Doorways to Everywhere (Touri...

Wuckster द्वारा

10.5K 1.5K 2.5K

Something weird is happening in Quartzwater City. Roving gangs of chihuahuas are stealing everything that is... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82

Chapter 39

114 18 31
Wuckster द्वारा

Zeke woke up in his bed with Milosh standing over him staring at him. "Is finally awake? Joyous day! Milosh would like to go see space station."

"Huh?" Zeke asked groggily. "What are you talking about?"

"Is at space station," Milosh said. "Is opportunity for ship to refuel. Is also opportunity for shopping and having drinks at bar."

"There's a bar here?" Zeke asked as he got out of bed. "Why didn't you say so?"

Sadie and Bumble-Boo were waiting outside the door when Zeke and Milosh exited. "It'll be nice to get off the spaceship again and stretch our legs a bit, huh?" Sadie said. "Maybe there'll be something worth buying here, too, although I'm not exactly sure what they use for money at a deep space station."

"I can answer that," Nulfar said as he walked around the corner. "Like all civilized societies, they use the intergalactic standard, the Fooberino. I've been authorized to offer each of you an allowance of one hundred Fooberinos to spend as you wish at the space station. Have fun, and don't spend them all in one place."

"Great," Zeke said as he accepted the money, which looked kind of like a miniature grapefruit with a picture of an elbow with eyes stamped on it. "Exactly how much is a Fooberino worth?"

"One Fooberino is equivalent to six hundred and forty-nine Jomba-bazeelers."

"Maybe I should make myself more clear," Zeke said. "How many beers can I buy at the bar with one hundred Fooberinos?"

"Beer?" Nulfar tilted his head. "Zero. The space station does not carry beer, as anyone with even a slightly refined palate would not be caught dead ingesting that swill. You may purchase a highly superior Astro Blaster for five Fooberinos."

"Okay, so that's twenty drinks," Zeke said. "Nineteen, I guess, if I tip the bartender. That should work."

Nulfar led them down several hallways and then out through a circular door. They passed through an airlock and emerged inside a huge open area enclosed by a translucent glass dome. Looking over his shoulder, Zeke could see the Hooblerians' spaceship situated on a dock. Numerous figures in space suits were running around hosing it down and putting fuel in it.

There were hundreds of stands set up on the inside with merchants of every shape and size hocking their wares. It had the feel of an outdoor bazaar as the smell of strange spices wafted through the air while various creatures jostled to get their attention. Nearby an alien who looked like a walrus covered in red and pink feathers whistled at them and held up an object that resembled a stethoscope made out of leather. It gave off a faint, but distinct odor of limburger cheese. Zeke couldn't even begin to fathom what its purpose might be. Milosh offered to buy it for him, but he declined. Off at the far end of the plaza he could barely make out a blinking neon light in the shape of a shot glass.

Nulfar excused himself to go help the rest of the crew restock on supplies. He told them to meet back by the ship in four hours.

Sadie bought a rainbow colored friendship bracelet from a being composed of pure energy and slid it on Bumble-Boo's paw. "Look how cute he is," she gushed.

"Four hours isn't all that long and this stuff looks mostly like junk," Zeke said. "If you guys need me, I'll be hanging out at that bar over there."

"Milosh will join you. Is also hanging out at four different bars back on Ingleblott right now. Is getting, how you say, fucked up."

"We'll join you, too," Sadie said. She paused at a few stalls along the way and purchased a couple more accessories for Bumble-Boo. She was also kind of hungry, so she bought something that vaguely resembled cheese fries from a food cart operated by a fish man. She offered to share, but Zeke wanted to save room for more drinks. Bumble-Boo happily caught some in his mouth when she threw them to him.

After about fifteen minutes of walking they reached the bar. The door was made out of a bright blue material that looked like plastic. There was a disinterested looking lobster-like creature standing outside that apparently served as the bouncer. It waved them in without bothering to check ID's.

"Where was that guy back when I was trying to sneak into bars in high school?" Sadie asked as they walked through the door.

The inside was dark and smoky. A band of aliens that looked like giant turnips was set up in one corner playing music that was alternately pretty and then bordered on sounding like an air raid. The bar was equipped with stools, most of which were occupied by various aliens. There was a circular shaped table in one corner that was occupied by a group that Zeke couldn't make out very well, save for one dark-skinned woman with purple hair who gazed at him with a cold look in her eyes. She was oddly intimidating and Zeke looked away quickly after making unintentional awkward eye contact. An open table sat in the opposite corner, far enough away from the band to allow for conversation. Zeke led them over and they took a seat.

A rotund waitress with pointy fangs and four enormous breasts waddled over to take their order. Zeke asked to see a drink menu, but was informed gruffly that the only drink they had was Astro Blasters, so he ordered a round for the table.

She brought their drinks a moment later and set them down on the table. Zeke lifted the glass and attempted to offer a toast. "To, uh, Astro Blasters?" He clinked glasses with everyone and ventured to take a little sip. "Not bad."

Bumble-Boo sniffed at his glass uncertainly and then drank the whole thing in one gulp. He made a small chirping sound and then let out a loud belch.

"I've definitely had worse." Sadie set her glass back down on the table and wiped her lips.

"Is reminiscent of oak with hint of vanilla," Milosh said.

Zeke finished his drink and flagged down the waitress to order another round.

"So do you guys think we should meet back with Nulfar at the appointed time or should we try to make a break for it?" he asked while they waited for the waitress to return. "I mean they did kind of kidnap us."

"On the other hand we're God knows where, possibly light years from home," Sadie said. "We have no familiarity with anything here and we could end up in an even worse situation if we try to run off. At least the Hooblerians kind of treat us well."

"They make me wash dishes for grueling twelve hour shifts," Zeke said.

"They also gave us money and let us go off unsupervised in a gigantic space station. For all they know we could use the money to book passage on another ship."

"Exactly," Zeke said. "Maybe we should think about doing that."

"I'm guessing it probably costs more to get on another ship than what they gave us. Especially if we're going to try to get home," Sadie said. "I think we should put the idea of going home out of our minds. It isn't going to happen. We're out here for good, and because of that I think we should stick with the Hooblerians. Better the devil you know and all that jazz."

"You're probably right," Zeke said. "You really don't think we'll ever get home?"

"No, I don't," she said. "I think you're the only human being I'll ever see again." She gave him a look that seemed to imply she had more to say on the matter.

"Is good we're here together then," Milosh said as he rubbed Zeke's head.

The waitress returned with their drinks and dropped them roughly on the table before walking off.

"Ooooo," Milosh said as he polished off his drink. "Is foosball table over there. Is anyone wanting to play Milosh?"

Bumble-Boo let out a squeal and leaped out of his chair. Zeke watched as they went off to play foosball. He turned back to Sadie and saw she was smiling at him.

"So about that whole us being the only two people thing I was just talking about," she said. "I tried to bring this up the other day on the ship."

"Oh yeah, I think I recall that," Zeke said. "I seem to remember also being quite interested in this topic. Especially since, as you pointed out, you're a woman and I'm a man."

"Yeah, about that." Sadie twirled her hair as she took another sip from her drink. "I was just thinking that maybe we could, you know..."

"I think I know," Zeke said. "But I'd like to hear you say it."

The waitress picked that moment to walk back to the table. "Big Helga is getting off her shift now." She spoke in a deep guttural tone.

"Uh, that's nice," Zeke said. "I already tipped you."

"Big Helga was wondering if you would like to dance."

"That's very flattering," Zeke said. "But we're kind of in the middle of something here."

"Big Helga was not speaking to you, you pathetic fleck of worm dung." The waitress turned and looked Sadie in the eyes. "Big Helga was wondering if you'd like to dance."

"Oh," Sadie said. "Sure, that sounds fun. I love to dance." She got up and followed the waitress to the dance floor near the band.

Zeke sat alone at the table and sipped his drink. Milosh and Bumble-Boo looked like they were having a great time playing foosball, while Sadie bounced around the dance floor with an enormous smile on her face. He tapped his fingers on the table and studied the patterns of grime on the floor. It didn't seem like anyone was in a big hurry to rejoin him at the table.

The new waitress, who looked like a turquoise owl with whiskers, came by the table, so he ordered himself another drink. These Astro Blasters seemed to be pretty strong as he couldn't help but notice that the room was already starting to spin a little bit. He gulped down the next drink quickly when it arrived and ordered another. Gradually he noticed that nature was calling, so he stood up to go find the restroom.

A quick scan of the room did not show any obvious signs or doors. He attempted to ask the waitress as she came by, but she simply inclined her head towards the stage as she hurried past to serve another table. Figuring it must be in that direction he walked towards it, albeit a bit unsteadily on his feet.

He noticed a little hallway leading behind the stage, so he followed it. It twisted and turned several times. "They sure didn't make the john easy to find in this place," Zeke said as he continued to take yet another turn. After several minutes he finally came to a door. He tested the knob and it wasn't locked, so he went on inside.

He found himself in some kind of storage room. There was a large stack of barrels immediately in front of him. He looked over his shoulder and casually made his way up to the stack. This looks like as good of a place as any, he thought as he unzipped his fly. If they weren't going to provide easy-to-access facilities, it wasn't his fault if their barrels got a little bit of urine on them.

"Just what do you think you're doing here?" a gruff voice reverberated through the room.

Zeke just about jumped out of his skin and was fumbling to come up with a response when he heard another voice reply.

"This was where we agreed to meet. Stop messing around. Did you bring the stuff?"

Zeke realized the voices were coming from somewhere on the other side of the barrels. He ventured a peek through the cracks but all he could make out were two figures in dark robes.

"I brought it, but this is the last of it for right now. Our supply unexpectedly dried up."

"The Master isn't going to be pleased to hear that. You know what happens when the Master gets angry. People get hurt. Some people get dead."

"We're working on getting the supply flowing again. Or finding a new one. Tell the Master to be patient."

"The Master is many things, but patient is not one of them. If you don't have another shipment the next time we meet, I've been instructed to strangle you to death."

Zeke finished up his business and attempted to quietly zip up his pants. He didn't know what he had stumbled into, but these didn't seem to be the type of people that he wanted to meet. He figured everything would be fine as long as he stayed very, very quiet. He suddenly hiccupped loudly and winced as the sound echoed throughout the room.

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bl . Taekook 🔞🔥 បម្រាម:ក្មេងក្រោម18ឆ្នាំ🙏 សូមអភ័យទោសរាល់ពាក្យពេចន៍មិនសមរម្យ🙏🔥
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