Chapter 1

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I am about to go on my run around the park, when Kat calls me.

"Hey, Kat."

"Hey, Liv. Have you seen it yet?"

"Seen what?"

"The new video, duh. Why else would I call you?"

"Uh, you needed me to drive you to the hospital, you wanted to make sure I hadn't died..."

"Oh quit it." I can just see her rolling her eyes on the other end of the line. "Anyways, watch it, watch it now."

"Okay, okay, I will. Gosh, chill." I hang up on her then pull up Youtube, where I see The Vamps did indeed upload a new video. I click on it, then see it's just Brad and James. I watch it anyways, like the video, then pull up Instagram. I make a face, then write, "Just watched a new video.... Amazing!" then tag James and Brad in it. I lock my phone, then run to the park.

~30 minutes later~

I finish my run, having ran twice around the huge park. I then lay down in the grass, and pull out my phone. Notifications from Instagram appear, so I pull up my account to see that James has commented: "Thanks! Always nice to see another fan." I tease him and write back "I wouldn't call myself a fan, per say..." then stand up and run back to my house. My parents travel for work, and they're rarely ever home. They know where I'll be, and if something changes I text them. My mom worries, so I check up with her often, but I usually have the house to myself. The house was silent when I opened the front door. I take a quick shower, then put on skinny jeans and a tank top, which only lengthens my 5 foot 7 frame. I French braid my brown hair down my back, letting it air dry, then grab a purse and black Converse and drive to Kat's house. I knock on her front door.

"Hi, Mrs. Williams," I say to Kat's mom, who opens the door.

"Hello, Olivia. Come in." She gestures me inside, then closes the door behind me. "Katherine should be out soon."

"Thanks!" I make my way to Kat's room, where I whisper her name to freak her out.

"Kat. Katherine. Katherine Williams. We have been looking for you. Why won't you join us, Katherine?" She whirls around, wide-eyed, and I step into her room, laughing. Kat is only 5 foot 4, with strawberry blonde hair and a very athletic build, which helps her on the field.

"Good God, Liv, you scared me! Why?"

"Because I could," I say, still laughing.

"You suck," Kat says, and grabs her bag. Kat really is a tomboy, favoring jeans and tees and ponytails no matter how much I try to get her to change her style. "Your car or mine?"

"Don't care."

"I don't either."

"Flip a coin, then, dumbo." She pulls a quarter from her bag and claims tails. We flip, and it lands on heads.

"My car it is, then." We walk out to my car and I drive to the mall, where we meet Alli. Alli is 5 foot 8 with medium length brown hair and a thin frame. She is proud of her height even though she towers over people.

"Hey!" we say at the same time.

"Seen it yet?" Kat asks.

"With you texting me all the time, how could I not?" Alli says.

"No fair! She texted you? Kat called me!" I complain.

"What? You never call people," Alli says.

"Can I at least stand up for myself?" Kat asks.

"No," I say. "You may not." Kat makes a pouty face and Alli laughs.

"Ready?" Alli asks. We link arms and head to MoJo's for frozen yogurt. My phone chimes and I see that someone has started following me on Instagram. I pause and the girls gather behind me. Turns out, its James. He commented. "You have a name?"

I laugh and reply "Sure do. But I'm not gonna tell you here. Look for a new follower on Twitter in the next minute with the same girl in the photos. That be me! I'll tell you over Twitter." The girls squeal behind me, and I quickly pull up Twitter and follow him. I send a private message. "Hey it's that one girl from Instagram... The pretty brunette who seems to have captured your heart ;)" I put my phone back in my pocket and we buy our fro-yo. I sit down with my triple chocolate filled bowl to see a new message from James.

"You are pretty, no doubt there. You still haven't told me your name..." I laugh and show the girls.

"What should I reply with?" I ask.

"Be mysterious," says Kat.

"And just a little flirty," continues Alli. Both her and Kat have boyfriends, so I take their word for it and type out my response.

"Who ever said I'd tell you? You have to work harder than that to learn my name, my dear. After all, you haven't told me your name either..."

Facetime, Travelling, and The VampsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang