Blackstone - The Temple of Tr...

By TraftonCrandall

33.6K 3.2K 362

The Saga Continues... Now a Ranger of Blackstone, Eliza Grant has proven herself on numerous missions since h... More

Return to the Summerland
A Royal Dinner
A New Mission
In the Arena
The Desert Planet
A New Ally
Battling the Cold
Saving David
In the Jungle
David and Eliza
The Final Round
Harsh Terrain
Tense Negotiations
Down Time
Duty Calls
Visions and Dreams
To Rescue a Prince
Back in the Arena
Riding the Dragon
A Challenge is Given
A Sacred Rite
Mission to the Mountains
Against All Odds
A Strange Fellow
The Factory
A Powerful Force


1K 91 33
By TraftonCrandall

David, Thomas, and I stood at attention in front of Colonel Nash's oak desk in her office in Control while she read our carefully hand typed report. Outside the windows, The Earth gently rotated in front of us, and I saw great white clouds and the vast Pacific Ocean that looked like a great blue carpet sprawled everywhere with the Hawaiian Islands as little dots, pinpricks in the fabric. Again, I couldn't get over the beauty of the Earth as seen from Colonel Nash's office. It always reminded me of what we were fighting for.

Finally, Colonel Nash finished reading. She took off her old fashioned reading glasses and laid them on the desk in front of her. She steepled her fingers in front of her and looked at us.

"Agent Ross, Ms. Grant, Mr. Adebayo. Well done. I couldn't have asked for anything better."

"Thank you, Ma'am," David answered for us all.

"I see that Yin Li survived the Red Door. Excellent. I know that she will be a great help to us once she completes her training at the Forge," Colonel Nash said.

"Her abilities saved our lives more than once. I personally owe her a debt of gratitude," David said.

"Yes, I've even heard that many of the Families are competing to sponsor her during training. Even your brother has gotten into the act, Agent Ross. He's made one of the largest bids I've ever seen for a recruit," Colonel Nash said.

"Nicholas," I said with a scowl on my face. I couldn't forget how I'd been "sponsored" by him during my nine months at the Blackstone Forge. Something about Nicholas's smug attitude and sense of superiority just set my teeth on edge.

Colonel Nash smiled and leaned back in her chair.

I frowned. I could tell something was up. Colonel Nash looked like a cat that was about to swallow the canary. I could tell she knew something I didn't.

"What? What is it?" I asked her.

"Oh, nothing. Agent Ross, if you would," Colonel Nash said with a wave of her hand.

David turned to me and Thomas, " As a reward for your bravery in defeating a Grimm Lord, rescuing Yin Li, and freeing the Yeti. Nicholas and my father have invited you and Adebayo to spend a week with me resting and recuperating on Calypso - our Family's Private Island Resort," David said.

What?! A week stuck on some damn island with Nicholas Ross and Michael Ross. I didn't care if David was going to be there. I'd rather rot in the coldest darkest realm of Hell then spend time on their resort. I didn't care how swanky or fancy it was.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked away from David and Colonel Nash.

"Look, You know how I feel about your father, David. He isn't exactly high up there on my hit parade. I'd rather slide down a rusty razor blade into a pool of rubbing alcohol then spend time with him," I said with a huff.

"Bloody Hell, Eliza, do you know how famous the Ross Family Resort is? It's on this huge island in the South Pacific and the only place more majestic is the Garden of Eden," Thomas said.

"It's true. My father is very proud of Calypso. He has spared no expense in making it into one of the most beautiful places in the Galaxy," David said.

The most beautiful place in the Galaxy? I didn't know about that. It would be hard to top the majesty that was the Dra Khanian Homeworld of Azor. I remembered my trip there on Joseph and I don't think anyplace in the galaxy could top it.

I turned to Colonel Nash.

"Ma'am, Do I have to do this? Can't I just go home to my apartment in Brooklyn for a week?"

Colonel Nash smiled at me in that kind way she had that made you feel like she was the only one on Earth who understood you. She thought for a few moments in silence.

"Eliza, I think it's best that you go. You've been through a tremendous ordeal that would have broken a lesser person. You need time to decompress and process what has happened to you. The Blessing of Healers has assigned Miguel and Sarah to be your personal counselors during your stay on Calypso. They will help you sort out what has happened to you."

I pouted and almost felt like telling Colonel Nash to go stuff it, but I knew she could just order me to go. At least this way she was making it seem like I had a choice in the matter.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling. There didn't seem to be any way out of this. It looks like I was going to Calypso for a week.

"All right, I'll go," I said.

Thomas gave a small whoop of joy and held up his hand for a high five which I reluctantly returned. If I had to spend a week on some boring island with Michael Ross(the man responsible for my mother and father's death) then at least I would have Thomas there. His antics and jokes always made me feel better. Also, it didn't hurt that David was coming along. I thought about our time together during the Temple of Trials. How he kissed me and held me in his arms. It was the only time in my life that I could recall the cold presence of the Wend being far away. David has this presence, this energy, that seemed to calm the Wend. It relaxed its grip on me when David was around. I couldn't explain it, but it was something that I knew that I enjoyed.

"Very Good. Dismissed," Colonel Nash said and turned her chair around so she could look out the window. She sat in silence, contemplating the beauty of the Earth and the magnificent display that was the heavens.


The crystal clear blue waters of the South Pacific sparkled in the late afternoon sunshine as our beamship skimmed across the surface, streaking towards an emerald island that loomed off in the distance.

I looked out the window of the passenger seat and yawned. It had been a boring ride so far and I knew that it was only going to get worse once we got to the island. Thomas sat in the back seat and played a game of holographic chess on his Razor Phone while David read through a series of papers that looked important.

"David, We should make landfall in approximately 90 seconds. Do you want me to handle the landing?" the soft cultured voice of the Beamship Cassandra spoke, interrupting our silence.

David put his papers down and put his hands on the steering wheel.

"No, that's all right, Cassie. I'll take it from here, thank you."

"I also have a call coming in from your father, David." Cassie said with what I thought sounded like just a hint of a smile.

David sighed, "Let's hear it. He's probably just going to scold us for being late."

"I'll play it for you right now," Cassie said.

There was a moment of silence and then the commanding voice of Michael Ross boomed out of the speaker.

"Hello, David. I assume Ms. Grant and Mr. Adebayo are with you."

David gave me a look, and I rolled my eyes and stared out the window out at the ocean. Of course, Michael Ross knew we were with him. There was very little that escaped his grasping net. He had spies, informers, and flunkies all over the planet. Indeed, some of the best psionics and hackers worked for the Ross Family. He probably could have told us what we had for breakfast that morning.

David's hands tightened around the steering wheel. "Hello, Father. Yes, Eliza and Thomas are here. We should be landing in about less than a minute."

"Good. As soon as you land, I want you all to freshen up and then join me and your brother for dinner in the main dining room at six o'clock sharp," Michael Ross said.

"Very good, father. Is there anything else you require of us?" David said with what I thought sounded like a little smattering of resentment.

"No. That is all," Michael Ross said and then the line went silent.

"Dinner with Michael and Nicholas Ross. What did we do to deserve such special treatment?" Thomas said from the back seat.

I turned and looked back at Thomas, "I don't know, but I'm getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it."

David tapped a button on the steering wheel. "Try and hold it together, Grant. And remember that this is a great honor. My father only invites the most important people on Earth to dine with him. In fact, just last night, The Queen of England was his guest."

Thomas gulped. "Her majesty was here. Agent Ross, is there anyone your father doesn't have access to?"

David smiled, "Among the Commoners? No one. My father knows them all. All right, hang tight everyone. I'm setting us down."

David skillfully landed Cassie on a heli pad that had one other beamship on it. It was painted a bright fire engine red and looked like a sleek sports coupe.

"I see Nicholas has already arrived," David said and pointed at the red beamship.

"Wow, would you look at that. That is one cool looking ride. Don't you think so, Eliza?" Thomas asked me.

"I guess," I said with as little enthusiasm as I could muster. I had to hand it to Nicholas. He certainly knew how to make a statement and obviously had impeccable taste. Still, Mary had taught me to disdain vanity and the ostentatious. Again, I couldn't help but think that my mission was bringing me into some strange situations - dating Orion princes, hanging out on exclusive island resorts with billionaires. It seemed that everything I did was a violation of my duties as a Keeper of the Wend, but Mary had warned me to flexible. My mission always came first. There were times when rules had to be bent if not out right broken.

We got out of Cassie and made our way down a small path that wound it's way through beautiful fragrant gardens to the main area of the resort that had magnificent swimming pools, tennis courts, and everywhere we looked - rich and famous people. I recognized a world famous movie star and her star quarterback husband. I glanced at Thomas. He was trying to keep his cool, but it was obvious he was a little star struck.

"Can you believe this? If only my family could see me now. Hobnobbing with the rich and famous," Thomas said.

"You mean the stuck up and the snobby," I said.

"Try and keep it together, guys. Remember that you represent Blackstone," David said.

Just then a young woman dressed in a sharp looking navy blue suit approached us. She consulted her clipboard for just a second and gave us all a warm smile.

"Mr. Ross, welcome back. We've been expecting you. Your father has asked to see you right away in his office. In the mean time, I have the presidential suite ready and waiting for Ms. Grant and Mr. Adebayo," the young woman said.

"Thank you, Bridget," David said and turned to us. "All right, you two, we've got a few hours before dinner. So try and stay out of trouble. I'll see you at six in the main dining room."

David walked off towards a nearby building and left Thomas and me by ourselves with Bridget.

"So now what do we do?" Thomas asked.

"I don't know about you, Thomas, but I could use a run," I said.

"I'll be happy to show you to your suite. Ms. Grant, we have a world class gym on the premises if that is something you would like to see," the young woman said.

"No, that's all right. I think I'll just run on the beach," I said.

"Very well. Mr. Adebayo, I've heard you are fond of video games. We have quite a selection in our game room. All the latest systems. If you'll follow me, I'll be happy to show you," the young woman said.

Thomas's eyes lit up when he heard the word video games. "Now that's more like it. I think I'm going to like it here."

Bridget showed us to our suite and man was it impressive. The whole thing was bigger than my old apartment in Astoria and certainly fancier. Large windows looked out onto a magnificent view of ocean. There was even a baby grand piano. Thomas surprised me by sitting down and playing a beautiful melody that sounded like it could have been Beethoven.

"I didn't know you could play, Thomas," I said.

"There's a lot about me you don't know," Thomas answered with a grin.

"All of your luggage has been brought to your rooms. If there is anything else you require please don't hesitate to let us know," Bridget said.

"Thanks. But we should be fine," I said.

Bridget left us and I went into my room and changed into my running clothes - shorts and a plain black t shirt. I left the suite and ran back down the path to the beach. The late afternoon sun was brilliant and the sky was a perfect blue with large fleecy clouds. A gentle wind blew across the waters of the bay, and I set off down the beach at a slight jog. It was only on my runs that I felt truly at peace. They were a potent form of meditation for me, and the even the cold presence of the Wend calmed down when I went on my runs.

I picked up my pace until I was sprinting down the beach. I cut close to the waters edge and pushed myself to the brink of my endurance. Finally, I stopped to catch my breath. I did a few yogic stretches and sat down in a meditative posture. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breathes. I just wanted to enjoy the beauty of the day before I had to go back and have dinner with the Ross's. How I was going to make it through the evening without putting a fork in Michael Ross's eye, I really didn't know.

"Help! Someone please help!"

My eyes snapped open and I jumped to my feet. Whoever called out sounded like they were in serious trouble. I ran down to the water's edge and squinted against the glare of the sun. About a hundred feet offshore, I could just make out a small boy. He looked like he was caught in a vicious undertow that was sweeping him out to sea. The boy struggled to keep his head above the waves. I knew if nothing was done to help him then he would surely drown.

There was nobody around, so I jumped into Fast Time and sprinted across the top of the water until I reached the boy. Dropping back into Time, I plunged into the water and swam toward the boy who was struggling to keep his head above water.

A large wave crashed into me and I lost sight of the boy. Choking and sputtering, I looked around but the boy was gone. Only the vast ocean lay out before me. Suddenly, the cold force of the Wend blasted through me and I knew what that meant. Danger.

I turned and kicked back for the shore, but just then I felt strong hands grab my legs from below. A powerful force yanked me down and I just had time to take one last quick breath before something dragged me below the surface and I plummeted down into the depths.

The End

But Wait...

Trafton, you can't be serious. This can't be the end of Eliza's adventures. Rest assured, Dear and Loyal Readers, Eliza Grant will return. This is just the beginning.

Coming this Spring of 2016 – Blackstone: The GreenSea of Darkness

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