Talon - The Change

By palominolane

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Imagine living in a world where you are the last of an age old race, a world where supernatural creatures onc... More

Chapter one - you must play with the boys
Chapter two - the new girl
Chapter 3 - Hup, two, three, four
Chapter 4 - Goddam Prison Inmates!
chp 5 - burning skin
Chp 6 - pocket diary
Chapter 8 - Friends
Chp 9 - grumpy and restless
Chapter 9 - In these arms tonight
Chapter 11 - Mums are so outdated
Chapter 12 - She laughed really loud like a raucous macaw
Chapter 13 - get ready for a lifetime of servitude, wench
Chapter 14 - its double-sided tape darling
Chapter 15 - the Giant Condom
Chapter 16 - Mr Invite yourself
Chapter 17 - The Radio Poured Out More Elvis
Chapter 18 - Puberty?
Chapter 19 - Girls don't come accessorized with confidence
Chapter 20 - my insides are not...obeying me.
Chapter 21 - They don't possess what you want you know
Chapter 22 - He seems mighty agitated
Chapter 22 - I just feel wrong when I don't know where she is
Chapter 23 - She looked out of the window without seeing
Chapter 25 - for your information I didn't wear clothes all week
Chapter 25 - he seemed a meat kind of guy
Chapter 26 - A strong pulse had sprung up and it wasn't in her neck
Chapter 28 - Slurpy
Chapter 28 - I'm just not good for you
Chapter 30 - Then I shall conquer you wench
Chapter 31 - He is practically the only person I wouldn't go head to head with
Chapter 32 - Black slime oozed from the ceiling
Chapter 33 - Where did cool go?
Chapter 34 - Way too much time with Condom girl
Chapter 35 - some err strange creature thingys
Chapter 36 - Does this teacher teach
Chapter 37 - Who's Shrek
Chapter 38 - You don't have to be nervous, I can't run.
Chapter 39 - Table
Chapter 40 - Burning ring of fire
Chapter 41 - D-DAY
Chapter 42 - One step either way
Chapter 43 - Fate
Chapter 44 - a willing change
Chapter 45 - A new player in the game
Chapter 46 - Confession
Chapter 47 - feelings
Chapter 48 - Reactions
Chapter 49 - No More James
Chapter 50 - Friends
Chapter 51 - "yes, I'm gone."
Chapter 52 - slide a limbo
Chapter 54 - Swamp eyes
Chapter 55 - Hell will be something she longs for
Chapter 56 - His nostrils flared at a faint scent
Chapter 57 - Cold Fury
Chapter 60 - Suddenly the tree was not so amusing anymore
Chapter 61 - aren't all men pigs
Chapter 85 - suss out the situation
Go to book 2 (the Hunt)

Chapter 53 - Talon, Talon, Talon

19.4K 668 114
By palominolane



Asren smiled contentedly as he lay back on his bed, listening to Talon singing merrily away in his shower. Once she had started opening up to him when they were down at the pool, he knew for sure, and it felt wrong for him to withhold the information about himself.

He was very pleased he had told her, because from that moment on the bond between them had increased ten fold. Like they had a secret to share from the world.

He sighed, letting her see another guy....hurt...painfully hurt. But what if he got all territorial? Got? He already was now, more so than even this morning. But really how long would this little ...infatuation of hers last . She would soon realise that there was no other being on earth that could offer her what he could. Protect her like he could. Love her like he could. But what if she thought he was suffocating or dominating and backed away from him. That would rip his heart apart. Plus how could he deny her that which he had experienced himself? It wasn't fair and Talon wasn't like the other - most of the other Ice females- she was sweet and looked for the best in people. There was something else about her as well. He couldn't quite grasp it yet though.

He shivered at the thought of what he would become once she ovulated, he was strong and the stronger you were the more vicious you became over your female, that guy would die horribly if he didn't get out of the picture quick enough. He would not be physically able to let her out of his sight, without great panic and the need to kill all that was between him getting to her.

The bathroom door opened and Talon emerged fully clothed. "That shower was amazing! I'm utterly mystified how you can get out from under it, I would be in there at least five hours of the day," she moaned.

       "Well move in and spend ten hours in there." He drawled, smiling at the thought of it. She saw fun.

       "Don't tempt me" She jumped on to the bed next to him and lay her head down on his arm. It felt so right that he couldn't help the wolfish grin that spread over his face.

       "So my little monster, what's this wolverine thing?" He said crossing his legs so that they were touching hers, the warmth from her skin sending delicious sensations up to his torso.

She pulled up into a sitting position her blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "You know who Wolverine is right?"

       "I technically may be old... but I'm not elderly" he rolled his eyes.

       "Okay can you do it then?" she raised her eyebrows at him.

He frowned, "What? Make claws come out of my hands?"


       "ummm, no."

       "Try" she poked him in the ribs

He sat up next to her and looked at his hands. Icy white fur covered them and four diamond claws extended about three quarters of an inch.

       He glanced up at her smiling, " Err...Baby Wolverine?"

She laughed.

       "Well come on then Miss Big Guns... show me yours" he scrunched his face up.

He watched Talon as she stood up, "I may as well do the whole move... added effect" she chuckled.

She crossed her arms but Asren found that he was focusing on her face, she was so damn beautiful, those lovely high cheek bones and Ice Blood... those eyes....He let his eyes trail down that gorgeous body.

       "Ahem! As are you even watching?" she grumbled.

Asren blinked, "sorry... proceed" he flourished his hand at her.

       She let her arms fly down to the sides and Asren nearly fell off the bed. SHIT!

He was staring at her in awe. He slowly lifted himself off the bed and hesitantly reached a hand forward to touch hers. Lifting her hand up cautiously he gazed at the eighteen inches of diamond shards extending from her hands. These things were lethal, what a weapon! Pride filled his heart as he tilted his face up to hers.


       "Fricken' hell... they are awesome! How the hell did you discover you could do that?" he stared back down at them.

       "I watched an old X-men movie and kept trying it. At first they were kind of like yours when you just did it but then they got longer and longer....I wonder though, Rieden thinks it's an ability but if you kept trying and could do it, maybe its just something we all can do"

       "I have fought and trained with a lot of Ice Slayers Tal, and not one could do that," he shook his head in wonder but if made him feel so much better, that she had a weapon to protect herself with, that she was strong....that she was going to be his.

He glanced up at her face and saw a dash of fear tint those crystal blue iris's. His hands reached up to cup her face and he moved directly in front of her.

       "What is it Talon?"

She swallowed and stared into his eyes, he never wanted her to experience any fear.

       "It's kind of stupid, but I thought if you could do it....then I would only have one ...gift. And that it wouldn't be me."

Fear trickled down his throat. He wasn't scared of anyone but scared at the thought of something happening to her. Fear that he would go back on his word. That he would keep her here, so that he could protect her.

       "I'll try Tal, I'll practice... but even if I can't... believe me...I will never let anything happen to you...and if someone took you from me...I would search the universe for you... if someone was after you...I would hunt them down remorselessly. But the thing is that we both have to remember," Asren had to stop himself rising to such an alertness and state that he would kill anything that moved near her, "is that...we are it...the only ones left... until..." he smirked.

       "Until what" Talon whispered.

       "Duh. Gees you're a slow on on the uptake," he laughed. He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and was rewarding with her slapping his chest.

       "So? What your other gift? Should I start running now?" he chuckled.

He watched her angelic face fill with mischief.  

       "That one... I would like for you to experience in all its glory." She giggled pinching his cheek.

       "If it's as lethal as the other one... no thanks." He watched her extend those claws again until they gently touched under his chin.

       "I guess it could be but it's more...humorous. Anyway," she let them detract into her hands and let her fingertips brush his skin where the claws tips had touched, he shivered and tried to hold in a moan, "do you want to run as wolves tomorrow?" she asked excitedly suddenly up jumping around the room.

       "There's nothing I would like better."


"Oh My God Elli, I'm so excited" Talon burst into the house calling out for her friend.

       "Elli where are you?" she cried

       "Here Tal!"

Talon sprinted into the kitchen skidding to a stop. She jumped over to Elli and gave her a huge hug. "Life is good Elli, I'm so glad that you're here staying with me."

Talon noticed Elli stiffen slightly then relax, she had to keep remembering that she was due to change in the next week. Hold on!

       "Elli your birthday is next week. What are we going to do? What do you want?" She leapt around the kitchen.

Elli looked around the kitchen awkwardly, she was glad Talon was going to be around for her birthday but at the same time not. What could she say...Ah Yeah Talon I want Channing...can you wrap him up and drop him off?

       "I'm not sure Tal. My parents will make me do the ...whole...thing at the wherever I have to do it. But after that or before that we could do something? I guess you could come to the whole ceremony thing though?"

       "What do you want to do? Dinner go out dancing? Ooohhh what should I get you? Wow maybe, ohh I wonder what Carden is going to get you? It's so exciting?" Eli was almost getting dizzy watching Talon bound around everywhere with more energy than a car load of firecrackers. It was odd because sometimes lately she looked so drained.

       "Talon Goldsun... what is going on with you? Settle down and stop moving for a second."

       "Okay...but promise me that...we will do something for your birthday...something awesome?"

       Elli nodded not sure what she would feel like on her birthday, she didn't think she would feel like anything but Channing.

       "okay...there's been all this stuff happening with me lately, it's been hard...with Channing and stuff. But I think that tonight we are going to make a go of it." Talon squealed and ran around the kitchen like a maniac. Her high spirits obvious to see while Elli's in turn... plummeted and soured. She had had a chance before... before they were together together. But that wasn't set in stone yet either was it?

       "What do you mean... make a go of it? I thought you were just going to be friends... start over?" she said her voice coming out somewhat flat. She was lucky that Talon was twirling around and didn't notice. She stared at Talon for a moment; Talon had changed so much, from that little brunette cutie to this ravishing blonde haired vixen in front of her. She was nothing but ...stunning now...a true man trap. She frowned. She had to admit that her personality hadn't changed...but in a way she wished it had, it would have been much easier to ...deal with all this...if Talon had turned into a ...bitch.

       "I decided that there are a few things that I needed to talk to Chan about before ...so he would know everything - "

       "-What you told him ...everything?" Elli interrupted.

       "Ah no... not that... but stuff that could and will affect us in the future...so I left it up to him. We are going to meet for dinner tonight so he can tell me his decision. But I want to be with him... to experience... a relationship...to know and understand what everybody else talks about...what you and Carden have...Elli" Elli didn't smile as Talon closed her eyes grinning at whatever was being viewed in her imagination.

Elli felt her heart harden a little. Her and Carden? Her being with Carden felt like betraying herself now, like she was constantly acting because she needed to be with Carden in order to be near Channing. It was killing her; this need for him.

       "I'm sorry Talon, I know you think, all this stuff about Channing but I don't think he right for you. What about that guy at the park? He sounded great?" Elli grasped for straws.

       "Asren? He is great... amazing... unbelievable... ' she jumped with every word. "but I had never felt anything until Channing so I just want to see ...you know... and he understands."

       "Talon I want to say... that I think you shouldn't," Elli watched her, she wasn't listening she was off in lah lah land. Elli imagined Channing and Talon embracing, kissing, he was supposed to be hers...acid filled her stomach...he would be hers... That was it.

Talon came to her and hugged her again, "thank you El, I know I should probably listen and that you are being a good friend... but I need to do this. Anyway I better get ready and tell me anything that you want to do for your birthday. I'm beyond excited to do something or take you somewhere  or buy you  something... anything that will make you happy and have the best birthday eveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr!"

Elli smiled maliciously... she would be getting the best birthday ever!



"Yes little wolf I'm alive... by your tentative tone you've tried before, I must apologize the power seems to be healing my leg so it's a little painful so I find myself sleeping a bit more.*

*Do you need anything? Can I do anything?* Talon asked through the mind link worriedly

*Thank you but no... I don't think it will be long, I really didn't anticipate that you were this strong or harbored that much power*

*I don't feel like I have power... otherwise I could send you some... couldn't I?*

* It takes practise to find your power and manipulate it... then you can send it as I can send it back to you.*

* Oh you will have to tell me how to one day... but guess what Rieden? I found him*

* The male?*

Talon felt like squealing in the mirror at her good fortune. She shook her head as she realized she was nodding in response and obviously Rieden wasn't in there to see her answer.

       *Yes, his name is Asren and he is actually really nice. I told him about Channing, well not his name or anything but that I want to experience that part of life, that part of human life...and he agreed I mean...he did say that when...you know, when I go through all that stuff...he won't have a choice but to ...well I have to end it...but I'm so excited Rieden it's like I'm free and everything is falling into place...and he said that he will try to see if he can do the Wolverine move so that we maybe can count out that as a gift.*

*Asren? Did he say his family name?*

Talon scrunched her face up in the mirror thinking.

       *Um no...why did you know an Asren?*

       * There was an Asren from under the ...veil. Those Slayer ...populations were very hard to infiltrate, they weren't like yours or the circles I grew up around. They were obsessed by producing warriors, extremely savage, abstemious and well trained males. They were very much into promoting strong pedigrees. Asren – the Asren I had heard of at least- was deemed to be one of the most potent battle wolves ever bred. A true warlord. And they were bred Talon, not raised...bred.*

Talon set out her clothes on her bed for the night, * what's the difference?*

*the difference is that they experienced minimal childhood... that they were trained to fight at a young age... and to practice they were blooded on young black slayers if available or I have heard that young whites were used as ...training props*

* Whites? You mean the wolves without the diamond teeth and gifts? They fought them...killed them?*

Talon couldn't imagine Asren like that now let alone as a child.

*Yes...because the wolves under the veil were set to try and collect other circles under one supreme circle and dominate anything and everything... it was a very interesting story. The differences between the males and the females were to the extreme. But I guess. the good thing is if you do have three gifts... we would need Asren to be lethally trained in battle to tackle whatever is coming... but if you don't then we would be happy with a regular Ice Male.*

Talon found herself staring at the wall; she had just thought things were going well... she didn't really see how this affected things. Just another story, she shook it off.

*Okay so what if I don't have the three gifts but he is that Asren?*

* It means that ...your life will be much dominated once you ovulate. He will be obsessed by you. You will be the centre of a very volatile, very vicious, very destructive and a very able killer's life. Though there is a major chance that because he has been living out in the human world for so long with no other battle lust influence that the traits that belong to the wolves of the veil, may indeed be diluted*           

Talon sat on her bed and ran a hand over her face; she did not like the sound of being dominated at all.*what do you mean be dominated?*

She picked up her hair brush and started to run it through her hair, it seemed even blonder than yesterday.

*The battle wolf  males, especially the ones that rise to warlord status tend to keep a tight leash on their females, don't get me wrong the females are still the only thing that matters to the them... but are beyond normal Ice Male's dedication. A normal Ice male would allow his female to have friends and visit them without his presence if she so wanted it... if he thought it was safe. He would also allow regular contact with any other circle males. Not the Veil Blood Wolves... warlords not at all... there is very rare interaction with males that can ever be tolerated... only immediate family and if a male looked at their own daughter wrongly... there would a deadly fight to the death. They do not have circles like the normal Ice Slayer, the male dictates to the lower circles... like a general in an army... and no one gets close to the female unless he allows it*

The pit of Talon's stomach dropped, surely Asren would not be one of them... if he was... she could change him right?

*oh no...just as I thought things were going good. First the prophecy... now I could have a bloody crazy warlord blood wolf as my mate? Ugh Rieden I'm not going to think about this right now... I will ask As tomorrow when we run but tonight I'm going... hopefully going on my first date with Channing*

*That is no problem, we will sought it out and I wish you all the best tonight little wolf*

*thank you...over and out*

Talon picked up the soft black leather corset dress and held it in front of her; she wanted to so look at bit edgier tonight to match her inner excitement. Her stomach still ached when she was away from him, although it seemed to ease away to practically nothing when she was with Asren.

She wondered for the millionth time since this morning if she was being selfish, if she was setting Channing up for hurt and especially if Asren turned out to be one of these Veil Wolves. She sighed; she didn't even know Channing's answer would be yes for sure. She would have to look at the possibility of telling him... a little more about herself in the future so he would understand it was not a choice for her. That none of it was his fault.


"El? How do I look?" she span around in front of her friend. She had fish braided her hair softly down one side and applied smoking browns and grays around her eyes to make them pop.

       "When do you not look gorgeous?" Elli rolled her eyes.

Talon laughed, "have you not seen me in the mornings...or come to think of when I haven't brushed my hair...or when I don't shower after a night out...or ...or...or"

       "Hot damn Tal. You look smokin'" Carden walked out, a towel wrapped around his waist and he still had beads off water running down his smooth abs. Talon felt weird noticing his abs so she smiled and spun around again.

       "Let's hope Chan thinks so,' she bit her lip.

Carden let out a really loud belly laugh, "Talon babe, Channing has been totally fawning over you since that basketball game. I'm not sure what you're going for tonight but whatever it is... if it involves him being welcomed into your vicinity... he's all for it. You have no worries at all and looking like that...wow...putty in your hands." He gave her a warm squeeze on her bare shoulder...for some reason although his touch was purely friendly...her skin reacted to it. Talon forced a smile up at him...what was going on? Her skin was feeling wrong under his hand...her canines were aching to extend. She moved back toward the door away from under his hand, "okay guys wish us luck."

       "Luck" Carden smiled kindly.

As she practically ran out of the front door, she noticed that Elli hadn't said anything; maybe she had been annoyed at Carden's friendly gesture. Talon knew it was just that friendly but even now her shoulder felt like she should wipe where his hand had been.


"What was that?" Elli asked venomously. She watched Carden blink at her in surprise.

"What was what?" he asked curiously.

She stood up abruptly, as if he didn't know! Yet another guy fawning over Talon, her guy for that matter. Part of her had watched with satisfaction Talon's slight discomfort from his touch. She should feel discomfort, she had enough male attention. Maybe though... that would be a way to break them up... Carden.... hmmmm. Her mind was becoming amazing at planning to get her way. Her man she corrected.

       "El, are you okay?" Carden stood in front of her, worry creasing his forehead.

       "I'll be fine if you keep your wandering hands of other girls. Who do you think you are... some Casanova or something" she sniped.

Carden's eyes widened," you're jealous over me wishing Talon good luck with my brother?"

Elli felt her eyes narrow in response, "I'm not jealous over anything that you do."

She pushed past him but he grabbed her arm, "What do you mean by that Elliada?" his voice was too soft.

       She looked at him in the eye, "I meant that ...you should watch out otherwise Channing might hurt you if you go touching her." She tried to leak worry into her voice. She still needed him.

Carden stared at her intensely for few seconds. She was so over him she wanted to tell him to leave her the hell alone but then...

       He seemed to accept her reason and slowly released her arm, "do you want to do something tonight before you go home tomorrow...we won't get too many chances after."

A few months ago, home was a thought Elli could do without... now... she couldn't wait to talk to her Mother and get away from Carden's affections.

       "Can we go out?"

       He moved toward her and pulled her to his chest, "anything you desire my sweetheart." He murmured, smiling into her neck. Elli tried to stop the bile rising into her mouth.


As Talon parked her car near the restaurant she felt her stomach's knots slowly unravel, an electric feeling permeated her senses. When she pushed open her door she smelt him instantly, that chocolate smell made her mouth flood. She locked the door and turned to walk to the restaurant; looking up ahead she could see him moving toward her over the heads of the busy street, his blue eyes glowing even from that far away, searching for her. She couldn't help it, feelings seemed to overtake her senses and she ran as fast as she could to him in her heels.

She watched the delight that spread across his face as he saw her coming. He looked edible! He had on dark blue low riding jeans and black leather jacket over a light grey shirt. His hair attracted the streetlights colors and flared them into life. She bit her lip as she saw the emotions held in check within his eyes, she knew he was decided.

She flew at him and jumped into his arms, his hands slid along her legs to rest under her thighs, entwining her arms around his huge neck she raised her eyes to his. They stayed like that, just staring in to each others eyes, eating and feeding of the emotions they found contained there like time stood still... like they were the only ones in the world. Talon felt something shift within her. She had made her choice and was living it.

       "I'm yours" she whispered against his lips. The kiss they shared was like none other, it was full of surrender, giving up everything, submitting ... it was soft and so gentle and giving that Talon felt the hotness of tears burning behind her eyes.

Finally pulling away she smiled at him and rubbed his nose with hers.

"Angel you always were... it's nice to hear it though. Maybe I'll get you one of those tattoo's... property of..." he grinned roguishly at her. She smacked him on the chest – I think Asren would have something to say about that she thought sarcastically- she slid down his body and pulled her dress back into place, looking around her she realized that they had gained a little bit of an audience.

       Channing stepped forward aggressively past her, while gently pushing her behind him to scowl ferociously at the bystanders. Talon raised her eyebrows at the fear Channing elicited from them before they hurriedly moved on. Placing a soft hand on his tense and alert shoulder she smiled at him, "Chan I'm starving, let's go eat."

Throughout their dinner Talon found she was thoroughly enjoy herself. It was so nice to have him all to herself, there hadn't been a moment that he hadn't been touching her somehow since they met earlier, a hand on her back or her arm or leg, his leg pressed against hers. It made her feel tingly inside... but she had to get something off her chest before she let the dream continue.

       "So Chan, just before we forget ourselves and we pretend that it's not going to happen. I've got to check that you understand that, when you know...I have to end me being with you...that I ...have to... and that it will be nothing whatsoever to do with you. It's all me and who I am...okay?"

She watched him stare at her, drinking her up like she was the first water a man lost in the desert had seen for weeks, he didn't look worried, rather he looked amused...arrogantly amused. His scar across his eye made him seem like he was actually thinking he would dispute it when the time came, that was not something she wanted to happen.

"Chan you understand right?"

He nodded and pressed his leg more firmly against hers. "I understand alright." His husky voice sent shivers down her back and instantly her nipples started to push against the soft leather of her dress. She thought back to the time they had in bed, she wanted that again and again and not only that...more.

Channing suddenly turned from his dinner and looked at her with a sexy smirk on his face, raising an eyebrow as he slowly trailed a finger up her arm to her chin, tilting her face toward him. He leant in so close to her ear that his lips grazed her soft lobe, "and just what are you thinking of Angel?"

She felt her blood decide on two locations to rush to, her cheeks being one.

She batted his finger away with an embarrassed huff, "nothing concerning you"

He chuckled lowly and stared at her, she studiously ignored his smoldering gaze. How the hell did he know that she was thinking about that stuff?

       "So have you caught up with Elli today?" he asked conversationally and thankfully changing the subject.

       "Yeah...she seems a bit...off though lately. Probably because her Mum is due home tomorrow and she has to move back into prison." She shook her head.

       He mumbled something under his breath; to Talon it suspiciously sounded like Thank the Darkness.

As they talked more, Talon felt herself getting more and more restless inside, especially when his fingers were softly circling on the bare skin of her thigh. He didn't seem to notice what he was doing, he just kept smiling down at her and caressing her, she found she had to concentrate on breathing sometimes...not to be so obviously panting. Channing would turn those beautiful amused eyes on her and smirk.

"It's probably good Elli is going back to her own house for a while,' he returned to the subject they had talked about earlier.

Talon frowned, "why is it good?"

She felt Channing's fingers pause in their caresses. He bit down in to a piece of steak, his white teeth sinking straight through it like razor blades. He swallowed and turned to her, placing his hand on her leg again.       "Because she's getting on my nerves... and believe me that is not a safe place to be."

Talon was taken aback, "What? Why?" she placed her fork down and turned her body to his more.

       Channing regarded her for a full five seconds, before shaking his head, "I'm not really prone to tolerating any girl's, other than yours, presence."

       Talon laughed, "you're so funny Channing." She mused, but then she thought of how Carden's touch had made her feel wrong today, maybe Channing was the same... they had spent too much time together in a short space of time. She could understand that for Channing it would seem more intense.

       "What did you just think about then?" Channing asked his eyes like ice focused on her reaction.

       Talon shook her head, "What?"

       "What did you just think about then?" he seemed alert for some reason.

       "Umm just that maybe you're right... my house has been quite busy for the last couple of weeks and it would be nice to have a breather. Not that I minded having visitors but... when you're not used to it ...you know." She threw her hands in the air. He seemed satisfied enough with her answer that he turned to eat more food.

When dessert came, Talon giggled as Channing eyed her massive chocolate fix like she was an escaped mental patient.

       "What? It's because of you, you know?' she scrunched up her nose at him.

       "How is it?" he shook his head at her.

"You always seem to smell like the most richest, delicious, amazingly decadent chocolate in the world. I'm always drooling when I'm around you and constantly thinking of chocolate. So I'm here in this restaurant with you...wanting to eat this amount of chocolate because of you and your smell...so it's your fault. And it will be your fault if I get fat from being with you too." She gave him a fake horrified glare.

       "Angel I will never say no to you eating me" he winked sexily.

       "Chan!" she wacked him with her spoon. Don't tempt me.

       "Anyway don't think you will help me eat it either" she grumbled.

When they finally left the restaurant they walked out hand in hand, simply smiling at each other.

"Talon? Chan doll?"

They stopped and turned at the familiar voice. James came skipping toward them River in tow, "Oh watch out!" he cried indicating their linked hands, "is this what I'm thinking it is?"

Talon laughed, "Yes, you big meddler and it would have been this without your experimentation on our lives thank you very muchly." She pinched him on the cheek.

       "This is my work, totally...all of it! Without moi...there would have been none of this. But anyway you guys, you have to come with. There is a new karaoke bar and it's meant to be awwwwwesome" James practically wrapped himself around Talon giving them no choice.

"Hold on I'll just call Elli and Car and Summer and Dane to join us" she sheepishly glanced at Channing.


Channing held her tightly to her side, his scoffed at the weirdness of a smile staying put on his face. Looking down at her, he felt the strangest feelings inside his gut, this beautiful, ravishing, funny, kind girl was his and on top of that...wanted to be with him.

When he she had ran to him before, it surprised him the amount of rush that it had caused to crash through his body and looking in to those eyes after that kiss? He felt different; he felt lighter and yet, not at the same time. It was like they had given something to each other. It was also a bizarre feeling that was washing over him now, the way he felt from being with Talon's friends...Dane, Summer, River and James...they accepted him...they felt comfortable enough around him to joke with him and James had even felt able to prod him.

He wasn't sure when he had become this accessible or approachable...tolerant even. He was not normally approachable at all. In fact he  couldn't remember how many times someone had lost their life by daring to look at him for too long, yet here he was, about to enter a damn Karaoke club with a gang of teenagers and a girlfriend.

That thought there alone was enough to blow his mind out of the water. A girlfriend! A girl had lasted in his presence,he had not killed her....he actually felt towards this girl.

Talon thought she had something, that was a relationship ruiner. Hell...try some stuff that sucks the life out of people literally cruising around your system.

Where was it though?

At first with Talon, probably right up to their first kiss...it was ready to surface, after that though, when he thought about it, it seemed kind of hesitant around her. With her hand in his it was nowhere to be seen, he could sense it slumbering inside. Ready for anyone that wasn't Talon to feed it.

But why not Talon? It vexed him.

Could it be his emotions or feelings that were keeping it at bay?

He rotated his shoulders; he had never had any before her...so how could he tell?

He thought about the situation of their relationship, what she had said in the restaurant.

He wouldn't be letting her go that's for sure,no matter what anybody thought, he belonged with her. Something deep seated in his life force knew this...but how to get this blood she needed. He would have to find out more.

"Hey Chan," Carden greeted him patting him on the back, "I see it all worked out Talon,I told you no worries with this guy...whipped" he mouthed smiling at Talon.

       "Hey you guys, hey El are you ready to sing?" he watched Talon ask Elli. Talk about anyone that wasn't Talon, the blackness unraveled itself and slowly uncurled within the pit of his core. Elli smiled at Talon...fake bitch he thought. He would kill her is she didn't watch herself around his angel.

Something about the thought of doing that ...made him feel... quite ...amiable to the idea.

He pulled Talon under his arm and slid his hand up her bare up and down her bare arm, relishing the feelings of the swirling pleasure originated beneath his hand, he loved how she instinctively curved into his side.

"Hey guys...thank god there was still a line up I rushed here." Channing turned toward Hayden; he frowned at the lack of aggression within himself. It was there...but not on the edge like it normally was.

Again why?

Why wasn't he ready to rip his face off for coveting what was his?

"Come on Prison escapee... the lines moving in." Dane prodded him in the side.

He silently growled, he wasn't comfortable at all with being touched.

Dane just grinned and rolled his eyes, "Mate...I hate to burst ya bubble but Talon would kill you if you hurt me. So, go with the flow. You one of us now, we tease, get used to it." Dane moved past him, Summer giggling and making faces at Talon.

Was he?

One of them?

He sat down at the table James had chosen and instead of letting Talon sit in the seat next to him, he pulled her down on his lap and nuzzled his face into her neck, letting her scent envelope him.

He realized that she let him and he relished in the fact that she trusted him and was comfortable with him. He had this insanely strong urge to be in contact with her....to physically touch her somehow at the moment.

"Hey angel face, do you want something to drink?" he whispered in her ear.

She leant back on him and gazed up at him with those eyes that made his heart beat faster, "Yes please, umm a strawberry daiquiri... I'll need probably a few to get up and sing soon." She scrunched her nose up. Channing smiled and kissed her on the nose as he gently picked her up and placed her into his vacated seat.

Dane fell into step beside him as he made his way to the bar.

       "Holy crap man! How in hell did you convince her? Not that you're... not you know" Dane gaped at him. Channing raised his eyebrow and sent Dane a very bland expression.

       "Yeah that doesn't work on me, I've known Talon too long and man... she can pull some scary faces... plus I'm too curious. So spill Don Juan. When and how?"

Channing sighed heavily.

       "Today. And we just ...did."

Dane slapped him on the shoulder, "Wow you shoulda asked me for advice mate, she was into you like... ages ago."

Channing couldn't help but crack a small smile at Dane, he reminded him of a happy dog.

       "Well take my advice... don't ask James for relationship advice in the any insane future moments you may encounter." He drawled.

       Dane burst out laughing, "No way! You let Mr. Experiment... lead you up the wonky path to Talon! Bloody hell! No wonder it took you guys so long to hook up. Dude, he's a no go zone!"

Channing stared him down, "Thanks for the late guidance."

Channing shook his head; he was feeling that weird sensation in his gut again, how was he conversing with humans...so easily. Carden emerged from the crowd to stand next to him in line for the drinks.

       "Who's giving good guidance?" he asked.

Channing watched Dane lean around his other side, pointing to his own chest, "that would be me. I understand women, it's a gift. Don't sue me ...use me."

               "Well tell me about Elli." Carden said in an exasperated tone.

Channing sighed again, gritting his teeth even hearing her name.

"What's the problem?" Dane asked. Channing felt himself in dire need to pinch the bridge of his nose. He knew what the problem was.

       "Just get rid of her." He growled at Carden.

Carden scoffed, "yeah that would go down good with Dad .And anyway, I actually really like her... but she's acting off."

Dane perked up, "Elli? Geez... maybe too much a of a good thing, man."

Channing watched Carden frown, "What do you mean?"

Dane laughed, "where in hell are you guys from? I mean, that ... you're whipped friend, whipped. From day one you've been like following her around at school like a puppy... whatever she says you do. You know... it gets boring after a while. Women want a challenge, yeah?"

Channing chuckled at how shell shocked Carden appeared. "Whipped?" he repeatedly dumbly.

Dane nodded with an apologetically. "Whipped."

       "So what do I do?" Carden asked Dane.

       "Piss her off." Channing muttered rolling his eyes as Carden flicked him an impatient look. Channing shrugged and moved forward in the line, Carden moved in behind him to stand with Dane.

"Exactly," Dane said. "but not in that way." They continued talking until they had ordered the drinks and were making their way back to the table.

       "Carden," he bumped his shoulder into Carden's, "you know it's just the change coming. Don't get all worked up over her."

Carden stopped and shook his head at him incredulously, "Says the guy who went wild over someone just over there."

Channing shrugged, "I can't help it... when it's got to do with her."


Channing found himself laughing more than he ever had before, James was obsessed with the stage, beyond anyone else in the whole club, he tried numerous times to drag him up but he finally gave up when Channing gave him a murderous glare. He smiled as Talon was towed up copious times with James, he loved to watch her.

He realized that all the people at their table were here for Talon, they liked to engage her in conversation to lay their hand on her, to make her laugh... all except Elli, who seemed very fake and forced and would often be watching him. She didn't realise what she was provoking. He had killed many women before and her being a werewolf would just interest him more in the process. How the hell did she think she would control him? She had nothing to make him walk the line for her, nothing.

But other than her, he felt able to accept the others needing Talon's attention. It amused him somewhat that now she had proclaimed herself as his, he was able to accept their need. In some ways he wondered if this was what Ice Slayers had experienced. He didn't know too much about them, just what Zarvane had described their lives like, full of complex circles and societies.

But this situation reminded him of Zarvane's descriptions; one female in the middle with her first circle male close, then the rest of her circle contented just to be in her vicinity.

What was it about Talon that called to them... to him?

She was amazingly beautiful, but there so much more. She was kind, caring, loyal, fair and protective. Elliada was an idiot to risk that.

Talon was giggling her head off with Dane and Summer, pressed against him, every time she moved he had to close his eyes against the ...rising pleasure.  She was getting quite tipsy and with that...very affectionate. She'd wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him and snuggle up to him and sign in delight when he'd wrapped his arms around her. Hayden mouthed "I hate you" to him but he knew it was all in good humor.

Talon was currently in full conversation with Summer and she kept moving on his lap, his put his arms around her to try and contain some of the movements, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand without the world knowing how he was feeling at the moment. Talon, relaxed into his arms and kept talking, Channing looked up to see James with a knowing smirk twisting his mouth. Channing raised an eyebrow at him, he knew you had to watch James and his little...'ideas'.

James stood and came over to Talon and leant down and whispered something in her ear. She glanced at Channing with amusement and mischief dancing in her eyes. She bit her lip and nodded to James, who clapped his hands delightedly and set off toward the DJ.

       "What are you doing little tipsy terror?" he asked Talon.

Talon giggled innocently, "James wants me to sing you a song." She reached up and played with his hair, sending shivers down his back.

       "What type of song?" he asked feeling James had a little game afoot.

       "One apparently that you will...like." She blushed and sunk her face into his chest, moving her plait back from her neck he let his breath fan across her ear before his teeth grabbed the soft lobe.

       "And why will I like it Angel face?" She didn't answer just arched her neck back to his lips could travel down away from her ear.

She moaned as he kissed along her jawline softly and shifted into him more, slightly moving her hips on his lap, making him almost groan in frustration.

       "Hey ...Tal...we are up next." James was shaking her shoulder; Channing glared at his hand upon her skin, obviously interested in keeping it, James removed it with a roll of his eyes. Talon slowly rose of his lap and smiled at him, a bit of naughtiness gleaming in her eye. His heart skipped a beat.

       "James, she's had a few daiquiri's ..."he started.

       "Channing believe me, you won't be complaining in a minute doll," he leaned down close to Channing's ear, "plus I really, really want to see Elliada's face during this song." He raised his eyebrow meaningfully and not at all pleasantly. Channing nodded slightly then tilted his head, James had noticed had he? He liked that James was observant about things that concerned Talon.

James grabbed River's and Talon's hand and dragged them toward to wait next to the stage.

(its Amy Amy Amy by Amy Winehouse)

The beat started, Channing found himself smiling as Talon moved her hips unconsciously seductively to the beat. She focused on him and licked her lips...Black Blood! She was firing his blood up like nothing else.

She raised her eyebrow at him again very wantonly. He already was breathing quite shallowly so he tried to relax and deepen his breath.

As she sang, "Just to show him how it feels, I walk past his desk in heels," she swayed seductively and stalked on the spot, letting the length of her length blur up his vision.

           One leg resting on the chair, from the side he pulls my hair

He swallowed heavily as she turned only her body sideways, raised her leg and pointed her toe down on the speaker beside her, letting her hips move forward and back with the beat while staring straight at him.

He chuckled as James and River sang...Talon Talon Talon...matching their moves.

He's just too hard to ignore.

What the hell was she trying to do...he was already rock hard for her...as she slowly moved down the stage with the microphone. The way she walked made his blood burn from fire to lava.

Her eyes were intent on his, cocking her eyebrow at parts of the song, he realized he was trembling.

She sat herself down, conversationally at the another table, as if talking to the girl there.

Every time his shoulders flex,

She bit her lip and licked her lips....

The way the shirt hangs off his back...my train of thought spins right off track.

The thought that she felt those things that about him...turned him on...badly.

Talon Talon Talon

 She pushed off the table and sashayed toward him.

She stood right in front of him, in full minx mode.

His own style right down to his diesel jeans....

She let her eyes feast on the lower half of his body. She stepped forward between his legs...

... Immobile... she let her electric blue eyes rove up to his face and caught his gaze. He couldn't look away...he was mesmerized.

I can't think by any means...

Talon straddled him...he literally held his breath...otherwise he was sure he would be panting.

Underwear peeks out the top...

She ran a finger down his chest to the rim of his jeans and then let it trail slightly underneath it around the waist band... his abs were that tight...trying to restrain himself from throwing her over his shoulder and running of with her...to a hotel...the car...anywhere.

Let me know when I should stop

She raised her eyebrow with a cheeky grin ...the sassy little vixen. Channing couldn't move, he had never been this turned on before...ever...it was eating him up inside and filling him with the need for her. He felt saliva inundate his mouth thinking about tasting her.

From a picture my Mum drew I know I'd look good on you.

Could anything be anymore damn sexy, even was too mesmerized to realise she was pushing off of him until she winked at him and started moving back to the stage.

Talon Talon Talon

Channing was finally able to take his eyes off her and quickly glance around the club, everyone was enthralled by her, at their own table, mouths were open... Channing understood then what James had meant. Elli's face was worth a million words. Her fist were clenched around her drink, the cords on her neck stood out as clearly as a bridges steel wires. Jealousy burned out of her, Channing smirked, hopefully Talon...and Carden would notice.

       ""Did you like that?" Talon's face was full of mischief and embarrassment when she made it back to the table. James had given his a look that clearly said, you can thank me later.

       "You have no idea the trouble you are in when we leave here." he informed the smirking Talon whilst pulling her down to his lap

(Only few chapters left)

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