Darkiplier and Anti

By Thunderthestorm

15.6K 618 235

Partners in crime?....I don't know,Dark and Anti are both friends and known each other for the last....couple... More

Typical day
Wilford Warfstache
Mark and Jack
Dark again!
Normal day
Off to find Dark
Lets leave
We're alive!
Mah fam
New home
The morning after
Breaking in


1.8K 71 22
By Thunderthestorm

When Dark and Anti crept up to Mark's house,they could see him and Jack in the living room playing video games.Anti whispered their plan so Dark would know.He nodded,and Dark slipped behind the house.
Dark's POV
Anti told me what we were going to do,and I get it now.I snuck behind the house so that Mark wouldn't see me.I know he's scared of me,he just doesn't want to show it.I heard him yelling his face off,so he's playing a rage game,for sure.Its kinda funny,though.I grabbed a bottle of oil,I'll need that for our plan.Mark had headphones on and couldn't hear me,so I snuck into the house and into his room.Pretty sure he saw my reflection,and turned around.He didn't even have time to scream when I dumped all the oil on him.Then,Anti came in with a bucket of feathers and poured it over Mark."ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?"Mark was yelling louder than earlier,which was a sign he was either really pissed or surprised."Hey,you had it coming."Anti said from behind me.Mark went into the bathroom trying to get the feathers off,so me and Anti went back to our house.When we got there,the house was different.The living room was actually.....clean.Someone cleaned the house while we were gone,so Anti and I knew exactly who did it."Hello Anti And Dark".It was Google!What the **** is he doing here?!"Google,why are you here?"Anti asked him.Google started fidgeting for a little so,I kinda knew what happened."Google,did you kill your owner again?""It wasn't my fault!How was I supposed to know he couldn't handle a little hit on the head!"I looked down,and I saw Google holding a bloody baseball bat."Google,you didn't......"Anti just face palmed himself and Google looked in Sheepishly.But,we all just put it behind us after a little and let Google say with us."Oh yeah,I kinda invited someone else,too."Google looked away shyly,and bit on his lip.Invited someone?This is not good.Anti took his hand off his face,and looked at Google again."Well,who'd ya invite,lad?""Well,uh....I-"Google said and we heard dance music coming from the living room.Ah crap,it's him again."HEY GUYS!!"He shouted to the rooftops.Wilford Warfstache.

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