Ranting and raving poems

By Lampshade37

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Society child
Alone in a crowd
I'm fine
Artistic vagrants
Dear Diary
Conceited like Me
Sidewalk Serenade
Culture Vulture
Mind Games
my Lover's name is America
Origin Story

Truth is...

52 2 0
By Lampshade37

Truth is...

By Dillon Collins

Truth is like paint...

So maybe if I slather it on to my head in enough layers it will finally soak in and sink in to my thick skull.

And I will realize that...

Truth is beautiful...

Beautiful like seeing a pretty lady throw a smile at you from across the room. And the knowledge in your heart that she loves you starts a glow which spreads its warmth all the way up to your lips...

And you smile back.

Truth is healing...

Healing like the antibiotics prescribed for me to rid the gaping wound of infection so that I wouldn't die of my ignorance....

Truth is knowledge...

Knowledge that you know the difference between right and wrong and have the freedom to choose or follow whatever.

Create your own final swan song...

Truth is kindness...

Kindness like not asking people how they are doing unless you actually care. Even a the risk of appearing uncaring. Avoiding feigning interest...

Truth is forever...

Not wavering, not changing. Not fading with passage of time. Forever doesn't change,

perception does...

Truth is haunting...

Trust me, truthfully.... There are things you never, ever want to see or hear or know.

Media consumes the soul...

Truth is a bridge...

A bridge between fear and sunshine.

Illuminating your path...

Truth is grease...

Grease on the squeaky wheel of this world. The grease keeps everything rolling. Wether or not you see it.

Or agree...

Truth is clean...

Honest... Like being refreshed by a nice cool shower after working outside all day in the hot Kansas summer...

Truth is fake...

Like so much poison fed to us by all the oppressive themes of this world.

Forcing their "truth" on us like so much placating reality. It's as if they actually think,... that we don't. So often that's the case though... We almost never realize the lies hidden behind the advertising. Buy this or buy that... You need this to be awesome, stronger, beautiful...

It's funny how we say, they. They're the problem. It's the advertising, the state of the times, the culture... No. It's us. Our culture, is nothing more than an extension of the people creating it. We are the problem...

We create the marketing campaigns that cause 14 year old girls to think they aren't beautiful... so tragically their bodies vomit true beauty. Trading after dinner mints for after dinner toilets so they can achieve their dreams of being American eagle models...

God bless America...

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