Surviving the V's

By mylifeashope

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My name is Terra Blaze. I am a survivor. Over 98% of the population in the world is either dead or a is blood... More

Surviving the V's
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Misti's POV)
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chaper 13

chapter 10

75 4 2
By mylifeashope

THORN'S POV 20 minutes before she meets Terra -(SURPRISE! )

the air was cold and the sky was cloudy as I packed up my few belongings into my backpack. I dumped some of my creek water onto the small campfire I built lastnight and early morning. then I kicked some dirt on it and grabbed my roasted robin from the stick hovering above the fire.this was my breakfast. just one f**ken cooked bird.out of all the things there is to kill and eat, I get one fucken bird. why not a rabbit, or a small fawn? I had a good weapon; a bow and arrow.I was a good shot, one of the top students in archery. so why couldn't I get atleast a rabbit?oh well.I'll hunt again in the afternoon, after I hike for a while.

I had set up camp on a flat area on a mountain last night. the mountain wasn't too steep, so I could easily hike down for water from the little creek that ran halfways down the mountain at an angle. on the side of the mountain I had set up my cramped tent and made a small fire right infront of it.

this is my life now.always moving forward, never seeing anyone.not having a home.thats how I lived. last night in the darkness and cold of the night, I thought about my life.I thought about how it was now and how it was before.i thought about my friends, and my loving family.loving family.huh. back in school, there was a girl named Rebecca Miller. she was a year above me and was in the highschool. Rebecca was one of my brother's girlfriend's friends. she always seemed distant, not really listening to anyone. much like my dead and missing friend, Terra. from the storys I've heard about them, they didn't have a good life.Rebecca's foster dad did drugs.shes been to over 7 different foster homes after her real mom gave her up for no reason. Terra on the other hand, her dad died in a car crash going to one of her basketball games.he was a good man, unlike her mother.her mother would beat her and tell her that his death is all her fault.then at around midnight she would go out, get drunk, and hook up with these low life scums who sold and did drugs. these girls have proven that these words are true: you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

huh. I wonder how this whole apocalypse thing started. well its not the apocalypse, its more like the end of the human race. everyone's dead. there's no place to go to, no place to hide. I started hiking up a large mountain. at the top there should be some deer this sum-what reminded me of a memory.

It was a couple days before my past friend Terra went missing, we were at school and this really b!tchy b!tch walks down the hall in the opposite direction of us. She purposely bumped shoulders with me and said "my bad." in a snotty unbelievable voice. we were the only ones walking in the hall, so right when she rammed my shoulder, Terra immediately ran up to the girl and shoved her into the closest wall and screamed in her face " YOU F**kEN WH*RE! HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALK UP TO MY FRIEND AND TREAT HER LIKE SH!T!" . I've never seen her that mad before. well, other than when a guy tried to do something to me latter on. anyways, with her back up against the wall, the girl just looked like she shitted her slutty pants. ha. Terras all mad for one little thing, and she doesn't even know this has been going on for months. just then, the principle walked down the hall. " Terra, Nikki, What's going on here?" he asked, his voice easily revealing the stress and anger in it. the girl named niki screamed " she started it! she tackled me for no reason!" "enough!" principle Broderson screamed. "Terra, is this true?"

" Why the hell would you th-"

" Don't use that language here!" he intercepted. then he turned to me, just standing there, starring at Terra still pinning Niki to the wall by her thoat. Wow. Niki really must be weak. she hasn't even tried to escape. " Bailey, did you see what happened? " yup my real names Bailey. "...yah..."

" well, what happened?" I hesitated. if I told him he truth, Terra would be expelled and going to detention for a while after she got back. our school has a no fighting and no foul language tolerance policy. so even if they didn't expel her, she'd get atleast 3 months detention. 2 hours each. I sighed. why couldn't school be like the law. you can beat up or kill someone only in self defence in extreme situations. while here if you even curse once, you are under punishment. "Terra was just looking out for me. she is very protective and dangerous. she knows how to survive..." I trailed off.

"that doesn't mean she can tackle other students!" I heard Terra snort and mutter something along the lines of ' you try not to beat the filthy b*stards'

" Terra. get off of Niki." Terra huffed and pushed of the wall rather hopefully. Niki started breathing hard. Weakling. but knowing Terra, shes not satisfied with her doings. shes probably beating herself up about not being able to do more damage.

"girls go to your classes. Terra, come with me." Terra looked pissed, but she turned and started following.Then I heard Niki mutter " she is sh!t." at that moment, Terra turned around and struck her with a good punch to the face. The bell had set off at that time, signaling for lunch break. in the good 3 seconds it took for the hallway to be flooded with annoying teenagers, Niki was down on the floor, blood gushing from her nose. And Terra just stood over her, ready to strike if she got up. Mr. Broderson was fast to react, and tried to grabb Terra by her right wrist. He failed, as Terra jerked it away and spun arond, facing mr.Broderson.

" Don't you dare f**king touch me!" she hissed through clenched teeth. wow. she's really going for it. typical Terra behavior, if shes going to hell, she might as well make it memorable. Mr. Broderson stood there did the hundreds of students at James worth middleschool. this is so school newspaper worthy. if only they would put it in.

Terra was having a staredown with Broderson. And Niki was lying on the floor with her hands on her nose, crying softly. she needs to grow a back bone. Broderson suddentley blinked and turned to the mass forming crowd.

"Nothing to see here. move along." the groups sighed and slowly left, leaving behind the echoes of snickers and laughs. the world is so gossipy. Broderson turned and silently walked to over to a still softly sobbing Niki. he helped her up then walked her to the nurse. before he got too far, he looked back at Terra and glared. she just shrugged when they were out of sight. we started to the cafeteria. " you know you didn't have to do that right?" I asked. she stopped walking and starred at me. her eyes read pain, sarrow, anger, hope, loss, love. then she spoke." Bailey Middleton! don't you evr say that again! of coase I have to! your my best friend!best friends don't let other best friends get hurt! " then she stopped screaming and looked at me in the eyes. " Bailey, you are the only thing keeping me alive. without you, I would have nothing to live for-nothing to fight for. I would have no point to live. I would kill myself if anything happened to you Bailey. I couldn't live through that." her eyes watered but she continued. " of course I had to protect you." then she whispered, " your the only family I have left." I lost it and engulfed her in a big bear hug. she calmed down and hugged me back, full of emotion. "I promise nothing will ever hurt you again." she whispered before grabbing my hand and smiling. then we walked into the hostile territory of the lunch room.

wow.where have to good times gone?oh yah. in our memorys. but he weird thing is that the night Terra's mom's car was found with the bodys in it, was the first night that the sightings started being reported. I wonder where she is now. mostlikely dead. along with Molly, Teila, Logan, Sierra, Josie, Grace, Gabby, and that new student Misti. knowing her, she wouldn't have gone down with out an all out blood war. atleast she went down with a fight.

I was now out of breath, thirsty, hungery, kinna cold, and exasted mentally, physically, and emotionally. but I was at the top. there was a clearing about 10 feet away and from what I saw, its a meadow. a meadow where deer and elk and animals come to graze. the thought made my stomach hurt by growling. I walked into the middle of the meadow to find a naked girl hidding behind a tree covered in blood and scratches. I walked up to her and noticed she looked kinda like Misti. but then again, I berly knew her. but Terra knew her pretty well.huh.

so I got some clothes out of my backpack and gave them to her. they were ugly and worn, but would work. she put them on and they looked baggy on her.oh well. then I noticed she didn't have any shoes. was she raped or something? poor girl. I walked away, only to find her following me. guess I should take her with me. so I did.

she asked me what my name was, and I answered "Thorn." it was a nickname given to me by Terra after she beat the crap out of a guy trying to do something to me. she asked me how I got it, and I told her the story. I really missed Terra. I wonder where shes at.

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