Child Of The Sea And Lightnin...

By ForeverTwistedLove

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What if Kakashi had a daughter he didn't even know about? What would happen if everyone mistook her as a boy... More

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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Chapter 1

16.3K 456 222
By ForeverTwistedLove

Kaoru's pov age 4

Rain pelted down on my small form as I just stood there, staring at my mother's grave. I had been out here for awhile now, I didn't want to leave just yet. I didn't want to leave my kaa-san, knowing that it would be even more real that she was dead and wouldn't give me her warm smiles anymore.

I thought back to yesterday, the day when I had heard the news that my mother had died, leaving me.


I sat between Sasuke and Naruto, staring boredly ahead as Iruka-sensei taught a lesson on chakra. He was interrupted mid sentence when there was a knock on the door. He walked out of the classroom to see who it was. I turned to Sasuke as I heard him call my name.

"Oi, Kaoru. You want to hang out at my house after class?"

"I don't know, I'll have to ask my kaa-san first." He nodded his head and was about to say something but was interrupted. I looked at Iruka-sensei who had a grim look on his face. "Kaoru please come here." I gave him a curious look and walked over to him and outside the classroom.

He closed the door and faced me, he seemed to think of the words he was about to say. "I...I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you. But...your mother passed away just an hour ago."

My eyes widened and I shook my head not wanting to believe him. "Your lying..." I mumbled shaking my head. He gave a look of sympathy,"I know it's hard but-" He stopped there not knowing what to say. I kept shaking my head repeating the same sentence over and over again.

As he was about to say something I yelled at him. "YOUR LYING!" No doubt the people in the classroom had heard me, but I didn't care. I ran past the shocked Iruka and headed toward Konoha hospital. I heard him call out my name but I ignored him.

I ran all the way to the hospital, knocking people out of my way. I zoomed through the doors and ran to my mother's hospital room. The door opened with a loud bang from the force I opened it with. There on the bed was a body covered by a white sheet. I walked to the bed and pulled down the sheet with trembling hands, revealing my mothers face.

I chocked on a sob as I stared at my mothers peaceful face, her long purple hair framed her beautiful face. My knees grew grew weak and fell to the floor, holding my knees to my chest sobbing.

At the academy third person

"YOUR LYING!" The whole class silenced when they heard Kaoru yell. They soon heard Iruka call after him and reseading footsteps. Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata looked at the door in worry, wondering what had happened.

Iruka came into the silent classroom with distressed look on his face. "Iruka-sensei what was that all about?" Questioned a random student. The others looked at their teacher also wondering what had happened.

He sighed before answereing, "Kaoru's mother had just passed away." Kaoru's three closest friends gave each other worried and sad glances. They had met met his mother before, she was a very kind and loving woman. Silently agreeing to find after class they nodded to each other.

Back to Kaoru

I was still crying when I heard footsteps come into the room, you could tell they made their footsteps audioable. The person was most likely a ninja. A pair of warm arms picked me up and held me to their chest. I didn't care that a stranger was hugging me, I just needed comfort.

It took me a few minutes to calm down to only letting out a few sniffles. I looked up to see bright blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He gave me a small smile and set me down to the floor.

"Your name is Kaoru, right? I'm Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage. I came here to settle your living arrangements and other things. Come on, we'll talk about this in my office." He's Naruto's father. Wordlessly grabbing his as he teleported us to his office.

He walked to his seat and sat down, me standing in front of it ignoring the seat. He took out some papers which I assumed had my information. He stopped at a certain piece of paper, looking at it with wide eyes.

He kept on looking at me from the paper and back. I grew curious on what the paper said, it seems that I didn't have to wait long.

"Y-your father is Kakashi?" I nodded to his question.

"Does he know that your his child? I mean if he had a kid, I thought he would at least tell me." He said the last part to himself, though I still heard it.

"Iie, my mother and him had a one night stand. Kaa-san didn't want to burden him so she never told him about me." I explained. He sighed and rubbed his fore head before looking at me.

"Alright, since your mother has passed away," I flinched. "Would you like to remain living in your house? Or perhaps call in Kakashi and tell him?"

"...I would like to stay in my house, please." He gave me a worried look and asked if I was sure. I just nodded, he then procedded to tell me about the funeral arrangements and such. When we were done, I started to walk out the door and go home. But I stopped and turned my head to him.

"Um, can you not tell Kakashi?"

"Why? I'm sure that Kakashi would be happy with having a child."

"I just...I'm not ready and I don't want to burden him."

With great hesitation he finally agreed, I gave a silent sigh of relief and left.

~Flashback End~

I sighed as my tears began to blend in with the rain. Reluctantly I stood up and made my way home, not all that enthusiastic to be greeted by an empty house.

Time skip one year

"Alright all you have to do is make three clones." Said Iruka holding a clipboard in his hands.
I easily did the jutsu making three perfect clones to pop into existence. I made them dissapear when Iruka nodded at me.

He reluctantly gave me a black head band. I took it and wrapped it around my forehead and walked out. For the past year I had been training constantly, my taijutsu had improved tremendously. My genjutsu was still at an ok level and my ninjutsu was really good.

I still hung out with Sasuke, Naruro, and Hinata when ever I had time. And every day I would visit my mothers grave and tell her about the events of my day.

I passed by the other kids and was about to walk home when I heard my name, stopping me in my tracks.

"Oi, Kaoru! Wait up!" Turning around I saw my best friends running toward me with happy smiles on there faces.

"Yo." I said casually as they stopped infront of me.

"Congratulations on graduating Kaoru." Hinata said giving me a shy smile. The other two said the same thing, I just nodded my head with a small smile.

"We're gonna take you out to eat and celebrate!" Naruto said throwing an arm around my shoulders and started to steer me to Ichikaru's ramen shop.

I shrugged my shoulders,"Sure as long as your paying."

Time skip Sasuke's pov

I took off my shoes and closed the door behind me. "I'm home!" I called out announcing my presence. My mother came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands dry on a wash cloth.

"Sasuke, where have you been? You should have been home an hour ago. I was about to send Itachi to go and look for you." She said as I walked passed her and into the kitchen, seeing big brother sitting at the table drinking what I think is tea.

Grabbing a tomato from the fridge, I answered her. "I just went out to celebrate with some friends." Mother gave me a look telling me to explain further.

"Kaoru just graduated from the academy, so Hinata and Naruto thought it was a good idea to take him out to eat. You know, so he won't be lonely."

"Eh? How come I've never heard of Kaoru before? And how come he couldn't have celebrated with his family?"

"I've mentioned him before, just not by name.And he can't, his mom died a year ago and I don't know anything about who his father is." I anwered. Mother's face grew somber and she sighed. She mumbled something under her breath that I couldn't catch. She turned her eyes to me with a determined look.

"I want you to invite him over to dinner tomorrow night. Of course after he's finished with his Genin duties." I nodded my head taking another bite out of my tomato. I didn't mind having Kaoru over for dinner, we won't be able to see each other that often now that he was going to be a full fledged ninja. But I know we would hang out when ever he was free.

I looked at big brother wondering if he could train me later.

"Ne, nii-san. Can you train me later?" I asked hopefully, he gave me a small smile and nodded his head. I beamed up at him, happiness going off of me in waves.

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