Can this be?

By uswnt_talex

297K 5.4K 1.4K

Alex Morgan is basking ridge high schools new vice principal. Tobin Heath, is the rebellious bad-ass who has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56-Final Chapter

Chapter 34

3.9K 87 29
By uswnt_talex

Tobins POV
*Time skip to  December 13th*

It was finally December. For thanksgiving, Alex and I decided to spend it together. We ordered Chinese and watched Netflix all day, but that turned into Netflix and chill... If you know what I mean.

Everytime I spent time with Alex, I felt myself falling more and more for her. On November 29th, it was our 2 month anniversary and we went out to a restaurant and ate there then came back here to hang out.

Alex has been acting weird a lot more than normal, and it's starting to worry me. She never lets me touch her phone, she gets protective when other girls come near me, and she keeps asking if I'm happy with her.

I need to ask her about it soon, but I just have to find the right time.

It was Friday today and Alex went home after school today not bothering to say goodbye or anything to me like normal. I was confused by her actions but she probably had somewhere to be.

Today was the last day before break. We were out until January 8th which I was thankful for.

I sat on my couch flipping through the channels before I got a text by someone.

Pulling out my phone, I unlock it and stare confused at the message from the unknown number.

Unknown: Hey tobs ;)

Me:Ummm who are you and what do you want?

Unknown:Hmm, you'll have to meet me to find out and I want you ;)

Me: Sorry, if you're one of the hoes I was with, um that was a one and done thing sooo were over I guess. Plus I'm already taken so I'll pass on the meet and greet.

Unknown: Oh sugar pie, I would stop being so stubborn and just meet up.

Me: Don't call me Sugar pie. Just leave me alone.

Unknown: I will, but things probably won't look so good for your... Significant other.

me: You know nothing. You don't know me and you don't know who I'm dating so shut it.

Unknown: Oh really now? How about that new vice principal. What's her name? Ms.Morgan?

My eyes go wide and I feel myself start to sweat. How does this person know and who is this person?

Play denial Tobin. They're probably assuming.

Me: I have nothing to do with her. She's my principal and that's it.

Unknown: Oh really? So she means nothing?

I take a deep breath probably going to regret this, but I need to make sure Alex's career isn't at risk.

Me: Nope, just a vice principal. Me and her aren't emotionally involved and she's just a vice principal to me.

I type feeling regret.

Unknown: Ooo, shocker. So what's this picture doing here?

Then I see a picture of me and Alex making out in.... My beach house.

Me: You're a fuckin creep you know.

Unknown: So she does mean something? Tsk tsk. You guys can get in an awful lot of trouble.

Me: No. That was a mistake.

Unknown: So that kiss was a mistake? How about all of these?

The person asks sending a lot more picture of Alex and I kissing. My face goes even more pale and I feel myself start to regret my words but I say them anyways.

Me:All mistakes. They mean nothing.

Unknown: So she really means nothing?

Me: Not a dime worth my time.

Unknown: So if I were to show her this, you wouldn't mind?

Wait... They're going to use this to get Alex to break up with me. Shit shit shit shit shit!

Me: No! Im not going to break someone's heart like that.

Unknown: Fine. This'll stay between me and you. But we meet up. 8pm. Tonight. Movie theater.

I sigh realizing I have really no other option.

Me: Fine. But this stays between us.

I type then shove my phone in my pocket groaning.

I would never hurt Alex. That was all a mistake what I said. Those kisses meant the world to me and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I don't care if I was broke and living in a box, as long as I had Alex with me, I would be fine. I regret saying that to that stranger, cause if they ever showed Alex, it would ruin her....ruin us. Gosh, I'm so fucked up.

Not knowing what else to do, I call Hope. She picks up on the third ring.

"Hey tobs!"

"Hey hope. You got a minute?" I ask and I can hear the noise in the background start to fade.

"Yeah, Kelleys here but I'm in the back room, what's up?" She asks and I sigh.

"I fucked up. Big time." I say.

"Ok, that's not a good sign. What did you do?" She asks and I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Well, I got this message from an unknown number. And basically they know about mine and Alex's relationship. They sent me pictures of her and I kissing and I tried to deny them staying they meant nothing and that Alex meant nothing. So then they brought up showing Alex and I begged them not to and so now I have to meet up with this person tonight at 8 for them not to tell Alex." I ramble and I hear Hope sigh on the other end.

"Wow, um you did screw up. But you regret saying that right?" She asks and I lose it.

"Yes Hope! I regret saying it! These past 2 months have been absolute heaven. I have never felt so much happiness in my life! Not even when I was a little kid and my life was good with my family. Hope she makes me feel some sort of way and I'm no expert in feelings but I think I love her. I know some may say it's early but damn my feelings are strong for her and I would take a bullet for her Hope! I think she's the one... I think I love her.... No, I do love her." I say feeling a rush of confidence run through me.

"Woah, she must have you feeling some sort of way then. Are you sure you're ready to make yourself vulnerable around her? Are you sure she's the one?" Hope asks and I nod my head furiously even tho she can't see me.

"I've never been more sure of anything." I say smiling.

"Then go fix this." She says and I sigh in determination.

"Ok, thank you Hope." I say and I hang up.

So, gonna meet up, talk it out, and leave. Shouldn't be that hard. Hopefully.

It was finally 7:50 and I made my way outside and to my car driving off to the theater.

I haven't gotten a text from Alex today which was really strange... Hopefully she... Never mind.

I turned on the radio trying to ease my nerve but failing.

Soon, I get to the pretty much empty parking lot of the theater and I see a figure, who appears to be female, leaning against the wall of the theater.

Nobody was really here which kind of scared me, but I had a pocket knife in my back pocket just to be safe.

I got out of my car and made my way to the figure standing there.

"Who are you?" I ask making my voice sound powerful and the person chuckles. It sounded very feminine, and very familiar.

"Guess who?" She asks and my eyes go wide.

'No no no no no no no. This can't happen. No, it just can't. God damnit!'

"Alyssa." I say breathlessly and I hear her laugh.

"Ding ding ding." She says standing in the dim light of the street lamp.

God damnit.

Alyssa and I used to go out. We dated for a couple months , well, secretly dated. I never mentioned this to Alex, cause I never felt the need to. But anyways, she then started becoming too obsessed with me, telling me what I can and can't do, controlling my friends, Stalking me even, and soon I couldn't take it anymore. I ended it with her and I told her not to bother me again.

"I told you not to bother me again." I say getting irritated.

"Oh Toby, you're too precious to stay away from, I couldn't handle it." She says walking closer to me.

"Don't call me that. You're a fucking stalker. I told you once and I'll tell you again, it's over." I say.

I turned around about to make my way back to my car but I feel hands push me against the brick wall.

I struggle to get free but she's over powered me. Damn it, I gave her my work out routines.

"Yeah about that, I have been working out if you couldn't tell, and we're not over until I say we are." She says pressing her body against mine.

"Get off of me! I'm happily taken and I don't need your crazy ass back in my life!" I yell squirming in her arms.

"Call me something else and you'll regret it." She growls but I don't care.

"Hoe! Bitch! Stalker! Crazy ass! Psycho! St-" I yell but I'm cut off by her disgusting, dry ass lips.

I stand there in shock, my movements freezing, until Alex pops into my mind and I feel rage build up inside me.

I kick her in the calf causing her Yelp and I punch her in her right check and run back to my car.

"That psycho!" I yell starting my car.

It may not be the best time, but I decide to go to Alex's apartment because I always seem to calm down when I'm around her. Plus, I need to see why she's always acting weird around me.

After the 30 minute drive to her apartment, I knock on her door looking around to make sure nobody is around.

As soon as she opens the door, I pull her into a tight hug feeling myself calm down.

"Come in." She welcomes, but I can still see her a little bit tense.

I walk in closing the door behind me and we both make our way to her living room.

"Alex, what's been going on? You've been acting weird around me lately." I say and she sighs.

"I'm sorry, I really don't mean to." She says looking down.

"What's going on babe. Please talk to me." I beg and I see her biting the inside of her cheek.

"Nothing, just stressed." She says and I can tell she's lying.

"Bull. Talk to me please." I say calmly even tho I'm about to lose my mind.

"Tobin, I'm fine really. You should get home tho." She says and I take deep breaths desperately trying to stay calm.

"Are you hiding something? Something... That you don't want me to know?" I ask and I she looks down again.

"No, I wouldn't hide something from you Toby. And you know that." She says looking into my eyes but still biting the inside of her cheek.

"You're seriously going to fucking lie to me? Again Alex? Seriously?" I say shaking my head.

"Toby, I'm not lying-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Cut the shit Alex! What are you hiding from me?! It's been like fucking 2 Months since this began!" I raise my voice.

"Tobin stop." She says and I laugh sarcastically at her.

"I should say the same to you. Stop lying to me Alex. What are you hiding huh? Why is it so hard to tell me?!?" I yell the end and she stands up coming face to face with me.

"Maybe I don't want to talk about it!" She yells back and I feel my blood boil.

"Why?!? We tell eachother everything and then now that something comes up, you're just gonna start acting weird around me?!? You're distancing yourself Alex and I don't want that!" I yell and I can see that I hit a nerve.

"I'm not distancing myself! I need time for myself and obviously you can't give that to me!" She yells and I finally understand it.

"Fine! You want time?!? I'll give you time then! I'm leaving and don't decide to follow!"

"Tobin please-" she grabs my hand but I yank it away.

"No! You want time then I'll give you time! Goodnight Alex!" I say rushing out the door.

I hear her start to cry and I feel really guilty about what I've done.

I wait in the parking lot thinking of what I should do then I sigh making my decision.

I hop out of my car making my way back to Alex's room and walk inside seeing her balled up on the couch silently sobbing.

Just the sight of her makes me feel extremely guilty and I make my way to where she's sitting with her head down on her knees and her arms around her head making it so I couldn't see her.

"Lex." I say quietly kneeling in front of her but she doesn't answer.

"Lex I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off on you like that." I say hopping onto the couch and wrapping my arms around her.

She eventually stops crying laying her head on my lap not looking at me.

"Lex, can you forgive me?" I ask stroking her hair.

"Yes. And I'm sorry too." She says looking at me now. "You know I would never hurt you right?" She asks and I nod but then feel guilty for the events that happened earlier.

"Neither would I, and I Hope you know I'm always here for you, whatever it is, we'll tackle it together."I say leaning down to kiss her forehead then I see her yawn and dig her face into my shirt slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight... I love you." I say whispering the last part even tho I know she couldn't hear me.

Authors note- Is it love?!? Oh my goodness!!! Lol anyways, hey guys, i hope you enjoyed today's chapter. I'm in a super good mood cause we won our basketball game 34-18 so because I am in a good mood, I will work on another chapter as soon as this one goes up. Stay awesome guys!

-Author :)

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