Mills. {OUAT}

Per NikkiBerries

6.7K 459 3.3K

Highest ranking: [1] in #onceuponatime /#ouat Henry had planned the entire thing, from the moment he met Emma... Més

One Dagger
Two moms
Three wishes
Four seasons
Five Kingdoms
Six Swans
I.P./ Sneak Peek
Seven Dwarves
Eight And A Quarter
Nine Lies
Ten Protectors
Eleven Friends
Twelve Midnight
Thirteen's Unlucky
Turning Fourteen
Fifteen Days
Sour Seventeen #1
Sour Seventeen #2
Sour Seventeen #3
Rogue Eighteen
Nineteen Survivors
Twenty Prophecies
Twenty One Legal
Team Twenty Two
Twenty Three Plans
Twenty Four Hours
OUAT crack book!
Twenty Five Fights
Twenty Six Findings
Twenty Seven Meetings
Twenty Eight Arrival
Tag Tag Tag
Twenty Nine Journeys
Thirty Choices

Sweet Sixteen

196 12 127
Per NikkiBerries

"There are other people here."

My edit^

It's me.


Yes. I'm looking at y'all.

Quotes and Fangirl moments.


*serious* Honestly idk where to start.

Suggestion for Pan's lover name? (Bonus chap)

This world chapter is about Henry's family POV of what happened. Next chapter is almost the same. The Chao after that is WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING FROM HENRY's POV.A little CS at the end.

"Arendelle?",Belle questioned, her hands already digging though her large, brown suitcase looking for more reference books about Arendelle.

"Makes sense that he would leave Neverland but Arendelle?", Regina looked over at Rumple, untrustingly. The man simply shrugged, looking down at the scarf in his hand, shaking his head at the irony of the fact that what Pan taught him about finding clues on an object had been very helpful.

"That doesn't really matter right now but what's important is that we find a way to Henry before Pan does. Only God knows what that demon would do to Henry," David stated, strapping his brown, canvas backpack over his shoulder.

"So this trip was utterly useless? Come on, we have to go," Robin stated.

Regina shook her head," No, not enough time. Damn right that Pan is already somewhere with magic, getting a portal."

"So what do we do?", Snow asked, looking around at everyone.

"I've got something," Belle said, quickly standing up and showing the book to Regina.

"It says that there was a powerful wizard who lived nearby here, he was one of the first mage who lived in a non-magical realm. He passed a century ago but his house was a shack by the woods not so far from here. He was extremely powerful and acquaintances with Merlin so he most likely would have a portal somewhere. It's worth a shot right?", Belle explained, shooting Rumple a desperate look and he simply smiled back.

"It's our only shot," Regina nodded and without a second glance, left the room and down the brightly lit corridors.


Rumple didn't even looked surprised when they left the hotel to find Brad leaning against his cab, a key-like pendant hanging from his finger.

"Where did you get that?And why are you here? Who in the hell are you?!", Robin asked, openly taking out his bow and arrow, aiming at the boy.

Regina simply sighed, rubbing her temples.

"I'm going to assume Henry sent you, and that you wouldn't hurt us and that you know where to go," she stated quietly, pushing Robin's arm down.

Brad didn't say anything and simply opened the door for them.


"Why did you make us come out of Storybrooke? Couldn't you just give us Henry scarf in the town? Pan is on his way, you know," Snow glared at the driver's rear mirror.

"To help you," Brad replied simply, watching the long stretch of bright green trees passing by his side window as he sped up the car.

"What?", Belle looked at Rumple who snickered.

Rumple had pieced to together part of Henry's plan but it seemed to go nowhere. There had to be a trap for Pan in Storybrooke, the demon might even be dead at this point and Henry sent them out because Henry wasn't just in Arendelle.

He was in a very particular, undetectable place in Arendelle which was only be accessed through that wizard's door. Roland had already told them that Merlin was mentoring Henry so there was no way the wizard's acquaintance with Merlin was a coincidence that so called 'helped' them.

Problem was why Henry wanted them to find him. As the previous Dark One, Rumple knew better to hope that Henry was truly in danger and leaving clues for the heroes to rescue him but he had to hope.

It was Henry after all.

That kid...

Brad kept driving forward as his foot was glued onto the pedal as he pushed it down more, watching the red arm of the meter go up when he switched gears.

"Do not brake," Henry reminded him.

And so the beta kept pressing on the gas.

The long row of forest had ended and soon they had reached a clearing. The road split into two, and a glowing lake by the end of the land which was separating the two roads. (A/N Even I don't understand what the heck I just wrote)

"Take a left,"Snow said, looking up from the map.

Brad kept going forward.

"Take a left,"Snow repeated, slightly panicked at the fact that they were heading straight on into the partition.

Brad ignored her.

"What are you-"

Regina couldn't finished her question as the cab bounced up as they drove over the curb onto the uneven grass.

Robin held onto Regina, David grabbed Snow's arm and Belle pushed herself closer to Rumple.

Brad suddenly missed Luke.

The car jumped again, making the pass genres faces twist with terror.

He was heading straight for the lake. Even in that moment, Brad appreciated the fact the Henry was right.

It was enchanting.

"What the-"

There was heavy silence as the car drove of the fencing like a ramp and headed straight down into the lake.


"Hey, Hook?" Emma poked the dark haired man in the shoulder. He was in his thick, red leather vest over his black long sleeved top with his hook reflecting the unusually luminous moonlight.

Emma was wearing his heavy, warm coat over her shoulders and she held onto two of Hook's fingers.

"Yes, love?", he smiled, squeezing her hand.

"You seem off," Emma said, unaware of the small pout forming on her lips.

"Sorry, love," Killian gently tapped her nose," Just thinking about how but would be like if we had a normal life. We would have a beautiful future."

"We will," Emma corrected him, putting her head against his shoulder, hitting his chest softly.

"And hopefully this future of yours include a room where, you know, I'm not four feet about from you and can hear everything."

Emma blushed slightly at Ruby's comment.

"Well, we're not asking you to stay four feet close to us and listen to everything," Hook shot back, winking at Emma.

Red made a gagging sound.

Emma laughed and Hook laughed along with her, their voices making the snow fall feel warm.

"Shut up," Red said out of the blue, pausing her tracks, letting the harsh wind sting her face as she stood perfectly still.

The two stopped.

"There are other people here," Red whispered, pulling up her skirt and running off.

Emma and Hook were hot on her heels, hoping over twisted roots, fallen branches and their feet sinking into the snow.

Emma yelled.

Someone had knocked her down, attaching her form her left from behind the slim trees and she fell hard on the ground.

Hook ran back, shouting, to pull off the person off of Emma.

"Hey! Get off-... Charming?", Hook's voice was oddly relieved and angry.

Emma looked up to see Killian already by her side helping her up.

"Emma," David said, pulling Emma into a tight hug.

"Dad," she hugged him back, grateful to see all of them.

"Emma!", Snow ran down the white slope of snow to throw herself at her daughter and claiming Emma into a bare hug.

"Mom!",Emma laughed.

Everyone else followed through behind those two, Regina extinguished her fireball after eying the pirate, Robin lowering his arrow, Rumple putting his sword down and Belle simply looking around confused.

"What are doing here?" Emma asked, her cheeks frankly sore from smiling.

"Bloody hell."

Everyone turned to see Hook staring at the top of the slope where Ruby had taken off.

There was bright red blood seeping into the snow.

Red was gone.





I'm low on inspiration these days guys...



Continua llegint

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