda was no fool. She knew what their intentions were the minute she got the messaged. She rejected going to Sweden and made a sculpture of them in L.A. and then sent it to them instead. It was rude to reject their invitation she knew but she didn't want to meet the prince. In fact she did everything to avoid the prince.

When Lucinda reached age ten her spiritual powers was so high that she could already travel through time and make her own dimensional space, something she had dreamed of doing even in her other life. But to the rest of the world this was of course a secret.
But not everything got kept a secret when she one day found a missing poster sign and gave her maid/nanny, Mary the instructions to lead the police to the place where the missing boy's corpse lied. This got leaked out to the media and once again Lucinda's fame only grew more. This time though she got known as a medium. Now, many people thought she was a fraud but the majority believed in her. And so once again many people asked her to help. Of course Lucinda only helped the people that needed most help and even got her own TV-show broadcasted. It was called "The ghost whisperer". In the show she would go to peoples' homes and see what's disturbing them. Of course she would sometimes offer a seance or even take people to meet their loved ones by leading to the spiritual realm through dreams. 

Yes, there was no doubt that Lucinda Grace was the most famous and talented person in this world.


Meanwhile she was getting more famous there was a person sitting in a dark room biting a pillow and watching the black-haired girl as she became even more loved by people.


So tell me what you think of this chapter :)

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