Chapter 15

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Tristan's POV

The doorbell rings early.

"Door!" I yell. No one responds, so I roll out of bed and shuffle into the hallway. Doors open, and the boys shuffle out similarly. We all shuffle downstairs, grumbling and groaning like zombies. Last night we all watched the movie on the floor, and it seems to have made us all stiff. The doorbell rings again.

"We're coming!" Brad shouts. Connor reaches the door first, and yanks it open.

"What?" he snaps.

"Someone's a pocketful of sunshine this morning," someone says.

"Are you gonna leave us out in the rain?" someone else says. Connor opens the door wide and the girls waltz in.

"I thought you were coming in today," I say.

"Yeh. We did come in today. We're coming into your house today," Liv says slowly, realizing we are all still mostly asleep.

"No, no, I think he meant our plane landed today," Alli says, tapping Liv's arm.


"Technically, yes," Kat says. "12:30 this morning, today."

"And we're not tired at all!" Liv shouts. I cringe away.

"Awww, someone's tired," Alli says. "Go clean up. Shoo, shoo!" The boys and I shuffle upstairs, and I throw on a top and jeans, fix my hair, and shuffle downstairs. The girls aren't in front room, so I shuffle down the hallway. I hear pots clatter, and turn into the kitchen. Alli and Kat are gossiping and Liv's rummaging in the fridge while something's cooking on the stove.

"Not enough food for you?" I tease.

"I'll have you know that this," Liv points to the stove, "is for you, while this," she pulls out a Naked Juice, "is for me."

"Oooohhhh you're taking a Naked Juice!" Kat says. The girls stand and rush to the fridge, each grabbing one as well. They open them at the same time.

"WHAT?!?!" someone shouts from the stairs. We all look up to see James.

"Jem, calm down," Connor says.

"And here," Alli says, handing James a Naked, at the same time Liv screams "WHAT?" Everyone starts freaking out, and Brad appears. "What's going on?" he says into a megaphone.

"Connor called James 'Jem'! That is not okay!" Liv explodes.

"Why?" James asks. Liv and Alli look at each other.

"Mundanes," they say at the same time.

"Mun-what?" I ask.

"Don't ask," Kat advises. "We're gonna be here forever if you do."

"Oh! Breakfast!" Liv says, and turns back to the food. Soon plates with scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and a giant bowl of fruit are on the table. "Dig in!" We all look at the food. "Eat!" Within minutes all our plates are piled high. We keep up small talk.

"Music!" Alli shouts, and dances out of the room. She returns a few minutes later with Ed Sheeran blasting through the house.

"Again?" Liv asks.

"SHEERAN!" Kat screams. Brad cringes away.

"Mind the ear drums, love," he says.

"Awww sorry baby," Kat coos, kissing his head.

"Gosh and I thought my friends were weird," James says.

"Hey!" Kat says. Liv and Alli just laughed.

"You guys done yet?" I whine. "You're taking FOREVER!"

"Yeah! I wanna do stuff!" Liv copies my tone.

"Food is taking too much time!" Alli continues.

"I wouldn't go there," Connor says.

"Oh really?" Liv says. "Would you rather have food and spend time with me?" Connor makes a thinking face.

"That's a close call..." he teases.

"No more food for you then." Liv takes his plate with her as she heads back towards the kitchen.

"Good. It was getting in the way of spending time with you." Connor leans back in his chair. Liv pauses and rolls her eyes, then pulls a face. I snort.

"So what do you wanna do?" James asks.

"Did you have anything planned?" asks Kat.

"Not really, we kept our schedule open so we could do stuff," Brad says. "We should put up a new video though." Liv walks in and we all grab dishes and make our way to the kitchen.

"What song?" Alli asks.

"What About Love by Austin Mahone," I say.

"I've never heard that song," Liv says.

"What?" Connor asks, his jaw dropping.

"We are playing it for you now!" James puts down his plate and leaves the room. I offer my hand to Alli.

"Milady." She laughs and we skip like kids p, following James. Brad runs past us with Kat on his back, her arms spread wide like a bird's. Alli and I laugh. Ed Sheeran is paused and What About Love starts. The boys and I sing along, and all too soon it's over.

"I like it!" Kat says.

"Where are you filming it?" Alli asks.

"We were thinking outside," Brad says.

"Can we see?" Liv asks. We take them outside. "It looks like it could be from a party!" The girls look at each other.

"Idris party!" they scream.

"We can have fairy lights..."

"And candles..."

"And different colored lanterns..."

"Do you have fairy lights?"


"We can just stick lights in the pool and make it look like a lake."

"Idris party!"

"Is there anything else you want to do while you're here?" I ask.

"Can we see the places you visit? We've all already done all the touristy crap. We wanna actually see the city," Kat says.

"Really?" Brad asks.

"Yeah!" Alli exclaims.

"Can we go to a party?" Liv asks, grinning.

"Party party party!" the girls chant, jumping like popcorn.

"Okay okay, we'll go to a party," Connor laughs, wrapping his arms around Liv to get her to stop jumping. Brad gives Kat some bacon from James' plate and I sling Alli over one shoulder.

"I'm good now," Alli says. I set her down.

"Ummy bashen," Kat says around the food in her mouth.

"Let's show them around!" James says, and we all rush inside, pull on shoes, grab phones and keys, and Brad locks the door. We link arms in the street, stretching across the whole thing, and walk to the intersection. Liv starts the classic Beatles walk crossing the street, Alli following, then Kat, then the boys and I.

"This is gonna be the best day ever!" Alli shouts.

Haaaayyyyyy cookie monsters! Guess who updated? Me! So this story has 1,200-ish reads.... Guys this is amazing! I never thought I would make it to this many reads. Ily all! So updates are gonna be super irregular. I have so much homework every day and dance almost every night, so if you read all this pay attention to some of the messages I send out cause they have important info on updates. I have no idea where I'm going with this story lol but I'm inspired so I hope to update within the next few weeks! Bai my lovelies!

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