Ninjago: Journey to the Other...

By RS4ever101

31.4K 874 521

This is for all you Ninjago fans! The Ninja get forced up into a portal, leading them to the second dimension... More

Chapter one: The Plan
Chapter two: Where it all began
Chapter three: Arrival and Confusion
Chapter four: The reveal of truth
Chapter six: The first mission
Chapter seven: A Lesson Learned
Chapter Eight: Mission B.O.O.Y.A.H.
Chapter nine: Trouble....
Chapter ten: The Surprise
Chapter eleven: Two scars for life
Chapter twelve: The Rescue
Chapter thirteen: Catching up
Chapter fourteen: One Problem Solved
Chapter fifteen: Almost a Miracle
Chapter sixteen: The Battle between Light and Shadow
Chapter seventeen: A Memory Beyond the Stars
The Epilogue

Chapter five: How it All Started

1.9K 52 10
By RS4ever101

Kai's POV

Well, things just got real interesting.

Surprise! The jerk who gassed us was Cole, not saying that I'm impressed.

"Cole..." Lloyd said slowly, "Is that you?"

He gave him a slight nod. He turned away from us with his head down.

"But how can you be Cole?! You look so awesome-- you have a scratchy beard!" Jay cried.

"Thanks," Cole replied, "I've been growing it out."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, and where are we?" Nya asked.

"Apparently, you're in Ninjago City," Cole answered, "Or it was."

"Ha!" Jay laughed, "At first I thought we were in the future. Funny story of how we got here. We a tornado!" Jay gave him a nervous laugh.

Cole gasped, "Oh..yeah about that...I did that."

We all gasped. Jay nearly passed out. I could tell that the look on his face he was trying not to smile.

"What are you hiding, buddy..." I said, "What do you mean you did this?"

Cole stared at me like he didn't know what to say.

"Cole..." Lloyd said slowly, "What happened to Ninjago?"

He stood there paralyzed for a moment then said, "Come, have a seat."

We all sat on the couch. I sat next to Nya so Jay couldn't. I'm sick and tired of him talking about how much he likes my sister.

Cole cleared his throat, "It all started 5 years ago. It was just a normal day in Ninjago.We were-"

"Whoa whoa whoa back it up!" Jay shouted, "5 years?! Aren't you just as old as us?"

"No," Cole replied, "This dimension is 5 years older than yours."

"Wait a minute...dimension?" I asked, "Are we in a different dimension?"

Cole nodded, "You're in the Second Dimension. Apparently, I'm not your Cole. I brought you for a reason."

"Which is..." Jay started.

"I'm getting there Jay," Cole said a bit irritated, "It was just another day in Ninjago. We were helping out with training Nya to become a better water ninja. Until Sensei Wu told us that Ronin was going to destroy the realm crystal, taking it to the ancient volcano. We went there immediately. We made it in time but the volcano was about to erupt. First, we stopped Ronin, then had to leave quickly. One problem...the volcano shook and Lloyd fell and was hanging by a cliff, but the realm crystal was near me too. I didn't know which one to choose...." Cole paused, "I..I...I took the crystal---"

"You what?!" I cried. Everyone gasped.

"I was gonna get him was too late," Cole finished. "Everyone was angry at me of course and I ran away for what I did to Lloyd. The gang went to the underworld to get him back but...something changed. Darkness filled in his heart and wanted to kill me and then destroy Ninjago. So yes, Lloyd in my dimension is evil."

"That's horrible," Nya said trying not to cry, "Where's the rest of you?"

"There is none," Cole said quietly.

Lloyd gasped, "They're dead?!"

"No they're not dead," he frowned, "Well....just Zane. Kai and Jay joined Lloyd's side. It's just me and Nya now."

"I turn against my own sister?!" I wanted to kill him, "Why on earth would I do that!"

"Zane's gone again?!" Jay got up to Cole's face, "You and Nya?! I turn against my girlfriend?! What else is new Sensei Wu and Misako are gone?"

"Actually you're right," said a voice behind us. It was Nya, I mean the other dimension Nya.

She smiled at us, "It's about time you guys showed up."

"Oh great," Jay whined, "I had to say that. Okay, nice talk-- CAN WE GO HOME NOW?!"

"Nope," The other Nya replied, "We need you guys. We need your help to defeat Lloyd and stop the portal before the universe from being unbalanced."

"Okay I'm confused," I said, "What do you mean universe unbalanced?"

"There are sixteen realms in every dimension," The other Nya answered, "And every dimension has a timeline of who they are, keeping the universe balanced. But if one dimension changes, it can cause things in the future to corrupt or possibly disappear. So if the universe is unbalanced, it will cause portals to appear through the timelines, ripping through the fabric of the dimensions until there is nothing left."

Cole nodded in agreement, "I know this is all my fault, but I need you to trust me. I may not be your Cole but it can still work. I'm trying to fix my mistake but I can't do it alone. Are you with me on this?"

We stared at him. I couldn't believe this was happening. This is all Cole's fault, but not our Cole.

Wait a minute...

I gasped, "Oh no! Cole!"


"Not you, our Cole! He was separated from us when we came here."

"Nya, send a search party for Cole," Cole said to Second Nya.

"What does he look like?" She asked.

"You know what he looks like!" Cole shouted, "He's me, but a bit younger and minus the scar and beard."

Second Nya went into another room. I noticed outside that the sun was going down.

"Okay," Jay replied, "Do you mind if I call you Second Cole? It gets confusing when we keep saying your name over and over again."

Second Cole shrugged then closed the curtains, "Nightfall, Lloyd's minions thrive in the dark, we won't. Well, time for bed."

Second Cole stretched and then took off his shirt. He left his pants on. When he went downstairs, we all grouped up.

"Okay I'm totally freaked out right now," said Nya, "Lloyd's evil in this dimension?"

"And it's all Cole's fault," Lloyd replied, "Look I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna help him. Betrayed us or not we're still friends."

"Lloyd's right," I said, "No matter what happens, even when our Cole is gone, we're still a team."

"Brother sharpens brother," Zane replied.

Jay was pouting on the couch. I walked up to him and pulled out my hand, "Watta you say, Jay? You in or out?"

Jay rolled his eyes then took my hand, "I guess, I'm gonna punch him when this is over."

Second Nya returned, "Got the search party ready. Come all of you, I'll take you downstairs to get some rest."

"But I'm not tired," Jay whined.

"You will be when I gas you again," Second Nya joked.

We all followed her downstairs. Apparently, I had to use the restroom, but Second Cole was still in there. But he got out.

I decided to follow him. I still have a lot of questions to ask him. Second Cole didn't mind me in his room. We sat on his bed. I noticed he was staring at my sister, wait not mine, the other Nya.

"You okay?" I asked him.

Second Cole snapped back into reality, "Oh sorry I was just...thinking what will happen tomorrow."

I shook my head. I knew he was lying. I just saw him staring at Nya.

"So..." I began, "How long has this been going on? How long it was just you and Nya?"

Second Cole slightly turned away from me, "I told you, this battle has been going on for 5 years. Zane passed three years ago. We've been alone together ever since, trying to build the device to bring you here. It took longer than I expected because we were trying not to get caught by Lloyd."

I pretend to nod in agreement.

Second Cole continued, "It was kind of fun in a way. We goof off during the day and hide at night. She was upset that Jay dumped her because he was on Lloyd's side. I've been...trying to keep her happy as long as I could..." Second Cole started to smile and doze off.

Finally, I could ask, "Wait a minute, you like her?"

Second Cole's face turned a bit red then turned away from me, like he knew I was gonna say that.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Dude it's okay I'm actually not judging you. After all, this is your dimension, not mine. Jay keeps hitting on my sister. And believe me, it's super annoying."

"It's just..." Second Cole paused, "I don't know how to tell her. What will she think? What if she's not into me?"

"Hey! You've been with each other for two years. Who knows, she might have feelings for you. I tell you what, when we defeat Lloyd, tell Nya how you feel, how you always felt about her. I'm pretty sure Jay wouldn't care."

Second Cole smiled at me, "Thanks, Kai. I'm surprised you're telling me all of this. Usually, you'd be like back off and stuff."

"Hey," I said, leaving the room, "Anything to make you happy."

I quickly downstairs to where everyone else was. The beds were dirty but so soft. I stare at the blackness above me, wondering what will happen tomorrow.

I can't believe I told Second Cole to get involved with Nya. Who knows, I might punch Jay when this is all over.

Tomorrow, we might fight Lloyd, not mine but the other one.

I assume that this is definitely not gonna be easy...

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