chaper 13

45 4 2

These days are long. Too long. Too cold, too weak, too empty.


What happened to the amazing cities we built? What happened

if you had an opinion, you were automatically labeled as a hater. Thats just how f**ked up the society was. I mean they make us feel left out. They make it sound like the only way to fit in is to have the perfect body. The perfect clothes, The perfect hair. The perfect look. They make you feel insecure. Now I sit here writing this, turning up the volume on my tablet, listening to Truth by Seether, trying desperately to drown out the world and loose myself in the song. This song somehow reminds me of the economy. especially the lines "THOUGH THERES NOTHING YOU SAY THAT CAN SALVAGE THE LIE" " I BELONG TO THEM" "IM WEAKER NOW MY FRIEND" So yah... if you look up the song, your understand better. I hate it. I hate that theres 173 countries, and im here stuck in this small town of alittle over 2, 000, being told how to live my life. I want to leave. I want to find out who I can be. I want to live. Why cant people see that?


uh yah. sorry about my meltdown there.... screw it. im not sorry. I just spoke the truth. probably some of you guys out there reading this are feeling the same way. Well congrats. you've been though heartbrake, tragitys, pain. And yet your still alive. Way to go you motherf**ker your awesome. stay that way you strong b@stard you.

my song just switched to Breaking Benjamin's Diary of Jane, That is another song that fits.

BTW this was supposed to be another on all the damage the vampires have caused and how things are different.( thats all of the paragraphs before the long paragraph) But being me, I got alittle too in it, and it became my vent at the time and im f**king proud of it too. keep being awesome my people. love yah.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 17, 2013 ⏰

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