Facetime, Travelling, and The...

By PansiesandPointework

14.2K 413 97

I was never normal. I wasn't girly, but I wasn't a tomboy either. I was somewhere in between. My friend Kat s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 11

513 21 4
By PansiesandPointework

Omg guys... Over 200 reads! So amazing... So it's their last night in Vail and there's some dramatic irony... You and I and The Vamps and Kat found out from Alli about Liv's secret, but Liv doesn't know about it. Interesting plot twist, ain't it?

I take a last look in the mirror, and smooth out wrinkles in my dress. I grab my clutch and open the door of my room. I take a few steps out and Kat and Alli flank me on both sides. Kat is wearing a strapless milky pink dress that stops right above her knees with black edging, black strappy heels, and a black clutch. Alli is wearing a white lace dress that stops at the knees with a brown bow belt with gold sandals and a matching clutch. We make our way down the stairs in a triangle, and stop at the bottom. The boys turn around, all dressed in slacks and button-down shirts. I see Converse and Vans as well. I smile faintly.

Brad's POV

"It's so weird that this is our last night before going back," Tris says. I shove my hands in my pockets and shift from foot to foot.

"Do you think we should tell them that we're going to New York this weekend?" I ask.

"I don't know," James says. "I don't want to lie to them, but it might be a little..."

"Awkward," Connor finishes. Footsteps sound on the stairs, and we all turn to see. I see Alli then Liv, and my gaze lingers on Kat.

Wow, I think. She's so beautiful. Wait, what am I thinking? She has a boyfriend... Who I wish she wasn't dating. Quit thinking that, Brad!

Kat's POV

I meet Brad's gaze, and blush. It's time to call Thomas, I think. My phone rings, right on cue.

"I gotta take this," I say, and walk into the kitchen. "Hello?"

"Hi Kat."

"Oh, hi Thomas. What's up?"

"Um... Well... I think we should break up."


"You see, we're moving. To, ah, London."

"Because you met someone. I understand."

"Wait, what? You do?"

"Why not?"

"I had just figured..."

"Sucks for you then. Bye, Thomas." I hang up and walk back out, a spring in my step. No tethers, nothing holding me back! Oh my gosh Brad! I think. I meet Liv's questioning gaze and smile. I meet Brad's intense gaze. I waltz over and lean on his shoulder.

"Let's go then," Liv says, and we pile into cars and drive to the Village.

Tristan's POV

We pull into the parking lot and walk into the restaurant.

"Hi, I have a reservation for Evans," I say.

"Oh, yes. Right this way, sir," the hostess says. We follow her to a round table and we all sit. Brad and Kat are next to each other, Liv and Connor are together, and I'm between Alli and James.

"Well this is awkward," I whisper to them, watching the couples flirt.

"Very," James agrees.

"It keeps Liv distracted, so I'm cool with it until it goes too far," Alli whispers.

"Would you like anything to drink?" the waitress asks. We order and she leaves, but not without winking at me.

"Oooo Tris is gettin' some attention," Liv teases.

"You know I'm a taken man," I say. "Loyal to a fault, just like you." She laughs.

"Only if you say so." Our drinks arrive, and we order dinner. The waitress leaves, and we sit in silence for a few minutes.

"So I have a question," Kat says, breaking the silence.

"Shoot away," says Liv.

"What is the most masculine, or feminine for the boys, thing you have done in front of another person?" Kat asks. Alli spits out her water.

"That," she says.

"I'm always fixing my sleeves, and I was caught by my crush doing that. She gave me a look that said 'oh my gosh he's so narcissistic!' and I just tossed my head and walked away," Brad says. He laughs.

"I... was caught talking to my guitars," James says. "Everyone knows that's Brad's thing, so it was super embarassing." Brad glares at him.

"Shaniqwa needs love sometimes!" he defends.

"What, and I dont?" Kat teases. I roll my eyes and smile.

"What about you, Kat?" I ask.

"One day when my crush was a few feet away, I was walking by and he burped. So I burped too. Let's just say he didn't come anywhere near me after that," Kat laughs.

"I was caught, recently, actually, fixing my hair in my reflection off a spoon," Connor says, making Liv snort.

"That may be the most feminine thing I have ever heard of a guy doing!" she exclaims. "I bet you all a nickel that my thing is more masculine than his is feminine."

"I'm not going to bet," Alli says.

"Me either," says Kat. I shrug.

"I will," I say.

"So will I," James says.

"And me," says Brad.

"I'm going to trust the girls' judgement and not bet," Connor says. Liv grins.

"I was having a nice dinner with friends one night, formally dressed, waiting for food like we are now. I was in the middle of a sentence, when out of nowhere, I let out the loudest burp ever released by mankind. I kept talking after that, but the restaurant was silent for a minute or so afterwards, staring at me with shocked and disgusted looks on their faces," Liv says. I blink a few times before saying anything.

"You win," I say.

"Cough up the nickels," Liv says, and pulls out a Sharpie. We hand her the nickels, and she writes something on each. "For Brad." His nickel had 'BS' written on it. "And James." 'JM' "And Tris." 'TE' She puts them in her bag. "Those will be glued to the threshold of my bedroom."

Our food arrives, and we pause the conversation to eat. The waitress comes back and asks if we want dessert after taking our plates away.

"Anything with chocolate," Liv says.

"Make that two," Kat says.






"Alright. I'll be back with those," the waitress says, and leaves.

"Okay, name one thing you would never give up," Alli says. Everyone thinks before responding.

"My family," Brad says.

"My instruments," Kat says.

"My friends," Connor says.

"My kitchen," says Liv.

"My books," says Alli.

"I have to agree with Kat," I say. "My instruments."

"Mickey," says James.

"Your cat?" Alli asks.

"Yeah, why not?" James says.

"No reason..." Liv twirls her hair around her finger. Our desserts arrive. "Brownies!" We dig in, and five minutes later we're setting down our forks and pushing back out empty plates.

"Name one thing you're addicted to," I say.

"Books," Alli says.

"Chocolate," says Liv.

"Music," says Connor.

"Volleyball," Kat says.

"Skateboards," says Brad.

"Naked juice," James says.

"Red Bull," I say.

"That is almost as bad as Mountain Dew," Liv points out.

"I know, that's why I have been banned from it," I admit. Everyone laughs.

"Good," Liv says. The bill arrives and James snatches it.

"A treat from the boys and I," he says. Liv opens her mouth to protest, but Connor clamps one hand over her mouth and whispers something in her ear. In the meantime, James pays and hands the bill back to the waitress.

We all stand and leave the restaurant, wandering around the Village. Eventually we head back to the cars and drive back to the house.

Connor's POV

I park and shake the girls gently awake. They boys open the doors and each picks up a girl and carries them into the house. I lock the cars and drop the keys on the table right inside the doorway. I climb the stairs to find Kat and Alli in their room, Brad and Tris in theirs, and James leaving Liv's room, shutting the door behind him.

"She's asleep, mate," he says. We walk into our room and I change into my pajamas. I walk back to Liv's room and quietly open the door. I see Liv by the window, looking out and hugging her knees.

"They didn't tell me what date it is," she says. "I think it's the first day since you died that I didn't think of you. Is it bad that I think I can finally move on, Jake? I've met someone. Connor. He's good for me. He's so much like you. I don't want to tell him, though. I'm worried he might leave. I don't know what to do. Should I tell him, Jake?"

"You don't have to," I say. "He already knows." Liv turns towards me.

"Jake?" she asks.

"No, love," I say. "It's Connor." She looks up, worry in her eyes. "Like I said yesterday, forever and ever. I would never leave."

"You wouldn't?"

"Of course not. Now, let's get you into bed." I take her hand and lead her to her bed, tucking her in.

"Stay, Con," Liv says, keeping a firm hold of my hand. "Please?"

"Okay," I say, and climb into bed. She snuggles against me, almost asleep.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible," she whispers, smiling faintly. I wait until she falls asleep.

"It's definately possible," I say. "I love you more than anything in the world." 

Awwww, cute moment for Connor and Liv! So this is another chapter. Sorry it took awhile, I had a bit of writers block... Anywho... Check out my new stories. Hope you're enjoying this one so far!

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