The Forgotten

By ss9slb

1.2K 64 5

Sequel to Mindwipe & Deadlock: It's been six months of silence, six months of rebuilding, six months of hopin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17


63 4 3
By ss9slb



"May I cut in?"

"That depends..." Clara replied sharing a look with her handsome groom before her warm brown eyes travelled across the room to where Missy of all people was cooing and showing off her children to a few of the other mothers whilst a nervous looking Osgood hovered around clearly sharing Clara's scepticism. "I'd rather not have a jealous Missy to deal with Doctor."

"Clara's its fine...we're..." The Doctor paused as if trying to find the right words that would reassure his impossible girl that she had nothing to fear from Missy...well not in that regard. "She accepts that you are my friend, she has to." He added with an amused smile. "Besides Missy is the whole reason we are friends in the first place....the woman in the shop?"

"No...Nooo...way.." Clara began stunned, her chin dropped open as Danny passed her into The Doctor's arms with a resigned shake of the head.

"Just bring her back in once piece Doctor." Danny huffed before winking at Clara. "Wife it's your decision whether or not to return him in one piece."

"You better believe it Husband!" Clara recovered quickly sharing a look with Danny that showed affection, amusement and a hint of mischief.

Now face to face and the sole item of scrutiny under Clara Oswald's gaze The Doctor felt his previous resolve falter a little. Blushing as Clara raised one pointed eyebrow at his unaccustomed silence The Doctor coughed before forcing himself to speak.

"Clara...I...we are sorry for disrupting your wedding the way we did."

"Please Doctor you are never going to convince me that Missy is even a tiny bit sorry." Clara snorted rolling her eyes as The Doctor opened his mouth to protest, "Apology accepted anyway. At least this one wedding everyone is going to remember... Even if it is for all the wrong reasons."

Realising that this was not an argument he could even begin to win even if he genuinely believed it himself The Doctor simply smiled his thanks. Leading Clara in a turn around the dancefloor The Doctor couldn't help but look over, just checking, just to make sure, he wasn't fussing...It was simply a coincidence that as he stared Missy turned her head to meet his gaze, an exasperated look playing about her face yet there was no hiding the smile that played about her lips, a smile that The Doctor dizzily returned.

"Oh you have got it bad." Clara teased drawing The Doctor's attention back to her, doing her best to quell the small flicker of jealously that curdled in her stomach as her best friend now had someone else as the focus of his attention. "It's strange..."

"What is?" The Doctor questioned, his brow furrowed lightly as he turned back to his dance partner.

"But nice seeing you so happy, I just...I just want you to be sure..." Clara hesitated biting her lip for a moment, yet as The Doctor's frown deepened she had to continue. "Earlier you seemed so upset that Missy was human now. You're my best friend Doctor I never want to see you hurt..."

"Clara I am very sure." The Doctor insisted touched by her concern but this was one part of his life that he had to make decisions about alone.

"We may not have all the time together we should, and somehow I will have to find a way to accept that, but even having this much of her is better than losing her alltogether. I would have thought you of all people would understand that." The Doctor added with a pointed nod towards an oblivious Danny who was bravely leading Clara's demon of a grandmother around the dance floor.

Well when he put it like that. Clara smiled leaning forward and pulling a protesting Doctor into a tight hug. "Just promise you'll come visit, you and the can even bring Missy..."

"Rugrats?" The Doctor spluttered in confusion. "Clara I don't have any rodents on board the Tardis...well none that I know of..."

"No I mean..." Clara laughed waving towards Missy and the twins who were over by the wedding present table and in particular seemed to be admiring The Doctor's wedding present. Not that they were the first to pay attention to the glittering glass sculpture, Clara couldn't count the number of people who had come up to her asking where they could buy one.

"They are children of the houses of Oakdown and Lungbarrow." The Doctor huffed. "They are not rats of any description."

"Spoken like a proud papa." Clara teased him, "But if you want me to address them properly then perhaps you should tell me their names?"

"Clara I cannot tell you their real names you know that." The Doctor chided her. "However until they select titles for themselves they will be known as Maechithaldrasvia and Samerovalelbiramatis."

"Right because that isn't going to get them bullied in the playground." Clara retorted with the knowing gaze of a teacher. "Still I suppose they can always go by Mae and Sam."

Huffing himself up at Clara's criticism The Doctor replied firmly "Clara my children's names are..."

Only a sudden smashing sound cut him off, him and every other conversation in the room save for the sudden sound of a baby crying. Turning around The Doctor could see a sudden crowd forming around the wedding present table and he pushed through them. The beautiful glass sculpture was now in fragments all over the floor however The Doctor was more concerned that Missy or the children might be injured.

Mae was the one crying and Missy was doing her best to soothe her. Running his hands over his child The Doctor checked for any sign of injury yet it seemed it had been the fright of the sudden loud noise that had caused the crying fit rather than any actual injury.

"I had no idea she was strong enough to pull it over." Missy confided in The Doctor, her blue eyes narrowed in concern as she wondered if this was merely the first in a long line of strange traits her children would exhibit.

"Hey where did this come from?" Danny Pink commented bending down and picking up a small silver disk. "It must have been inside the sculpture." He added flipping it over in his hand. "What on earth was a pocket watch..."

The Doctor didn't even give Danny the chance to finish, leaning forward he snatched it from Danny's hand. Gripping it tightly in his fingers he turned it over his gaze widening as it traced a familiar circular design. It was a fob watch and it contained the living beating soul of a Time Lord; or to the point a certain Time Lady...


Meanwhile far across the galaxy and far into the future the new King of the Pirate Clan Cartellion was inspecting what remained of his clan's assets accompanied by a familiar obsequious underling.

In a darkened room they stared through one way glass into a lit room that was sparsely decorated, one central table dominated and there was a small cot tucked away against the wall. It was a cell by any other name.

"How is it progressing?"

"Exceeding expectations My Lord, already showing intelligence and endurance that exceeds our measurements. He will be whatever you need him to be, a great warrior in your army, or perhaps a great engineer building structures that will venerate your reign."

"Yes but only if it learns its proper place Tristayn, I will not be like my predecessor I will not harbour a viper in my nest." The King commanded and his servant bowed to his superior wisdom.

"I would be honoured to take care of that instruction personally my King." Tristayn grovelled, his dark eyes glowing with greed yet he did his best to keep his avarice hidden until his appeased sovereign grew bored and left.

Finally alone Tristayn moved over to the glass, placing his hand against the cool surface he allowed a smile to cross his face as his gaze lit upon a small dark haired boy sat at the table. The chair he was perched on was far too large for him and the puzzle he had been commanded to solve was far too complex for a child a dozen years his senior... which of course meant the child would have it solved in a matter of hours.

So Tristayn had his charge and his orders and he would do his best to exceed expectations. This son of Gallifrey's talents would put to use building the glory of the Cartellion clan and he would be loyal to the King...well to the future King.

King Tristayn....hmmm it did have a certain ring about it.


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