= flip side = a cube smp fanf...

By code_cherry

4.7K 361 317

"You know all those alternate realities, those scenarios that could've gone another way but didn't? What if... More

= introduction =
= prologue =
= one =
= two =
= four =
= five =
= six =
= seven =
= eight =
= nine =
= ten =
= eleven =
= twelve =
= thirteen =
= fourteen =
= fifteen =
= sixteen =
= plotting [ discontinuation notice ] =

= three =

285 23 24
By code_cherry

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Flip Side! c:

I'm so ready for Christmas break >o< why can't it be here already??? Still tomorrow and an entire week of school left...

Speaking of Christmas, I need gift ideas for you all, my readers, this year! This will be a QOTC, but be thinking about it while you're reading ;)

This chapter brings me mixed feelings. I'm so bad at verbal fights ~


Remember to follow code_cherry on Twitter and Instagram, and to vote and comment for more! Enjoy!

= graser =


I practically leapt out of my seat, having been editing in silence and having forgotten that I was sitting, muted, in the TeamSpeak channel. Shaking my head to clear it, I switched tabs and unmuted myself.

"Will? What's up?"

"I..." the British boy hesitated, and I frowned. "Can I talk to you for a second? Seriously?"

"...sure," I replied uncertainly, saving my editing for the time being and giving the TeamSpeak tab my full attention. "What do you need?"

There was a few seconds of silence, and I was about to say his name again when he spoke quietly.

"I don't want to do this anymore."

I blinked, confused. "What?"

I could practically hear his wince. "The Cube isn't for me. Not unless something changes."

Biting back an irritated quip at how vague he was being, I forced out, "What do you mean?"

Will, on the other hand, seemed to be getting tired of my general questions. "I mean that you guys treat me like I don't exist, and I'm tired of it. And when you do happen to acknowledge my presence, it's only to ridicule me in front of all your subscribers. Do you think that's my idea of fun? Of friendship?"

You've got to be kidding me. "That's bull--" I began defensively, feeling my short temper rise to the surface at being accused of such actions. I'm not backing down. Not now, or ever again.

"Don't try to deny it!" I gaped a little, surprised at the steel in his normally calm and soft voice. "It's completely true! And it's not just me. Tell me, Graser, how many other people have you used to make your own life better?"

"Will," interjected a feminine voice reprimandingly. Stacy. But my own anger was bubbling closer and closer to the edge.

"I can't believe you have the nerve to say that to me," I growled, eyes flashing beneath my glasses. I'm nothing like them! How dare he! "After all we've done for you--"

"—but that's just it! What have you done for me?" Will's normally invisible personality had vanished in a heartbeat. "The only person here who gives a shit about me is Jordan, and he's the one who convinced me to give you assholes a try! He's done nothing but vouch for you, talk you up when you aren't around, but he was wrong. I'm nothing but the little noobish friend of Bayani's to you all, aren't I?" I opened my mouth to contradict him, but he plowed on, clearly not finished. "I'm a lot more than that, not that any of you seem to care. I'd rather not be surrounded by egotistical big-shots who couldn't give two fucks about someone unless they get something for themselves in return."

I flared up, furious. "You're the one being an asshole! To just come in here and accuse my friends and I of all that? Who the hell do you think you are? Besides, weren't you the one who joined us for views? Try and tell me how the fuck this is my fault, because I'd love to hear it, William."

"That's just it," he hissed venomously. "It all comes back to you, Graser. You, no one else." Static on his end, as if he'd been shifting restlessly in his chair. "None of these people are truly your friends, are they? They're just tools, pawns in your little scheme to pull in the subs and views. You started the Cube, this whole clique of yours. I'll bet this has been your plan all along. You've had no one in mind but yourself. How much do you even know about everyone who's a part of it?" He didn't give me a chance to answer. "Exactly. To you, they're just stepping stones, and you don't give a fuck who you step on in order to reach to the top."

"Stop it," I growled, fists clenching, but he didn't cease.

"You're a manipulator with an ego the size of Russia who finds it beneath him to get to know those less fortunate than yourself. Those who may happen to have it a little harder than you, with your hundreds of thousands of subscribers. Those who have to work to make ends meet, not just sit on a computer all day and spit out random shit for views."

"Stop it!" I yelled, face red. Memories flooded through my head like a tidal wave, adding fuel to the flames. "Zach's a freak!" "I'll bet he can barely afford that backpack of his!" "Do you think he'd cry if we took his lunch?" "What a dumbass. Does he even know what he's saying?"

"You wouldn't even be anywhere without the Cube!" Will screamed, his rant reaching its peak. "You'd be a nobody with nothing to his name! So why don't you stop acting like such a prat and actually take the time to get to know the people your working with, instead of seeing them as beneath you!"

"STOP IT!" I screeched in return, nearly hurting my own ears and rendering myself hoarse, cutting over Stacy's hasty interjection. "He'll never get anywhere. Probably will end up working at McDonalds' or something." "Yeah, he's too dumb to get a real job." "Who'd even hire someone like him?" "I'm NOTHING like that! NOTHING!"

"Bullshit." Will had become quiet again, a sort of deadly coldness settling in over the blind rage. "Whatever. If you're head's too far up your ass to see the truth in what I'm saying, I'm done. I'm leaving."

"Will, wait, just think about this," Stacy pleaded, her voice strained—she had been crying while the two of us yelled at one another.

"No," he spat. "I'm done, Stacy. I'm fucking done. I told Jordan I'd give it one more shot, and here it is. Obviously, nothing came from it, so I give up. I don't need this in my life." Sighing, he added, "Let me know if you somehow manage to grasp what I'm telling you, and if you're willing to work it out. Otherwise, I won't be talking to you again." And with that, he left the TeamSpeak, the name 'Kiingtong' vanishing from the tab list.

Stacy sniffed, sighing, and it wasn't long before 'stacyplays' also left the channel, leaving me alone with my past.

"How could anyone even like him? He's so messed up!" "I'll bet he has some kind of mental disorder. There's no way someone normal would act like such a moron!" "Just ignore him. He's just a nobody."

My clenched fists trembled, sending spasms down my muscles.

"Hey, who's that creepy looking kid over there?"

I felt wetness staining my cheeks, but I made no effort to wipe it away.

"Nobody worth talking to. You'd better stay away if you know what's good for you."

The tears fell.


I don't know who I feel worse for, Graser or Will. Both are just in such a bad place in this story...

I'm sorry if Will seems slightly OOC due to all the cursing, but the words all seem to fit. I'm not a huge curser, but I felt like the argument would seem halfhearted without them. Graser does have a tendency to curse, but Will... I feel like he only would if you really pissed him off. Thus...


First of all, I need ideas for all your Christmas gift this  year! What would you guys like from me for Christmas, as I'm posting a chapter on Christmas Eve this year? All suggestions welcome c:


I've never been one who's much into anime, but since the summer, I've started to become interested. First Sword Art Online in the summer, and recently, Blue Exorcist (which is my current obsession...). Now, the thing is with me (if any of you have personally talked to me) that once I start something, I go into an obsession sort of phase where I absolutely can't start anything new until I get over the old thing, fanfiction reading and all. And I'm still not over my Blue Exorcist phase yet. But I WOULD like to start compiling a list of good animes to watch, as I don't quite know where to turn from here once I eventually DO get over Blue Exorcist.

So what I'd like to ask is if any of you have some suggestions? If you could provide the name of the anime and a short little summary/description/synopsis of what it's about, it may make its way onto my "to-be-watched" list if it catches my eye c;

Your best bet to hook me would be fantasy or science fiction. It'd take a really special kind of realistic fiction to get me interested.

Thanks in advance! :)

Vote and comment for more! Until next time!

~ Cherry

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